Westender May 12 2016

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MAY 12-18 // 2016








INSIDE THIS WEEK You’re All Just Jealous of My Jetpack by Tom Gauld



News4 Vancouver Shakedown4 Science Matters4 Style File5 A Good Chick To Know6 Nosh7 Fresh Sheet7 The Growler8 By The Bottle9 Music11 What’s On12 Arts14 Real Estate15 Reel People17 Whole Nourishment20 Horoscopes21 Sex with Mish Way21 Classifieds22


2 W May 12 - May 18, 2016

bus access to Denman. There is no need to close that block to traffic.There is plenty of space on each side of the street, for chats and lunches and friends. The Olympics are over! Let’s move on! Plus, it may have been Arthur Erickson’s view at the time to close the road, but time and things change and that road needs to stay open to maintain the flow of people and traffic and buses. Enough already with these unnecessary closures! –DL Dalbec




Re:“Expo’s troubled legacy,” April 28, 2016. In 1989, a 33x100-foot lot in East Van was about $200,000. Eighty-three hectares would equal some 2,280 plots. Add $50,000 each for being prime downtown water locations. So that puts the value of Expo lands at between $450-$570 million. At $321 million, Bill Vander

Zalm’s sale of this terrific taxpayer asset constitutes a wholesale giveaway, particularly when the 15-year payout and the environmental remediation at our expense are factored in. Were BC a banana republic back then instead of a mere laughing-stock to the business world, Mr.VZ would have been removed from office by coup d’état for such gross misfeasance.

Glen Clark’s fast ferry fiasco was mere chump change by comparison. –Wm. Baird Blackstone


Re:“Squares and Circles,” Rant/Rave, May 5, 2016. One more time we will suffer the inconvenience of having Robson blocked and this time, apparently for good. I am totally against it as it creates a hardship for

Thanks to whichever asshole at City Hall who decided to move the 4/20 rally to Sunset Beach. It took us over an hour to get down Pacific/Beach Avenue. Next year hold it on the Golden Mile on Point Grey Road and see how they like it. The city needs to get a grip on how congested the West End is already – and they haven’t even started to ruin the end of Davie Street with all the new condo developments on the horizon. Moonbeam and his clones need to go far, far away to a land very distant from what’s left of Vancouver. –One of many very pissed off locals



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May 12 - May 18, 2016 W 3




The federal government launched an initiative this month to have the public, merchants and others weigh in on what they want Granville Island to look like by 2040. The goal of the exercise is to establish development plans for the soon-to-bevacant Emily Carr University buildings, potential revitalization of the public market and improvements for the arts and culture industry on the island. The addition of housing is also a possibility. “It’s a plan to articulate and to look at the future of Granville Island for the next 25 years,” said Dr. Hedy Fry, Liberal MP for Vancouver-Centre, who made the announcement last Friday. In her opening remarks from a patio at Bridges Restaurant, Fry described the island under the Granville Bridge as a jewel in

The federal government launched a plan Friday to hear feedback on what people want Granville Island to look like in 2040. Dan Toulgoet photo Vancouver’s crown, having transformed 40 years ago from a gritty abandoned industrial area into a vibrant, accessible multi-use public space. “Everything has to change. I’ve talked many times to the stakeholders who live here, who work here and they have huge dreams for this place,” said Fry. An advisory board and the Granville Island Trust will help guide the process and decisions of the plan,

which will also determine the best governance structure for the island. –Mike Howell,Vancouver Courier


For now, the Downtown Vancouver peninsula has only one gas station. While the Chevron on West Georgia Street east of Denman is closed for renovations, the Esso on the southwest corner of

Burrard and Davie streets is serving a population that was estimated at almost 55,000 in 2011. Chevron spokesman Adrien Byrne said May 17 is the estimated date for completion of construction. The station is slated to reopen the next day. “Chevron is replacing the underground fuel storage tanks with new tanks, including the ability to supply our customers with diesel fuel from this location,” Byrne said. “Fuel line and electrical upgrades are also being undertaken at this stage, as well as the installation of more efficient LED lighting and aesthetic store renovations.” Esso did not appear to be exploiting its exclusivity. Its $1.19.9 per litre price for regular gasoline on May 4 before 10am was a penny more than some Chevron, Petro-Canada and Shell locations elsewhere in the city, but inline with most reported on GasBuddy.com. –Bob Mackin, Business in Vancouver

Ain’t nothing like the real thing — but virtual reality comes close David Suzuki Science Matters @DavidSuzuki

The digital revolution is breaking new ground every day.Technology has a way of doing that. I remember when Hewlett-Packard introduced its first “laptop” computer, which stored a page and a half of writing. It revolutionized my life as a newspaper columnist, allowing me to write on planes or in a tent and submit articles through a phone. I never imagined the steady advances that would lead to today’s powerful laptops, tablets and handheld computers. Once while filming in a remote BC forest, I wanted to pan from the roots of a cedar tree along the trunk to the top in a single shot. After spending hours rigging wires and pulleys and struggling to keep the heavy camera from swaying as it rose, our crew gave up in frustration. Recently, we used a light GoPro camera mounted under a drone to get a spectacular high-definition shot in a few minutes! The first time I opened YouTube, I was looking for a video of the astounding phenomenon of mucous secretion by a hagfish, a primitive marine animal.To my surprise, I found several postings, and as I chose one, a list of several others that might be of interest popped up.Two hours later, I realized I’d been

iStock photo sucked in by an incredible range of films. When I first heard about virtual reality, I was invited to put on the goggles and experience it. Crude as those first images were compared to what’s available now, I was immersed in the scenes. It was impressive and exciting, but I suggested that people should be wary of unintended consequences, because virtual reality could eventually appear better than reality. With virtual reality, people could race a car and experience all the heart-thumping adrenalin of the real thing, then crash and walk away unharmed.We could have a showdown with a gunslinger, lose and fight again.We could indulge in the kinkiest sex without exposure to sexually transmitted infection or other consequences.Why go for the real experience when a virtual one would be risk-free? During a recent visit to Montreal, I had the opportunity to watch the latest iteration of the digital revolution: im-

4 W May 12 - May 18, 2016

ages in 3D, HD and 360-degree wrap-around. It was mindboggling. I swam with whales and zoomed through a forest, listening to actual sounds, along with music and narration. As I watched a spectacular mountain forest, a train suddenly appeared, splashing across a lake and then coming straight at me. As my body responded to the all-too-realistic locomotive, it reached me and exploded into a thousand birds that took off in a glorious cloud. Computer graphics melded seamlessly with actual footage that generated scenes far exceeding reality. I’ve been intrigued by the possibility that this technology could enable people to have such incredible experiences with whales, fish and other animals that we would no longer feel the need to imprison animals in aquaria and zoos. People wouldn’t even need to journey to exotic places to see wildlife in their habitats. I have no doubt virtual reality is going to have a huge impact.We’re just beginning to

recognize its potential. But as with all new technology, there will be unintended repercussions, the greatest of which will be further estrangement from nature. Studies show that because people evolved out of nature, we need that connection with the natural world for mental and physical well-being. Author Richard Louv categorizes a suite of childhood problems – including bullying, attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity – as “nature deficit disorder”, induced or worsened by too little physical exposure to nature.The average Canadian kid today spends more than six hours a day glued to a screen – mobile phones, computers, televisions – and less than eight minutes a day outside! That’s one reason why the David Suzuki Foundation is encouraging people to get outside for 30 minutes a day in May with its 30x30 Nature Challenge. Some proponents claim virtual reality will stimulate children to spend more time outside. But why bother when the virtual world seems better than the real one? I’m sure innovation and creativity will continue to drive the technology to new frontiers. I’m just as sure there will be enormous unexpected and damaging consequences if we aren’t careful. W % +38:- 79&96: :! 3 !0:,1tist, broadcaster, author and 0/)$/91-,# /$ ;<, +38:- 79&96: '/91-3;:/1( .,3#1 2/#, 3; +38:-79&96:(/#"(

The Arthur Erickson-designed Robson Square and law courts complex shortly after its opening in 1983. Photo courtesy of Arthur Erickson Foundation

Robson Street closure: can we compromise? Grant Lawrence Vancouver Shakedown @GrantLawrence

“Green my ass”. That’s just one comment the Westender received since it was announced that city council has voted to permanently close the 800 block of Robson Street to all vehicular traffic. That’s the strip between Hornby and Howe, the closure an effort to supposedly reflect the original intention of Robson Square, uniting the law courts to the south and the art gallery to the north in a three-block, pedestrian-only plaza. Your Rants came in fast and furious. “There is already a square on the north side of the art gallery. Did you people forget it?” writes JL Brussac (he also of the “green my ass” comment). Another reader, Paul Donovan, suggests the permanent street closure “creates a lot of fuel and time waste. Big headaches for older people and the bus system.” Reader Kathy O’Brien was definitely fired up. “As a citizen of Vancouver and a resident of the West End, I think that this is a terrible decision, and I am quite sure that I am not alone”. One of the few Raves arrived from reader Mally Dixon, who feels “Vancouver lacks a central city square like London’s Trafalgar Square […] I believe this was the original plan and I look forward to seeing it come to life at last.” As mentioned, if you were to rifle through Vancouver’s pages of time, Mally is right. It’s hard to imagine, but in the 1960s, the two blocks south of the art gallery were sprawling, ugly, street level parking lots. When famed architect Arthur Erickson and his firm were hired to redesign that corridor from Georgia to Nelson in the early 1970s, the idea was to build something that looked like a skyscraper laid on

its side, and for the entire area to be pedestrian-only. Erickson originally wanted Vancouverites to “walk all over it”. And yet, even after Robson Square’s completion in the early 1980s, 800 Robson Street has always remained a roadway for inner-city traffic flow purposes, and it’s been that way until the closure during the 2010 Winter Olympics. That went well, so the city has been shutting the block down each summer since. I’m sure you could handle that, but all year long? Permanently? I’m a booster for public space, but Erickson had this problem covered, literally: there’s already a Robson Square pedestrian thoroughfare uniting the art gallery and the law courts: the underpass concourse that includes the outdoor skating rink and the downtown UBC campus. If that block of Robson Street is permanently closed, it leaves Davie Street as the only two-way, innercity artery directly connecting the West End and downtown, and that’s not enough to serve the population properly. The closure of that single block will permanently shut down all wheeled traffic. Besides cars, that includes buses, taxis, and even bicycles (unless an unannounced bike lane is part of the future plans). Erickson’s original vision for Robson Square may have been pedestrian-only, but know this: in 1974, a year into the project, he agreed with the city and province that a limited, vehicular thoroughfare was still needed: “The only traffic through the square will be inner-city buses, linking the West End and False Creek. Since buses function as people movers, they are seen as a compliment or enhancement to the pedestrian activity of the civic square.” It was likely Erickson making a compromise. Forty-two years later, it still sounds like a good one to me. W





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British designer jets to Holt Renfrew on the heels of the Met Gala Niki Hope Style File

@NikiMHope British shoe designer, editor and stylist Tabitha Simmons jetted into Holt Renfrew Vancouver to show off pieces from her recent shoe collection to a handful of bloggers and journalists, just days after attending last week’s Met Gala in New York. The utterly charming, down-to-earth and quintessentially English former model was in town to talk about her eponymous shoe line, which is filled with delicate and sophisticated hints of femininity, including lots of beautiful blooms. “I love flowers,” Simmons admitted sheepishly as she talked about her trajectory in the fashion world.The fashion pro wore a stunning black Dolce & Gabbana rose-print, calf-length dress. In lessskilled hands the outfit might have looked a bit too dramatic for a breakfast event on the West Coast, but Simmons pulled it off expertly with little jewelry, sleek middle-parted hair and strappy black heels from her collection. Simmons started her foray


into the fashion biz with a Saturday job in a shoe store when she was a teenager. Eventually, she was scouted as a model, a career that she boldly stated wasn’t really her thing. “I was a terrible model,” she admitted with a laugh. But she had no trouble understanding how to whip together a great-looking outfit. That skill took her from the runway to the editorial department and behind the scenes, where she honed her styling skills with legendary lines such as Alexander McQueen, Dolce & Gabbana and Calvin Klein. By 2009 she stepped it up a notch, debuting her own namesake footwear line with an aim to make classic collections that go beyond what’s trendy for a single season. “[I design] not just for one season – that’s something that is so important to me,” she said. “I wanted to create a shoe line that’s much more timeless.” Her personal favourite from the line at Holt Renfrew? The Vera – a black flat with delicate embroidered flowers and an ankle strap. Another stand-out is the Reed open-toe bootie with cut-out sides and a lace-up front in an English Garden print. The statement shoe would bring drama and beauty to any look. The Alexa is named after fashion muse and style hero Alexa Chung, who happened

to compliment Simmons on her shoes when she was wearing a pair of test shoes (Simmons tests every pair before they go into production).The functional and sophisticated gold and white pointed flats would work from this season through to the fall – and beyond. Along with Chung, other celebrity followers include Charlize Theron, Karlie Kloss, and Julianne Moore. With a price point that starts at $600 the shoes are definitely investment pieces – but they are well-made, crafted by master cobblers in Italy with high-quality leathers and suedes. With her background in styling for a broad range of brands – it’s a big leap from Dolce & Gabbana’s baroque European sensibilities to Calvin Klein’s American minimalism – Simmons talked about how each fashion brand has its own DNA. Seven years later, she’s seeing how her own line is taking shape – how it’s creating a trademark DNA that other people are recognizing. “It’s nice because now people say, ‘Oh, I see that’s a Tabitha Simmons shoe.’ And that happens over time,” she said with a smile that rarely leaves her face during the preview. For a hint of that English-inspired beauty, check out the latest footwear pieces from Tabitha Simmons at Holt Renfrew. W



