Westender May 18 2017

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MAY 18-24 // 2017




Okanagan Wine We look at the ‘unromantic’ side of wine: namely, making it.







2 W May 18 - May 24, 2017



Re:“Tako’s Korean-Mexican fusion fizzles,” May 4,2017 One star!? Did you seriously tell readers to go to Fresh Slice over Tako? Wow, we go to radically different Takos. Please, good people, give it try pregame, or next time you’re at Costco.This review is madness. –Chris Cunningham I fully support Anya Levykh’s review of Tako, not because I’ve been there and have an opinion about the food, but because a food critic’s role is to be critical of the food and service presented on a particular day. It is certainly not to promote restaurants in the hope they will direct advertising dollars toward the critic’s employer, or to write favourable reviews regardless of the dining experience. As a journalist, she is expected to present an unbiased account of the restaurants she reviews.

Perhaps the Tako chef and staff were simply having a bad day when Ms. Levykh visited. If this is the case, the proper course of action would be for the owner to politely suggest to the Westender that she visit again sometime over the next few months to give them a second chance. –Adrian Huzel My boyfriend will be visiting from Mexico next weekend.We were – and and are – still planning to check out Tako.We’ll share the real meal deal. –Rob


Re: Maple Leaf Bakery to close its doors in theWest End, May 11, 2017 Our neighbourhood is losing all of its charm. So sad. –Torri Enderton I love this bakery. Hopefully it will be replaced by another ‘culturally diverse’ mobile phone store. –Ari Ron

Poem of the week Poetic Licence


Welcome to Poetic Licence – a weekly poetry forum, hosted by us, featuring words by local poets. This week? Author and Wax Poetic co-host Kevin Spenst.

THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF To imagine God is to invite joy into your heart: there are no toilets in heaven and therefore no assholes, intestines, desserts. No cake for a birthday which is nevertheless celebrated every second on the second by the firmament of angels. It’s happy birthday to you for eternity and the stars are akin to the candles for a cake that is the universe — the inverse of what is felt inside — which is what Michael says in his speech drowned out by God’s yawning. Michael goes on and on. Everything takes longer in heaven because everything happens atop everything else. Nobody cares because they’re sharing in a singular heartbeat and their wildest imaginations glow from the trinity of mouths and eyes and even the insects wassail with gobs open wide, filled with the light of liquor.

Kevin Spenst (kevinspenst. com) is a poet, essayist and inveterate doodler. He is the author of Ignite and Jabbering with Bing Bong (Anvil Press) and the chapbooks Pray Goodbye (the Alfred Gustav Press), Retractable (the serif of nottingham), What the Frag Meant (100 tetes press), snap (Pooka Press), and Surrey Sonnets (JackPine press). He’s a co-host at

Wax Poetic on Co-op Radio and one of the Dead Poets Reading Series coordinators. To submit your own poetry to Poetic Licence, email editor@westender.com with Poetry Column in the subject line. Include your poem, full name, contact details and bio. Only those selected for the column will be contacted. W





The buzz around Cathedral Square Park Grant Lawrence Vancouver Shakedown


Maybe you’ve had lunch in Cathedral Square.You’ve likely at least walked past it if you’ve lived in Vancouver for any length of time.You probably wouldn’t want to hang out there at night. Cathedral Square Park is an odd patch of greenery in the heart of the downtown Vancouver. It’s directly across the street from the Holy Rosary Cathedral at the corner of Richards and Dunsmuir. The City’s website describes this urban park as “invigorating yet graceful.” In its current state, I’d actually describe it as “dated and dirty.” The good news is the park is about to receive a very creative, interactive, and nature-based upgrade. More on that in a moment; but first, a bit about this curious little park, the centerpiece of which is a large, shallow, discoloured fountain/pool ringed by benches and ginkgo trees. The pool is backed by several tiers of concrete and pillars that look almost like staging, topped by a giant faded blue lattice canopy. If it sounds very 1980s, it’s because it was all built over North America’s first-ever underground substation. It’s one of three substations in

