MARCH 3-9 // 2016
Under the ‘Armour’ of Rae Spoon
INSIDE THIS WEEK You’re All Just Jealous of My Jetpack by Tom Gauld
News4 Vancouver Shakedown5 Science Matters5 Style File6 A Good Chick to Know6 Nosh7 The Growler8 By the Bottle9 What’s On10 Music12 Cover story12 Arts12 Real Estate13 Reel People14 Whole Nourishment16 Horoscopes17 Sex with Mish Way17 Classifieds18 COVER: CANADIAN MUSICIAN AND AUTHOR RAE SPOON. FOXX FOTO PHOTO
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To the self-righteous cyclist who told me that I can’t take my 49cc scooter on the BC Parkway: First of all, who died and appointed you the BC Parkway cop? Secondly, some of us are not as fortunate as you to be heathy enough to commute by bicycle. Some of us have health issues that exclude that method of travel. Thirdly, if you’re going to be a self-appointed cop, you should at least take the time to find out what the laws are before you go shooting off your mouth. Under the BC Motor Vehicle Act, there are currently no regulations that prohibit small motor-
ized vehicles on statutory right-of-ways. Although the BC Parkway is considered a cycle path, it’s primary purpose is for maintaining the Skytrain right-of-way (a railway). Under BC law, it satisfies the legal definition of a statutory right of way. On a final note, stay out of my face, asshole! –DWM
Vancouver has the highest average house price in Canada, and yet average income is lower than most major Canadian cities. This is not an accident but the result of the efforts of government at all levels. To
keep wages low here and maintain a job market favourable to employers, high migration has been encouraged from around the world and also from other provinces for many years. The status quo suits the influential few in this city, but those who fear change need not worry, after years of blissfully ignoring the problem the provincial and municipal governments are being forced to be seen to be acting on this issue, but I suspect that after a very long process of data gathering they will propose some impressive sounding but very ineffective policies. Business as usual, sadly. – AK HosTed by:
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#207 - 1160 Burrard St • Vancouver, BC 2 W March 3 - March 9, 2016
March 3 - March 9, 2016 W 3
Commercial Drive density debate heats up
Boffo Properties and The Kettle Society released preliminary renderings of their proposed redevelopment project at the corner of Commercial and Venables last week. Contributed
Preliminary renderings released last week that depict the proposed Kettle Boffo building redevelopment will spur more Grandview-Woodland residents against the proj-
ect, according to opponents. Barbara Cameron, one of the organizers behind the neighbourhood’s No Venables Tower coalition, calls the scale “massive” and argues it’s too high and too dense for the site at Venables Street and Commercial Drive.
My family says I don’t hear well. What if I just don’t want to wear hearing aids? The consequences of hiding hearing loss are greater than wearing hearing aids.
loss. The prevalent view is that hearing loss is “only” a quality of life issue.
What price are you paying for vanity?
If, quality of life is defined as “greater enjoyment of music,” then one might agree. But studies clearly demonstrate that hearing loss is associated with physical, emotional, mental, and social wellbeing. Depression, anxiety, emotional instability, phobias, withdrawal, isolation, lessened health status, lower self-esteem, and so forth, are not “just quality of life issues.” For some people, uncorrected hearing loss is a “life and death issue.”
Untreated hearing loss is far more noticeable than hearing aids. If you miss a punch line to a joke, or respond inappropriately in conversation, people may have concerns about your mental acuity, your attention span or your ability to communicate effectively. The personal consequences of vanity can be life altering. On a simplistic level, untreated hearing loss means giving up some of the pleasant sounds you used to enjoy. At a deeper level, vanity could severely reduce the quality of your life. If you are a lawyer, teacher or a group psychotherapist, where very refined hearing is necessary to discern the nuances of human communication, then even a mild hearing loss can be intolerable. If you seldom socialize, then perhaps you are someone who is tolerant of even moderate hearing
If you are one of those people with a mild, moderate or severe hearing loss, who is sitting on the fence, consider all the benefits of hearing aids described above. Hearing aids hold such great potential to positively change so many lives. The myth that untreated hearing loss is a harmless condition is wrong. You won’t know what you are missing until you . . . just try.
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“I think the actual renderings are going to galvanize the community in opposition to this because it’s finally becoming real what the massiveness of this development will be,” she said. “Drawings that were provided earlier didn’t identify that there would actually be three towers. So we’re not dealing with one, we’re dealing with three towers on a footprint that is really not appropriate for this kind of density.” Proponents argue that along with market housing, the project will deliver much-needed supportive housing and a new expanded space for the Kettle Society’s services. The Kettle Society, which is a non-profit that provides housing and support to people with mental illness, needs to expand the services it offers at its 1725 Venables location. However, the society couldn’t get government funding so it formed the arrangement with Boffo Properties for the redevelopment. Boffo owns buildings on either side of the Kettle, while the city owns the parking lot to the north, which could be amalgamated into the proposed redevelopment. The society and Boffo released the preliminary drawings Feb. 26.The proposal envisions 200, one-to-three bedroom market housing units, as well as 30 supportive housing units for the Kettle to own and operate, and a larger space for its other services. Daniel Boffo, principal of Boffo Properties, said the Kettle services would be relocated during construction with costs paid by the project. He described the design as one building “massaged” into multi-levels. At its lowest it’s five storeys, while at its highest it’s 12 storeys. Small scale retail and a public courtyard are included in the plans. “The goal is to mimic something like Gaolers Mews in Gastown where when you’re at grade you’ve got retail within the courtyard and it’s not just a podium and tower project,” Boffo said. “It feels like a bunch of separate buildings grouped together in varying heights.” Boffo Properties and The Kettle Society released preliminary renderings of their proposed redevelopment project last week. He said the proposed design was informed by four years of public feedback and the height has been dropped from the initially proposed 15 storeys based on input from the community and the city. Many individuals and groups have voiced support for the project, according to Boffo, including housing advocate Judy Graves. “You’ll never satisfy every-
body and I think when you satisfy everybody something gets lost.What we’re hoping to achieve is to build on the common ground that we have. The common thread that I’ve heard is [both sides] believe in strong, inclusive communities,” he said. It’s unclear what the city will allow on the site.The Grandview-Woodland community plan hasn’t been adopted yet.The draft plan goes out for public review this spring, although no dates have been set yet. Boffo is waiting to file the application until after council approves the plan. Neighbourhood reaction has been mixed.The GrandviewWoodland Citizens’ Assembly didn’t reach consensus on what height should be allowed, but 16 members signed a “minority report” backing the project. When asked what she defines as a tower, Cameron said, “We have a point of view that we need to keep the Commercial Drive area under five storeys. Our slogan has been, ‘Keep the Drive under five’ and so we don’t want to get into this discussion of what a tower is and what a tower isn’t because right now we’re talking at least 12 storeys for this one and that’s certainly a tower.” The coalition has collected more than 3,560 petition signatures against the development. Cameron acknowledges some residents support the proposal. “But I think people are biting their tongues and saying, ‘Well, if this is the way the Kettle would get what it wants then we’re OK with it.’ But I don’t think people really want a great amount of density in Grandview-Woodland, at least not density in the way of towers.We’ve always felt, and this has been reflected in a lot of different ways, that people want gentle density.” Cameron argues towers put upward pressure on land prices and contribute to the loss of affordability. “It’s not about the Kettle. It’s never been about the Kettle and I say that 100 times a day. This is about a tower or towers, in this case three towers, and the imposition of such a massive development on the community.We think there are alternatives.” Boffo, who maintains the project is respectful of the Drive’s character, wants to see the project move forward. “We’re excited to hear what the city’s going to come out with in April with their plan. After hearing that, then we can decide what the next steps are. But we’ve been talking about this for four years.We need to get an application in ASAP,” he said. W –Courtesy ofVancouver Courier
Will cap-and-trade slow climate change? David Suzuki Science Matters
Pedal pushing for the bike share Grant Lawrence Vancouver Shakedown @GrantLawrence
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the goal of reducing carbon emissions even further. Ontario’s proposal to give away many allowances to big emitters is less encouraging. The government says it will eventually phase out this free disbursement, but in the meantime millions of dollars in government revenue that could be used to support renewable energy and public transit will be lost. To keep the bulk of fossil fuels in the ground – as scientific evidence says we must – we need a variety of strategies. Cap-and-trade helps reduce emissions and generates billions of dollars for other strategies to address climate change. It also embodies the polluter pays principle. But it’s not enough on its own. The David Suzuki Foundation and others have long argued that provinces and the federal government should put a price on carbon, through carbon taxes, cap-and-trade or a combination of both.The urgent need to address global warming means provinces that have adopted cap-and-trade need to strengthen it by ensuring emissions drop faster and polluters pay a price that truly reflects the damage caused by carbon pollution. W & ,*3#0 2-#* 3: )379+68'859(-#"(
You’ve probably read the news. It appears that Vancouver will finally catch up to cities like Toronto, Ottawa, New York and LA, and many other modern cities around the world, with our very own public bike share program. It’s been eight long years of promises, speculation, and spinning our wheels, so I’ll believe it when I see it. According to the City, we really will actually see the bike share program roll into our streets this spring.You can apparently expect 1,500 bikes at 150 solar-powered stations, positioned every two to three blocks throughout downtown. Stations will stretch into the West Side as far south as 16th Avenue, as far east as Main, and west to Arbutus. If all goes well, those boundaries will be expanded west to MacDonald and east to Commercial. The date for the first 1,000 bikes is June 15, 2016, expanding to the full 1,500 bikes by July 15, 2016. Critics want to jam on the brakes, citing cost (the city will spend $5 million over five years and absorb a loss of parking meter revenue wherever the stations go in) and harmful impacts on the bike rental industry. But come on, even the crotchetiest critic has to admit it: a bike share program looks great on any city. Bike shares are health-conscious, sophisticated, and sexy. When done right, they are conceptually aimed at both locals and tourists alike to hop on the bikes for handy A-to-B rides. I’ve employed the bike shares in both Toronto and Montreal, and loved the freedom these simple, easy bikes provide, despite being slightly freaked out that they didn’t come with helmets (but even that felt somewhat old-school liberating). You may have read the many reasons why Vancouver hasn’t hopped onto the bike share phenomenon sooner. It’s convoluted and messy, but it mostly involves
a previous potential bike share partner wiping out into bankruptcy. That left a lot of cities that had struck deals with that company forced to take over their bike shares and deal with the financial fall-out. Because of our various delays, we actually managed to avoid all of that. Vancouver has finally found a willing and supposedly stable partner, but the helmet thing remained an issue. Our helmet law has always been one of the big roadblocks for a public bike share program in Vancouver. As mentioned, bike shares in most if not all other major cities – even New York don’t provide helmets. There was a rumour as recently as 2013 that the Vancouver bike share stations would be equipped with massive helmet vending machines, which would have been ridiculous. A much simpler solution has been agreed upon: all 1,500 Vancouver bikes will come with a helmet, at no added cost, waitin’ for your noggin in the front basket. And how about this added perk for urban cyclists who care about such things (ie, people from Yaletown): these helmets come complete with a hygienic disposable liner! (I play filthy beer league hockey and have two kids under three – I stopped caring about catching your cooties long ago). The bikes will also supposedly come with a cable lock for stopovers between stations, something other bikes shares I’ve used never had.Take it from me: keeping an eye on your unlocked rental bike propped up outside a brewery can be constant source of stress when you have to check on it every two minutes. The proposed fee for Vancouver’s bike share is $2.50 per half hour (or a one way ride) or a $20 monthly fee for unlimited rides. After eight years of waiting, I still won’t actually believe we have a bike share until I see it with my own eyes, but if and when the bikes do roll out, count me in as a pedal pusher. Let’s strap on those hygiene helmets and enjoy the ride, finally! W
commitment to a steady-state economy and an end to the commodification of nature. Some experts have also noted that the emissions reductions it brings are often modest. A 2015 paper in Canadian Public Policy claimed Quebec’s system “is still too weak to meaningfully address the environmental imperatives as outlined in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s 2014 Fifth Assessment Synthesis Report, in which fully eliminating carbon emissions is the benchmark for long-term policy goals.” From 2013 to 2014, California’s allowance cap went from 162.8 to 159.7 megatonnes, a drop of less than two per cent. Ontario’s proposed legislation indicates its program will have some great strengths and a number of shortcomings. It will likely have wide coverage, applying limits on most of the province’s emissions, including those from transportation fuels. (California’s system did not initially include these fuels.) Ontario is expected to reduce emissions by over four per cent a year – about twice the initial rate of California – and generate $1.9 billion annually from the plan.That money will be invested in “green” projects throughout the province with
Vancouver is finally getting a public bike share program.