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British shoe designer Tabitha Simmons was at Holt Renfrew recently to talk about her sophisticated line of elegant footwear. Contributed photos

Tabitha Simmons talks shoes and fashion at Holt Renfrew

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May 12 - May 18, 2016 W 5




Home is Where the Art is: James Kemp Jennifer Scott A Good Chick to Know


Ceramicist James Kemp of Hand Eye Designs at his East Hastings studio. Dan Toulgoet photo

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Through form, function and a curated aesthetic, ceramicist James Kemp has designed a career path that fosters his creative spirit. Since 2002, Kemp has used his hands and keen eye to create a diverse line of sculpture and ceramics, from large installations to smaller functional and decorative items for the home. With his pieces sought after by those in the know, Kemp’s collections can be found at local boutiques like Board ofTrade, the Gam Gallery and theWindow Art Shop. He also offers pottery classes to the public out of his EastVan studio, which is definitely on my list of must-try creative adventures. What has been your favourite part of your artistic journey so far? Inventing new processes. When you invent a new way of working, it’s much easier to make something different from what has come before. Do you have a Vancouver muse or a favourite place in the city that inspires you? The steps on the south side of Robson Square that are very reminiscent of an MC Escher; they inspired part of my Morphology sculpture series. The process of making those sculptures, in turn, paved the way to designing my hand-carved and slip-casted GEO cups. What is your most quirky attribute? If I am in a situation (like a professional adult work place) for too long I’ll start speaking in a cartoon voice, or in an accent... When it comes to style/

James Kemp’s GEO cups. Dan Toulgoet photo design, what is the one thing you covet the most? Simplicity in form, balanced with chaos. Do you have any predictions for the future of your industry? There was a conference a couple years back about ceramics that could conduct electricity by firing on circuitry. It’s not something that is widely used currently, but I can see it being pretty applicable in 3-D printed ceramic design and ceramics in general. So one day your coffee cup can be your alarm and if you hit the snooze button it will tell your coffee machine to make an extra strong cup. What is your favourite creative website? CFileOnline.org If you could describe your artistic style in one word, what would it be? Intuitive.

What gets your creative juices flowing? Wandering the back alleys of Vancouver. I get inspired by other people’s garbage; a culture’s garbage says a lot about its people. Sometimes I find things I know I can use in the studio as a tool or as a part of a sculpture. Is there one area of your craft you find especially challenging? Glazing, because once you glaze something there is no going back – you can’t just paint over it. Do you have a favourite creative space? No, but I have a favourite creative time, between 11pm and 4am. Sometimes I will intentionally deprive myself of sleep so that I will be less inhibited with my thoughts and make stuff that surprises me. W Visit SculptureJamesKemp.Weebly.com, @jameskempsculpture

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6 W May 12 - May 18, 2016




DINING OUT Anya Levykh Fresh Sheet


Nightingale, the much-anticipated new restaurant from chef David Hawksworth, has officially opened at 1017 West Hastings, and is operating seven days a week from 11am to midnight.The casual, sharebased menu is vegetable-forward and features pizza, daily features, and select proteins. HawkNightingale.com Central City Brewers & Distillers has won first place in the grape brandy category at the inaugural Vancouver International Spirits Competition for its Spirit of Merlot. CentralCityBrewing.com Brunch is back at La Brasserie after a two-year hiatus. Every Saturday and Sunday from 9:30am to 2:30pm, enjoy chicken Mornay crepes, breakfast poutine, the Brasserie burger and other FrancoGerman favourites. LaBrasserieVancouver.com Les Dames d’Escoffier BC has awarded a record number of scholarships to BC women already in the hospitality trade or wishing to purse hospitality studies, for a total of $24,000 to 33 recipients. LesDames.ca

Top: Dixie’s BBQ co-owner Christina Cottell, chef Jeff MacIntosh and co-owner Shoel Davidson are bringing authentic Central Texan barbecue to Strathcona. Bottom right: Hot sides include serrano cheese spinach, meaty chili and coleslaw. Bottom left: The Bubba platter includes beef brisket, pork ribs, pulled pork, sausage and fried chicken. Dan Toulgoet photos

CentralTexanbarbecuelandsbigonHastings Anya Levykh Nosh

@FoodgirlFriday DIXIE’S BBQ

337 East Hastings 778-379-4770 MeatAtDixies.com Open for dinner Wednesday-Sunday, 5pmmidnight (close 10pm on Sundays); brunch SaturdaySunday, 10am-2pm. Once upon a time, barbecue wasn’t something you would go out for. Unless you were picking up a rib platter at Safeway, it seemed that ready-made barbecue was something you could only have in summer on your back deck – and even then, there were limits. I used to plan trips to places like Texas and North Carolina strictly for the chance to have some authentic smoked and grilled meat. The times, they are a-changin’, however, and Vancouver is currently packed silly with joints like Memphis Blues, Hog Shack, Devil’s Elbow, et al, all serving up various styles of barbecue that are


more or less authentic – and more or less successful.The one region that didn’t seem to have any representation, however, was Texas, specifically, the rubbed and pecan wood-smoked meat of Central Texas. Enter Dixie’s. The fivemonth-old joint comes courtesy of Gringo owners Christina Cottell and Shoel Davidson. Gringo never took my fancy, but Cottell and Davidson, along with chef Jeff MacIntosh, have knocked it out of the park with this concept.Yes, there’s a smoker in-house, although the pecan wood is obviously a bit hard to source locally. Central Texas barbecue goes easy on the sauce and is significantly less sweet than other regional varieties.The emphasis is on the meat, plain and simple, with a little rub or glaze, some white bread and pickles, and your hands. It’s a simple concept, but often difficult to execute. Dixie’s has it down to an art. Pork ribs ($15 for a half-rack) are juicy, tender and slightly sticky, with a beautiful pink rim that speaks of proper smoking. As

with most Texas joints, your hands are considered the proper utensils, but bars and tables at Dixie’s are lined with small galvanized steel buckets loaded with cutlery and wet wipes. There are also rolls of paper towel for you to rip off as needed. Use a knife and fork if you must, but the best way to eat these ribs is to pull them apart with your hands and set to. Brisket ($24 per pound) was another winner, meltingly good and completely addictive. All of the meats come with a couple slices of basic white sandwich bread (although, with the minimal sauce, it’s really only for the carbaholics) and some housemade pickles that are fantastic. Spanish onion, cabbage and cukes are light on the vinegar, but give just enough acidity to balance out the richness of the meat. Fried chicken was slightly less successful. I couldn’t fault the beautifully-raised meat or the breading, but it was a bit like licking the Dead Sea, despite the beautiful textures. A little less salt would make a huge improvement here.

The drinks menu is smart and well-chosen to complement the meats. An extensive whisky selection is balanced out with local craft brews on tap (there are three that rotate constantly) and a handful of solid cocktails ($7 for a single), like the bourbon-spiked sweet tea, made in-house and steeped for 24 hours. Lemonade was another winner. I tried it both spiked and virgin, and it’s just sweet and tart enough in either form, although bourbon improves almost everything. There are usually a couple featured desserts, but the pecan pie with maple cream is the way to go.The crust is shortbread and the pie stops just short of sickly-sweet territory and lands firmly in eye-rolling delicious. Like the meat, it’s not too sweet, but it’s full of flavour and delivers it in Texas-sized spades. W Food: !!!!! Service: !!!!! Ambiance: !!!!! Value: !!!!! Overall: !!!!!

AnnaLena is no longer serving brunch, but will be amping up their dinner service to seven days a week, starting June 3. Look for a new menu and a refreshed interior. AnnaLena.ca Sad news…due to legal action taken by certainYaletown merchants, the Yaletown Farmers’ Market will be leaving the neighbourhood in June this year and moving to the Queen Elizabeth Plaza instead. The new location will launch June 2.TheYaletown market was the fastest-growing market in the city and generated over $600,000 in sales last year. In addition, most local businesses reported higher sales on market days. EatLocal.org Just in time for the warm weather, Soft Peaks Ice Cream has introduced new ice milk bars, housemade bars that are served “naked” or with toppings like Tim Tam flakes, housemade blueberry puree, or dipped in melted chocolate. SoftPeaks.ca Spot prawn season is upon us and Yew Seafood & Bar is celebrating with its first-ever Spot Prawn Boil series. On May 29, June 5 and June 12, a limited number of guests will be able to enjoy a familystyle feast of poached spot prawns, new potatoes, grilled asparagus and green beans, along with white cheddar and jalapeno scones, salad and dessert.Tickets $85 per person. YewSeafood.com

On May 18, come out in support of Mealshare, the community-based program that works with local restaurants to provide free meals to youth in need. On this night, 12 participating restaurants across Vancouver will donate one dollar for every dollar customers spend on food. The event, Tonight for Tomorrow, also features seven major buildings being lit up orange in support of Mealshare, including BC Place, Science World, City Hall and more. Learn more at Mealshare.ca/TFT. The seventh annual Vancouver Craft Beer Week returns May 27 through June 5 with multiple events, including a mass tasting event at the PNE Centre Grounds, a pop-up barbecue, a Herculean beer party and more.VancouverCraftBeerWeek.com Railtown Café annual tailgate barbecue series returns on May 28 from 4pm to 10pm. Enjoy slow-smoked brisket and pork shoulder, beer-brined chicken, sausage, jalapeno corn bread, corn on the cob, Carolina coleslaw, potato salad and more.Tickets are $19 per person. A rotating list of craft beers, as well as housemade sangria and wine will also be available for purchase. RailtownCafe.ca/Events On June 7, join Marquis Wine Cellars and Lock & Worth Wines at Latab Food for a stellar wine dinner featuring sparkling wine reception with snacks and canapes, and a five-course dinner paired with wine. Dishes include ricotta dumplings, hazelnut pork confit, squab and more. Tickets $89. Marquis-Wines.com Italian Day returns to the Drive on June 12 with a food-focused theme this year. Enjoy cooking demonstrations and almost 150 vendors and merchants serving up pizza, pasta, cannoli, sfogliatelle, arancini, polpette, panini, gelato and more.There will also be interactive activities, live entertainment, and much more. ItalianDay.ca Lombardo’s Pizza is celebrating 30 years in business by bringing back Expo-era prices. Running now until Labour Day, all mediumsized pizzas will be available for $9.75 Sundays through Thursdays, from 8pm to 10pm. Lombardos.ca On June 16, come out for an evening of Italian fine dining and dancing with Barbara-Jo’s Books to Cooks at the Vancouver Club, in honour of Italian Heritage Month. Menu is inspired by Florentine:The True Cuisine of Florence and paired with Italian wines.Tickets $195 and include wine, dinner, dancing and a copy of the book. BooksToCooks.com W

May 12 - May 18, 2016 W 7




This is what beer collaborations actually look like Stephen Smysnuik The Growler


It’s collaboration brew day at Steel & Oak and of course I’m late.The plan was to come early and watch the whole process from start to finish – to pull back the curtains and see what’s at the heart of local beer collaborations. Beer collabs have become for beer nerds what music collaborations are for music fans – a chance to geek out over the fact that your favourite artists have come together to create something, even if that something isn’t very good. For me – a person who understands the brewing process far, far less than the editor of a province-wide

beer magazine probably should – there’s a romance to beer collaborations. Because brewers are like musicians, who collaborate in order to discover new avenues of creativity for their chosen craft, to service something larger than themselves. But, like I said, I’m late. It’s 9:20am and I’ve missed them putting the mash in, which seems at first (to my uneducated mind) to be like missing the birth of something beautiful. Which of course it isn’t. S&O’s brewing staff are milling about, handling tasks that one would have a very difficult time describing as “romantic.” One of them is adjusting some plumbing. Another is rinsing some metallic equipment that looks complicated, important, and easy