This ‘forlorn’ downtown park will soon be home to beehives and community workshops. Grant Lawrence photo downtown Vancouver that provides us with electricity.The Cathedral Square substation was put in place in 1984 and has been humming ever since. When I walked through the park last week, it was strewn with garbage. One person was quickly rooting through a sodden suitcase, while two others were screaming blue bloody murder at each other, oblivious to life around them. Not exactly a relaxing atmosphere.The park seemed in need of a lot of love. Enter the bees.The Vancouver park board, the Downtown Business Improvement Association, and the non-profit society Hives for Humanity are partnering on an initiative to bring honeybees, a pollinator garden, and a series of ongoing pollinator and garden workshops to Cathedral Square very soon. The plan is to install two

large beehives enclosed by fencing, as well as plants and flowers that benefit bees and other pollinators in the existing “garden” in the north part of the Square (the concrete staging area).The hope is that by this summer, you’ll be able to sample Cathedral Square honey on your lunch break. Sarah Common is the co-founder and chief community officer of Hives for Humanity, whose goal is to “enhance community through apiary.” She welcomes the challenge of bringing bees to a neglected urban landscape. “I think it was acknowledged that Cathedral Square was falling out of care, and that there was some negative behavior from some park users. There are people living at risk in the park, and their behavior is rooted in complex social problems,” says Common.

“The park didn’t seem to have any unified community or really anything to invite people to use it. We hope our hives will help to engage the space in a calm and respectful way for everyone.” Common says that indeed everyone is welcome to volunteer to help maintain the hives and work directly with bees. “Beekeeping is an extremely positive, therapeutic and meditative experience,” Common extols. “There’s a real magic to it, a mesmerizing joy”. This will be Hives for Humanity’s first park apiary, and, yes, there will be thousands upon thousands of bees buzzing around, but Common is quick to point out that there is no undue risk to public safety. “We traditionally work with gentle bees,” she states. “Wherever there are flowers, there’s already bees. And we’re careful with risk assessment. The beehives will be in an enclosure. No one will be able to accidently bump into the hives.” This Friday May 19, as part of Hives for Humanity’s ongoing “Lunch and Learn” series, all are welcome to take part in a public workshop entitled “Caring For Pollinators in the Park,” from noon to 1pm in Cathedral Square. All equipment is provided, including the honey. Let’s hope the bees will bring a refreshing buzz to a public space that has been forlorn for far too long. W

Thursday, May 25, 7 - 8:30 pm Choices Kitsilano Floral Shop & Annex 2615 W. 16th Ave. Vancouver Healing Your Body for Natural Weight Loss With Dr. Olisa Mak, ND, Inspirit Health Group Start feeling your best by discovering how commonly overlooked factors such as bloating and stress contribute to weight gain and cause chronic health issues.

Free event but online registration is required @ choicesmarkets.com/event. /Choices_Markets

‘Il Marco Polo’ founder Rino Vultaggio dies at 76

SARAH RIPPLINGER @sarahripplinger

Rino Vultaggio was a jack-ofall-trades whose people skills and generosity led him to become a successful entrepreneur and leader in Vancouver’s Italian community. Vultaggio traveled to Vancouver in 1967 to visit his sister. He immediately fell in love with the city and, with $300 in his pocket, decided


dishwasher. His to leave behind next move was a budding to Commercial photography Drive, where he career in Milan, opened a photogItaly, to start raphy shop, called life anew amid Tivoli Fotostudio. the mountains “That’s how and ocean that he became well reminded him known in the of his birthplace Rino Vultaggio Italian commuin Sicily.To save nity,” says Vultaggio’s son up some money,Vultaggio Christian, 40, over the phone traveled to Cassiar to work in from their Vancouver home, the mines and as a part-time

where he moved last year to be close-by during his father’s illness. “He would take their wedding and anniversary photos, and that’s how he got his name out.” The social and extroverted Vultaggio was soon offered a spot on the multilingual radio station CJVB, which first aired in June 1972.