The principle that polluters should pay for the waste they create has led many experts to urge governments to put a price on carbon emissions. One method is the sometimes controversial cap-and-trade. Quebec, California and the European Union have already adopted cap-and-trade, and Ontario will join Quebec and California’s system in January 2017. But is it a good way to address climate change? The program sets an overall limit – a cap – on the amount of greenhouse gas emissions a province can emit. It then tells polluters, such as heavy industry and electricity generators, how many tonnes of carbon each can release. For every tonne, polluters need a permit or “allowance.” So, if a company’s annual limit is 25,000 tonnes, it would require 25,000 allowances. If a company exceeds its limit, it can purchase additional allowances from another firm that, because of its greater efficiency, has more allowances than it needs.This is the “trade” part of the equation.
Although an individual company can exceed its greenhouse gas limit by purchasing credits, the province as a whole can’t. The overall limit is reduced every year, so if the law is followed, cap-and-trade guarantees annual emissions reductions.The declining cap is the system’s great strength and the way it protects the environment. How effective is it? Although the answer isn’t straightforward, there’s evidence cap-and-trade played a key role in reducing acid rain in the United States.The 1990 Clean Air Act allowed power plants to buy and sell the right to emit sulphur dioxide. Since then, US sulphur dioxide concentrations have gone down by more than 75 per cent. As Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman wrote in the New York Times, “Acid rain did not disappear as a problem, but it was significantly mitigated.” Despite this and other successes, some experts are skeptical, arguing that cap-andtrade amounts to little more than a cash grab by government, a tax in everything but name. Others say it’s a mistake to expect climate change can be addressed through markets, when the problem actually requires changing our entire approach to economics, with a
Blvd Pacific
March 3 - March 9, 2016 W 5
Five Finds: The Luxe Bedroom Jennifer Scott A Good Chick to Know
After spending endless nights in various hotels, riads and other accommodations this year, I returned home seeking to recreate the same sense of luxury in my own bedroom. As I began to break down the different elements of comfort and style within the rooms I had enjoyed, I realized it’s pretty simple to pamper yourself at home, for a fraction of the cost of a luxury getaway suite. I’ve rounded up a few of my favourite things that make me feel glamorous in my own bedroom; from the sheets to the decor, here are my Five Finds for a fabulous sleeping experience at home. 1. Linen sheet set and pillowcases. Available from Rothman & Co. (; $295 – $395 depending on size. Let’s be serious – nothing makes a bedroom feel more luxurious than amazing sheets. My new must-have is the linen collection from Rothman & Co., which offers 100 per cent linen sheet sets in fresh white, natural linen and light blue.
Joue Designs x Dana Mooney Lumenance throw pillow. From a designer standpoint, I love the look of linen on the bed: it creates an effortlessly chic vibe while also offering tactile interest and movement within the room. But aside from the look, linen is super practical as well – it’s a more breathable fabric than cotton, ideal for sheets, and it has the ability to keep you cool during the warmer months, yet cozy when the weather gets cold. My favourite part about linen? It gets better with age.The more you wash these sheets, the softer and more inviting they become. Genius. 2. Joue Designs x Dana Mooney Lumenance throw pillow. Available at Bayside Furniture, 1456 West 8th; $120–$245. When you stick to neutrals for your main décor and use accent pieces to amp up the colour (my top tip for most
clients) you get to really have fun with the little things. In the bedroom, I swear you can never have too many pillows and it’s an opportunity to play with pattern and palette to give life to the space.With these Joue Design pillows, it’s also an opportunity to support local art.Working in collaboration with well-known Vancouver-based artist, Dana Mooney, these pillows bring the soft, creative quality of a muted abstract art piece to the room with Mooney’s designs imprinted on the collection.
definitely been influenced by my recent travels, not the least of which is my love for the pouf. One of the most versatile accessories, these leather Moroccan poufs can offer easy cozy seating, foot resting or a chic spot to store your bedside reading; I’m loving these as a globally inspired alternative to traditional chairs or benches at the foot of the bed. Available in a wide array of colours, from the naturals and tans, to candy colours like pinks and blues, to a crisp white, there is certainly an option for every décor.
3. Isabelle custom bedframe. Available from Rothman & Co. (; pricing available in store. One of the best tricks I’ve learned from designing homes is how effective custom pieces are at making a statement. I love the traditional feel of the Isabelle bedframe by Rothman & Co., with deep tufting and a number of high quality fabric choices for the finish; paired with the above-mentioned casual-chic linen sheets and bold art, the frame fits in beautifully to any modern bedroom.
5. Fresh cut flowers. Available at The Flower Factory, 3604 Main; prices vary with selection. The biggest no-brainer to feeling pampered at home is a beautiful bouquet of fresh cut flowers.Whether you prefer a few stems of your favourite variety or a full blown elaborate gathering, a fast way to amp up the “I-feel-special” mood is to add flowers. Fresh blooms add a fragrant appeal while appeasing our love for beauty. If fresh-cut stems aren’t your jam, you can still add the vibrancy of plant life with a potted option – orchids and succulents are ideal planted options for an easy yet pretty bedroom vibe. W &19!9:/*!:*0+*#(.-2 $-# %;-:-!(
4. White Moroccan leather pouf. Available at The Cross Decor & Design, 1198 Homer; $395. My décor preferences have
Fraud cheats everyone and comes in all shapes and sizes. Some fraud is organized and orchestrated by a group of individuals, namely, staged accidents and stolen vehicle rings.
Fraudulent claims take a toll on B.C. drivers
While most B.C. drivers are honest when it comes to making insurance claims, there are a few that are hurting things for the rest of us in the province. Industry studies estimate that about 10 to 20 per cent of all insurance claims contain an element of fraud or exaggeration. Applying those estimates here means fraud is costing us up to $600 million per year, or more than $100 annually on every auto insurance policy.
To learn more about auto insurance fraud, go to
6 W March 3 - March 9, 2016
Other types of fraud are less obvious. Fraud like this includes exaggerating the extent of an injury, misrepresenting a previous medical condition or slanting the situation when reporting a claim. It s not unheard of for people to embellish their claim by including vehicle damage unrelated to the crash, or to claim they can t work when they re actually back on the job. These tactics may not make the news, but the costs add up and come out of all of our pockets we all end up paying for those who cheat the system. ICBC combats fraud with their Special Investigation Unit, which last year looked at more than 5,000 claims Tles. This includes a cyber unit that employs information publicly available on the internet and social media to investigate suspected fraudulent claims. They re in the process of increasing their focus on investigations, including training and analytics technology that Sags patterns and predictors of fraud. By stepping up efforts to reduce fraudulent and exaggerated claims, along with managing injury claims costs, ICBC is working to take pressure off rising insurance rates. Fraud. It cheats us all.
