Kickstart Your Metabolism 30 Day Challenge

Page 8

30 DA

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Ma Li ing Nutrition Plans

T h e T D a g e D a m a g e d F a S g a a d T i
E a i g L i e L i i g E a Q a l i e Q a i
L i g W e i g h L i g F a

Ma Li ing Nutrition Plans


G d F a c m e f e
G d Fa c i ed Oil Elimi a e Oil T M de a e
H e a l h P e i P e i A i d P ei

H e a l h G a i S g a h e C e P l a •

G a i S g a A l e a i e h e A d a c e d P l a

Ca b h d a e


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Ad a ced Pla CHEAT SHEET

Pla Ba ed Ca b h d a e L

S ga F i
me T be a d R Vege able
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Ad anced Plan continued

Nuts Seeds Butters Milks

Animal Proteins

S eeteners

Fermented So

Meal Ideas

S n a c k s S i d e s B e e r a g e s D e s s e r t s B a k e d I t e m s
M a i n D i s h e s Meal Ideas continued
P o e i n S m o o h i e E g g G a p e f i G a n n S m i h A p p l e i h N B e A o c a d o T k e / C h i c k e n B a c o n o S a a g e Basic Breakfast
Basic Lunch Suggestions S a l a d B e a d l e S a n d i c h O g a n i c D e l i M e a W a p S o p Basic Dinner
S a l a d Q a l i P o e i n S o c e A b n d a n a m o n o f o g a n i c e g g i e L e f o e

Basic Snack Suggestions

Basic Supplementation Recommendations

A ailable in the office or at estcobbchiropractic com store

o r i g h D r F r e K i b e r l R o b e r o a n a T
Grocery Store Shopping Guide Grocery Store Shopping Guide Grocery Store Shopping Guide


The Standard North American Diet is broken beyond repair. Not to worry, though, because MaxLiving has spent years crafting the plans and the tools to help you escape the scary food and health trends we are facing. This detailed guide will show you how to navigate the grocery store and come out with a basket full of fresh foods that contain no hidden sugars, damaged fats or nasty toxins. Tote this with you the next time you need to fill your fridge with filling, nutritious foods. Enjoy!


• Stock up on basics; buy in bulk when you can.

• Schedule a specific day/time for grocery shopping every week. Emergency shopping encourages bad decisions.

• Shop around the perimeter of the store. That’s where the most natural, less altered foods are.

• Buy more foods without labels (i.e. vegetables). What you see is what you get.

• Read labels. Don’t just look at calories, fat percent, carbs, etc. You want to check the ingredients!

• The fewer ingredients listed, the better.

• Look for natural ingredients, not chemicals. If you can’t read it, don’t eat it.

• Beware of marketing! Being low in fat, low in carbs, gluten-free or sugar-free does not mean it’s healthy. Being labeled “organic” does not make it healthy.

• Watch out for sugars (ending in “ose”), stimulators (MSG, hydrolyzed or autolyzed ingredients), artificial sweeteners, hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils.


• Artificial Food Coloring – Found in processed foods, cereals, fruit snacks, drinks, etc. May contribute to nerve damage, hyperactivity, learning disabilities and even carcinogenic e ects.1,2

• Artificial Flavors – “Catch all” phrase that does not include all ingredients.

• Artificial Sweeteners – Aspartame (Nutrasweet, Equal), Sucralose (Splenda), Saccharin (Sweet and Low). Found frequently in drinks, puddings, yogurt, ice cream/popsicles, etc. Highly toxic and highly chlorinated. Studies show a possible connection to impaired brain development and damage, nervous system disruption, weight gain, and more.3,4

• BHA/BHT – Found in many processed foods containing fats. Generally used to keep fats from becoming rancid. May be linked to liver damage, cancer, and more.5

• Canola Oil – Often found in processed foods, (including “health foods”). Man-made, genetically modified oil made from rapeseed oil. Processed at very high temperatures and contains trans fats. May negatively impact brain function.6

• Caramel Coloring – Commonly found in colas, meats, and sauces. Caramel coloring may be potentially carcinogenic, according to some studies.7

• Corn Syrup and High-Fructose Corn Syrup –Found frequently in drinks, condiments, tomato products, breads, cookies, crackers, syrups, etc. May be associated with blood sugar issues, heart disease, and more.8

• Nitrites – Found in many processed meats. May be linked to certain cancers, such as pancreatic cancer.9

• TBHQ – Also known as “butane”. Found in many fast foods, such as chicken nuggets.

• Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) – Commonly found in foods like canned soups, fast food, packaged foods, and processed meats. MSG consumption may be linked to obesity, inflammation, heart disease, and more.10

• Fructose/Dextrose/Sucrose (Sugar) - Can be corn based and may be linked to an increased risk of certain cancers.11

• GMO Foods – A category of foods that have been altered through genetic engineering. Contained in many packaged foods and in the produce section.

• Hydrogenated Vegetable Oils – This includes soy, sa ower, corn, vegetable, and canola. May be associated with an increased risk of heart disease and cancer.12

• Maltodextrin – Sugar, usually corn-based.