Brewery workers at Steel & Oak in New Westminster prepare this year’s VCBW Collaboration Brew. Stephen Smysnuik photo to break. Peter Shulz, S&O’s (now former) brewmaster is on the stairs leading to the brewer’s office, sweeping. Looking around, the collaboration brew day looks… well, just like any other day. Strange Fellows, S&O’s collaborators for this particular brew, are nowhere to be seen. I ask Shulz where they are. “They just called and said they’re going to be late,” Shulz says. “Huh. Well, this isn’t much of a collaboration then, I guess?” He explains to me that the real action – the collaboration part – happened weeks before, when they figured out what style they would brew,

and with what ingredients. It was clear at this point 13 minutes after my arrival that I’d come to investigate a profoundly eventless nonstory. Thankfully, this isn’t just any collaboration brew day, but the brew day for Vancouver Craft Beer Week’s annual collaboration beer, and there’s going to be a big party starting in a few hours. I press Schulz further. Surely, if Strange Fellows showed up, there’d be more action here, today? But Shulz shrugs, sweeps. “If Iain [Hill, Strange Fellows’ brewmaster] was here, we’d just be standing around talking,” he says. “The act of actually brewing is rather

unimportant. Look, if you’re a baker, how many times do you need to mix water and flour to know it’s done right?” The truth is, head brewers do very little actual brewing the higher they rise up the chain, and there’s even less to do when two head brewers get together. “Everyone’s surprised how little work there is,” Parallel 49 brewmaster Graham With tells me several weeks later. He’s in the middle of promoting P49’s Brews Brothers collaboration pack, one of the most ambitious collaboration projects in BC: 12 different handpicked BC craft breweries each create a new recipe that is brewed and sold exclusively in the limited edition mixer pack. There’s no standard, but the common mode for beer collaborations looks like this: 1) Planning stage: where the brewers sit or stand around, shoot the shit while tossing ideas around for styles and ingredients. Collaborations are primarily social endeavors, and only the most unsociable and hardnosed brewer would attempt to focus solely on creating a recipe. At press time for this issue, The Growler has not

met such a brewer. 2) Brewing stage: which With can explain better than anybody: “Normally there’s just one person brewing. So when we do a collab, there’re two or three of us [from P49], there’s two or three of them [from the other brewery].Yeah, there’re six people doing one person’s job.” Typically – perhaps obviously – beer is consumed, which is understandable, as there’s basically nothing else to do in this kind of situation but indulge in the one thing everyone has in common. I don’t know what else I was expecting, but this clearly wasn’t it. Strange Fellows eventually shows up at 11am. In the meantime, I learn new words such as “sparging” and “lautering,” the meanings of which I forget almost immediately, what with all that beer and such. And that’s how you make a collaboration beer. W " '$&%*L SZV7 $P//WTPMWK2PQ &M9.H (I D909 )W2LPQH 2L WGW2/WT/9 2L WGW2/WT/9 QP. WK L9/9=K &$ E2NIPM WQ; LO9=2W/K+ T99M LKPM9LJ '2L2K 'WQ=PIG9M$MW8K&99M%990J=PR 8PM RPM9 2Q8PJ

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Farmers’ market inspiration Michaela Morris By the Bottle @MichaelaWine

It’s that whole chicken or egg debate. Is it the wine that inspires the meal or the dish that informs which bottle to open? Most often we decide on dinner before stopping off at the Liquor Store. However, I have been known to create an entire meal around wine(s) I want to crack. When the summer farmers’ markets spring into action though, I definitely let nature take the lead. No shopping list is required. Just buy whatever tempts then improvise at home. Yaletown,Trout Lake and Kitsilano kicked off the season and more markets will be popping up as we head into summer. Each week yields the freshest new crop. Last weekend, stalls sported leafy greens like arugula, chard, kale, spinach and lettuce along with herbs, asparagus, radishes and rhubarb. And speaking of chickens and eggs, it’s not just fruit and veg at vendors’ stands.With free-range poultry, sustainably caught fish, non-medi-

cated beef and pork as well as cheese, yogurt, honey, pâtés, pies, bread and beyond, farmers’ markets are practically a one-stop-shop. I consciously have to stop myself from buying more than I can eat in a week. More importantly, I remember to save some money so buy a bottle to wash all those goodies down. 2014 Fowles, Farm to Table PiNMI AM2K ! '2<IMK2TF (GJIKT.2T ! %S7H11F &# C2LGMK *IMK8J From the wine farms of Australia’s cool Strathbogie Ranges to your produceladen dinner table. May I suggest this great value Pinot alongside salmon with homemade rhubarb compote? Light, sinewy and crunchy, it marries cranberry, red currant and strawberry with bay leaf, cinnamon and earth. PVS; "MOT2N8 )MGKNMNF BTI32.:T ! '2<IMK2TF (GJIKT.2T ! %PVH11F &# C2LGMK *IMK8J Here French producer Chapoutier tries out Viognier and Marsanne in Australia with beautiful results. Precise aromas and flavours of peach and apricot are a foreshadowing of summer’s imminent fleshy stone fruit while exotic

notes of ginger and honeysuckle add intrigue and vibrancy. Deserving of the season’s finest halibut. PVS9 CMG2J DT:MIF #MOQ8J TG- DT<LG8J ! &8TG0M.T2J> '2..T58J (@#F UKTN<8 ! %PSH11F &# C2LGMK *IMK8J I drink Beaujolais in the winter to remind me of summer and continue lapping it up when the fairer months arrive. Lithe and fragrant, Beaujolais echoes the scents of the season. Offering raspberry and plum blossom with silky tannin, the Jadot is an easy-going companion when pork chops hit the grill. PVS9 )2Q8K2MF ?8<MK2NM ! ER? #M..2N8 ?8J<TK8J2F EIT., ! %P4H11F &# C2LGMK *IMK8J Pecorino is Italy’s answer to Sauvignon Blanc. Its herbal side expresses wild sage and thyme, which is balanced by succulent honeydew, greengage plum and crisp lemony acidity. Perfectly suited for a light meal of local goat cheese and a salad chock-full of all the vegetables you picked up.

%;PH11F &# C2LGMK *IMK8J This wine was love at first sip. From a romantically named single vineyard that translates as paradise garden, it’s a lip-smacking example of Germany’s take on dry Riesling. Juicy grapefruit, citrus peel and mineral come together seamlessly on the textured palate. Assertive enough to stand up to steamed asparagus especially when topped with soft poached egg and maybe even some bacon. W % *#:0,! ,4059!:8, /$ ;34,!(

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Businesses that

Lemonade Gluten Free Bakery


racy Kadonoff, owner of Lemonade Gluten Free Bakery, had been a pastry chef for 18 years when she was diagnosed with gluten intolerance. “I developed an allergy to wheat,” Kadonoff explains. “I had to quit my job to get away from it; in a regular bakery it’s everywhere.” Instead of giving up her passion, however, Kadonoff decided to try her hand at gluten-free baking, inventing her own recipes for delicious gluten-free pastries, squares and even croissants. “I still wanted to be able to eat bread,” she says. “I have high standards and I couldn’t really find anything gluten-free in town that I liked, so I thought I’d create a test kitchen and figure out how to get things to taste good, through trial and error. It just grew from there.” The response to her recipes was overwhelming. “When my friends and family tried out the new recipes, the general reaction was ‘Wow! This is really good!’” she says. “So I started thinking that maybe I could open up a bakery and let others try them out.” With its central location at 3385 Cambie Street in Vancouver, Lemonade Gluten Free Bakery has become a popular local stop since opening almost 4 years ago,

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even winning a People’s Choice Award. From the adversity Kadonoff experienced came something she never could have imagined. “This is where the name Lemonade Gluten Free Bakery comes from,” she says. “When life hands you lemons you make lemonade. It also fits with a lot of our customers, because they are gluten-free!” Kadonoff finds that customers love her products, whether they have gluten intolerance or not. Her flour blends include organic quinoa and millet flour, sorghum flour, and organic corn flour. She uses non-GMO canola oil, eggs from free-run chickens, and many products are dairy free. There are no preservatives or additives. To learn more about what Lemonade Gluten Free Bakery has to offer, call 604873-9993, email info@lemonadebakery.ca or visit www.lemonadebakery.ca.

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May 12 - May 18, 2016 W 9


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MUSIC Vancouver’s White Lung is back with a new album and a new sound. L-R: Guitarist Kenneth Williams, vocalist Mish Barber-Way and drummer Anne-Marie Vassiliou. Rick Rodney photo

White Lung find their ‘Paradise’ ALEX HUDSON @chippedhip

Westender column Sex with MishWay) and does onscreen reporting for VICE Media’s digital channel, Broadly. Adding to her everexpanding resume, she also acted in the Amber Tamblyn film Paint It Black, which will arrive in cinemas next year. Clearly, she’s not the type to stagnate. Some of White Lung’s fans, however, have

been resistant to the group’s sonic evolution. To these punk purists, the frontwoman offers no apologies. “That’s what the old albums exist for, okay?” she says, a hint of frustration in her voice. “If you don’t like the new, listen to the old ones. I have to move on now. I’m not going to keep writing the same thing. It’s boring.

Imagine you had to write the same essay over and over and over and over – you’d shoot yourself in the head.” W " %32K9 EIQ5*L W/TIRH ParadiseH 2L PIK QP. PQ #PR2QP ?9=PM;LJ $WK=3 %32K9 EIQ5 WL OWMK P8 E9G2KWK2PQ 'WQ=PIG9MH FIQ9 V4 WK DW/02Q &P./J

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MAY 28-JUNE 3 // 2015


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01 03 ISSUE




In our drive to bring you the best lifestyle, entertainment and news content in the city, we were honoured to receive 8 awards, including 5 golds, at the BC & Yukon Community Newspapers Association awards gala on Saturday, May 7.

Award-Winning Content Special Section – GOLD Unofficial Guide to Pride 2015 Special Publication – GOLD The Growler Special Publication – SILVER The Alchemist Feature Article – BRONZE Strutting for Hope

T h e G ro w l e r




Welcome to Pride B3 Beyond the Binary B4 Pride map B7 LGBTQ history B8 Vancouver’s proud past B9 Parade grand marsha ls B10 LGBTQ must-reads B11 Vancouver Queer Film Fest B12 Vancouver Dyke March B14 Pride listings B15 Davie Street Block Party B15 37th Annual Pride Parade B19 Queer Arts Festival B23 July 30 - August 5, 2015 W B 1

Craft Beer Handbook

Award-Winning Advertising WINTER 2015

Newspaper Promotion – GOLD Best of the City 2016


2015 / 01

Ad Campaign, Collaborative – GOLD Denman Liquor Store



can hear what you’re actually saying and what you’re actually doing. So I wanted to push that and make myself get over that fear. Speed and fuzz and distortion are all just easy ways of masking the songs. It’s produced very clearly. It’s crystal clear.” Rather than rely on a shock-and-awe approach of snarls and shouts, BarberWay’s melodies on Paradise are her catchiest and most melodic to date. “I wanted to prove that I could sing,” she explains. “And to make anthemic choruses. To really embrace a chorus. Not be afraid to make a real chorus. One that was challenging and was sung and had a bit more of a pop edge to it.” Despite this outlook, there are still moments of blistering punk aggression. “Vegas” is a blitz of jagged guitars and full-throttle rhythms, while the explosive “Kiss Me When I Bleed” features an alarming refrain of “I will give birth in a trailer / Huffing the gas in the air.” This tale of trailer park childbirth was one of several songs that Barber-Way penned from the perspective of fictitious characters. This writing style was necessary, she reveals, given the happiness of her personal life. “It’s not a great place to be in — when you’re super content and full of complacency — when you’re writing lyrics,” she admits. “The best lyrics come from animosity and feeling down and feeling confused or feeling upset. The freedom of fiction allowed me to create really strong images because I could say things that I wasn’t allowed to say as myself.” It’s a natural fit for the singer to explore different writing methods, given her skyrocketing side-career as a journalist. She’s a successful freelancer who writes for numerous publications (full disclosure: she writes the