Continued on page 20

May 18 - May 24, 2017 W 3




In defence of session ales Robert Mangelsdorf The Growler


This might come as a shocker, but I, your humble beer writer, enjoy drinking beer. Unfortunately, that can be a problem.When a large part of your job involves drinking beer, it’s all-too-easy for a modest “beer tasting” to slip into a “debaucherous piss-up,” if you’re not careful. At a recent beer competition I was judging, I sampled 78 different beers over the course of the day. Despite fistfuls of saltines and gallons of tapwater, the next day was a complete write-off. Occupational hazard. I’m not complaining, I swear. But I’m a dad now, so I have responsibilities. I have things to do and I can’t afford to be hungover. So Belgian tripels, imperial IPAs and anything with a double-digit ABV are pretty much out. More often, I find myself looking for beer with lower alcohol content. Apparently, I’m not the only one, because the craft beer industry is increasingly

Vancouver Island Brewing recently relaunched their entire product line with sessionable beers clocking in at under 5% ABV. Meghan Kirkpatrick photo offering more low-ABV beers. Session ales, as they are called, offer all the flavour and character of their higher ABV brethren, but with alcoholic content in the 3.5-4.5% range, allowing them to be sampled in large quantities without the risk of ruining your entire weekend. Four Winds recently released its Notus Series, which includes a saison, a lager and an IPA that each clock in at 4.5% ABV.Vancouver Island Brewing recently relaunched

4 W May 18 - May 24, 2017

its entire brand with beers that come in at under 5% ABV. Talisman – Strange Fellows Brewing’s top selling pale ale – originally started out at 3.8% ABV (but has since crept up to 4%). When I asked Brent Mills, brewmaster and co-founder of Four Winds, about session ales, he told me something I don’t generally hear from a lot of brewers. “I wish beer didn’t have any alcohol in it,” he said. “That way I could keep drinking it.” The problem, he continued, is that de-alcoholized beer tastes, for the most part, terrible. Of course, we here in North America are a little late to the game on this.The English figured this out ages ago, realizing that if they could keep their beer under 4% ABV and tone down the carbonation so as not to upset the stomach, then geezers could park their arses at the pub all night long without getting obliterated and still make it to work the next day. In Australia, mid-strength beers – with an ABV in the 2.5-3.5% range – are a popular alternative to their fizzy full-strength lagers. Until recently, the concept

of session ales has been largely foreign in our corner of the world. For decades, beer came in three ABV ranges. Mass market macro lagers were between 4.5-5.5%, while strong beers were 5.5-7%, and if you wanted something lighter, all you had was watery “light” beers that were always 4%, but never below.The only thing light about them was their colour. And their flavour. And I guess their caloric content. Beer was seen as a means to an end. It wasn’t meant to be enjoyed on its merits; it was made to get you drunk, and be somewhat palatable. Moderate, responsible consumption of alcohol is somewhat of a new concept in our culture.Thankfully, the emergence of craft beer has changed the way people approach beer and how they drink it. Beer is no longer consumed for the sole purpose of getting hammered. Far from it; some craft beer fans I’ve talked to consider drunkenness to be an annoying side effect of their hobby they would rather do without. Sheryl Crow might like a good beer buzz early in the morning, but some of us have shit to do. W

The cucumber gin and Tonic at Spinnaker’s Gastro Brewpub in Victoria. Joanne Sasvari photo

Raise a pint to the classic pub

Spinnakers in Victoria a reminder of the great traditional pub Joanne Sasvari The Alchemist