• Modified Food Starch – Found in many packaged foods. Chemically processed.

• Propylene glycol – Also known as “antifreeze” –Found in many foods like soft drinks, popcorn, and cake mixes. May be linked to neurological and heart issues.13,14

Shopping list

This convenient shopping list gives you the absolute best choices for nutritious food. Seek out the di erent food types in your community, and make notes on the brand names and retailers that provide the best options.

Once you do, you will have a foolproof shopping list for whenever you need to stock up on the nutritious foods your family deserves.


Cold Water Fish Wild Pacific or Alaskan is best.

Small Fish Anchovies, Sardines in Olive Oil.


Eggs from free-range, hormone & antibiotic-free chickens are better than eggs from caged, injected chickens fed organic foods or omega 3s.

Raw Cheeses

Most naturally-occurring and healthiest form of cheese. (Beware of rice & soy alternatives.)


100% grass- or green-fed -- you must ask! Some farms grain feed the animals “at the end,” which is still not desireable. This alters their vitamin E content, and fatty acid ratios. Please note that organic does NOT mean grass-fed. Check with local farms, co-ops, and online.


Free-range, hormone & antibioticfree is best. “Free from antibiotics” & “Naturally Raised” are steps in the right direction.

Turkey Free-range, hormone-free



Turkey cont. Look for natural turkey “bacon” without nitrites or sugar.

Egg Protein

Great for baking -- can also substitute with or for eggs or egg whites. If not available, use whey protein + 1 egg (best and most similar tasting substitute).

Shelled Hemp Seeds

Incredible protein source for salads. Produces a complete meal.


Raw Nuts & Seeds

Olive Oil, Olives, Grape Seed Oil

Coconut Oil

Look for raw, consider organic. Often available raw at bulk food stores. Store in the fridge to maintain the integrity of the fats.

Extra virgin is best. EVOO should be in a dark container to block the light.

Coconut oil is the ideal oil for cooking, baking, and frying, as it does not denature with high heat. Extra virgin is best, virgin or non-virgin is acceptable for greasing the pan.

Coconut Flakes

Toasted flakes are delicious on salad or as a snack.

Coconut Flour

Great alternative to grain flour for baking, for thickening sauces and great in smoothies.

Coconut Butter

Not for cooking, but for eating!

Coconut Milk

Full-fat coconut milk is thicker than watered down versions. This becomes a personal preference.



Flax Seeds, Flax Seed Meal

Ground flax meal is great on salads, in oatmeal, and as a healthy substitute for flour in baking.

Flax Seed Oil, Cod Liver Oil Do not heat!

Hemp Seed Oil

Fish Oil (Supplement)

Best ratio of essential fatty acids -mix into salad dressings, smoothies, oatmeal -- everything!

Look for fish oil that has been formulated to eliminate any contamination. Fish oil with essential fats in the optimal ratio is ideal.

Nut Butters (almond, macadamia) Raw is best but can be di cult to find.

Tahini Raw is best.


Full-fat, plain, organic. Raw is best, if available. No sugar!

Butter Organic (raw is best, if available).


Full-fat, organic is a bare minimum. (Nonhomogenized is even better … nonpasteurized is best if available).

Chocolate (cacao)

Pure chocolate contains no sugar -mix or melt down with stevia and/or cinnamon -- use in yogurt, smoothies, or with nuts/berries for a dessert or snack. Look for 100% chocolate cubes (“Baker’s Chocolate”) or chocolate powder.




Organic is best, but not essential. Veggies with the highest pesticide loads should be bought organic.

Greens Drinks

Great substitute for essential veggies if lacking in your diet -- and great for kids! Watch out for additives in commercial brands.


Whole Grains & Whole Cereals

Must be “whole grain, sprouted, or stoneground.”

Whole Grain Breads, Bagels, English Mu ns, etc.

Every grain ingredient on the label must read “whole grain, sprouted, or stone-ground.” (Must freeze this type of bread.)



Most substitutes readily available in grocery stores (including some brands of mayo substitute Vegenaise) are made with canola oil and/or soy products. Grape seed oil and olive oil based spreads are acceptable. You can also make your own!

Salad Dressing

Most store brands use rancid oils -- copy the ingredients and make your own healthy dressings with acceptable replacement ingredients! Hemp seed oil has the ideal ratio of omega 3s and 6s.


Fermented soy product, excellent substitute for traditional soy or steak sauce.




Bragg’s Liquid Aminos (or Liquid Soy) is a healthy form of soy - and great for meat.

Herbs & Spices

Herbs in bulk are most economical. Organic spices are best (not irradiated). Look for individual “blends” (Greek Seasoning, Herbs of Provence, and Salad Sprinkles). Gomasio (sesame seeds with garlic, sea salt, and/or seaweed) is also great on salads and veggies.


Look for no sugar salsas, organic is best.

Tapenade Also very easy to make at home.


The words “sea salt” aren’t enough! General sea salt may still contain 2% additives, including sugar. Check the labels! Some of the best, unrefined sea salts are Celtic sea salt and Himalayan salt. You will see flecks of color in the salt, which shows that the minerals are unprocessed and intact.