Halfway through a phone conversation with White Lung frontwoman Mish Barber-Way, the vocalist’s train of thought is interrupted by a shrieking bird. “Can you hear that squawking in the background?” she asks. “I live in this neighbourhood where there’s peacocks everywhere. They’re like the squirrels of the neighbourhood. There’s one that sits on my roof and squawks all day. It’s insane.” This glamorous bird infestation is part of the singer’s life in Los Angeles, where the former Vancouverite relocated three years ago. She and her husband recently moved into a new home — with “a giant swimming pool,” she exclaims excitedly — and she has been immersed in household pursuits. “It’s way bigger than our last place, so I’m getting all this new stuff,” she says. “I’m doing a lot of domestic hunting, which is rad.” Aside from the squawking peacocks, it’s a seemingly peaceful existence — something that’s surprising when you consider Barber-Way’s roots as a punk rock hellraiser. Over the past decade, she and her White Lung bandmates have carved out a reputation for violently loud, viciously angry noisemaking. Their fiery energy has earned them rave reviews, major festival bookings and a record deal with the prestigious UK label Domino Recording Company (also home to Arctic Monkeys, Animal Collective and Real Estate). These days, White Lung is an international operation;

while Barber-Way acclimatizes to life in the City of Angels, guitarist Kenneth Williams and drummer Anne-Marie Vassiliou have remained home in Vancouver. The geographical divide meant that the friends had to adopt a new approach when writing their fourth full-length, the freshly released Paradise. Rather than jamming together in a room, as had been their previous method, the bandmates entered the studio with a collection of song fragments but almost no completed material. “It was like a collage that hadn’t been glued together,” Barber-Way remembers of the sessions. “They [Williams and Vassiliou] came down to LA and we worked for a month straight, gluing all of the pieces together and turning it into an album. I didn’t finalize a single melody or lyric until we were in the studio. I worked non-stop for two weeks to do that.” This overhauled creative process resulted in a textured sound that departs from White Lung’s usual pedalto-the-metal punk. Williams’ guitar parts are atmospherically layered, with ferociously distorted riffs contrasted by effects-doused ambience, and Vassiliou’s tempos are more varied than in the past. The new direction is particularly apparent on “Below,” a restrained ballad that’s filled with sweetly echoing licks and uncharacteristically honeyed melodies. Elsewhere, producer Lars Stalfors’ crystalline touch shines on “Hungry,” a tuneful rocker that’s flecked with spacious reverb and moody harmonies. “When you slow down, it gives people a chance to really hear what you’re doing,” the vocalist points out. “It’s scary, because people


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So Hideous, May 13

THE PACK A.D. Vancouver garage-rock duo return home to play the first of two nights in support of their forthcoming album with Dead Soft and Glad Rags. 8pm at The Cobalt. Tickets $17 at Red Cat, Neptoon, Highlife and TicketWeb.ca SANTIGOLD American rapper and producer from from Philly makes good on a cancelled date, bringing the We Buy Gold tour to town in support of 99¢. 7pm at Vogue Theatre. Tickets $34.50 at TicketFly.com. All ages show. CATE LE BON LA-based Welsh singer-songwriter on tour in support of Crab Day, with special guests Mega Bog. 8pm at Biltmore Cabaret. Tickets $14 at Red Cat, Zulu and TicketWeb.ca CHICKEN-LIKE BIRDS AND NO MOTHERS Sloppy blues, ragtime and bluegrass from the Vancouver duo as they co-headline with the stereo viola folk rock band with special guest Leah Barley. 8pm at LanaLou’s. Cover is $10. SONGWRITER’S NIGHT An evening of songwriting and storytelling featuring Ian Sherwood, Maria Dunn, Khari McClelland and Lydia Hol. 8pm at St. James Hall. Tickets $24 at Highlife, Rufus’ Guitars, Tapestry Music and RogueFolk.bc.ca

THEATRE/DANCE BILLY ELLIOT Based on the acclaimed film, and supported by the music of Elton John, the inspiring tale of courage, ambition and overcoming adversity is the journey of an 11-yearold boy who falls in love with ballet in 1984 London. 7:30pm at Stanley Industrial Alliance Stage. Tickets at ArtsClub.com. Runs until July 10.

Cate Le Bon, May 12



LUX ANTIQUA: SONGS OF LIGHT Cantata Singers present their final performance of the season, joining forces with Redshift Music Society for a unique and extraordinary a cappella program featuring three world premieres and Jordan Noble’s composition Lux Antiqua. 7:30pm at H.R. MacMillan Space Centre. Tickets $30 at VancouverCantataSingers.com

BEN GLEIB Actor, satirist, writer and comedian, a roundtable regular on Chelsea Lately and host of Last Week on Earth with Ben Gleib and Idiotest performs with opening sets from Levi McCachen and Dino Archie. 8pm & 10:30pm at Comedy Mix. Tickets $18 at TheComedyMix.com

LA CHINGA Local rockers hit the stage in support of a new LP with a little help from Black River Killers, Doctor Claw, the Highway Kind and Smash Alley. 8pm at Rickshaw Theatre. Tickets $12 at Red Cat, Neptoon, and TicketFly.com SO HIDEOUS Orchestral postmetal outfit from Brooklyn headline with special guests Bosse-deNage, Finite and Sevens Nine and Tens. 8pm at Funky Winker Beans. CIVILIANA Local rockers play in support of Out The Window with special guest Sleep Science and the Flu. 8pm at Biltmore Cabaret. Tickets $10 at TicketFly.com BREHDREN Energetic jazz, indie pop and rock with elements of ska and reggae from these locals with special guests Wannanawanna and the Eleven Twelves. 9pm at LanaLou’s. Cover is $10. All ages welcome EDERLEZI 2016 The seventh annual Balkan-Roma Spring Festival & Brass Band Extravaganza features five bands, two dance troupes and special guest master trumpeter Demiran Cerimovic, from Serbia. 8pm at Grandview Legion Hall. Tickets $12-$23 at Highlife, Boemma Deli and CaravanBC.com or $15-$25 at the door.

MATT WRIGHT Writer, director and stand-up comedian from Newfoundland with comedy album Vasectomy Baby, who can be heard on SiriusXM appears with opening sets from Larke Miller and John Cullen. 8pm at Yuk Yuk’s. Tickets $20 at YukYuks.com

THEATRE/DANCE BALLET BC The 30th anniversary goes out with a spectacular bang, with work by two audience favourites, and a newcomer making waves worldwide. 8pm at Queen Elizabeth Theatre. Tickets at Ticketmaster.ca. Runs until May 14. FACING EAST An upstanding Mormon couple face a long ignored reality, and must reconcile feelings with beliefs in this fully-staged musical when they unexpectedly meet the partner of their gay son, in the wake of his suicide. 8pm at Jericho Arts Centre. Tickets at TicketsTonight.TicketForce.com. Runs until May 14.

Chris Sivak and the Laudite Singers, May 14







SONGS OF THE BRITISH ISLES Laudite Singers tour the British Isles in a program of a capella music in a nod to Canada’s ties to these islands featuring a premiere work from composer-in-residence Chris Sivak. 8pm at St. Andrews United Church. Tickets $25 at BrownPaperTickets.com. All ages welcome.

FMLYBND Indie-electronic band from Santa Barbara tours in support of Hearts On Fire, with special guests Olivver the Kid and Dark Waves. 7:30pm at Biltmore Cabaret. Tickets $12 at Red Cat and TicketFly.com

AMON AMARTH Swedish melodic death metal band appear in support of Jomsviking, with special guests Entombed A.D., and Exmortus. 8pm at Commodore Ballroom. Tickets $39.50 at Scrape, LiveNation.com and Ticketmaster.ca

DAMIEN JURADO & THE HEAVY LIGHT Seattle singer, songwriter on tour in support of his latest release, Visions of Us on the Land, with special guest Ben Abraham. 8pm at Biltmore Cabaret. Tickets $18 at Red Cat, Zulu and TicketWeb.ca LIGHTS Canadian singer, songwriter, and musician from Toronto plays an acoustic set in support of her latest release, Midnight Machines, with special guest Kieran Mercer. 8pm at Vogue Theatre. Tickets $37.50 at TicketFly.com. All ages show. SUPERSUCKERS Local rock outfit hits the stage for a special country music edition with opening sets from Shawn James & the Shapeshifters and In The Whale. 7pm at The Cobalt. Tickets $20 at TicketFly.com GALGAMEX A fundraiser for Shannon with special guests Gross Misconduct, Cadaveric Lividity and Bushwacker. 9:30pm at Funky Winker Beans. Cover is $10. JOHNNY 2 FINGERS & THE DEFORMITIES Moose Jaw’s most revered rock ‘n’ rollers return with special guests Harma White, Staggers & Jaggers and Muddy Goats. 8:30pm at Pat’s Pub. Cover is $10.

THEATRE/DANCE PEOPLE LIKE US Set on a single night in a New York City bar, this performance from the Mariposa Theatre Wing is a love letter to musical theatre borrowing from hits like Rent, Follies, and Company. 7:30pm at Marpole United Church. Tickets $15+ at PeopleLikeUs.BrownPaperTickets.com. All ages welcome.

MAGRUDERGRIND American grindcore band from Washington, DC play tunes from II with special guests Yautja, Ogroem and Wtchdr. 8pm at The Astoria. Tickets $15+ at Red Cat, Neptoon, Zulu and TicketWeb.ca or $20 at the door. TORI KELLY American singer, songwriter, record producer and Grammy-nominated Best New Artist plays tunes from Unbreakable Smile, her debut release. 8pm at Queen Elizabeth Theatre. Tickets $57+ at BoxOfficeTicketSales.com GORGEOUS GERSHWIN Vancouver Academy of Music Symphony Orchestra busts out the great American songbook to close out their season on an ebullient note in a bright and boisterous programme under the direction of conductor Leslie Dala. 2pm at Orpheum Theatre. Tickets $10 at VAM.ca or at the door.

COMEDY RAPE IS REAL AND EVERYWHERE: A NATIONAL COMEDY TOUR LAUNCH Rape jokes are everywhere, but who are the people telling them and are they ever okay, let alone funny? What if the people telling rape jokes were survivors? Seasoned standup comedians use humour to celebrate resiliency on the eve of their national tour after three sold out shows in Vancouver. 7:30pm at Rickshaw Theatre. Tickets $15 at EventBrite.ca THE SUNDAY SERVICE The award-winning improv comedy troupe brings their high energy commitment to comedy with a little slapstick shtick, carrying the audience through a kaleidoscopic trip where scenes barrel into tangents and stories smash together creating comedy gold. 9pm at Fox Cabaret. Tickets $7 at the door.

COMEDY THE LAUGH GALLERY WITH GRAHAM CLARK Join the East Van comedian and his pals for guaranteed laughs and a shot at winning thrift store treasures at one of the longest running comedy shows in town. 9pm at Havana Theatre. Tickets $5 at EastVanComedy.com QUEER PROV Don’t let the queer deter you – you don’t have to identify to get it! This not-for-profit society dedicated to creating a queer community that creates, supports, enjoys and teaches improv theatre unites every week on Mondays, to set yourself up for a gay ol’ week. 8pm at XY (1216 Bute).

THEATRE/DANCE EXPRESSIONS FESTIVAL 2016 Arts Umbrella presents the annual showcase celebrating the boundless creativity of young talent with an expanded two week run, in a collection of inspired performances and exhibitions highlighting the talents of Canada’s next generation of theatre artists. Visit WaterFrontTheatre.ca for tickets and schedule. Runs until May 22.

CHEAP & FUN KARAOKE MONDAYS DJ Christa Belle and Trevor Risk host this weekly send-up of karaoke with no cover, cheap drinks and questionable talent. 9pm at The Cobalt.

Tori Kelly, May 15



Saturday, May 14th Community Fundraising Event at Choices Burnaby Crest 8683 10th Ave, Burnaby | 604-522-0936 Fundraising Barbecue | 11am to 3pm Enjoy barbecued hot dogs and hamburgers for a small donation. Proceeds benefit Cariboo Hill Secondary School. /Choices_Markets

12 W May 12 - May 18, 2016








NADA SURF American alternative rockers from New York City appear in support of their eighth studio album, You Know Who You Are. 8pm at Venue. Tickets $22 at BPLive.ElectroStub.com

SONGS OF WORLD WAR I Tenor Ian Bostridge, accompanied by pianist WenWen Du perform an artfully curated program of songs by Mahler, Stephan, Butterworth, Weill and Bitten exploring the music and poetry of the Great War. 7:30pm at Vancouver Playhouse. Tickets $25+ at VanRecital.com

ARCHYTAS QUARTET An intimate concert featuring glorious, passionate music by Franz Schubert, and world premiere from Vancouver’s own Marcus Goddard with Dale Barltrop and David Gillham on violin, David Harding on viola and Ariel Barnes on cello. 8pm at Fox Cabaret. Tickets $33.25 at MusicOnMain.ca

THEATRE/DANCE VIRGINS Not just one musical, but three one act musicals on one bill, sure to make you laugh with tales of socially conscious teens, a journalist working on a story about porn and reality TV style competition. 8pm at Jericho Arts Centre. Tickets at TicketsTonight.TicketForce.com. Runs until May 21.