There’s a young woman at the next table, knitting as she sips a pint. Paul Hadfield nods at her and says, “Isn’t that what it’s all about?” Hadfield is the owner of Spinnakers Gastro Brewpub in Victoria, which is the very ideal of what a pub should be. Cosy. Convivial. The kind of place where you wouldn’t be surprised if everyone actually did know your name. “I think that pubs were meant to be that third place,” he says. “It’s not work. It’s not home. It’s where people go to gather.” Here in Victoria, traditional pub culture continues to thrive at establishments such as Smuggler’s Cove, Penny Farthing, Bartholomews and, of course, Spinnakers. In Vancouver, though, it seems to be slowly disappearing. Just last month,The Dover Arms,Vancouver’s first neighbourhood pub, closed its doors after more than 40 years in business. In January,The Fat Badger did the same after two and a half years of bringing a gastro pub sensibility to downtown Vancouver. Sure, there are still plenty of pubs in town. Some have upped their game with better food and drink selections. Others have been supersized, taking their cues from chain restaurants and nightclubs. But the humble neighbourhood local? It’s getting harder and harder to find. Maybe its de mise is just a natural progression of life in the big city. But each time a Dover Arms or Fat Badger closes, doesn’t it feel like a little bit of the city’s soul has been lost? “Soul” was what Hadfield was aiming for when he opened Spinnakers back in 1984. Well, that, and a decent pint. “Back then a beer was a beer was a beer,” Hadfield says. “A place built around beer and beer culture

was for me an opportunity to change what a pub was.” Hadfield credits Dave Barrett, the province’s premier from 1972 to 1975, with introducing the pub concept to BC in the 1970s, after falling in love with the culture on a trip to the UK. Until then, although the province had ended prohibition in 1921, the only places that served liquor by the glass were private clubs and hotel parlours, which were segregated by gender. Even after pub licences came into effect in the 1970s, pubs were typically located in hotel basements or parking lots, far from the eyes of decent people. “Beverage alcohol was just seen as nasty by so many people,” Hadfield says. “And beer was a kind of dumb beverage. It wasn’t marketed with any finesse. It wasn’t about the product. It was about what you do with the product.” He set out to change that. “The opportunity here was to build the first purpose-built brew pub of the modern era,” he says. “What I wanted to do as an architect in building a pub was along the lines of that English pub style of gathering place, where generations of families would gather.” He decided that Spinnakers would have a brewery and it would serve food – good food, from local famers and producers, well before farm-to-table became a thing. “We immediately sold more food than beer. And we’ve always sold more food than beer from Day 1.We became the first of the pub-style restaurants,” Hadfield says. He had to argue for windows and a patio, because people weren’t supposed to be seen drinking. And he had to explain to baffled officials why he wasn’t putting in a stage and a dancer’s pole. “To me, early success was seeing multiple generations of the same family come in together,” he says. “How civilized.” Now, Hadfield says, “The craft beer has caught up and the farm-to-table movement has caught up. We’ve gone from something that was nothing to something that is really cool.” We’ll happily raise a glass to that. W





BC winemakers: Rising to the Okanagan challenge Michaela Morris By the Bottle @MichaelaWine

Think owning a winery is romantic? “Spend two weeks with me,” dares Linda Pruegger, co-owner of Stag’s Hollow. “When people visit, they see us sitting on the patio drinking wine and imagine that’s all we do.”What visitors don’t witness, for example, is her partner Larry Gerelus digging holes and crawling around in them among the black widow spiders to fix irrigation pipes. Make no mistake, running a winery is tough work. “It’s nothing but problems,” says Bill Knutson co-owner of SpierHead, only half joking. “In the vineyard, there are all kinds of perils, whether it’s disease, mold or the damn birds.”To top it all off, in 2013, 90 per cent of SpierHead’s crop was wiped out by hail within 15 minutes. In other years, forest fires threaten the Okanagan’s vineyards. Besides dealing with the vagaries of Mother Nature, you then have to make, bottle, market and sell the wine, not to mention navigate all the various administrative and regulatory aspects. And proprietors of small wineries have to manage all of this themselves. “When we started, we wore every hat,” says Pruegger.This required working pretty much nonstop. “You really have to want to do it,” Knutson cautions. None of these issues are exclusive to British Columbia, but every wine region has its own unique set. In BC, local support for our wines is fierce; they have never been better and are gaining recognition on an international level. However, this wasn’t always the case. Gray Monk COO