Rose gold pastel hair from Suki’s. Submitted photo
Spring hair trends for 2016
Suki’s pros weigh in on colours and styles for the season Niki Hope Style File
@NikiMHope A “celebration of the individual” is how famed hairstylist Eugene Souleiman describes 2016 spring looks. With a varied assortment of colours, textures, and accessories strolling down runways – some of them put together by Souleiman himself – it’s clear we are in an uncompromising era of individuality. But even in this period, when we are blasted with imagery and inspiration via social media, a few favourites still manage to emerge. We called on the team at Suki’s – a Vancouver hair institution, started more than 40 years ago by matriarch Suki Takagi – to weigh-in on the latest in hair. Credited with changing the hairdressing landscape in Vancouver, Suki’s continues to be quite literally on the cutting edge when it comes to education and training. Ashley Hood, a colour designer, instructor and creative colour specialist, offers her views on how to achieve some of spring’s best looks – for every individual.
The senior colour designer and L’Oréal Artistic educator spends a ton of time training (it’s part of the Suki’s culture). Recently, she was in Toronto for training where she learned about the latest technique, called strobing. Similar to the contouring trend in makeup, strobing works with a women’s face shape, using colour to highlight and accent her best features.
Babylights, or naturallooking highlights that mimic the sun-kissed tones your hair took on as a tot. The delicate highlights are created using a very fine hair
colour technique to mimic subtle highlights. Balayage is a French word meaning to sweep or to paint, and offers colour with softer and less noticeable regrowth lines. The colour technique has taken over from ombre (the gradual blending of one hair tone to another) as the go-to soft, natural look, and expert stylists know which colours suit your skin tone, so that it lights up your features. “Everyone realized that balayage looks likeVictoria’s Secret hair, so they wanted to switch over to that,” Hood says.
This isn’t a new trend per se, but it’s gaining traction as more and more women take the dip into unconventional colours. For those of us just outside the Millennial generation (and I’m not saying any numbers), Hood suggests tip-toeing the pastel world with a rose gold tone. She calls the coppery/pink colour a “mature pastel,” because it’s subtle, but still interesting and with a little edge. For younger women interested in taking the leap into candy-coloured hues, Hood says the rule of thumb for those with fair, pinkish skin is to opt for lighter shades: soft lavender, pink, baby blues. Lavender and grey work gorgeously on yellow-toned skin, she says. Darker skin tones benefit from vibrant colours: orchids, deep blues, turquoise (“really, really pretty on Asian hair,” Hood says). But if you’re going to go this route be prepared to maintain it, notes Hood, who says to expect touch-ups every three weeks.
Meanwhile, when it comes to hairstyle, senior stylist Amy Husche, who also recently returned from training in New York and Toronto, says to look for sleek up-dos, as opposed to the loose buns of last season. French braids are big, but in terms of cuts, generally speaking, it’s all about what works for the individual. W
Casual atmosphere belies Kinome’s elegant menu Anya Levykh Nosh
2511 West Broadway 778-379-1925 Open Thursday to Monday, 5:30pm until food runs out. Anyone who remembers the legendary Dan Japanese Restaurant will likely be familiar with Tokyo-trained chef Ryoma Matarai, who worked there before taking over the space and relaunching it as Kinome last year. The small, elegant space isn’t imposing; in fact, a multi-generational family of six one night are a perfect example of the regular crowd in here. Kinome has mass appeal, thanks to the polite and friendly service, the greetings from the kitchen when you walk in, and the pervasive “there’sno-rush” attitude. Food comes out when it’s ready, and you’re done when you’re done. And, oh, the food. Matarai’s soba noodles have received oodles of praise since he opened, and it’s all deserved. Made from a combination of local,
Anya Levykh Fresh Sheet
Macaron lovers are on high alert. Ladurée, the world-famous Parisian patisserie and tea room that has been serving up some of the world’s best macarons since 1862, is opening up its first Canadian location this spring on Robson Street.The shop will sell macarons, viennoiseries, teas, jams, and a selection of perfumed candles and home fragrances. In addition, there will be a small tea salon. Vancouver’s own Giancarlo Quiroz Jesus of The Diamond has been named winner of the 2016 Canadian Bacardi Legacy Cocktail Competition. Jesus will go on to compete in San Francisco as the Canadian representative in the Global Legacy Competition. The Vancouver International Wine Festival has announced the 2016 trade competition winners. Norman Gladstone was named Spirited Industry Professional, for his significant contributions to the sales, service and promotion of BC wines. Alistair Veen, chef/owner of Tap Restaurant in South Surrey, was named Sommelier of theYear. As well, the Wine Program Excellence Awards,
organic buckwheat flour and more-finely-milled Japanese buckwheat flour, the noodles are flash-cooked for a minute, then run under cold water to halt the cooking process. There’s also a bit of wheat flour in the mix, but it’s minor, and leaves the noodles without the heavy glutinous taste. Slightly square and beautifully cut, they’re served cold with various dipping sauces. My favourite was the warm duck broth ($15), lightly salty and earthy. There’s a note on the menu reminding you to eat the noodles quickly, as the texture changes within minutes. We accordingly slurped down a couple bowls quickly, and felt refreshed, without that heavy feeling that usually accompanies more-glutinous varieties. If you’re looking for sushi and sashimi, there is some on the menu, but it’s definitely not the focus here. The rotating sashimi plate ($18) is lovely, if tiny. One night featured glass shrimp, local sea urchin, ahi tuna and Japanese mackerel. The local seafood is all Ocean Wise-approved, but that from Japan is simply listed as wild-caught. All meats are local, free-range and certified organic. All vegetables are
Clockwise, from left: Kinome’s chef Ryoma Matarai; Asakusa soba noodles; Dashi-maki egg omelette. Jen Gauthier photos locally farmed or foraged (or from the chef’s own garden), and the bonito dashi stock is freshly shaved and deeply aromatic. This is also a zero-waste kitchen (there’s no garbage bin). In fact, the restaurant will accept plastic bags, clean Styrofoam containers and batteries from customers for recycling. The care taken in sourcing
ingredients is very clear in the final product. Prawn and vegetable tempura ($7) is a small square dish of perfectly fried green beans with a paper-thin, crunchy coating.The prawns are juicy, fresh and melt away just past the teeth. Chawanmushi ($7) was less impressive, although the steamed egg custard had good texture, if a bit bare in flavour.
If you have the time and inclination, go for the omakase menu. At $50, it’s an ever-changing list of five to six dishes that will consistently impress, like the misomarinated Berkshire pork or the delicate egg omelette flavoured with dashi. There is dessert, but opt to finish with the soba noodles (which traditionally
are served at the end of a meal). That light, refreshing slurp makes for a very happy belly. W Food: !!!!! Service: !!!!! Ambiance: !!!!! Value: !!!!! Overall: !!!!!
sponsored by Vancouver Magazine, were also awarded to multiple restaurants in BC and Fat Mao, chef Angus An’s new casual Thai-focused noodle joint, now has a liquor license and is open seven days a week from 11:30am-9pm. The After Work Special (4pm7pm daily) offers any bowl of noodles plus a beer for $14.99. There are also some new small plates and desserts on the menu. Lauren Mote of Uva Wine & Cocktail Bar has launched a “World Class” happy hour program, encompassing the cocktails that made Mote the first woman to win the Diageo World Class Canada bartending competition. Drinks include the Middle Earth (rye, white vermouth, amaro, balsalm fir, and orange and juniper bitters) and the Choclair (fresh espresso, bourbon, Grand Marnier, cacao, red berries, gentian and chocolate bitters), among others. Each cocktail is priced at $12 and is available daily 2pm-6pm. After five, sold-out nights at New York City’s Exhibit C, The Acorn is re-enacting their five-course vegan tasting menu on March 6. The dinner also includes wines paired by sommelier Kurtis Kolt. Tickets are $95. W
Catch a White Spot Tradition battered halibut is served with creamy coleslaw and endless fries cut from fresh BC Kennebec potatoes. It’s a tradition worth catching. On now for a limited time. and tasty traditions
* Valid after 11am at participating White Spot Restaurants until March 31st, 2016. Not to be combined with any other promotional offer. Plus taxes.
GRANVILLE & DRAKE 718 Drake Street 604-605-0045
GEORGIA & CARDERO 1616 West Georgia Street 604-681-8034
DUNSMUIR & HOMER 405 Dunsmuir Street 604-899-6072
BROADWAY & LARCH 2518 West Broadway 604-731-2434
OAKRIDGE CENTRE 41st & Cambie 604-261-2820
March 3 - March 9, 2016 W 7
Victoria’s 4 Mile Brewing will be one of the many Vancouver Island breweries showcasing their wares at Victoria Beer Week, March 4-12. Contributed photo
You should go to Victoria Beer Week, OK? Stephen Smysnuik The Growler @TheGrowlerBC
There’s no question BC is overloaded with beer festivals. There are just too many choices for what amount essentially to the same concept: sip beer out of four-ounce tasting glasses amongst a bunch of strangers, then get drunk. They’re the same, right? Well, not really. Victoria Beer Week (March 4-12)
offers a week’s worth of unique events designed to satisfy all the different angles that craft beer enthusiasts are coming from – from the seasoned veterans to casual drinkers to obsessed foodies. And while there are a few of the quintessential tasting events, they’re all unique enough to warrant buying a ticket (or three). “Basically, we wanted to bring a lot more awareness about craft beer to Victoria, to introduce more people to it and satisfy the demand of people who are already into it here,” says festival organizer (and regular Growler contributor) Joe Wiebe. This year, organizers have introduced new events alongside popular ones from past years. There’s a cruise, plenty of booze, and some educational components for those that are interested. Ultimately VBW is as low-key as a beer week can get, promoting the fine art of hanging out and drinking good beer. Here’s a list of events you really ought to check out. Sold-out events haven’t been included.