Look for stevia without unnatural preservatives and additives. Brands come in a variety of tastes and concentrations.


Some people prefer the taste of xylitol over stevia. Be sure to use a xylitol that is derived from birch, not corn, and does not contain additional cornbased additives. Use in small quantities only to avoid digestive distress. No salt added is preferred.



The majority of your fluid consumption should come from water!

Sports Recovery Drinks

These drinks should come from pure sources only and be used pre- and post-surge-style and endurance workouts, and with greater moderation when on the Advanced Plan. Avoid commercial sports drinks which contain processed sugar and artificial colorings.


1. McCann D, Barrett A, Cooper A, et al. Food additives and hyperactive behaviour in 3-year-old and 8/9-year-old children in the community: a randomised, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial [published correction appears in Lancet. Lancet. 2007;370(9598):1560-1567. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(07)61306-3

2. Borzelleca JF, Capen CC, Hallagan JB. Lifetime toxicity/carcinogenicity study of FD & C Red No. 3 (erythrosine) in rats. Food Chem Toxicol. 1987;25(10):723-733. doi:10.1016/02786915(87)90226-2

3. Choudhary AK, Lee YY. Neurophysiological symptoms and aspartame: What is the connection?. Nutr Neurosci. 2018;21(5):306-316. doi:10.1080/1028415X.2017.1288340

4. Fowler SP, Williams K, Resendez RG, et al. Fueling the obesity epidemic? Artificially sweetened beverage use and long-term weight gain. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2008;16(8):18941900. doi:10.1038/oby.2008.284

5. Kahl R, Kappus H. Toxikologie der synthetischen Antioxidantien BHA und BHT im Vergleich mit dem natürlichen Antioxidans Vitamin E [Toxicology of the synthetic antioxidants BHA and BHT in comparison with the natural antioxidant vitamin E]. Z Lebensm Unters Forsch. 1993;196(4):329-338. doi:10.1007/BF01197931

6. Lauretti E, Praticò D. E ect of canola oil consumption on memory, synapse and neuropathology in the triple transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease. Sci Rep. 2017;7(1):17134. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-17373-3

7. Smith TJ, Wolfson JA, Jiao D, et al. Caramel color in soft drinks and exposure to 4-methylimidazole: a quantitative risk assessment. PLoS One. 2015;10(2):e0118138. doi:10.1371/ journal.pone.0118138

8. Rippe JM, Angelopoulos TJ. Sucrose, high-fructose corn syrup, and fructose, their metabolism and potential health e ects: what do we really know?. Adv Nutr. 2013;4(2):236-245. doi:10.3945/an.112.002824

9. Coss A, Cantor KP, Reif JS, et al. Pancreatic Cancer and Drinking Water and Dietary Sources of Nitrate and Nitrite. American Journal of Epidemiology. 2004;159(7):693–701.

10. Niaz K, Zaplatic E, Spoor J. Extensive use of monosodium glutamate: A threat to public health?. EXCLI J. 2018;17:273-278. doi:10.17179/excli2018-1092

11. Jiang Y, Pan Y, Rhea PR, et al. A Sucrose-Enriched Diet Promotes Tumorigenesis in Mammary Gland in Part through the 12-Lipoxygenase Pathway. Cancer Res. 2016;76(1):24-29. doi:10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-14-3432

12. Dhaka V, Gulia N, Ahlawat KS, et al. Trans fats-sources, health risks and alternative approach - A review. J Food Sci Technol. 2011;48(5):534-541. doi:10.1007/s13197-010-0225-8

13. Yu DK, Elmquist WF, Sawchuk RJ. Pharmacokinetics of propylene glycol in humans during multiple dosing regimens. J Pharm Sci. 1985;74(8):876-879. doi:10.1002/jps.2600740815

14. Al-Khudhairi D, Whitwam JG. Autonomic reflexes and the cardiovascular e ects of propylene glycol. Br J Anaesth. 1986;58(8):897-902. doi:10.1093/bja/58.8.897


We hope this guide will help you in choosing the most nutritious foods for you and your family.

Weekly Nutrition Plan (Week 1)


Breakfast Chocolate Blueberry Smoothie (Handful frozen berries, coconut or almond milk, cocoa powder, Chocolate Perfect Protein)

Lunch Salad, any way, with 2 hard boiled eggs and oil & vinegar

Veggie Omelet Almond Power Bar^ with Berries

Scrambled eggs in coconut oil with 2 slices organic turkey bacon

Crème de Menthe Smoothie^

Spinach Omelet Berry Smoothie ^

Smoked wild caught salmon over greens with onions and olives with olive oil & balsamic vinegar

Dinner Stuffed Porto Patty^ Sauteed sauerkraut with chopped chicken sausage, diced pickles, and dijon mustard

Bison burger with sliced avocado and asparagus

Salad with Minestrone Soup^

Stir fried veggies with salsa and guacamole. (sautee sliced bell peppers, onions in coconut oil until soft, add mushrooms and spinach)

Deli Turkey roll ups with hummus and veggies. (spread softened organic cream cheese on deli turkey slices and roll around a pickle spear)