Local producers speak to past, current and future challenges in BC’s wine industry. Clockwise from top left: Rows of vines at SpierHead Winery; the view at Gray Monk Estate Winery; Gray Monk COO Bob Heiss; and Stag’s Hollow Winery & Vineyard owners Linda Pruegger and Larry Gerelus. Contributed photos Bob Heiss recalls when his parents started making wine in 1982: “Back then, BC wine didn’t have a good name.Those were the days of Kelowna Red and Baby Duck.” Even in the early ’90s, “customers had to be convinced,” adds Quails’ Gate CEO Tony Stewart. “That made every sale difficult.” Early pioneers like Gray Monk and Quails’ Gate helped paved the way for the BC wine industry.They believed the Okanagan was capable of producing highquality wine, and worked together with a dozen other wineries to convince government, banks, trade and consumers that this was a viable industry. Despite clearing many early hurdles, it isn’t necessarily easier today; the challenges have just shifted. Stewart still works 12-14 hour days and those rarely represent leisurely wine din-

ners in the vineyard. Increased competition means that sales and marketing remains one of the toughest parts of the business. “There are lots of great quality wines in the valley now,” explains Gerelus.When Stag’s Hollow was established in 1995, it was one of only seven small “farm-gate wineries” – wineries of five acres or less that were permitted to produce wine and sell it from their premises.Today there are 341 producers registered in BC. “That’s a huge change,” Gerelus emphasizes. Another ongoing challenge is the cost. “The Okanagan is among the most expensive vineyard land in the world,” declares Heidi Noble, who owns JoieFarm. She quotes the current going rate at over $200,000 plus per acre, estimating that land costs have tripled since she first bought her property on the Nara-

mata Bench in 2002.”It’s discouraging,” says Jay Drysdale owner and winemaker at Bella Wines. “There’s a new generation of people who are really passionate about growing but know they can’t afford a vineyard.” Drysdale explains that it’s not just the land that is expensive; it’s also the infrastructure to get started, as well as the supplies and materials. “Even the cost of grapes is more expensive in BC than in other regions,” he states.While Drysdale owns a modest three-acre plot, he must also buy grapes so he can produce enough wine to make a living. “However, when you are small, you don’t have the buying power.” The strain on purchasing fruit may become even greater. “People in Vancouver are cashing in and are able to buy a little piece of a dream in the valley,” says Noble.Wineries

who rely on buying grapes risk losing their contract growers who decide to sell, as contracts aren’t automatically transferred in the sale. One can only speculate on the challenges of the future. Tony Stewart, who has been involved with his family’s business since 1992, has a vested interest in keeping BC’s wine industry sustainable. He believes that big, mid-size and small wineries need to work together more collaboratively to increase tourism to the valley as well as develop export markets. An important piece of the puzzle is keeping prices accessible. “There are a lot of wines coming out that are very expensive,” he contends. “This is not a long-term strategy.We as an industry have to be careful that we don’t get ahead of our consumer.” In considering the challenges BC faces, Stewart references the late, great Baroness

Philippine de Rothschild of Bordeaux, who is famous for saying that the wine business is easy, it’s just the first 200 years which are difficult. According to Stewart’s calculations, “we have 150 years ahead of us of defining who we are and what this unique region is going to become.” The list of challenges clearly still isn’t long enough to scare off the most resilient entrepreneurs. “It’s not a glamourous industry,” sums up Bob Heiss. “But there are times you get to have a nice meal and a good glass of wine and say, ‘Wow, I get to do this for a living.’” Perhaps there is some romance. • Michaela Morris is a renownedVancouver wine journalist, educator and presenter. She is the weekly wine columnist for the Westender, a contributor to EAT and Taste Magazine, as well as a radio and television regular. W