Friday, March 4 and Saturday, March 5, 7:30-11pm, Victoria Public Market $56 (per night) VBW’s opening weekend events offer 28 unique cask beers from breweries all over the province. Each night has a completely different lineup of beers (though some breweries are participating both nights), which means, if you’re crazy, you could try 56 different beers in two nights. Tickets come with eight drink tickets, one food ticket and a VBW sampler glass.
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8 W March 3 - March 9, 2016
Tuesday, March 8, 7-10pm, The Drake Eatery, $35 Last year’s night of beer and storytelling was such
a hit in 2015 that they’ve brought it back. And because it lands on International Women’s Day, the night will focus on female brewers, who’ll share their stories of inspiration, frustration and education in the male-dominated BC beer industry. Tickets come with three 10-ounce servings of beer and three paired food samples.
Tuesday, March 8, 7pm, The Churchill, $30 If storytelling ain’t your thing, there’s always VBW’s nerdiest event – the sour beer showcase. This year offers 12 unique sour beers from Driftwood, Four Winds, Fuggles & Warlock, Strange Fellows and more. Admission includes with six drink tickets.
Friday, March 11, 7:3010:30pm, Victoria Public Market, $40 For it’s newest event, VBW has partnered with Cowichan Bay Seafood for a beer-pairing event, featuring13 BC breweries and fresh local fish and shellfish dishes. Tickets come with eight beer tokens, two food tickets and a VBW sampler glass. Crab boil plates (half a crab) are available for an extra $20.
Saturday, March 12, 1-7pm, Market Square, $25 The Growler is co-presenting VBW’s largest (and only daytime) event of the week. Unlike most beer festivals, this one will feature only never-released beers. The 12 breweries involved had to create brand new recipes in order to participate. Tickets include four beer tickets and a VBW sampler glass. Visit for a full schedule, as well as ticket and travel info. W
Bacchanalia benefits Bard on the Beach Michaela Morris By the Bottle @MichaelaWine
I’m still recovering from a week of sipping, spitting, speaking and socializing.TheVancouver InternationalWine Festival is truly a marathon tasting where stamina is put to the test. Besides trolling booths for great new finds, learning the latest at sit-down seminars and rubbing shoulders with wine producers from around the world, the other objective of this festival is to raise money forVancouver’s Bard on the Beach Shakespeare Festival. Fundraising endeavours are at the fore of the Bacchanalia Gala Dinner + Auction which always kicks off theVIWF. On Saturday, Feb. 20, myself and 399 other guests dressed to the nines and indulged in a five-course meal with stellar pairings while we bid on a bevy of collectible wines. Wine is a common auction item at many local benefits, but Bacchanalia surely offers the most extensive selection. Local and international wineries contribute special cuvées and large formats to garner excitement. Big-ticket items hail from private collectors who dig deep in their cellars to find a prized bottle that might cause a bidding war.These philanthropists donate rare bottles that have increased in value over the years.Why would they give them away? Perhaps their tastes have changed or they purchased more wine than they can consume themselves. In many cases, it is simple generosity. The cream of the crop is featured in a live auction where public bidding will hopefully drive up the price.The spotlight this year was placed on a bottle of 1906 Château Latour.Valued at $10,000, this 110-year-old bottle from one of Bordeaux’ most prestigious properties went for $8,500. I guess you could say the highest bidder got a deal but it’s certainly not something he’ll crack on a Monday night, or even ever perhaps.The most successful lot was a quartet of Bordeaux first-growths from the highly touted 2000 vintage.Together a bottle each of Mouton-Rothschild, Lafite, Latour and La Mission Haut-Brion exceeded the $10,750 value bringing in a final bid of $13,000. Well over a hundred other lots ranging from $60 to $3,600 were sold off in a silent auction. Traditionally these wines were displayed in a reception area accompanied by a sheet of paper where eager purchasers could place their bids.This year theVIWF introduced electronic tablets at each of the dinner tables. After perusing the selection, guests sat down to eat and didn’t need to interrupt their
meal to continue bidding. A brilliant move indeed. In playing with the tablet, I somehow found myself one click away from being the proud owner of six bottles of 2002 Château d’Yquem Sauternes. (That was the $3,600 lot.) Between live and silent auction, Bacchanalia drew in $210,000 this year.The total net proceeds that theVIWF will contribute to Bard on the
Beach will be announced in June. By that time, Bard on the Beach will be in full swing. Even if you didn’t make it to Bacchanalia or any of the otherVIWF events, you can still support our local Shakespeare Company by catching a show. Best of all you can purchase an affordable glass of wine and take it into the theatre with you, kind of like in ancient Roman times. Cheers to that I say. W
Vancouver International Wine Fest’s 2016 Bacchanalia Gala raised $210,000, with net proceeds benefitting Bard on the Beach. Contributed photo
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March 3 - March 9, 2016 W 9
Eleanor Friedberger, March 4
REDRICK SULTAN Experimental funk-jazz and prog-rock from local rockers as they celebrate the release of Jest Us with Supermoon and Jo Passed. 9:30pm at The Cobalt. Tickets $10 at the door only.
ELEANOR FRIEDBERGER American singer-songwriter and vocalist for The Fiery Furnaces, on tour in support of her third solo release, New View, with special guests Icewater and Rolla Olak. 8:30pm at The Cobalt. Tickets $15 at Red Cat, Zulu and
ANDERSON EAST American R&Bblues-pop musician from Athens, Alabama, swings through town in support of his debut album, Delilah, with special guest Dylan LeBlanc. 8pm at The Cobalt. Tickets $13 at Red Cat, Zulu and
AN EVENING OF SONG Reuniting under one roof, Elliot Christopher Way of The Wild North, Brother Bob Sumner and Dirty Luke dust off and get back in the saddle with new material, old favourites and special guest cowboy poet, Davy Longworth. 8pm at WISE Hall. Tickets $10 at the door.
BLACK SABBATH Legendary British rockers make good on promise of a rescheduled show, part of The End tour with special guests Rival Sons. 7:30pm at Rogers Arena. Tickets $49.50+ at and
REBELUTION Roots-reggae band from Santa Barbara bring the Winter Greens tour to town with special guest Proteje. 8pm at Commodore Ballroom. Tickets $23.50+ at Red Cat, Highlife, and
QUEER PROV Back for another year of hilarious antics, Vancouver’s unique Queer Improv Comedy troupe hits the stage featuring Pearce Visser, Amy Lucille, Jamie Chrest, Shane Edwards, Aamir Khan, and Josh Rimer. 8pm at XY (1216 Bute).
FRANK TURNER & THE SLEEPING SOULS English folk singersongwriter brings his backing band, on tour in support of Positive Songs for Negative People with special guests Northcote and Mo Kenney. 8pm at Commodore Ballroom. Tickets $30+ at Red Cat, and THE BILLS BC’s finest stringband appear in support of their new album Trail of Tales. 8pm at St. James Hall. Tickets $24 at Red Cat, Highilfe, Tapestry Music, Rufus’ Guitars and
COMEDY DINO ARCHIE Vancouver comic from Fresno, California plays the first of three nights with local comics Chris James and Charlie Demers. 8:30pm at The Comedy Mix. Tickets $15 at
THEATRE/DANCE FOUTREMENT Quebec’s lauded contemporary dance company, Compagnie Virginie Brunelle, makes their highly anticipated west coast premiere in this provocative and physically complex work exploring themes of love and infidelity. 8pm at Yaletown Roundhouse Exhibition Hall. Tickets $25+ at Runs until March 5.
ART ANTISOCIAL MEDIA A collection of works from iheart, eafo and The Grominator made in the wake of several cliché personal experiences involving love, addiction, and stupidity simultaneously mourning and rejoicing in this unsolicited eduation. 12-5pm at Hot Art Wet City. Runs until March 19.
AOIFE O’DONOVAN American folk-rock singer-songwriter on tour in support of her latest release, In The Magic Hour, with special guests Robt Sarazin Blake. 8:30pm at Biltmore Cabaret. Tickets $20 at Red Cat, Highlife, Zulu and
JOSEPH Indie-folk-pop sister trio from Portland, Oregon on tour in support of their debut release, Native Dreamer Kin, with special guest Corey Kilgannon. 8:30pm at Biltmore Cabaret. Tickets $15 at Red Cat, Zulu and HEY MARSEILLES Seattle indie rockers on tour in support of their latest release, Lines We Trace, with special guest Hibou. 8pm at Media Club. Tickets $13 at Red Cat, Zulu and LENNIE GALLANT Acadian singer-songwriter-guitarist performs an intimate show of his signature folk, rock, country and Celtic sounds. 8pm at St. James Hall. Tickets $24 at Red Cat, Highlife, Tapestry Music, Rufus’ Guitars and JAMES PRESCOTT TRIO An evening of high energy jazz from Vancouver’s best up and coming in the genre featuring Prescott, Nikko Whitworth and Chris Roberts. 9pm at Skinny Fat Jack’s. Tickets $5 at the door only. CHORAL TAPESTRY Vancouver Chamber Choir presents an outstanding repertoire of North American choral music based on the models of musical immigrants from Europe. 8pm at Shaughnessy Heights United Church. Tickets $27.50+ at BONGZILLA AND BLACK COBRA Wisconsin stoner metal band and San Fran doom metal rockers co-headline with Lo-Pan and Against The Grain. 7pm at Rickshaw Theatre. Tickets $25 at Red Cat, Neptoon, Scrape and
CANNIBAL CORPSE Regarded as the biggest death metal band in the world, the American rock outfit appears with special guests Obituary, Cryptopsy and Abysmal Down. 8pm at Commodore Ballroom. Tickets $32.50+ at Scrape, and WETT STILETTOS Vancouver punk rock outfit hits the stage with special guests The Getmines, Dried Out and Bound By None. 9:30pm at Railway Club. Tickets $10 at the door only.