Endless Chicken Salad^ over Greens (core Plan- serve in sprouted grain wrap)

Rotisserie chicken with broccoli and sliced cucumbers with plain organic yogurt and dill

Swedish Meatballs^ with mashed notatoes and steamed broccoli

Salmon Cakes with Red Pepper Sauce^ with greens

^ Recipe on

Carribean Chicken^ with Broccoli (Core Plan – serve with brown rice)

Chicken Fajitas with guacamole (slice organic chicken, bell peppers and onions. Sprinkle with chili powder, cumin, garlic, and sea salt. Bake at 350 until done) serve with desired toppings) (Core Plan – serve in sprouted grain wrap)

Thur Fri Sat Sun
Tue Wed

Shopping List (Week 1)


• Organic Frozen Blueberries

• Veggies for omelet

• Veggies for stir fry

• Organic Romaine Lettuce

• Organic Spinach


• 2 dozen eggs

• 1 package turkey bacon

• Smoked wild caught salmon

• 1 lb. ground bison

• Deli turkey (oven roasted)

• Canned organic chicken (Costso- Harvest Creek)

• Organic chicken sausage

• Rotisserie chicken

• 2 lbs ground beef

• 1-2 cans wild caught salmon

• 6-8 organic boneless, skinless chicken breasts

• 1 chunk parmesan cheese

• Organic cream cheese

• 1 small plain organic yogurt

• 4 sticks organic butter

• 1 container hummus (We like Publix brand plain)

• Organic Frozen Strawberries

• Extra Greens

• 2 onions

• 2 avocados

• 1 bunch asparagus

• 1 head garlic

• 1 organic yellow squash

• 1 organic zucchini

• 4 roma tomaotes

• 1 cucumber

• 1 head organic celery

• 1 lemon (more for H2O)

• 2 granny smith apples

• 4 portabello mushroom caps

• 1 head broccoli

• Fresh dill

• Fresh parsley

• Fresh cilantro

• 1 head cauliflower

• 1 organic red bell pepper

• 1 carton grape tomatoes

• 1 bunch green onions

Staple/Pantry Items

• Chocolate Perfect Protein

• Vanilla Whey Protein

• 6 cans coconut milk (or almond milk)

• Cocoa powder

• 2 bags almonds

• 1 bag unsweetened shredded coconut

• Coconut Oil (CostcoCarrington Farms)

• 1 bag ground flax meal

• Vanilla extract (no sugar)

• 1 jar almond butter

• Stevia – liquid, spoonable, or pure (we like Stevita)

• Peppermint extract

• Olive Oil

• Balsamic Vinegar

• 1 can black or green olives

• Dried oregano

• 40 oz. organic chicken broth

• 1 can great northern beans

• 1 jar pickles (ck. ingred.)

• 1 jar Grapeseed Vegenaise

• 1 jar sauerkraut

• Dijon mustard

• Sea salt (we like Real Salt)

• Black pepper

• Nutmeg

• Sesame oil

• Chili powder

• 2 cans crushed tomatoes

• Cinnamon

• Curry Powder

• 2 bags almond meal


• Buy extra to have on hand for snacks

• Double the recipes to use later or freeze

• Remember that your bill may be large when you are buying the “staple” items but many of them can be used for weeks

• Get creative…try to add veggies to every meal

“You don’t have to cook fancy or complicated masterpieces – just good food from fresh ingredients”
Julia Child

Weekly Nutrition Plan (Week 2)

Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun

Breakfast Berry Smoothie ^

2 fried eggs (any style) in butter with ½ avocado

Apple Flax Muffin ^ Plain organic yogurt with ½ scoop Perfect Protein and smashed berries (Opt- stevia)



Smoothie –

Handful frozen blueberries, 1 scoop chocolate

Perfect Protein, coconut milk

Lunch Gazpacho ^ with Green Salad w/ Turkey Bacon

Dinner Grass fed sirloin steak , chilizucchini mash ^, steamed broccoli

Zucchini Boats ^ Endless Chicken Salad^ over Greens (core Plan- serve in sprouted grain wrap)

Creamy Coconut Lime Cod^ & Wilted

Spinach w/ Walnuts

Vegetable Beef Soup ^ (use whatever summer veggies are handy)

Fred’s Sports Super Salad ^ Chili ^ Summer Version: add avocado, shredded cheese, spring onion, fresh cilantro

Stir Fry- cut organic chicken breast into chunks and fry in coconut oil. When browned, add liquid tamari, fresh ginger, garlic, and sesame oil. Add shredded cabbage, bok choy, chopped broccoli, celery, etc.

Advanced Plan Pizza ^

2-3 teaspoons almond butter with 4 sliced strawberries, coconut milk, stevia and cocoa nibs

Wild caught smoked salmon with scrambled eggs, dill, cream cheese.