EVENTS INTERNATIONAL DAY AGAINST HOMOPHOBIA AND TRANSPHOBIA Visit this information fair and explore the discrimination and challenges faced by LGBTQ people from all walks of life. 12-2pm at VPL Central Branch. Admission is free. IGNITE! Every year, for one week The Cultch is taken over and transformed by hundreds of youth in this festival showcasing music, dance, spoken word, three one-act plays, a visual art exhibit and variety shows featuring improv, drag, circus arts and more all created by local artists ages 13-24. At Vancouver East Cultural Centre. Tickets and details at IgniteYouthFest.com. Runs until May 21.

Join us at the Harvest Table for Legacy’s version of The Historical 1976 Tasting an event that turned the wine world on its head.



IMPROV AGAINST HUMANITY The Fictionals are back at the Rio for more horrible hilarity adding fresh cards to the IAH deck, handing out more sweet prizes and crowning the next Most Horrible Person in Vancouver. 8pm at Rio Theatre. Tickets at TheFictionals.com

AN EVENING WITH An evening of original music from the soul featuring three of Vancouver’s finest vocal talents, Tonye Aganaba, Khari Wendell McClelland and Emily Chambers. 8pm at The Waldorf. Tickets $10 at EventBrite.ca


BIG BLACK DELTA Jonathan Bates, formerly of Mellowdrone and M83 plays tunes from his latest solo album Trágame Tierra. 8pm at Biltmore Cabaret. Tickets $12 at Red Cat and TicketFly.com

REVOLVER THEATRE FESTIVAL A diverse set of emerging and established Canadian artists explore new forms of storytelling and theatre arts in mainstage productions and cabaret-style shows presented by Upintheair Theatre. Runs until May 22 at The Cultch. Tickets at Tickets.TheCultch. com, Upintheairtheatre.com and revolverfestival.ca. Runs until May 22.

EVENTS MAKE NATURAL ROOTBEER Join Rick Havlak in this workshop to make naturally effervescent rootbeer, as he guides through the step-by-step fermentation process with a bottle to take with you and a kit to get you started at home. 6pm at Homestead Junction (649 East Hastings). Tickets $40 at HomesteadJunction.ca

ART LAWRENCE PAUL YUXWELUPTUN: UNCEDED TERRITORIES Vancouver artist of Coast Salish and Okanagan descent showcases this provocative exhibition of new and existing paintings, drawings, sculptures and installation works that confront colonial suppression of First Nations peoples. 10am-5pm at Museum of Anthropology. Admission is free. Runs until Oct. 16.

YOUNG EMPIRES Toronto indie rockers appear in support of their debut album The Gates, with special guest Blajk. 8pm at Fortune Sound Club. Tickets $ at LiveNation.com DIANA ARBENINA & THE NIGHT SNIPERS Russian rock band plays a Canadian headlining spot. 7pm at Rickshaw Theatre. Tickets $60 at PicATic.com

COMEDY IVAN DECKER One of Canada’s leading young comedians, Decker is a hilarious voice for the millennial generation with careful dissection of everyday trials matched with briallian timing and intelligent observation. 8:30pm at Comedy Mix. Tickets $15 at TheComedyMix.com

THEATRE/DANCE 5 @ 50 Ruby Slipper Theatre and Zee Zee Theatre join forces to proudly present the North American premiere of Brad Fraser’s ensemble tour-de-force about friendship, addiction and co-dependence, a darkly comic portrayal of turning 50 in contemporary society. 8pm at PAL Studio Theatre. Tickets at Tickets.TheatreWire.com





JAYNE TRIMBLE Irish folk singer appears in support of In The Morning, with special guest Janaya Salmond. 8pm at Cottage Bistro. Cover is $7.

Ivan Decker, May 19

visual art




media art




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May 12 - May 18, 2016 W 13




rEvolver Festival gets physical High-level feats of circus and puppetry on offer at indie theatre fest

KELSEY KLASSEN @kelseyklassen

It took nine months of working as a fire-dancer at festivals overseas for Chris Murdoch to realize he was a circus performer. “I didn’t even realize that what I was doing was part of the circus until I went to Australia and was put in some larger festivals, and they were like, ‘You’re in circus-artist camping with the rest of the circus-artist people,’” the Calgary-born artist recalls, with a laugh. “Then I started to discover the larger umbrella of circus – [juggling, acrobatics, aerial arts, etc.] – and all of a sudden I went ‘Okay, I guess circus is what I do.’” It would turn out to be a life-changing epiphany: Murdoch, now one of the West Coast’s most accomplished contact jugglers, is part of a dedicated troupe of artists helping to root the

world’s red-hot contemporary circus movement – made mainstream by companies like Seven Fingers of the Hand and Gravity and Other Myths – in Vancouver. And those looking to get in on the action can catch his show, The New Conformity, from May 17-22 as part of rEvolver Festival – Vancouver’s annual showcase of emerging and independent theatre talent, presented by Up In The Air Theatre. Inspired by modern circus behemoth Cirque du Soleil but not an imitation of it, Murdoch explains that the circus of his generation doesn’t need a Big Top to present physical theatre at its finest. “[Contemporary circus] has stripped away so much of the production value that Cirque du Soleil involves,” he explains, on break from making costumes at CircusWest, where he works as a coach. “And [companies like Seven Fingers] are doing such amazing tricks that now it’s not spectacle. [Circus] can tell a story, it can be emotionally expressive… Especially Seven Fingers.They’ve stripped a lot of it down to just street clothes.”

intimate incarnation will feature just Murdock, Ryan Mellors and Yuki Ueda, under the banner of Cause & Effect Circus, as they make magic out of thin air.


A Soviet-era board game comes to life in Kolejka, a puppet show for grown-ups running May 11-22. Jalen Saip photo So, as Murdoch sees it, rather than the Romeo and Juliet-sized love stories and elaborate mythologies of Cirque, contemporary circus has emerged as creating stories on a human scale. “[Cirque] is telling mythology and fairy tales like Avatar, and stuff like that,” says Murdoch, “and contemporary circus is telling much smaller, human stories, in the same way that modern dance and




Every Wednesday, Our Club 55 members will enjoy • Double Free Play

contemporary dance do.” Case and point? His company’s dazzling juggling masterclass, The New Conformity. In the capable hands of Murdoch and co., the very act of juggling fades away, and The New Conformity becomes a wordless celebration of the possibilities of physical storytelling, disguised as compelling social commentary. “Our story is sort of on the theme of trends in society. It’s basically three guys who are going through their daily routine.You could interpret us as coworkers – we’re just in plain grey suits,” says Murdoch. “We do our normal routine, and one of us starts to get sick of it.That’s me. I just don’t want to juggle ‘boring’ anymore. I want to juggle interestingly and I want to have some fun. I want to take my jacket off and be a little bit different, and the other guys do not want me to do that.” Reviews hail the 2014 Victoria and 2015 Vancouver Fringe hit as “breathtaking” and ingenious, blending highlevel circus concepts with elements of contemporary dance and hip hop culture. Originally created by a gaggle of jugglers, this more

Capitalizing on its reputation as an incubator for emerging Canadian talent, this year rising local puppeteer Randi Edmundson is using rEvolver to expand on a simmering story idea – a whimsical puppet show called Kolejka, inspired almost entirely by a Soviet-era board game of the same name. “[Originally], I wanted to create a show for a fundraiser for the Troika Collective,” says Edmundson, referring to a Vancouver theatre company that specializes in Eastern European storytelling, “and also at the same time I was playing this board game called Kolejka, which is about communism in 1970s, 1980s Poland, standing in bread-lines trying to complete our shopping list before the other people you’re playing against. “It’s really fun,” she continues, “and you really get into it in a sort of fun, competitive way, but it also just reminds you about how crappy that would have been, to be in that situation. And the intention behind the makers of this board game was to keep that story alive.” (In an interesting turn, the Polish best-seller, referred to colloquially as “communist Monopoly” was just banned in Russia in March for being excessively critical of the government.) Current events aside, though, Edmundson adds excitedly that rEvolver is also a chance to showcase skills she and part of the team at star star theatre picked up from Alberta-based puppetry legends the Old Trouts (with whom Vancouver audiences are likely very familiar, thanks

to five-star shows like Famous Puppet Death Scenes passing through The Cultch) at their Banff Centre workshop two years ago. “We learned a bunch of building techniques, we learned about devising puppet shows in collectives, we learned about manipulation,” Edmundson recalls. “And I think what’s exciting about Kolejka is we are finally getting to use a lot of the more Old Trout-type puppet styles in a show.” In Kolejka – one of seven shows created or directed by women at the festival – an elderly Polish woman named Babushka is searching for human connection in a lonely world. It’s a simple premise for a puppet show for grown-ups, but this moving and magical fantasy manages to be full of surprise – told through physically demanding rod and shadow puppetry in the bunraku or multi-handler style, and set to rollicking gypsy-punk music. For Babushka’s mainstage debut, Edmundson and her colleagues have added more to the story, padding out the quirky adventure from its original six-and-a-half-minute format into a full, 50-minute production, running May 1122 at The Cultch. “Babushka just seemed so alive and so interesting, and I felt I just had to do more,” Edmundson explains. “So, I applied to rEvolver and we fleshed out the story a little bit, and there we go! We kind of took that first six minutes as a launching point to find more of the story and more of the world.” W


runs May 11-22 at The Cultch (1895 Venables). Tickets $17/$20; for tickets and full lineup head to UpInTheAirTheatre.com

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14 W May 12 - May 18, 2016

Juggling takes on magical properties in Cause & Effects’ The New Conformity, running May 17-22. Starsha Grace photo




Rob Joyce

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Sales Associate Roger Ross

West End Specialist Rob Joyce

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New Listing 1147 Nelson #204 Two Bedroom + 2 Bath + 100 SF Patio

OPEN: FRIDAY 4:30 - 5:00 and SUNDAY 2:00 - 3:00 NW corner 2 bdrm + 2 bathroom + 100 SF sunny patio suite at The Somerset on Nelson Park in the heart of the West End. Unique floor plan, lots of natural light & kept in mint condition by long term owner. Some renovations including built-in Murphy bed & desk. Well maintained strata complex with rainscreen, new pipes and hallway refresh. No surprises. Pets welcome. Limited rentals. $579,000.

Coming .... Surprise New Listing Unobstructed English Bay Views Live in a 1 bdrm penthouse with this view to enjoy from every room. Call today!



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West End

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Artists of all ages, skill level and mediums are once again invited to participate in Opus Art Supplies 5th annual Opus Outdoor Painting Challenge taking place on Sunday, May 15th, and featuring more than $27,000 in prizing (including $6000 in Opus gift cards). For more information on this event, visit opusartsupplies.com/opc or search #OPUSOPC



Go to www.westender.com/contests for your chance to win! Contest closes Monday, May 16, 2016, 2016 at 9am.

New Listing 1960 Robson #701 Two bedroom two bath Views to mountains, the lagoon & the city. Rarely available 1087 SF suite at Lagoon Terrace almost touching Stanley Park. $998,000.



SOLD 1850 Comox #1808 For $42,100 Over Asking Price Views to the city at The El Cid. $274,900.

SOLD 1879 Barclay #108 2nd floor West of Denman studio Prime heritage co-op w/ parking. $248,900.

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ON THE MOVE Seller looking for a house; your gain. Fabulous one and den/two bedroom view suite in quality Yaletown strata steps to all the upcoming development/ services, park and seawall. Overheight ceilings, engineered wood floors, stainless appliances, spa style bath and more with concierge services and security. Upper floor corner suite in sought after pet and rental friendly award winning strata.

PaRk vIew Spacious one bedroom in central West End offers room for house size furnishings, only one common wall, gas fireplace, good storage and secured parking. Laundry shared only with three or install your own. Pet and rental friendly. Well maintained, tight community for those looking for comfort, confidence and flexibility in a real neighbourhood. Cherry blossoms, heritage homes and public garden adjacent.