THEATRE/DANCE CHICKENS TAKE EUROPE: A BURLESQUE SPECTACULAR As Western Canada’s largest and longest-running, award-winning burlesque troupe get ready to pack their bags and travel across the pond to headline in Munich, they give a hometown audience a sneak peek in true chicken mayhem. 8pm at WISE Hall. Tickets $15 at ChickensTakeEurope.BPT. me or $20 at the door. POSTSECRET: THE SHOW Projected images, videos, three actors and a guitarist guide the audience through an immersive, poignant journey through the humour and humanity of the personal stories we keep to ourselves, and on rare occasions, share with others. 8pm at Firehall Arts Centre. Tickets at Runs until March 5.
JOHN BEUHLER One of North America’s fastest rising and controversial comedians, the West Coast native has opened for Martin Short and Joan Rivers, with appearances on Just For Laughs, and star of his own Global mockumentary Chill with Kelly Dyer and Kyle Jones. 7pm & 9:30pm at Yuk Yuk’s. Tickets $20 at
THE SUNDAY SERVICE The award-winning improv comedy troupe brings their high energy commitment to comedy with a little slapstick shtick, carrying the audience through a kaleidoscopic trip where scenes barrel into tangents and stories smash together creating comedy gold. 9pm at Fox Cabaret. Tickets $7 at the door.
THEATRE/DANCE WAIT UNTIL DARK A masterfully constructed thriller woven with secret identities, a sordid drug smuggling ring, and murder as a recently blinded woman unwittingly finds herself in possession of a doll filled with heroin. 8pm at Havana Theatre. Tickets at Runs until March 12.
EVENTS SHE In honour of International Women’s Day, SHE spotlights indigenous, black, mixed race women who gather to rock mics, bodies and hearts with live poetry and sound featuring Jillian Christmas & Chelsea Johnson, Tasha Receno, Okalani, Quanah Style, Mam Rudegyal, Miss Christie Lee and Succulents, hosted by the amazing Jazmine Khan in a trans-friendly, hate-free queer space. 8pm at WISE Hall. Tickets $10-$20 sliding scale at the door.
THEATRE/DANCE THE GAY HERITAGE PROJECT Buddies In Bad Times Theatre returns to Vancouver with this production from three of the country’s most gifted creator/ performers who uncover a rich history of LGBTQ culture not often shared and shine new light on contemporary gay culture. 2pm at Vancouver East Cultural Centre. Runs until March 19. GO, DOG. GO! Carousel Theatre for Young People brings PD Eastman’s classic children’s book to life on stage in a zany, tonguewagging, tail-spinning musical, fun for the whole family. 2pm at Waterfront Theatre. Tickets at Runs until March 20.
THE LAUGH GALLERY Graham Clark wants you to come and laugh at his jokes as he hosts this wonderfully eclectic show featuring some of the best and brightest comics in the city. 9pm at Havana Theatre. Tickets $5 at
ART LIKE A ROLLING STONE An exhibition about rock and rock conflates geology and rock music considering the ways in which two seemingly unrelated subjects linked by the same homograph share associations and points of contact. 12-5pm at Charles H. Scott Gallery. Runs until April 17.
CHEAP & FUN BOOB TUBE MONDAYS Join East Van’s oddball drag couple Ponyboy and Thanks Jem at Uncle Abe’s, AKA the reincarnation of your family’s rec room, for this new queer weekly viewing party launching with Season 8 of RuPaul’s Drag Race and just like home – the drinks are cheap, there’s no cover and somebody will be performing in front of the TV. 9pm at Uncle Abe’s (3032 Main).
Run River North, March 8
Sunday, March 13, 11:00am to 12:30pm Choices Floral Shop & Annex 2615 W. 16th Ave. Vancouver
HEALING BONE BROTHS WITH ANDREA POTTER; RHN, ROOTED NUTRITION Join Registered Holistic Nutritionist and Chef Andrea Potter of Rooted Nutrition for this live cooking demo and learn to make organic, collagen-rich bone broth that you can enjoy as is or use as a base for soups, stews, pilafs and more. Cost $40 plus tax includes recipes and tastings. Register online For inquiries, please call 604-952-2266. /ChoicesMarkets
10 W March 3 - March 9, 2016
Robyn Hitchcock, March 10
REVEREND HORTON HEAT Legendary Texas psychobilly trio returns to town with special guests Unknown Hinson, Legendary Shack Shakers and Lincoln Durham. 8pm at Rickshaw Theatre. Tickets $26.50 at Highlife, Neptoon, Red Cat, Zulu and
SILVERSTEIN Canadian post-hardcore band on tour in support of the recently released I Am Alive In Everything I Touch with special guests Being As An Ocean, Emarosa, Youth Decay and Rarity. 6:30pm at The Imperial. Tickets $20 at Red Cat, Scrape, Zulu and
ANDREW WEDMAN: BASS PIANO INSTALLATION Musician/piano technician transforms an upright piano turning it down a full octave, taking on a unique tonal quality for an installation/concert. 7pm at Western Front. Admission is free.
RUN RIVER NORTH Indie-folkpop band from LA on tour in support of Drinking From A Salt Pond with special guest The Wild Reeds. 9pm at Biltmore Cabaret. Tickets $15 at Red Cat, Zulu and HEART Legendary rock duo, sisters Ann and Nancy Wilson hit the stage with special guests Joan Jett & The Blackhearts. 7:30pm at Orpheum Theatre. Tickets $85+ at All ages show. PROTOMARTYR & CHASTITY BELT American post-punk band headlines with the Seattle rock ‘n’ roll outfit. 8pm at Fortune Sound Club. Tickets $13 at Red Cat, Zulu and
THEATRE/DANCE GA TING A powerful and emotionally charged story centres around an immigrant Chinese couple trying to come to terms with their death of their son, as they invite his Caucasian boyfriend for dinner after the funeral. 8pm at Vancouver East Cultural Centre. Tickets at Runs until March 19. CATS The musical theatre phenomenon, based on the poetry of TS Eliot tells the story of the annual gathering of Jellicle Cats, where upon one special cat is selected to ascend to the Heaviside layer. 8pm at Jericho Arts Centre. Tickets at Runs until March 12.
ELAQUENT DJ/producer from Ottawa swings through town in support of Less Is More, with special guests Nick Wisdom, Joseph L’Étranger and BSD.U. 9pm at Biltmore Cabaret. Tickets $13 at Red Cat and ROBERT SARAZIN BLAKE Bellingham folk singer-songwriter begins his March residency, telling tales and singing raw, honest songs with surprise local guests each week. 8pm at Skinny Fat Jack’s. RANDY MCALLISTER One of the most versatile bluesmen in Texas, McAllister plays driving drums and world-class harmonica, writes incredible songs and sings like no one else. 7pm at Fairview Pub. Tickets $15 at the door. Theatre/Dance TU TE SOUVIENDRAS DE MOI When a retired history teacher starts to lose his memory, the man used to expressing his ideas in the media via his position as a political analyst must suddenly step out of the spotlight, and in doing so revisits a part of his personal life he had chosen to forget. 8pm at Studio 16. Tickets at Runs until March 12. THE HOOKER MONOLOGUES A collection of true stories paint a candid portrait of various aspects of the sex work industry, challenging myths and dispelling stigmas, as created and performed by a collective of active and former sex workers and allies. 8pm at Firehall Arts Centre. Tickets $20 at Runs until March 13.
JUNIOR BOYS Canadian electronic music duo stop by in support of their new release, Big Black Coat, with special guests Jessy Lanza and Borys. 9pm at The Imperial. Tickets $20 at Red Cat, Beat Street, Zulu and
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ROBYN HITCHCOCK British singer-songwriter and multiinstrumentalist plays tunes from the recently released The Man Upstairs, with special guest Emma Swift. 9pm at Biltmore Cabaret. Tickets $20 at Red Cat, Zulu and ANJUNABEATS An evening of EDM with performances from Andrew Bayer, iLan Bluestone and Jason Ross. 9pm at Commodore Ballroom. Tickets $38.50 at THE REAL MCKENZIES Blistering punk rock boot stompers and passionate sing-a-long ballads from this road-hardened crew of travelling minstrels, as they hit the stage with special guests Bishop’s Green and Boids. 8pm at Venue. Tickets $16 at BPLive.
Mon-Fri: 10am-5pm Sat: 10am-5:30pm Sun: 12pm-5pm
COMEDY ANDREW GROSE Charlottetown, PEI comedian heard weekdays on Alberta’s 630 CHED’s Afternoon News brings over twenty-five years of live comedy club and theatre performance experience with opening sets from Sophie Buddle and Darcy Michael. 8:30pm at Comedy Mix. Tickets $15 at
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THEATRE/DANCE MOLL CelticFest presents this production of Irish playwright John B. Keane’s award-winning play, an uproarious comedy that parodies the goings-on in a rural presbytery in Kerry in the 1970’s. 8pm at St. James Hall. Tickets $20 at Runs until March 16.