1 grapefruit + 2 slices turkey bacon

Grilled or oven roasted chicken breast with broccoli and asparagus

Asian Turkey Lettuce Wraps ^ Roasted Vegetable Lasagna ^

^ Recipes on

Shopping List (Week 2)

Staple/Pantry Items

• 2 cans coconut milk

• Perfect Protein

• Flaxseed meal



• 1 dozen eggs

• Organic butter

• Organic plain yogurt

• Turkey bacon

• 4 lbs ground turkey

• 1 lb raw organic cheese

• 2 cans organic chicken

• 2 lbs ground bison

• 3 lbs grass fed ground beef

• Wild caught smoked salmon

• 2 lbs organic chicken breasts

• 4 grass fed sirloin steaks

• 4 cod filets

• 1 block organic cream cheese

• 1 8oz ricotta cheese

• 1 block parmesan cheese

• 1 lb. wild caughtarctic cod

• Grapeseed oil vegenaise

• Baking powder

• Cinnamon

• Nutmeg

• Sea Salt (I like RealSalt)

• Black pepper

• Stevia/Xylitol/Swerve

• Olive oil

• Vanilla

• Pecans

• Almond butter

• Cocoa nibs

• 2 cans tomato paste

• Hot pepper sauce

• 1 can kidney beans

• Oregano

• Chili powder

• Cumin

• 2-8 oz cans crushed tomatoes

• Liquid aminos

• Sesame oil

• Coconut oil

• Almond flour

• 2 jars pizza/pasta sauce

• Rice vinegar

• 1 can water chestnuts

• 1 can diced green chilis


• Frozen strawberries

• Frozen blueberries

• 2 avocados

• 2 granny smith apples

• Fresh strawberries

• 1 grapefruit

• 8 organic zucchini

• 4 organic red bell peppers

• 2 organic green bell peppers

• 2 pints mushrooms

• 2 lemons

• Romaine lettuce

• Baby mixed greens

• Baby spinach

• 1 cucumber

• 1 tomato

• 2 vidalia onions

• 1 bunch celery

• 1 head garlic

• 2 heads broccoli

• 1 bunch asparagus

• Fresh ginger

• 2 limes

• Cilantro

• Summer squash

• Green beans

• Fresh ginger

• 1 head cabbage

• Bok choy

• Green onions

• 1 head bibb lettuce

• 1 eggplant

• 1 bunch basil


• Feel free to use any veggies you like in the stir fry and vegetable soup.

• Use any leftover veggies to add to a side salad.

• A great place to source quality wild caught fish is

• This week’s menu has a lot of quality protein options witch may translate to a higher grocery bill. Consider it an investment in your health.

“Start eating to live instead of living to eat!”

Weekly Nutrition Plan (Week 3)

Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun

Breakfast Veggie Omelet Boosted Bullet Coffee: I cup brewed coffee, coconut milk, cocoa powder, Chocolate Perfect Protein, 1 tsp coconut oil, 1 tsp grass fed butter (Kerrygold)

Lunch Leftover Roasted Vegetable Lasagna ^ with Salad

Taco Salad (leftover chili over romaine, with chopped avocados, black olives, cheese, cilantro, black beans, etc. Use Salsa for dressing)

Dinner Basic Chili ^ Chicken Savoy^ with steamed broccoli and sauteed zucchini

Mini Onion Quiches^

Berry Smoothie ^ 2 fried eggs with ½ avocado (sprinkle with gomasaio for added nutrition)

1 grapefruit Smoked Salmon Hash ^

Fred’s Sports Super Salad ^ Hot Chicken Salad. Use the Chicken Salad recipe ^, put in a baking dish, sprinkle with chopped nuts and bake until warm.

Grass Fed Steak with Blasted Cauliflower ^

Italian Meatball Soup ^ with salad

Buffalo Chicken Wraps ^ Bunless bison burger with fried egg & avocado with steamed broccoli

Leftover meatballs with broccoli and mashed no-tatoes

Baked Salmon with Blackened/Cajun Spice (check ingredients) with wilted spinach (dash of fresh ground nutmeg)

^ Recipes on

Swedish Meatballs^ with Broccoli and Mashed Notatoes

Chicken Cacciatore ^ with greens with Caesar Dressing ^

Shopping List (Week 3)


• Onion

• 2 organic green bell peppers

• 1 bunch green onions


• 1 dozen eggs

• Organic butter

• Organic whole milk or organic plain yogurt

• Swiss cheese

• Smoked salmon

• 1 block organic cream cheese

• Organic cheddar cheese

• 2 lbs ground bison

• 2 cans organic chicken (Costco carries lg. cans)

• 3 lbs organic chicken breasts

• 3 lbs grass fed ground beef

• 1 block parmesan or romano cheese

• 4 grass fed steaks

• 1 lb ground turkey

• 4 Wild caught salmon steaks

• Grapeseed oil vegenaise

• 4 avocados

• Fresh dill

• 2 heads romaine lettuce

• Cilantro

• Cucumber

• 2 tomatoes

• Celery

• Granny smith apple

• 1 lemon

• 1 sm. Head green cabbage

• Bibb lettuce

• 3 heads broccoli

• Garlic

• 3 heads cauliflower

• Parsley

• Mushrooms

• Spinach

Staple/Pantry Items

• 2 cans coconut milk

• Vanilla Perfect Protein

• Chocolate Perfect Protein

• Cocoa Powder

• Coconut Oil

• Coffee

• Shredded coconut

• Sea salt

• Pepper

• Gomasaio (optional)

• Black beans

• Salsa

• Olive oil

• Balsamic vinegar

• Hot pepper sauce

• Pecans

• Kidney beans

• Oregano

• Chili powder

• Cumin

• 8 oz crushed tomatoes

• 8 oz canned plum tomatoes

• 1 quart organic chicken broth

• White wine vinegar

• Anchovies

• Almond meal

• Nutmeg

• Black olives

• Pickles


• The buffalo chicken wraps can also be made in a CrockPot.