ReaDy foR The ChaRaCTeR home oR buIlD To suIT! This lovingly maintained craftsman style character home has been in one family for decades. Featuring city, mountain and water views, with the basement suite for mortgage helper this West Side home is sure to charm. Located a beautiful treelined street steps to the best schools. Fenced yard, mature plants, solid garage and many updates. Live in, rent out or hold and build later.

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The Ellington 1010 Burnaby #1801 View! View! View! 1126 SF 2 bdrm, 2 bath + enormous patio in the sky. High end upgrades. Pets. $998,000.




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Ocean View Studio 1949 Beach #502 English Bay Views Stunning water views from every window. One floor from the top. 581 SF. $498,000.

New Listing 1720 Barclay #1005 Mountain Views! Live in the sky at Lancaster Gate just off Denman St. Outdoor pool. Well managed West End mid-rise. Open balcony. Won’t last. $284,900.

West End Neighbours

New info always available on the website; an opportunity for community to stay in touch and keep up on local issues. www.westendneighbours.ca

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Vroom on the move

Vancouver actress FionaVroom goes green (again) for ‘Star Trek Beyond’ Sabrina Furminger Reel People @Sabrinarmf

FionaVroom didn’t grow up watching StarTrek. She’s not a Trekkie or aTrekker. She isn’t onTeam Kirk orTeam Picard.

Regardless, Star Trek has played a major role in Vroom’s life and career. First there was Lolani: the Vancouver actress portrayed the green-skinned Orion slave girl in the “Lolani” episode of the fan-financed Star Trek Continues web series. Lou Ferrigno of The Incredible Hulk fame played a nefarious slave trader in that same episode. Vroom parlayed this Trek role into a second one: again as an Orion, but this time in the upcoming Star Trek Beyond feature film. Trek’s impact on Vroom’s life is even evident in her early


Starring Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr. Directed by Joe Russo, Anthony Russo They’ve done it again. Marvel has once more raised the bar to demonstrate what a superhero movie can and should be. CivilWar combines the best parts of The Avengers – thrilling, big scale action with larger than life characters – with the political intrigue and spycraft of Captain America. For the most part, our beloved heroes have squared off against evil warlords or nasty aliens hell-bent on universal control and worldwide destruction. But, we’ve never seen an internal struggle that has divided the group into two distinct factions until now. In what could be described as their worst rough patch yet, the Avengers are forced to take sides after Steve Rogers’ trusty comrade Bucky

Barnes is blamed for a major attack. A huge rift forms after Cap remains loyal and Tony Stark becomes convinced the group needs some world policing. There is so much to love about the film it’s hard to know where to start.The action, which occurs in numerous locations around the globe, is often breathless, mixing stunningly choreographed stunts with superior visual effects.The airport battle is one of the best sequences ever assembled in the MCU.The movie is also frequently hilarious.What makes the comedy so brilliant is how effortlessly it’s blended into the narrative as scenes shift seamlessly from harrowing drama to plain old comic relief. Also, watch for a scene-stealing Tom Holland as Spider-Man. Some may decry the film as formulaic but it’s sheer blockbuster entertainment value and depth of characters is undeniable. –Thor Diakow

childhood, when young Vroom devoured reruns of I Love Lucy and yearned to be Lucille Ball – and Trekkies know that Ball’s production company Desilu greenlit the original Star Trek television series. “I was not a fan of Star Trek,” Vroom tells Reel People in a recent interview. “I wanted to be Lucille Ball. She’s the big inspiration for my entire career. But I keep coming back to Star Trek.” Vroom’s journey to Star Trek began on a boat. She describes her parents as “big hippies,” and her childhood – the first few years of which she spent sailing around the Gulf Islands – as “very unique.” It was on the boat that Vroom initially discovered the joy that could be derived from making her parents and two sisters laugh. This feeling only increased in elementary school, when she played Mrs. Claus in the holiday play. “I got up on stage, and I made the audience laugh, and that was even better than making my family laugh,” chuckles Vroom. “I was hooked.” At first, Vroom wanted to be a musical theatre star. She honed her skills at Canadian College of Performing Arts, and took those skills on the road, erm, high seas as a cruise ship performer. “I would never recommend for anyone to go on a cruise ship for a vacation, but as a performer, it was awesome,” says Vroom. She visited dozens of countries as she performed in various onship Broadway revues and cirque shows. “It was fun, but at the end of three years, I wanted to try film and TV.” Since docking in the film and television sphere in 2005, Vroom has racked up a


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The Georgia-shot Star Trek Continues – which seeks to finish the original five-year mission of the 1960s TV series – introduced Vroom to the wild world of diehard Trekkies (full disclosure: Reel People lives in this particular wild world). Her Twitter numbers doubled the day “Lolani” went live. Nearly three years later,

Vroom continues to receive letters and artwork from Star Trek Continues fans. “They’re so loyal,” raves Vroom. Vroom’s work on the web series opened the door for the big budget feature, in which she’s credited as Green Girl.

Continued on page 19

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lengthy and eclectic filmography. Highlights include a guest starring gig on Hell on Wheels; a scene-stealing turn in Tim Burton’s Big Eyes; a 1950s housewife with superpowers on the way-ahead-ofits-time web series The True Heroines; Kindergarten Cop 2; Supernatural; and, currently, a meaty recurring role on Bates Motel.


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Vancouver actress Fiona Vroom appears in the upcoming Star Trek Beyond. Submitted photo

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Deluge of Davie density driving a rental renaissance

More than 750 new rental units planned for one-block radius of theWest End strip GLEN KORSTROM @glenkorstrom

A flurry of major residential projects could soon transform western Davie Street and add the biggest

infusion of rental units into the West End in decades. Including a project one block away on Pendrell Street, there are four projects and five towers with more than 750 rental units in varying stages of development. Westbank wants to build the largest of these projects – a two-tower, 319-unit redevelopment of the current Safeway site – at the

northwest corner of Davie and Cardero streets, and west to include the current liquor store. The market-rental project sailed through a designpanel hearing with what Henriquez Partners Architects principal and project applicant Gregory Henriquez called “unanimous support.” Approval is up to the city’s development permit

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board, which is scheduled to meet May 16. Once Henriquez gets that approval, he can apply for a development permit Westbank needs to build the towers that it envisages as being 21 and 22 storeys. Critics, such as West End Neighbours director Randy Helten, say the Safeway project and others nearby have too much density and will change the streetscape to be less pedestrianfriendly. Henriquez is unconvinced by those arguments. “Density is a great idea,” he said. “The West End plan went through a long public consultation process, which resulted in density along major arterial roads and keeping the majority of the internal parts [of the West End] pretty much untouched.” Reliance Properties owns the remaining third of the block to the west of the liquor store and to the northeast corner of Davie and Bidwell streets. It intends to build a 22-storey, 108-unit, marketrental building that the city recently approved. Meanwhile, Larco Investments has approval to build

what would be a fourth tower in the one-block strip of Davie Street. The Larco tower is slated to be a 23-storey, 158-unit, market-rental building on the south side of Davie Street between Bidwell and Cardero streets, on what is now the London Drugs parking lot. Larco also owns the real estate under the store, but there are no plans yet to redevelop the London Drugs location. More rental-tower construction is planned nearby. Last September, city council approved a Westbank project one block northwest, at 1750 Pendrell Street near Denman Street, where the company is waiting for a development permit to build a 21-storey, 173-unit tower that will have a mix of market-rental and affordable housing units. “Think of the quality of life for people in the area,” Helten said. “There will be noise, traffic, dust and disruptions as well as safety issues. Lord Roberts Elementary School has 750 children, so there’s a concern about heavy construction nearby as well as shadows from the [Safeway

site’s] towers.” Things could have been worse for Helten and others concerned about increasing density. Devonshire Properties last year mysteriously put on hold a development a couple blocks south of Davie Street, despite taking a couple years to successfully navigate a rezoning. Devonshire had planned to build a 133-unit rental building on a parking lot next to the three existing Beach Towers buildings. No one from Devonshire responded to Business in Vancouver by press time to explain why it was pausing that project or when the project could be resurrected. Helten speculated that Devonshire may see more value in selling the property. Mayor Gregor Robertson, last year, lamented that Devonshire’s project would not get built and struck a tone consistent with the recent rental-tower approvals. “We’ll keep pressing on every front to get more rental housing built,” he told media at the time. W –Courtesy of Business in Vancouver




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THE LEFT BANK $674,900 203-919 STATION ST


AQUA AT THE PARK $639,000 2203-550 PACIFIC ST




• Complete stunning transformation of this 1 bed & den balcony penthouse with serene greenbelt and city views facing the quiet side of the street • This renovated beauty offers an open chef’s kitchen with brand new stainless steel Fisher Paykel and Whirlpool appliances, new quartz breakfast bar counters, new porcelain tiles and new laminate hardwood floors throughout • The new spa bath boasts a rainshower and zen porcelain white tile surround • 1 pet and rentals maxed to 10 units allowed, currently at 8 rented.

RECENT SALES 1603-1128 QUEBEC ST 902-907 BEACH 102-118 ATHLETES WAY 1576 E 26TH AVENUE 901-1501 HOWE ST 8-3437 WEST 4TH AVE 305-1188 QUEBEC ST 741/743 E 10TH AVE PH1-868 KINGSWAY 206-2033 W 7TH AVE 406-3225 TUPPER ST 604-1238 SEYMOUR ST 2595 E 8TH AVE


THE LEFT BANK $428,880 605-919 STATION ST

KITS RENOVATION $408,880 206-2033 W 7TH AVE



507-733 W 3RD ST 606-1550 FERN ST 1753 E 2ND AVE 1751 E 2ND AVE 405-4355 WEST 10TH


203-33 WEST PENDER 852/854 E14TH AVE 303-633 KINGHORNE MEWS 105-131 WEST 3RD 2505 VENBLES ST 401-2150 BELLEVUE AVE 13-3855 PENDER ST 1909-501 PACIFIC 403-756 GRT NORTHERN WAY 676 CITADEL PARADE 406-570 E8TH AVE 1205-1200 ALBERNI ST 210-310 W 3RD ST, N VAN

18 W May 12 - May 18, 2016





Treasure your chest: finding the best sports bra for you Like regular bras, many women simply don’t wear the correct sports bra for their body type. Whether you’re mashing your “girls” into a bouncing uniboob, or doubling up with two sports bras just to get the support you need, there’s a lot of confusion around what a sports bra can even do. The women behind Diane’s Lingerie discovered this at their booth at the BMO Marathon Expo last spring. Vancouver’s go-to bra-fitters heard runner after runner complaining that the sports bras they ran in didn’t do enough heavy lifting. So, this year, the South Granville intimates experts teamed up with Anita Active – a sleek, award-winning German sports bra line with more than 130 years of design expertise – to host a free, educational sports bra fitting for the participants at the race. While the closest I’ve come to running a marathon was standing at the booth, this what I learned when I stopped by: 1) Not every sports bra is built the same. Lowimpact bras offer enough bounce reduction to carry you through light activities

Continued from page 17 Vroom brought a picture of herself from Star Trek Continues to her Star Trek Beyond audition. “I said, ‘look, I’ve been in this series before, here’s my headshot from it, I played an Orion,’ and that got me a callback,” she says. Vroom worked 21 days on Star Trek Beyond last summer. It took three hours each day to apply the green makeup. She can’t disclose much of anything about her Star Trek character, save that she’s an Orion – but she does call it the “craziest experience” of her career. The bulk of Vroom’s Star Trek shooting days occurred in a Pitt Meadows rock quarry, where the production enhanced the otherworldliness of the landscape with props and more than a dozen green screens. “I’ve never been part of something so big, and seen so many people involved in making something so magical and massive,” says Vroom. Even though Star Trek Beyond is the biggest film Vroom’s ever worked on, the


like yoga, while highimpact bras for running or CrossFit are engineered with higher bustlines, strategic seams and wider shoulder straps to offer targeted support. 2) The right sports bra makes you want to work out, while an ill-fitting sport bra can constrict your breathing, cause muscle tension, and lead to tissue tearing, chafing and even nipple bleeding. 3) There is never any reason to wear two sports bras. Anita sports bras can fit all the way up to an H-cup, and Anita won a Red Dot design award for its racerback dynamiXstar bra ($95), with straps that clip in along tracks in the front to offer personalized support. 4) Sports bras can actually look and feel like bras, with sculpted, feminine cups and convenient back closures. No more uniboob. No more struggling to pull a restrictive swath of fabric over the shoulders. It’s enough to make a girl march home and start burnin’ stuff! W " XPM RPM9 information, head to DianesLingerie.com

lead actors were as down to Earth as their indie counterparts, she says. “Watching Zachary Quinto and Chris Pine work, they’re so relaxed, and they goof off all of the time,” says Vroom. “This is the third film, so they’re so comfortable with each other.” Star Trek might have been written in Vroom’s stars, but it’s equally arguable that performing is in the building blocks of her DNA. Her great-grandmother was an opera singer, and her great-great-grandfather was involved in the construction of the Orpheum Theatre, notably painting details on the gold ceiling. That would be her greatgreat-grandfather on theVroom side – which, incidentally, is her actual last name. “People always think I’ve made it up,” laughsVroom. “It’s a great conversation starter.” W Star Trek Beyond hits theatre nationwide this July. Bates Motel airs Mondays at 9pm on A&E. Follow Fiona Vroom on Twitter @ fionavroom.