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$30 general, $40 premium seating, $27 seniors & students (plus $5 fee) or at the door
March 3 - March 9, 2016 W 11
Under the Armour of Rae Spoon Canadian wordsmith explores complex themes on eighth studio album
KRISTYN ANTHONY @allovthethings
On the cover of Rae Spoon’s new album Armour, is an armadillo.The geometric image of a tiny mammal protected by its leathery armour shell is the artistic interpretation of a rather comical tale Spoon tells like the opening of a joke. “You know the one about the man in Texas who tried to shoot an armadillo” they start, “the bullet just bounced right off its shell.” For the transgender Canadian artist, who grew up in a strict Pentacostal family with a schizophrenic father in rural Alberta, the metaphor resonates. Spoon has dodged a few bullets of their own in just over three decades, with eight albums, two books and a documentary film to prove it. On Armour – released Feb. 19 on Coax Records – Spoon takes on yet another role, that of producer. Collaborating with Lorrie Matheson and Alexandre Decoupigny, Spoon calls this collection of songs, “A tribute to the intimate space where both hope and despair have space to share the same voice.” “I wanted to move into
Rae Spoon’s new album, Armour, eschews the computer-generated electronic sounds of her previous work in favour of analogue synths. Foxx Foto photo producing others, so I had to start with myself,” Spoon says on the line from their home in Victoria. “I like to try new things, and don’t always expect I’m going to be good at them, but I think you get good at things by doing them. And anything that is an extension of music makes a lot of sense to learn.” On Armour, Spoon relies on analogue synths instead of the computer-based electronic sounds that have defined
her work over much of the past decade. “If I switch instruments, I find I write differently,” says Spoon. Armour’s sound seamlessly aligns with their signature vocals, where fragility and strength coexist, embodying the duality that is Rae Spoon. “I like genres, and I don’t think any of them would be incorrect,” Spoon says thoughtfully. “You can still hear in my voice I think, that
I was a country singer. Musically, I identify as a songwriter, that’s the thing I’ve tried to carry across genres.” Spoon’s body of work is a roaming, explorative journey through traditional country and folk to indie and electronic-pop with pit stops in books (First Spring Grass Fire, Gender Failure) and film (My Prairie Home). But what has always remained quintessentially Spoon, is their unique ability to write so simply and
concisely, painting nuanced depictions of broader, more complicated themes. On the new record, Spoon writes of the troubling lack of rights and freedoms for transgender Canadians in the Charter in “Written Across The Sky” and calls out gender and cultural appropriation in “Stolen Song”. “[Am I] trans?Yes, as far as the umbrella definition as someone who doesn’t identify as the sex they were assigned at birth,” says Spoon. “I do get asked a lot about being trans, and using the pronoun ‘they’ and I do talk a lot about it. “You can’t really separate Rae the artist from Rae the person.” Spoon has built a career on self-discovery, remaining transparent enough to relate to an audience of many on a similar journey. Finding community, or a “chosen family,” as they refer to it, is important for Spoon, having grown up in a place without resources for queer youth. “When you’re a public figure, on any level, you do have to make choices about what you say, how you say it,” Spoon says, reflecting on their status as a role model in LGBTQ circles. “But, because of my privilege I should be pushing for change, in regard to any kind of oppression.” A shy child, Spoon maintains writing songs and playing them at their church
youth group enabled them to come out of their shell. Spoon soon discovered secular music while learning to play guitar; first pop, then later the burgeoning grunge sound. “Being forced to sing was a nice parting gift the church gave me,” Spoon says with a laugh. “Learning the punk strum, and then to untrain the country chords and the twang I put on my voice. I joke that that was my big transitional point.” Life is a little less complicated for Spoon these days. Recently married while on the chaotic promotional leg for My Prairie Home, Spoon has settled down in sleepy Victoria after years in Montreal and Germany. After spending so much time in big cities across the world while on tour, Spoon says they enjoy coming home to wake early, spending their days writing and recording, with quiet evenings around the house with their partner. “I wanted this album to read like I ended up in a better place,” says Spoon. “In the end, I realized I had to write more upbeat, happier songs so people wouldn’t worry about me.” W
Canadian musician/author plays two SOLD OUT shows March 13 at Skinny Fat Jack’s.
The secret code of Puccini’s Madama Butterfly Vancouver Opera brings back beloved Italian classic KELSEY KLASSEN @kelseyklassen
The very first time Leslie Dala conducted the opera Madama Butterfly, he noticed it: a kind of Puccini code talking to him from the score. Like Robert Langdon on a DaVinci quest, Dala leans forward excitedly in his chair in the Vancouver Opera meeting room as he describes the moment: “The last time I did this, I discovered what I think is a sort of morse code in one section in Act 3, where Butterfly says to Suzuki, ‘Ma non viene più.Te l’han detto?’ [He told you that he is not coming back?].” In the haunting silence of the orchestra, they answer her question with two notes, two plucks that seem to say what goes unspoken. “It’s his kind of joke,” he continues. “[Suzuki] doesn’t
say anything, but the orchestra does.” Dala grins at his obscure revelation and Mihoko Kinoshita, seated next to him on break from rehearsals for the lead role of Cio-Cio-San (Butterfly), is agape.The storied soprano knows exactly what he is referring to, and starts humming the notes over and over in confirmation, like a veritable Japanese Sophie Neveu. It’s an altogether joyous, fascinating interaction. One that can only take place between two musical savants, sharing the experience of staging one of opera’s most beloved classics. Written in 1903 by Italian composer Giacomo Puccini, Madama Butterfly tells the exotic, heartbreaking tale of a young Japanese geisha who falls for an American naval officer.While the 15-year-old Butterfly remains faithfully committed to their marriage in her home of Nagasaki, the older Pinkerton is only briefly enchanted and entertained, eventually abandoning her for his real life and returning
12 W March 3 - March 9, 2016
Madama Butterfly conductor Leslie Dala, with soprano Mihoko Kinoshita. Dan Toulgoet photo casually years later to collect their child. Like many operas, Butterfly still tells a familiarly dramatic tale of star-crossed love, leading to transcendently romantic duets and soul-shattering conclusions,
but it does so with the grit and verismo, or realness, that defined much of Puccini’s career. It is also loaded with the soaring melodies and memorable arias that make the La Bohème and Tosca maestro a household name.
Furthermore, this is the 11th time Vancouver Opera has staged the tragic love story – tied for the most of any opera in the history of the 55-year-old organization – and for good reason. Not only is Madama Butterfly a
wonderful introduction to the art form for newcomers, it is also widely considered Puccini’s masterpiece. It is Kinoshita’s masterpiece – the role she has performed more often and to more acclaim than any other in her career – as well. In fact, Kinoshita – who first appeared in Vancouver as Butterfly in 2010 – is regarded as one of the greatest Cio-Cio-Sans in the world. So much so that Tom Wright, Vancouver Opera’s director of artistic planning, revealed in conversation that one of the organization’s biggest donors specifically offered financial help to ensure her return for this one. “For me it’s such a pleasure to work with Mihoko because she’s done this so many times and she’s so musical and so instinctive,” praises Dala, as she listens on. “To me she is Butterfly – she inhabits that world.” W x Vancouver Opera’s Madama Butterfly runs for six performances, March 5-13.Tickets from $45;
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Smells like indie spirit
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What does the success of the service side of the biz mean for indie film?
IKEA Coquitlam
Sabrina Furminger Reel People
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Nearly two years have passed since Reel People sprang to life in these very pages. My original mission was to introduce Vancouverites to the brilliant and passionate “reel people” who populate our city’s film and television industry. Over the course of 100 columns, I’ve written about all manner of individuals who work in the biz: actors and stunt artists; directors and writers; voice performers and animators; producers and composers. Reel People was born when the film and TV industry was recovering from one of the slowest periods in its history – but despite claims that the industry had been on death’s door, our local reel people had never really ceased creating compelling screen-based products. Even though the American work had dried up and the service side of the industry was on life support, indie features and web series and shorts were still being lovingly crafted by a legion of top-tier professionals. They were doing what artists do: creating their work on shoestring budgets, supporting each other, forgoing recompense and
Peter Benson directs Marrying the Family. Contributed photo personal comfort so that they could send meaningful art into the universe. And some truly remarkable work was created during the darkest days: Down River, which won a slew of Leo Awards and featured masterful performances from Gabrielle Miller, Helen Shaver, Colleen Rennison, and Jennifer Spence; Sociable Films’ Afterparty; What An Idiot, a cameoheavy laugh-fest from Julia and Peter Benson; an array of shorts, such as Fade Out and those created via Crazy8s; and some of the best web series offerings on the interwebs, including Parked. Now, the service part of the industry is back. Vancouver is the third largest film production centre in North America. The commercial success of Deadpool – which poured nearly $40 million into the economy when it filmed here last year – has led to this moment where experts and stakeholders are proclaiming that the industry is stronger than ever. Take this excerpt from a Feb. 19 press release released by the Mayor’s office: “The City of Vancouver continues to establish itself as a premier destination for film and TV
production with 2015 proving to be a record setting year.The City has posted an increase of more than 40% in film activity over 2014.” The press release notes a record 158 commercials filmed in Vancouver in 2015, as well as 309 episodes of television, and 10 more feature films than in 2014. A lot of people worked tirelessly to bring the service work back to the 604. And all signs point to an even busier 2016. What the release doesn’t address is the independent scene – which, let’s be honest, encompasses pretty much everything that is created by Vancouver’s hometown filmmakers. So what happens to the independent arm of the industry now that people are swamped with service jobs? How will this busy service period impact the indie scene? I don’t know what the future holds for the indie scene. I know I’m not the only one thinking about it, though. I’ve witnessed a number of emotionally charged Facebook exchanges on the subject already.
Continued on page 16
• • • • •
2 BR. 2 bath TOP FLOOR strata Great for couple or young family Windows on 3 sides—sunny balc Slate entry, maple floors throughout MBR w/ 3 pce ensuite, N&S windows
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Foraging foods has become a local urban trend, and for us Vancouverites, it’s easy to get into nature and find our next meal.You can literally go off the beaten path (or on) and grab a free lunch. Nature is so full of edible abundance! There is something so wonderfully primal about going back to the hunter-gatherer stage we evolved from (well, mostly).These days, we do our gathering at the grocery store and someone else does our ‘hunting’. Convenience wins for most of us. While more and more people get into the local sustainable food movement, foraging for food has become immensely popular, and there are tons of resources out there that can help to guide you along the way.There are restaurants offering foraged foods on their menus, and companies like West Coast Wild Foods that sell locally-foraged products.This beautiful city/ province/country of ours is so full of food, we just need to know where to look and what to look for to take advantage.