• This week’s menu is heavy on meals that make great leftovers. You can even make extra and freeze it for later.

“Let food be thy medicine.”

Weekly Nutrition Plan (Week 4)

Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun

Breakfast Fried Eggs in Butter with 2 slices turkey bacon

Berry Smoothie ^

Lunch Salad with hard boiled egg and deli turkey(roll it and cut it into rounds), any additional veggies, drizzled with olive oil and balsamic vinegar

Dinner Chicken

Asparagus Marsala^

Core Plan: Quinoa

Monterrery Chcken Salad ^

Scrambled eggs with salsa 2 teaspoons almond butter, handful of sliced strawberries, coconut milk, and sprinkle of stevia

Fred’s Sports Super Salad ^ (use leftover meatloaf instead of burger if desired)

Endless Chicken Salad^ over greens

1 grapefruit

Chocolate Smoothie – ½ can coconut milk, 2 tsp cocoa powder, 1 scoop chocolate Perfect Protein

Leftover quiche with sliced tomatoes and cucumbers

Plain organic yogurt with berries & stevia (optional)

Kale Salad with ½ cooked organic chicken breast, avocado, black olives, hemp seeds, tomato, olive oil and balsamic vinegar

Steak Salad – use leftover steak plus any salad ingredients you like

Meatloaf ^ (recipe is core plan) to make it advanced plan, substitute ¼ cup flax meal and ¼ cup almond flour for sprouted grain bread) with steamed broccoli and mashed notatoes

Teriyaki Salmon ^ with wilted spinach sauteed in olive oil and green beans

Crustless Broccoli Quiche ^ with side salad

Asian Turkey Lettuce Wraps ^ with Braised Bok Choy^

Grass Fed Steak with sauteed spinach and Blasted Cauliflower^

^ Recipes on

Chicken Savoy ^ with asparagus and steamed broccoli

Shopping List (Week 4)

Staple/Pantry Items

• Extra virgin olive oil

• Balsamic vinegar

• Organic quinoa (core plan)

• Sea or Himalayan Salt


• 2 dozen eggs

• 1 package turkey bacon

• ½ lb. deli turkey (oven roasted)

• 2 lb. grass fed ground beef

• Canned organic chicken (Costso- Harvest Creek)

• 2 lbs. organic chicken breasts

• Kerrygold Grass Fed Butter

• Grass Fed Steaks (order from Vineyard Farms and pick up at West Cobb Chiropractic on Monday mornings)

• Organic Plain Yogurt

• Grass fed cheddar cheese


• 3 heads organic romaine lettuce

• 2 bunches asparagus

• 1 bunch kale

• 1 container mushrooms

• 3 heads organic broccoli

• 1 package frozen berries

• 2 heads organic spinach

• 3 organic tomatoes

• 2 avocados

• 2 onions

• 1 head garlic

• 1 bunch fresh parsley

• 2 heads cauliflower

• 1 cucumber

• 1-2 containers fresh berries

• 1 bunch organic celery

• Grapefruit

• Black pepper

• Marsala wine (or other red wine)

• 3 cans full fat coconut milk (we prefer Native Forest BPA free cans)

• Salsa (watch out for sugar)

• 1 can black olives

• Flax meal

• Almond flour

• 1 can organic tomato paste

• Hot pepper sauce (check ingredients)

• 1 jar almond butter

• Stevia (we like Stevita brand)

• Hemp seeds

• Curry powder

• Dried oregano

• Cocoa powder

• Perfect Protein

• Max Greens

• Vegenaise

• Almonds/ Pecans


• Buy extra to have on hand for snacks

• Double the recipes to use later or freeze

• Remember that your bill may be large when you are buying the “staple” items but many of them can be used for weeks

• Get creative…try to add veggies to every meal

“To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art.”
La Rochefoucauld

We a e p o d o anno nce he e NEW pa ne hip o help o pa ien be cce f l

Health Pre Made Meals

To Order go to tbit l wcctrifecta

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Health Meats

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True fitness starts with conditioning energy systems on a cellular level Me abolic condi ioning Me Con is largely about eliciting a desired hormonal response

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Exercise is a genetic requirement

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The Magic of Metabolic Conditioning

The Afterburn Effect EPOC

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The right amounts of itamins and minerals are needed to keep our bod running smoothl , hich can boost our metabolism, gi e ou more energ , and stabili e our eight

This testing helps identif subtle imbalances related to man common health issues that can be found before standard labs can detect them. t gi es aluable insights on ho nutrition and the en ironment are impacting our bod .