Left: Dyami Xstar sports bra. Right: Extreme Control sports bra. Submitted photos

PLEASE READ THE FINE PRINT: Offers valid until May 31, 2016. See toyota.ca for complete details. In the event of any discrepancy or inconsistency between Toyota prices, rates and/or other information contained on www.getyourtoyota.ca and that contained on toyota.ca, the latter shall prevail. Errors and omissions excepted.*Lease example: 2016 Corolla CE Manual BURCEM-6M MSRP is $17,610 and includes $1,615 freight/PDI and fees leased at 0.99% over 60 months with $0 down payment (after application of the $1,500 cash back which is available only on that model), equals 130 bi-weekly payments of $77 with a total lease obligation of $9,955. Applicable taxes are extra. Lease 60 mos. based on 100,000 km, excess km charge is $.07. $1,000 Stackable cash back available on select other 2016 Corolla models and can be combined with advertised lease rate. **Lease example: 2016 RAV4 FWD LE Automatic ZFREVT-A with a vehicle price of $27,125 includes $1,885 freight/PDI and fees leased at 1.99% over 60 months with $0 down payment (after application of the $1,000 stackable cash back), equals 130 bi-weekly payments of $130 with a total lease obligation of $16,868. Applicable taxes are extra. Lease 60 mos. based on 100,000 km, excess km charge is $.10. $1,000 stackable cash back can be combined with advertised lease offer on the 2016 RAV4 FWD LE Automatic ZFREVT-A only. Up to $1,000 non-stackable cash back available on select other 2016 RAV4 models cannot be combined with advertised lease offer. ***Lease example: 2016 4Runner SR5 V6 Automatic BU5JRA-A with a vehicle price of $45,975 includes $1,885 freight/PDI and fees leased at 3.99% over 60 months with $2,925 down payment equals 130 bi-weekly payments of $230 with a total lease obligation of $32,823. Applicable taxes are extra. Lease 60 mos. based on 100,000 km, excess km charge is $.15. †Finance offer: 1.99% finance for 48 months, upon credit approval. ††Stackable cash back offers on select 2016 Corolla models are valid until May 31, 2016. Non-stackable cash back offers on select 2016 RAV4 models are valid until May 31, 2016 and may not be combined with Toyota Financial Services (TFS) lease or finance rates. If you would like to lease or finance at standard TFS rates (not the above special rates), then you may be able to take advantage of cash back offers by May 31, 2016. Cash incentives include taxes and are applied after taxes have been charged on the full amount of the negotiated price. See toyota.ca for complete details on all cash back offers. †††Bi-weekly lease offer available through Toyota Financial Services (TFS) on approved credit to qualified retail customers on most 60 month leases of new and demonstrator Toyota vehicles. Down payment and first bi-weekly payment due at lease inception and next bi-weekly payment due approximately 14 days later and bi-weekly thereafter throughout the term. ‡ ®Aeroplan miles: Vehicle MSRP greater than $60,000 earns 20,000 Aeroplan miles plus 5000 Aeroplan bonus miles for a total of 25,000 miles. Miles offer valid on vehicles purchased/leased, registered and delivered between April 1 and May 31, 2016. Customers must be an Aeroplan Member prior to the completion of the transaction. Offer subject to change without notice. Some conditions apply. Other miles offers available on other vehicles. See Toyota.ca/aeroplan or your Dealer for details. ®Aeroplan and the Aeroplan logo are registered trademarks of Aimia Canada Inc. Visit your Toyota Dealer or www.getyourtoyota.ca for more details. Some conditions apply; offers are time limited and may change without notice. Dealer may lease/ sell for less. Each specific model may not be available at each dealer at all times; factory order or dealer trade may be necessary.












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May 12 - May 18, 2016 W 19




When eating healthy, baby steps create giant leaps Patty Javier Gomez Whole Nourishment

@WholeNourishBC Healthy eating is all the rage, especially here in Vancouver. People are always looking for ways to feel better, look better, lose weight or maybe they’re just jumping on the bandwagon. Whatever the motivation, your health and wellbeing will thank you for eating right. Being “healthy” has become an obsession of sorts, and with all the contradicting and overwhelming information out there, it’s easy to get confused or be roped in to an unnecessary fad. For example, eating gluten-free doesn’t make you better than anyone else or

healthier – it’s a diet made for people with a gluten allergy/ sensitivity, and there are a lot of unhealthy gluten-free products. There is no one diet that cures everything, so if you want to make positive changes to your health, then be ready to make some lifestyle changes as well. But take it one day at a time and be compassionate with yourself. Here are some tips to get you started on your journey.


Set goals that you know are going to be attainable right away. Going from a meat eater to raw vegan overnight is not going to happen and will set yourself up for failure before the end of the month. Ease into your diet at your own pace, reduce the amount of “bad” foods in your diet and start



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replacing them with healthier alternatives and you will soon realize that you don’t even crave MSG-covered, fake-flavoured ketchup chips.


This is one of the best ways that you can help yourself transition to a healthier diet. Obsessed with chocolate? No problem! Switch to dark chocolate for a healthier choice. Crazy for chips? There are tons of different chips out there that are made with whole foods that are pretty tasty and will totally satisfy your salty cravings.You could even make your own.


Ok this isn’t just a tip, it’s a great suggestion for life. Water composes 75 per cent of your brain, 22 per cent of your bones, removes wastes, helps convert food into energy, and helps your body absorb nutrients among many other valuable functions. So drink up!

THE 80/20 RULE

Let yourself indulge once in a while. If you are eating a whole foods, nutrient-dense

If you want to eat healthy, start small with easily attainable goals. iStock photo diet most of the time, your body will know what to do with the extra crap and calories you have on cheap beer and wings night.


A healthy routine is a great thing to have for anyone, but it is especially useful when starting something new and getting into a healthy lifestyle, making a new change part of your daily ritual will

keep you keep it going longer and more consistent.


Try some first thing in the morning to help digestion and get things moving. Lemon water is a great addition to your daily routine.


Exercise is so important for your overall health and wellbeing. Get those endorphins




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One of the best ways to stay on top of the game is to help yourself avoid temptation. Keeping healthy snacks around the house as opposed to your regular Twinkies will help you stick to your plan and ease into your new improved lifestyle. I personally love to always have raw nuts and seeds that I can munch on throughout the day for an added boost energy. W

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going by getting into a regular exercise regimen, maybe you will finally take that yoga or spin class you always wanted, or you could keep it nice and simple by just walking for 30 minutes a day. Baby steps create giant leaps.


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Ingredients: " V6S =IO P8 ;M+ T/W=0 T9WQL YPM PQ9 =WQ P8 =WQQ9; T/W=0 T9WQLU " S LRW// KPRWKP9L Y=IK 2Q NIWMK9ML LP K39+ =WQ 82K T9KK9M 2Q K39 8PP; OMP=9LLPMU " FI2=9 P8 3W/8 W /9RPQ " V6: =IO =P/; OM9LL9; 9,KMW G2M52Q P/2G9 P2/ " S@< =/PG9L P8 5WM/2= " V6: =IO P8 =2/WQKMP " )W/K WQ; O9OO9M KP KWLK9 Directions: " XPM ;M+ T9WQLH LITR9M59 V6S =IO P8 ;M+ T/W=0 T9WQL 2Q .WK9M WQ; /9WG9 KP LPW0 PG9MQ253KJ #2L=WM; .WK9M WQ; M2QL9 T9WQL .9//J $PP0 PQ R9;2IR KP /P. 39WK IQK2/ K39+ WM9 8I//+ =PP09;J #B CB( W;; LW/KH WL K32L .2// 2Q=M9WL9 =PP02Q5 K2R9J " XPM =WQQ9; T9WQLH K3PMPI53/+ M2QL9 P> T9WQL T98PM9 IL2Q5J " A/W=9 W// 2Q5M9;29QKL 2Q 8PP; OMP=9LLPM WQ; T/9Q; IQK2/ LRPPK3J " !Q1P+ .2K3 .3P/9 5MW2Q O2KW TM9W; PM PM5WQ2= =PMQ =32OLJ





Free Will Astrology Generation of loneliness By Rob Brezsny Russian writer Anton Chekhov was renowned for the crisp, succinct style of his short stories and plays. As he evolved, his pithiness grew. “I now have a mania for shortness,” he wrote. “Whatever I read – my own work, or other people’s – it all seems to me not short enough.” I propose that we make Chekhov your patron saint for a while. According to my analysis of the astrological omens, you are in a phase when your personal power feeds on terse efficiency. You thrive on being vigorously concise and deftly focused and cheerfully devoted to the crux of every matter.

“Creativity is intelligence having fun.” Approximately 30,000 sites on the Internet attribute that quote to iconic genius Albert Einstein. But my research strongly suggests that he did not actually say that. Who did? It doesn’t matter. For the purposes of this horoscope, there are just two essential points to concentrate on. First, for the foreseeable future, your supreme law of life should be “creativity is intelligence having fun.” Second, it’s not enough to cavort and play and improvise, and it’s not enough to be discerning and shrewd and observant. Be all those things.

In Western culture, the peacock is a symbol of vanity. When we see the bird display its stunning array of iridescent feathers, we might think it’s lovely, but may also mutter, “What a show-off.” But other traditions have treated the peacock as a more purely positive emblem: an embodiment of hard-won and triumphant radiance. In Tibetan Buddhist myths, for example, its glorious plumage is said to be derived from its transmutation of the poisons it absorbs when it devours dangerous serpents. This version of the peacock is your power animal for now, Gemini. Take full advantage of your ability to convert noxious situations and fractious emotions into beautiful assets.

“Clear moments are so short,” opines poet Adam Zagajewski. “There is much more darkness. More ocean than terra firma. More shadow than form.” Here’s what I have to say about that: Even if it does indeed describe the course of ordinary life for most people, it does not currently apply to you. On the contrary. You’re in a phase that will bring an unusually high percentage of lucidity. The light shining from your eyes and the thoughts coalescing in your brain will be extra pure and bright. In the world around you, there may be occasional patches of chaos and confusion, but your luminosity will guide you through them.

“Dear Smart Operator: My name is Captain Jonathan Orances. I presently serve in the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan. I am asking for your help with the safekeeping of a trunk containing funds in the amount of $7.9 million, which I secured during our team’s raid of a poppy farmer in Kandahar Province. The plan is to ship this box to Luxembourg, and from there a diplomat will deliver it to your designated location. When I return home on leave, I will take possession of the trunk. You will be rewarded handsomely for your assistance. If you can be trusted, send me your details. Best regards, Captain Jonathan Orances.” You may receive a tempting but risky offer like this in the near future, Leo. I suggest you turn it down. If you do, I bet a somewhat less interesting but far less risky offer will come your way.

“Some things need to be fixed, others to be left broken,” writes poet James Richardson. The coming weeks will be an ideal time for you to make final decisions about which are which in your own life. Are there relationships and dreams and structures that are either too damaged to salvage or undeserving of your hard labor? Consider the possibility that you will abandon them for good. Are there relationships and dreams and structures that are cracked, but possible to repair and worthy of your diligent love? Make a plan to revive or reinvent them.

Once every year, it is healthy and wise to make an ultimate confession – to express everything you regret and bemoan in one cathartic swoop, and then be free of its subliminal nagging for another year. The coming days will be a perfect time to do this. For inspiration, read an excerpt from Jeanann Vernee’s “Genetics of Regret”: “I’m sorry I lied. Sorry I drew the picture of the dead cat. I’m sorry about the stolen tampons and the nest of mice in the stove. I’m sorry about the slashed window screens. I’m sorry it took 36 years to say this. Sorry that all I can do is worry what happens next. Sorry for the weevils and the dead grass. Sorry I vomited in the wash drain. Sorry I left. Sorry I came back. I’m sorry it comes like this. Flood and undertow.”

