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How this Document Works
How this Document Works
This document is a study for causes of flooding, priority considerations, and opportunities for NFM in the micro-catchment for the River Ashburn, covering some of the Ashburton urban area in South Devon. The study is built on multiple layers of mapped environmental information and the results of the walkover survey. This information has been used to explore the current state of the catchment and its environment, and then map areas for further investigation and actions to make improvements.
This micro-catchment scale assessment will be used to guide efforts in community engagement and NFM.
The study has 5 key chapters, based on the current status of the micro-catchment and what opportunities there might be.
1. Micro-catchment Overview 2. Priority Areas and Drivers • Flooding • Water Quality • Water Quantity • Designated Sites • Tourism and Recreation 3. Existing Natural Assets and Their Condition • Habitats • Soils • Crops 4. Issues • Abstraction, Discharges, Pollution, and Runoff • Hydrological Connectivity • Issues identified during Walkovers 5.Opportunities • Existing Opportunities • Opportunities Identified during Walkovers
It is not possible to map all aspects of the status of the micro-catchment with existing datasets, and the true state of the catchment may not be fully reflected in the datasets for various reasons including the age of the data, the resolution, and the level of local knowledge taken into consideration when the data has been collected and mapped. Assessing the quality and condition of natural assets in particular is challenging due to the level of detail required. Nonetheless, the available data has been reviewed and the best data currently available has been used. A full set of references can be found on pages 53-56.