Continued from page 14
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It’s not a clear-cut Us vs. Them debate, either: many of the artists who work on one side channel their passion, time, and skills into the other.This is a more nuanced discussion than “Service industry = bad! Indie scene = good!” We need a thriving service industry.We need the infrastructure and the jobs that come with being a premiere film production destination. Our artists can stand shoulder to shoulder with best in the world. And it is wonderful whenever our local stars and crews and locations are afford-
iStock photo Foraging is a skill that has been passed down from generation to generation, a tradition that was based on survival, and in some parts of the world it still is. It’s not only a great way to collect food, but it’s also a humble way to reconnect with nature. Here is what you can find in our beautiful wilderness…
though I encourage you to take an educated tour which are available all over the city before you dive into mushroom picking head-on).Wild mushrooms are high in copper, selenium and even have some vitamin D. Don’t go picking in BC Parks, however, as its illegal to forage there.
It’s almost that time of year again, when you can walk down nearly any alley and fill a bucket of fresh blackberries. I had never even tasted a blackberry until I came to Vancouver, and now I am part of this annual phenomenon. Blackberries are not only tasty, but are also high in vitamin C as well as antioxidants, and are great for your immune system and heart function.
There are good mushrooms and there are bad mushrooms, and when I say bad, I mean slow-painful-death bad (or quick, depending on the mushroom). It is not as fun as Alice inWonderland may have led you to believe. But there are a variety of wild edible mushrooms out there if you know where to look and what you’re looking for. Oyster mushrooms, blue chanterelles and cauliflower mushrooms are just a few of the varieties that can be found easily and safely identified (aled the opportunity to shine on the international stage. Heck, yes; let’s celebrate! But we need to tell our own stories, too, and to celebrate these local stories. Our local projects – our independent, Canadian-helmed features and shorts and web series – hold up a mirror to who we are. And yet, they’re so easily overlooked and forgotten. So maybe the discussion should begin with the value we place on our indie projects. Our indie projects reflect our city’s heart and soul; shouldn’t we value our homegrown work as much as the work we do for out-oftowners? This is a complicated issue,
syphilis is on the
rosehips are your go-to guys, but only in its natural fresh form, as its vitamin C content is destroyed when dried and declines rather quickly during storage.The rosehip is the round portion of rose flower just below the petals and contains the seed of the plant. The outer part is what you want; the hairy seeds on the inside might give your tummy an ache or two.
These little green leaves have a bite!You will want to wear gloves to gather stinging nettles – their name suggests why.They are easy to identify and find around BC, and they are also a great beginning for a newbie forager.These delectable greens are high in vitamins A and C, iron and calcium.They peak in the spring, so get your gloves on and go for a walk.
This versatile weed gets a bad rep, but as long as you are picking from a place that is not sprayed heavily with pesticides, then you can enjoy the leaves in a salad, the root as a great liver and there’s also dandelion wine.Yum! W
If you want a high concentrated dose of vitamin C, then
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one involving funders and regulators and distributors and, in many ways, cuts to the core of how much Canadians value (or, frankly, don’t value) our homegrown artists and stories. Either way, we shouldn’t forget our own stories as we service more foreign productions. Ideally, one (the moneymaker) will feed the other. When I threw this question up on my Facebook page, one of our city’s most prolific local actors posted that the “service side pays the bills and allows you some room to do the indie side.” I encourage you – amidst the fanfare that has character-
ized much of the industry media coverage of late – to, yes, absolutely, see Deadpool, and binge the new The XFiles, but please also consider making room in your life for projects that were created right here in the 604 by your fellow Vancouverites. You might have to work a bit to find them – scroll through iTunes and VOD; pop over to Superchannel; keep an eye on Canada Screens’ offerings; frequent festivals and single-screen cinemas – but, I promise you, it’ll be worth it, because these reel people are telling your stories. And – service side and indie side – I’ll continue to share their stories with you, too. W
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Syphilis rates are at an all-time high among gay men in Vancouver and you won’t always see symptoms.
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Free Will Astrology Ask Mish: Tampon Tools By Rob Brezsny Actress Blythe Baird writes about the problem that arises when her dog sees her eating a peanut butter and chocolate chip bagel. Her beloved pet begs for a piece and becomes miserable when it’s not forthcoming. Baird is merely demonstrating her love, of course, because she knows that eating chocolate can make canines ill. I suspect that life is bestowing a comparable blessing on you. You may feel mad and sad about being deprived of something you want. But the likely truth is that you will be lucky not to get it.
“I do not literally paint that table, but rather the emotion it produces upon me,” French artist Henri Matisse told an interviewer. “But what if you don’t always have emotion?” she asked him. This is how Matisse replied: “Then I do not paint. This morning, when I came to work, I had no emotion. So I took a horseback ride. When I returned, I felt like painting, and had all the emotion I wanted.” This is excellent advice for you to keep in mind, Taurus. Even more than usual, it’s crucial that you imbue every important thing you do with pure, strong emotions. If they’re not immediately available, go in quest of them.
Some night soon, I predict you’ll dream of being an enlightened sovereign who presides over an ecologically sustainable paradise. You’re a visionary leader who is committed to peace and high culture, so you’ve never gone to war. You share your wealth with the people in your kingdom. You revere scientists and shamans alike, providing them with what they need to do their good work for the enhancement of the realm. Have fun imagining further details of this dream, Gemini, or else make up your own. Now is an excellent time to visualize a fairy tale version of yourself at the height of your powers, living your dreams and sharing your gifts.
It’s not always necessary to have an expansive view of where you have been and where you are going, but it’s crucial right now. So I suggest that you take an inventory of the big picture. For guidance, study this advice from philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche: “What have you truly loved? What has uplifted your soul, what has dominated and delighted it at the same time? Assemble these revered objects in a row before you and they may reveal a law by their nature and their order: the fundamental law of your very self.”
Sportswear manufacturer Adidas is looking for ways to repurpose trash that humans dump in the oceans. One of its creations is a type of shoe made from illegal deep-sea nets that have been confiscated from poachers. I invite you to get inspired by Adidas’s work. From an astrological perspective, now is a good time to expand and refine your personal approach to recycling. Brainstorm about how you could convert waste and refuse into useful, beautiful resources -- not just literally, but also metaphorically. For example, is there a ruined or used-up dream that could be transformed into raw material for a shiny new dream?
“There isn’t enough of anything as long as we live,” wrote Raymond Carver. “But at intervals a sweetness appears and, given a chance, prevails.” According to my analysis of the astrological omens, Virgo, you’ll soon be gliding through one of these intervals. Now and then you may even experience the strange sensation of being completely satisfied with the quality and amount of sweetness that arrives. To ensure optimal results, be as free from greed as you can possibly be.
“For a wound to heal, you have to clean it out,” says author Yasmin Mogahed. “Again, and again, and again. And this cleaning process stings. The cleaning of a wound hurts. Yes. Healing takes so much work. So much persistence. And so much patience.” According to my analysis, Libra, you should be attending to this tough but glorious task. Although the work might be hard, it won’t be anywhere near as hard as it usually is. And you are likely to make more progress than you would be able to at other times.
“The other day, lying in bed,” writes poet Rodger Kamenetz, “I felt my heart beating for the first time in a long while. I realized how little I live in my body, how much in my mind.” He speaks for the majority of us. We spend much of our lives entranced by the relentless jabber that unfolds between our ears. But I want to let you know, Scorpio, that the moment is ripe to rebel against this tendency in yourself. In the coming weeks, you will have a natural talent for celebrating your body. You’ll be able to commune deeply with its sensations, to learn more abut how it works, and to exult in the pleasure it gives you and the wisdom it provides.
In his “Dream Song 67,” poet John Berryman confesses, “I am obliged to perform in complete darkness operations of great delicacy on my self.” I hope you will consider embarking on similar heroics, Sagittarius. It’s not an especially favorable time to overhaul your environment or try to get people to change in accordance with your wishes. But it’s a perfect moment to spruce up your inner world – to tinker with and refine it so that everything in there works with more grace. And unlike Berryman, you won’t have to proceed in darkness. The light might not be bright, but there’ll be enough of a glow to see what you’re doing.
Here’s the dictionary’s definition of the word “indelible”: “having the quality of being difficult to remove, wash away, blot out, or efface; incapable of being canceled, lost, or forgotten.” The word is often used in reference to unpleasant matters: stains on clothes, biases that distort the truth, superstitions held with unshakable conviction, or painful memories of romantic break-ups. I am happy to let you know that you now have more power than usual to dissolve seemingly indelible stuff like that. Here’s a trick that might help you: Find a new teacher or teaching that uplifts you with indelible epiphanies.
According to poet Tony Hoagland, most of us rarely “manage to finish a thought or a feeling; we usually get lazy or distracted and quit halfway through.” Why? Hoagland theorizes that we “don’t have the time to complete the process, and we dislike the difficulty and discomfort of the task.” There’s a cost for this negligence: “We walk around full of half-finished experiences.” That’s why Hoagland became a poet. He says that “poems model the possibility of feeling all the way through an emotional process” and “thinking all the way through a thought.” The coming weeks will be a favorable time to get more in the habit of finishing your own feelings and thoughts, Aquarius. It will also be more important than usual that you do so! (Hoagland’s comments appeared in Gulf Coast: A Journal of Literature and Fine Arts.)
Unless you work at night and sleep by day, you experience the morning on a regular basis. You may have a love-hate relationship with it, because on the one hand you don’t like to leave your comfortable bed so early, and on the other hand you enjoy anticipating the interesting events ahead of you. But aside from your personal associations with the morning, this time of day has always been a potent symbol of awakenings and beginnings. Throughout history, poets have invoked it to signify purity and promise. In myth and legend, it often represents the chance to see things afresh, to be free of the past’s burdens, to love life unconditionally. Dream interpreters might suggest that a dream of morning indicates a renewed capacity to trust oneself. All of these meanings are especially apropos for you right now, Pisces.