According to the British podcast series “No Such Thing as a Fish,” there were only a few satisfying connubial relationships in late 18th-century England. One publication at that time declared that of the country’s 872,564 married couples, just nine were truly happy. I wonder if the percentage is higher for modern twosomes. Whether it is or not, I have good news: My reading of the astrological omens suggests that you Scorpios will have an unusually good chance of cultivating vibrant intimacy in the coming weeks. Take advantage of this grace period, please!

“Some days I feel like playing it smooth,” says a character in Raymond Chandler’s short story “Trouble Is My Business,” “and some days I feel like playing it like a waffle iron.” I suspect that you Sagittarians will be in the latter phase until at least May 24. It won’t be prime time for silky strategies and glossy gambits and velvety victories. You’ll be better able to take advantage of fate’s fabulous farces if you’re geared up for edgy lessons and checkered challenges and intricate motifs.

Author Rebecca Solnit says that when she pictures herself as she was at age 15, “I see flames shooting up, see myself falling off the edge of the world, and am amazed I survived not the outside world but the inside one.” Let that serve as an inspiration, Capricorn. Now is an excellent time for you to celebrate the heroic, messy, improbable victories of your past. You are ready and ripe to honor the crazy intelligence and dumb luck that guided you as you fought to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles. You have a right and a duty to congratulate yourself for the suffering you have escaped and inner demons you have vanquished.

“To regain patience, learn to love the sour, the bitter, the salty, the clear.” The poet James Richardson wrote that wry advice, and now I’m passing it on to you. Why now? Because if you enhance your appreciation for the sour, the bitter, the salty, and the clear, you will not only regain patience, but also generate unexpected opportunities. You will tonify your mood, beautify your attitude, and deepen your gravitas. So I hope you will invite and welcome the lumpy and the dappled, my dear. I hope you’ll seek out the tangy, the smoldering, the soggy, the spunky, the chirpy, the gritty, and an array of other experiences you may have previously kept at a distance.

“A thousand half-loves must be forsaken to take one whole heart home.” That’s from a Coleman Barks’ translation of a poem by the 13th-century Islamic scholar and mystic known as Rumi. I regard this epigram as a key theme for you during the next 12 months. You will be invited to shed a host of wishywashy wishes so as to become strong and smart enough to go in quest of a very few burning, churning yearnings. Are you ready to sacrifice the mediocre in service to the sublime?

May 12: Tony Hawke (48) May 13: Stevie Wonder (66) May 14: David Byrne (64) May 15: Jamie Lynn Sigler (35) May 16: Megan Fox (30) May 17: Nikki Reed (38) May 18: Tina Fey (46)


Sex with Mish Way

@MyszkaWay Mixed in with the world awaking to its scorched edges and frayed minds I’ve come to the ripe age of twenty-fuckingone. In a new millennium where people meet digitally and we’re all randy for voyerism I’ve only met one person that I really wanted to care for. The last four years of looking for someone to be with has been arduous. Having only a couple petty flings in that time, I’ve grown used to being neutral on the topic of dating. I can’t find anyone I can talk to. The last woman I had solid conversations with passed away this December and was also dating someone else (which I found out after). Her other relationship as well as my relationship with her were long distance. The only other woman whom I’ve met recently and liked, I acted as a therapist for. Basically listening to her tell me how fucked all my shitty associates were to her after she slept with them. I just can’t seem to find anyone who I can muster feelings for or even talk to regularly. My generation is fucked, I guess. That or I’m too messed up to know what I should be doing to find someone who enjoys spending time with me. What is happening? I recently hosted a documentary series for VICE called Professional People that featured new companies offering paid companionship that excluded sex. In the second episode I interviewed Dr. Chris Donaghue, a Los Angeles-based sex therapist and author, who really impressed me. Not only is the guy’s voice the human equivalent of really soft leather, but moreover, he is extremely perceptive about how this period of cultural change about relationships and dating has tossed us into total confusion. People are having a rough time right now with love and romance because technology has taken the rulebook and turned it into an iPad. You feel like you can’t connect with anyone? The whole world is lonely and Dr. Donaghue hypothesized on why. “[Loneliness] is a cultural problem,” he told me. “We live in a neo-liberal, capitalist culture where we want separation. It’s about me. What do I need? Self-esteem. I have to ‘do me.’ I have to put myself first. [This culture] is all about ignoring the other person. Healthy relationships are about us, not about me or a self. So, our culture doesn’t train us to value other people in relationships.”

Neither you or your generation are fucked. We just need to quit with the me, me, me bullshit and give people a chance. Maybe you can’t find anyone because you aren’t giving any one person more time than a tweet. I see so many of my single friends bail on casual relationships so fast because of one little thing, and then continue to pine, whine and cry about how bad they want someone to share life with.You cannot possibly get to know someone texting with them on direct message or interacting only through SnapChat.You need to be together, face to face, touching, talking, being present to actually find out what they are about. And some people open up slow, like a really tough oyster. If you give up easy and walk because you “can’t deal,” you’ll never get to the meat. Look, I am sorry that your dead ex-girlfriend was having another long distance affair unbeknownst to you. I can’t help but assume this was a digital relationship, because it was “long distance,” which makes me want to smack you with a floppy disk. “Nonlinear dating and singledom, where couples are learning that healthy relationships don’t break up but instead change boundaries and often leave room for return to romance and sexuality at a later time, are becoming more common,” writes Dr. Donaghue. “Social media is our newest form of romantic cocaine, allowing for the ubiquitous snorting of our sexual other

at any immediate time or place.” Yeah, romance feels slightly selfish now. We are more interested in how good someone can make us feel, disassociated from their presence with a swipe right. If you really, really want to find someone then, give people more time than you are. Date outside your friendship circle. Go out with someone who has completely opposing political views as you. Who gives a shit. Get to know people. Break the bubble. I know you feel alone and that it is impossible to meet someone, but dude, you are ONLY 21YEARS OLD. If you didn’t feel a little fucked, I would be concerned.You have so much time left. This should be your era of messing around, being selfish and hanging out with as many people as possible. Screw up, get to know yourself, break a heart and have your heart busted too. This is what your twenties are about. However, you are never going to enjoy life if you are so busy dragging your feet and feeling sorry for yourself. Quit the pity party. Girls can smell your sulking like a dog smells fear. Just because you think your generation may be fucked, doesn’t mean you have to be. Love, Mish W

EMAIL MISH Send Mish your own sex questions and queries to sex@westender.com


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Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a Sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes.





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1. Businessmen 5. Million barrels per day (abbr.) 8. From a distance 12. Ruth’s mother-in-law 14. Performer __ Lo Green 15. Drug for Parkinson’s disease, L-__ 16. Composure 18. Broadcasts cartoons (abbr.) 19. Used for baking or drying 20. About alga 21. Food grain


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1. Tennis player Ivanovic 2. __ Nui, Easter Island 3. Cotton pod 4. Air pollution 5. The real __, the genuine article 6. Taken to fs qbhn_ u`^jvojuh ^mm^k es r`mmi dt^kjouh vl]`m 9. Small depressions in the retina 10. Vertical position 11. Shout at length 13. Conceivable 17. White (French)

22. Not messy 23. Super Bowl-winning Bronco 26. Egg-shaped wind instrument 30. Get rid of 31. Being enthusiastic 32. A bird’s beak 33. Pores in a leaf 34. Time of life 39. Yuppie status symbol 42. Parasitic fever 44. Gallantry 46. Put this in soup

47. Small dog 49. Malay people 50. Third-party access 51. North winds 55. Peruvian mountain 56. Annual percentage rate 57. Mourning garments 59. Network of nerves 60. Guided 61. Nests of pheasants 62. DJ Rick 63. No seats available 64. Patty

24. Singer Charles 25. Ancient Mesopotamian 26. Canada and the U.S. are members 27. Cognitive retention therapy 28. Much __ About Nothing 29. Georgia rockers 35. Cologne 36. The products of human creativity 37. Brazilian city (slang) ges qbcb`jvo ^j^hm jc puauc 40. They can die 41. Candy is inside this

42. Verizon bought them 43. Semites 44. Marine mollusk 45. Entertains 47. Made of crushed fruit or vegetables 48. Town in Apulia, Italy 49. Unresolved root or sum of roots 52. Invests in little enterprises 53. Spanish city 54. Search 58. Midway between south and southeast

May 12 - May 18, 2016 W 23

FAIR TRADE Prices Effective May 12 to May 18, 2016.

100% BC Owned and Operated PRODUCE

MEAT Fair Trade Organic Honeydew Melons from Divine, Mexico

Fair Trade Organic Hass Avocados from Pragor Cooperative

1.98 each

value pack

12.99lb/ 28.64kg

3.98 each Asparagus from the Okanagan, BC

Fair Trade Organic Tomatoes from Divine, Mexico

Organic Beef Burgers

assorted varieties

3.98lb/ 8.77kg

1.98lb/ 4.37kg

8.99lb/ 19.82kg

GROCERY assorted varieties 85g • product of USA

33% 2/7.00

La Chaudiere Organic Cheese

assorted varieties 200-340g product of Canada

5.49 to 9.69 Que Pasa Organic Chips and Salsa select varieties assorted sizes

product of Canada



2.99 to 3.99

Organic Meadow Ice Cream

Level Ground Organic Fair Trade Coffee Wholesome Organic Coconut Palm Sugar, and Superfoods assorted varieties Granulated Sugar and Sweeteners


assorted sizes

Life Choices Grass Fed Beef Hot Dogs, Chicken Hot Dogs, Chipolte Smokies, and Grass Fed Beef Smokies 375g

9.99 each

Arayuma and Cha’s Organic Fair Trade Coconut Products UP TO



Olympic Yogurt select varieties


1.75kg product of BC

750g • product of BC


Probiotics, Fish Oil, Fibre, Cleanses

Assorted Varieties and Sizes Excludes Bonus Bottles

20% off

Regular Retail Price

Fable Naturals Fair Trade Body Care Products

1 dozen • product of BC


6 pack • product of USA

Renew Life Supplements

Maple Hill Organic Free Range Large Eggs

to 28% 6.49 8.99


assorted varieties 200g


Purica Supplements Recovery, Provascin, Menopause,and Various Mushroom Supplements Assorted Varieties and Sizes

20% off

Regular Retail Price

Jason Naturals Body Care Products Assorted Varieties and Sizes


398ml product of USA

31% 2/5.50


Granola King Granola



product of BC

31% 4.49 to


Habibi’s Hummus and Dips

assorted varieties


gourmet or hazelnut hemp



3.49 to 7.99 3.45 – 946ml water 9.99 280g macaroons

assorted varieties

assorted varieties


5.49 to 11.99

Wolfgang Puck Organic Soup

Vij’s Indian Meals

25% 6.99

Uganda and Tanzania

+deposit +eco fee • product of Canada/Thailand

assorted sizes • product of Canada

35% 2.69 to

product of Colombia

Feeding Change Fair Trade Organic Raw Coconut Water and Macaroons

assorted varieties


Choices' Own Specialty Chicken Souvlaki Skewers

assorted sizes



to 50% 3.99 12.99 UP TO

946ml product of Canada

Nature’s Bakery Fig Bars

assorted varieties


assorted varieties

While quantities last. Not all items available at all stores. We reserve the right to correct printing errors.

8.99lb/ 19.82kg


Theo Organic Fair Trade Chocolate Bars


Imported Grass Fed Free Range New York Strip Loin Steaks

Ocean Wise Steelhead Fillets

GLUTEN FREE White Chocolate Coconut Cream Slices 100g



18% 5.49


xxx • product of xxx

Silk Non Dairy Fresh Beverages and Creamers


Organic Sourdough Bread Levain Style

assorted varieties

sliced or unsliced

assorted sizes • product of USA



25% 1.99 to



Start a New Career Today! As Choices continues to grow, our team is looking to fill key management roles at all of our Vancouver locations. We are looking for individuals who share our vision of sustainability, healthy living and supporting local growers and communities. If this sounds like the right opportunity for you, please send your resume and cover letter to jobs@choicesmarkets.com or visit our website: choicesmarkets.com.

Assorted Varieties and Sizes

20% off

Regular Retail Price

20% off

Regular Retail Price





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