Wha d e i ea e?

Vitamin and mineral insufficiencies

Blood sugar imbalances

O idati e damage and antio idant sufficienc markers

ndicators to assess deto ification sufficienc

Functional markers of B-comple deficienc

Neurotransmitter metabolites to assess central ner ous s stem function

Gastrointestinal stress

Stress hormone imbalances

Mitochondrial energ production assessment

Specific d sbiosis markers for bacterial and east o ergro th

Fatt acid balance, ratios and trans fats

We Cobb Chi op ac ic 5041 Dalla High a , S i e 500. Po de Sp ing , GA 30217. 770.919.7171 . e cobbchi op ac


detox system

Body Detox is a unique formula containing fiber from three sources: psyllium husk, flax seed meal, and glucomannan. Whole body detoxifiers in Body Detox like peppermint leaf, fennel seeds, ginger root, and fenugreek seed, along with activated charcoal that effectively binds to toxins, helps your body naturally eliminate them. Exposure to toxins can affect your body at the cellular level, causing free radical damage. Cell Detox is a whole food formula containing powerful probiotics.* Traditional organ system detoxifiers like chlorella, milk thistle, and spirulina, along with intra-cellular antioxidants like glutathione, catalase, and superoxide dismutase support the body’s defense against toxin-related free radicals.**

Activated charcoal alleviates gas and bloating†

Milk thistle and dandelion extracts supports liver and gallbladder health†

Protects the body from damage caused by free radicals†

Supports a healthy immune system†


Psyllium Husk (Plantago ovata) (husk)

Flaxseed powder (Linum usitatissimum) (seed)

Glucomannan (Amorphophallus rivieri) (tuber)

Maximized Botanical Blend

Supplement Facts

200 mg

200 mg

* 200 mg

* 200 mg

Fenugreek seed (Trigonella foenum-graecum), Peppermint leaf (Mentha haplocalyx), Ginger root (Zingiber officinale), Fennel seed (Foeniculum vulgare).

Other Ingredients: Hypromellose (capsule), cellulose and vegetable stearic acid.

Free Of: ugar, salt, dairy, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, shellfish, yeast, wheat, gluten, soy, preservatives, titanium dioxide, artificial colors and flavors.

†These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Adults take 2 capsules daily, one hour before bedtime with water or as directed by your qualified healthcare practitioner.


If you are pregnant, lactating, taking any medication or have any medical condition, consult your healthcare practitioner before use. Keep out of reach of children. Do not use if seal is broken or missing. For optimal storage conditions, store in a cool, dry place. If you are currently on medication, please consult with your prescribing physician prior to taking this product as it can alter e cacy of prescription medications.

Serving Size: 2 Capsules Servings Per Container: 30 Amount Per Serving % DV

L-Cysteine (as HCL monohydrate)



Lactobacillus acidophilus

Maximized Purify Blend

100 mg

100 mg

85 mg


* 700 mg


* * *

Dandelion extract (Taraxacum officinale)(leaves), milk thistle extract (standardized to 80% silymarin) (Silybum marianum) (seed), cabbage powder (Brassica oleracea) (leaf), Sulfur (as methylsulfonylmethane, OptiMSM®), and L-Glutathione

Maximized Detox Blend

* 480 mg

Organic Chlorella (Chlorella vulgaris) (broken cell wall), Organic spirulina (Arthrospira platensis) (whole plant), Catalase (from Aspergillus niger), Superoxide Dismutase (from melon) (Cucumis melo) (fruit) Extramel® D

*Daily Value not established

Other Ingredients: Hypromellose (capsule), cellulose and vegetable stearic acid.

Free Of: ugar, salt, dairy, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, shellfish, yeast, wheat, gluten, soy, preservatives, titanium dioxide, artificial colors and flavors.

a customized assessment of your diet and lifestyle risk factors, ask your doctor about the Lifestyle Risk Questionnaire. MAXIMIZEDLIVING ® Developed by and Manufactured for: Max 3, LP 1170 Celebration Blvd. Suite 100B Celebration, FL 34747 USA MAXLIVING.COM GLUTEN-FREE SHELLFISH-FREE DAIRY-FREE SUGAR-FREE SALT-FREE SOY-FREE EGG-FREE NON-GMO
Supplement Facts
Size: 2 Capsules Servings Per Container: 30 Amount Per Serving % DV Magnesium (as oxide from Dead Sea, chloride from saltwater)
100 mg25% * * * 100 mg Activated
*Daily Value not established

metabolix burn

Support healthy fat loss, metabolism, and body composition with Metabolix Burn. † With a combination of vitamins, minerals, and plant extracts, Metabolix Burn supplies the body †

MaxLiving Metabolix Burn is an excellent supplement for anyone looking to add an extra boost to healthy eating and exercise to support hormone balance and proper appetite. †

Helps fight cravings †

Supports a healthy metabolism †

Promotes fat loss †

Helps balance hormones †


Take 4 capsules daily with a meal or as directed by your quali


If you are pregnant, lactating, taking any medication or have any medical condition, consult your healthcare practitioner before use. Keep out of reach of children. Do not use if seal is broken or missing. For optimal storage conditions, store in a cool, dry place.