Mar. 3: Jessica Biel (34) Mar. 4: James Ellroy (68) Mar. 5: Eva Mendes (42) Mar. 6: Michelangelo (541) Mar. 7: Rachel Weisz (46) Mar. 8: Kat Von D (34) Mar. 9: John Cale (74)
and Fuck Buddies Sex with Mish Way
I have been with my boyfriend for five years and he still wusses out when I ask him to pick me up some tampons at the store. He either makes an excuses or “forgets them” or “did not see my text in time” when I ask for them while he is out. What is his damage? Why is he so afraid? You have a real Tampon Tool on your hands. If you and your boyfriend were five weeks in and he was 13 years old, I could let it slide, but it has been years. It’s just cotton. It’s not like he’s buying you a dildo. I don’t know why your boyfriend is afraid to buy your tampons. I really can not answer it. Maybe when he was in high school, he got his ass kicked in the parking lot and had to run inside with a bloody nose. Then, that cute girl he was too nervous to crush on helped him out by stopping the bleeding with a tampon from her purse? Maybe he had a father who refused to buy tampons for his mother? I don’t know his damage, but it’s obviously something heavy. And most likely, fixable. There are women who still walk down the feminine hygiene aisle with this movie-style fear that the cashier will get on the loud speaker and price check their “Ribbed for Her Pleasure” condoms and lavender panty liners. It’s stupid, but it’s there. Some people figure things out slowly and the fact that tampons are not embarrassing at all, is one of the big ones. Without a period your boyfriend would not have been born. His mother needed to menstruate to know that she had uterus, and that she could get impregnated and grow him inside of it. Maybe that’s just it? Tampons are associated with motherhood, life, birth? Maybe his mom forced him to walk down to the CVS every cycle and buy her the Super Pack, while all his friends were playing Donkey Kong? Maybe one day his buddies busted him walking home, sans bag, with the box? My advice it just ask him what is problem is. And if he keeps his lipped zipped, then start with a little aversion therapy. Start leaving OB’s on his pillow, like it’s a hotel chocolate. See how bad he panics. You may
have a reality show on your hands.
I have this solid fuck buddy thing going on with this girl and I want to turn into the real thing but I am afraid I will ruin what we have. How do I approach this without losing out? What do I do? The whole idea of a “fuck buddy” seems dated. I come from a generation that hung on the fringe of courtship, but now, most relationships start with a text, peak with sex, and peter out with a sub tweet. (For those of you who were born before 1985, a sub tweet is when someone posts about a particular person with malice or criticism without actually mentioning the culprit by name. Usually most of the user’s audience is aware who they are referring to.) Generally, Millennials fuck fast and date slow. Fuck buddies are abound, but rarely labeled as such. Aren’t we all just fuck buddies? If you want to break the awesome roll you have going and make a move for the “real thing” then realize that you may those this whole thing. Even when you go from friends to sex, you have put a burden on that friendship. The risk is simple: you may never go back to the friendship you had before because you have had sex. Is it worth the risk to destroy what you guys have going right now
and risk the relationship? If you think it is, I say go for it. Do you spend the night after sex? Do you hang out before or after fucking? Do you talk in bed? Does it feel as though you already have this special thing happening even if it never leaves your apartment? If you answered yes to these questions then maybe you have a shot and I say go for it. Ask her out on a date. Don’t do anything too big or intimidating, but just ease into it. Offer to make her dinner and watch a movie. Keep it at the home base, since that is what is familiar, and then tell her how you feel. Baby steps. You can do this. The chances are that she likes your company too, if she wants to cuddle with you after sex, listen to you tell stories about your job and knows the details of your life. However, if she fucks and runs like she’s god damn Liz Phair, then you may just be her boy toy. I highly doubt it. Or else you wouldn’t be interested. You can do this. Don’t be timid. Get what you want. And if you don’t, there’s always that black hole called Tinder. W
EMAIL MISH Send Mish your own sex questions and queries to
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COMING EVENTS Record Vinyl Show Sun March 6 East side Entrance Vancouver Flea Market 703 Terminal Ave Over 40 Tables of Vinyl Records,Cds,poster & memorabilia Adm $3.00 Tables only $35 Starts 11am to 5pm
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CANADA BENEFIT GROUP Do you or someone you know suffer from a disability? Get up to $40,000 from the Canadian Government. Toll-free 1-888-511-2250 or free-assessment CRIMINAL RECORD? Canadian Record Suspension (Criminal pardon) seals record. American waiver allows legal entry. Why risk employment, business, travel, licensing, deportation, peace of mind? Free consultation: 1-800-347-2540
Phone Hours: Mon to Fri 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Office Hours: 9 am to 5 pm
U-Haul Moving Center Vancouver claims a Landlords Contractual Lien against the following persons goods in storage at 1070 SE Marine Dr., Vancouver, BC, Tel: 604-325-6526. Auction is subject to cancellation at anytime without notice. 0264 Cynthia Arbeau 3677 Wellington Ave, Vancouver, BC 0456 Peter Edwin Small 205 East 10th Ave, Vancouver, BC 0626 Shaun Ignas 1130 Prince Rupert Blv, Prince Rupert, BC 0928 Kenneth Gregg Johns 940 B 70th Ave, Vancouver, BC 0974 Kyle James Pears 6888 Southpoint Drive, Burnaby, BC 1564 Steven Christensen 4990 Lorraine Ave, Burnaby, BC 2228 Neil Vernon Kenneth Adams 8820 No 1 Road, Richmond, BC 3668 Robert Fry 311 6630 Terlford Ave, Burnaby, BC A sale will take place at the storage location on Friday, March.18, 2016. Viewing 10:00AM-12:00PM. Sealed bids will be opened at 12:30PM. Room contents are personal/household goods unless noted otherwise. Bids will be for entire contents of each locker unit.
18 W March 3 - March 9, 2016
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in Burnaby, Vancouver & North Van locations. Air brakes a plus. Medical and Dental available. Please email resume with Drivers Abstract to: Looking for Casual/Relief Residential Care Workers & Awake Night Staff req’d: CRS, F/A & CPR, valid DL, exp working with people with developmental disabilities. Send resume & cover letter to:
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Vancouver, BC
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March 3 - March 9, 2016 W 19
WEEKLY SPECIALS Prices Effective March 3rd to 9th, 2016.
100% BC Owned and Operated PRODUCE
MEAT Organic California Bunch Spinach from Cal O
Organic California Fancy Blood Oranges
1.98 bunch
Johnston’s Centre Cut Bone In Pork Chops no antibiotics
5.99lb/ 13.21kg
2.98lb/ 6.57kg Organic California White, Purple or Orange Cauliflower
Red Seedless Grapes from Chile
3.98lb/ 8.77kg
3.98 each
Old Country Heat & Serve Entrées assorted varieties 450g
7.99lb/ 17.61kg
So Nice Organic Soy Beverages
Liberté Greek Yogurt and Kefir
1.75L • product of Canada
27% 3.79
Edelweiss Granola
assorted varieties
2/6.98 500g -1L 10.99 1.75kg
product of India, Philippiness, USA ,Canada
25% Off
reg retail pricing
Stash Premium Tea assorted varieties 18-20 sachets product of USA
Eco Max Household Cleaners and Liquid Laundry Detergents assorted varieties 710ml - 1.5L • product of Canada
34% 2/6.98 to 11.99
MegaFood DailyFoods Whole Food Multivitamins
Men's or Women's
31.99 30 tablets 52.99 60 tablets Nordic Naturals Omega3 Fish Oils
Select Varieties and Assorted Sizes
Regular Retail Price
assorted varieties
Raisin Cookies package of 8
assorted sizes • product of BC
Luc Bergeron Organic Maple Syrup
31% 4.79 to 5.29
New Roots Wild Oregano Oil C93
assorted varieties
to 36% 4.39 7.89
assorted sizes • product of USA
15.99 300g 22.99 500g
assorted varieties
Botanica Superfood Goji Berries
Choices’ Own Mexican Corn Salad
Anita’s Organic Pancake Mix, Cereal and Flour
Seventh Generation Auto Dish Detergent
assorted sizes product of USA
33% 1.99 to
3/2.49 to 3/5.97
20% off
37% 4.29
17.99 almond butter 4.89 peanut butter
50 or 150g • product of BC
680g • product of USA
Annie’s Macaroni & Cheese
Hardbite Potato Chips
assorted varieties
8.99 to 11.49/kg
assorted varieties
1.29 1.49/100g
North Coast Organic Apple Sauce
assorted varieties 500g • product of Canada
assorted varieties assorted sizes
product of USA
38% 2/4.98
Earth’s Choice Organic Nut Butters
Advantage Health Organic Traditions Super Foods
random Weights • product of BC
or 37% 5.99 18.99
assorted size • product of Canada
assorted varieties
454g or 3lb product of Canada
Roasted Root Vegetables or Lemon Herb Potato Wedges
assorted varieties
Choices’ Frozen Organic Berries
Wolfgang Puck Organic Soup
assorted varieties
assorted varieties
While quantities last. Not all items available at all stores. We reserve the right to correct printing errors.
Organic Extra Lean Ground Chicken
Simply West Coast Wild Sockeye Salmon Fillets
500ml Jug product of Canada
25% 11.99
xxx • product of xxx
Organic Whole Wheat or Country Sourdough Bread 530-575g
Start a New Career Today! As Choices continues to grow, our team is looking to fill key management roles at all of our Vancouver locations. We are looking for individuals who share our vision of sustainability, healthy living and supporting local growers and communities. If this sounds like the right opportunity for you, please send your resume and cover letter to or visit our website:
8.99 15ml 15.99 30ml 24.99 50ml