May 18 - May 24, 2017 W 5


WINE Okanagan garagistes and their rebel vines LAURA STARR @westendervan


Capella 2014



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6 W May 18 - May 24, 2017

They are not the underdogs, they are the underground. They are the rebels, the agitators, the oenological anarchists. Formerly offensive, the term garagiste referred to winemakers in Bordeaux who rejected winemaking conventions and crafted limitedbatch wines in their garages: vins de garage.These subversive wines, steeped in exclusivity, became quite fashionable, and the term has since been reclaimed, frequently boasting some of the most interesting and innovative wines on the market. British Columbia has no shortage of garagistes; but, naturally, most people have never heard of them. Small production often means no tasting rooms to visit, limited budgets for marketing, and small profits (meaning most of the winemakers have not quit their day jobs). Many don’t have their own winemaking facilities, thus forging an intimate culture of “wine families,” as artisans utilize the amenities of more established wineries such as Meyer Family Vineyards and Okanagan Crush Pad. But you should know them. These wines come from the

passionate core of some of the Okanagan’s most fervent winemakers.Their wines are architectural, their stories are relevant and, in the true spirit of art, these wines are made for the sake of good wine. For that reason, you should keep your earholes alerted.To wit, Garagiste North – an annual wine festival for the little guys – was formed in 2014, and has since been hailed as one of the coolest wine festivals in the world. If you are lucky enough to snag a ticket to the tasting, be prepared to interact with the winemakers. Here are some great wines, and great stories, to dip your toes into this avant-garde world of grapes.You will not find these wines in the liquor stores, so be prepared to purchase direct, or start a wine scavenger hunt with your friends!


Osoyoos-based, small-lot artisan winemakers with a focus on ecosystem (all vines are grown with the “utmost respect” for the surrounding Mountain Grasslands region) and sustainability.Their intention is Burgundian-style wines, but they are self-described as being “nimble” and they get downright experimental.Their

2015 Elevation Chardonnay is deliciously round yet crisp, with a minerality that truly credits the rocky mountain on which it was grown. (Only 130 cases produced annually.)


A perfect example of why the Garagiste North festival is important:Tall Tale Wine is Summerland winemaker Kyle Lyon’s first vintage release, which explains why you cannot find any information online, not even a website! Keep an eye out for his delicately hued but easy-drinking Pinot Noir Blanc (2016). (Only 300 cases produced annually.)


Another winery dedicated to heartfelt expression of BC terroir, as well as giving back to the land from which they take (sustainability is on the forefront). Marionette’s proprietary blend, Entwined, plays with an extremely aromatic yet uncommon varietal, Sieggeberre, blended with Pinot Gris. It’s floral with sweet spices and tones of warm honey. (The Salmon Arm-based producers have only made 14,000 bottles of wine since starting in 2014.) • Laura Starr is a Chambar sommelier, and the wine editor at VitaDaily.ca. W





What’s new to drink in the Okanagan Five newer wineries to keep an eye for this summer

LAURA STARR @westendervan

TREVE RING @treve_ring

Every time I head out wine touring in the Okanagan Valley it seems like there is a new winery I haven’t come across before. And it’s true; with nearly 300 wineries across the province now, there are numerous new openings every year. Some are laying brand new roots, with passionate folks (many from out of province), living out the dream of winemaking in paradise. Some new operations are from long-time growers who have been selling their grapes to other wineries in the past, and who are now ready to strike out with their own project.There are a few new “garagiste” vintners as well – winemakers who are leasing land and/or buying grapes to create a label and fulfill their vision virtually, often through borrowed or shared winemaking facilities. All have their own story, and all contribute to the healthy $3B wine industry annually in BC. Here are a few of the newer BC wine stories you should keep an eye for.