For a customized assessment of your diet and lifestyle risk factors, ask your doctor about the Lifestyle Risk Questionnaire.

MAXIMIZEDLIVING ® Developed by and Manufactured for: Max 3, LP 4700 Millenia Blvd. #220, Orlando, Fl 32839, USA MAXLIVING.COM (321) 939-3060 Copyright © 2019 Maximized Living, LP. All rights reserved. “Align Your Health®”, “5 Essentials®”, and “MaxLiving®” are registered trademarks of Maximized Living, LP. This document is Intellectual Property, and no part of this document may be reproduced in any form without prior permission in writing from Maximized Living LP.
†These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

purepath protein

Build muscle and strengthen your joints with 21 grams of concentrated HydroBEEF™ protein derived from bone broth. PurePath Protein is exclusively designed for rapid absorption and usability enhancing your muscle repair and recovery after exercise or supporting everyday activities. The proprietary process of making HydroBEEF™ begins in Sweden with hormonefree and non-GMO raised cattle. PurePath Protein is available in a convenient protein powder packed with collagen-specific amino acids and other critical vitamins and nutrients that support your musculoskeletal system. Naturally sweetened with stevia, PurePath Protein is available in delicious Chocolate and Vanilla flavors. †

Improve muscle strength†

Increase lean body mass †

Increase exercise performance†

Nourish skin with bioavailable collagen peptides †

Boost dietary protein intake†


Adults, mix 27 grams (approx. one scoop) in eight ounces of water or any other beverage per day, or as directed by your health care practitioner. Use a blender or shaker bottle, and shake or mix well. For best blending results, liquid should be at room temperature


As with any dietary supplement, consult your healthcare practitioner before using this product, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, anticipate surgery, take medication on a regular basis or are otherwise under medical supervision.

For a customized assessment of your diet and lifestyle risk factors, ask your doctor about the Lifestyle Risk Questionnaire.

MAXIMIZEDLIVING ® Developed by and Manufactured for: Max 3, LP 4700 Millenia Blvd. Ste 220, Orlando, FL 32839 USA MAXLIVING.COM
†These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Vanilla Chocolate

grass-fed whey protein

Fuel your body with whole food nutrition with our Grass-Fed Whey Protein, loaded with 18 essential, conditional, and nonessential amino acids. Derived from year-round pasture-fed cow’s milk, our formula is free of hormones, pesticides, and herbicides. Enjoy this delicious, nutrient-packed powder that also provides enzymes, probiotics, and prebiotics to improve digestion and overall health. An ideal protein powder for your everyday health or for enhanced exercise recovery, Grass-Fed Whey Protein is fortified with additional vitamins and minerals, promoting your optimal intake of proteins and fats.

Boosts metabolism †

Improves athletic performance †

Promotes gentle detoxification †

Decreases inflammation †


Adults mix 1 scoop (included) in 6–8 ounces of water, once per day. Use it to boost your breakfast, smoothie, or on-the-go snack.


If you are pregnant, lactating, taking any medication or have any medical condition, consult your healthcare practitioner before use. Not intended for children.

†These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

For a customized assessment of your diet and lifestyle risk factors, ask your doctor about the Lifestyle Risk Questionnaire.

Suggested Use: Adults mix 1 scoop (included) in 6-8 ounces of water, once per day. Not intended for children. Other Ingredients: Natural vanilla flavor, sunflower lecithin, salt, and organic stevia (leaf). Free Of: GMOs, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, shellfish, wheat,
Supplement Facts Serving Size: 1 scoop (approx. 28.8 g) Cholesterol Servings Per Container: approx. 20 Amount Per Serving % DV** Total Calories *Daily Value not established 10 mg Calories from fat 8% Saturated Fat **Daily Value based on a 2,000 calorie diet 4% Total Fat 3% Sodium 60 mg 3% Total Carbohydrates 4 g 1% Dietary Fiber <1 g 3% Sugars 2 g Protein (as grass-fed whey protein concentrate) 20 g 40% 11% Calcium (naturally occurring) 106 mg 3% Iron (naturally occurring) 0.5 mg 100% Vitamin D (as cholecalciferol) 400 IU 4% Vitamin A (as beta carotene) 200 IU 17% Vitamin E (as d-alpha tocopheryl succinate) Protease 2,500 HUT, Acid Protease 10 SAPU, Lactase 100 ALU, Papain 100,000 PU, Bromelain 6.7 GDU; Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium lactis, Lactobacillus bulgaricus; rice hull concentrate; tara gum (Caesalpinia spinosa) (seed); Saccharomyces boulardii 5 IU * Probiotic, Prebiotic & Enzyme Blend 63 mg 6% Vitamin K (as k1 phytonadione (3 mcg) & k2 menaquinone-7 (2 mcg)) 5 mcg 1.5 g 2.5 g 20 120
gluten, soy, preservatives, titanium dioxide, artificial colors and flavors.
If you are pregnant, lactating, taking any medication or have any medical condition, consult your healthcare practitioner before use.
30 DA

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