ThoughThe Hatch has been open since spring 2015, it really leapt to the fore last summer, nearly as much for its quirky and amusing labels as for the interesting, detailed and fresh wines.Varying tiers

Hit the road

Little Engine Wines. Contributed photo hint at different aims (the Hobo Series, Clone Series and Black SwiftVineyard Series are all different tiers within their portfolio, the latter being their most premium and expensive), while names like “Rhymes with Door Hinge” (a blend of Kerner, Schönburger, Chardonnay) keep things as interesting as the wines.


Steven and Nicole French decided to leave Alberta’s energy business behind to become winemakers. Their property is on the Naramata Bench, though they source grapes from other sites, including the Similkameen Valley, while their vineyards are coming into full production. Their two tiers of wines, Silver and Gold, are both premium and intense, with the focus on longevity. Keep an eye out for their Sauvignon Blanc, a grape that can struggle in BC, but

not in these hands.


One of Canada’s few Masters of Wine, Marcus Ansems is the founder of this tiny family project. An Aussie by birth, Ansems grew up in the industry, where his family were part owners of Shiraz producer Mount Langi Ghiran. The grape must be in his blood, as his small portfolio includes Shiraz, Syrah and a Sparkling Shiraz, amongst others. Worth seeking out.


Fitzpatrick Family Vineyards might be a new label, but the family – and the site – have long been legendary for the Okanagan wine industry.The Fitzpatrick family founded CedarCreek Estate Winery, which they sold a

couple of years back.They held onto their stunning 40acre lakeside estate, located between Summerland and Peachland, and are focusing on an impressive traditional sparkling wine program, under the watchful eye of talented Kiwi winemaker Sarah Bain, previously of Burn Cottage and Quartz Reef.


The Gill family have been growing for other wineries for more than 20 years in Osoyoos, until they realized their dream to open their own winery in 2015. Nestled in the desert of Osoyoos, these are sun-rich, full-bodied and premium estate wines across 14 different grapes.Watch for their Living Desert Red, a deep blend of Merlot and Cabernet Franc. • Treve Ring is aVancouver Island-based wine writer and editor, as well as an in-demand wine judge and speaker. W

Whether you are a seasoned visitor of beautiful Okanagan wineries, or you are simply road-trip itchin’ and need some wine-focused guidance, here is a list of must-see wineries that boast BC’s top sips, nibbles, views, and tasting rooms. These tips are perfect not only for lone-wolf travellers, couples on the run, nature lovers, and luxury seekers, but also location scouts looking for the perfect destination for weddings, celebrations, or stagettes.


Joie Farm offers what they call an “authentic experience” and they deliver on that promise.The tasting room is beautiful, but the winery experience comes alive when you lay in the grass with a bottle of wine in their ‘Picnique’ area, eating thin-crust pizza from their wood-burning oven, playing bocce ball, and overlooking the remarkable views of Lake Okanagan. Sip, and sigh...


The social epicenter of the South Okanagan,Tinhorn puts their spectacular winery to use year round, including self-guided tours, private tours and tastings, a renowned restaurant (Miradoro) that hosts pairing seminars and communal dinners, an open-door policy during harvest to come see

their hard winemaking work in action, and most sensationally, their Canadian Concert Series, a summer-long lineup of Canadian musicians who play in the rolling hills of the winery backyard. Also, wedding destination fantasy!


These two wineries are owned by a wife/husband duo, the former who prefers Italian wines and the latter who prefers French.This cheeky competition, if you will, makes for a cool opportunity to taste through French and Italian styles of wine from Okanagan terroir. Each winery offers a topnotch personal tour, Symphony for the Senses at La Stella, and Cellar Chaperone Tour at Le Vieux Pin, at $50 per person. I suggest making the quick drive to try both; alternatively, it screams the perfect occasion for a stagette/stag party standoff.


Bella only makes sparkling wine. If this isn’t reason enough to visit their tasting room (which is small, adorable, and filled with assorted/ vintage stemware), you will be properly enticed by their Sabering School, an opportunity to learn from the master on the ceremonial method of opening bubs with a sword! • Note: please remember to check tasting room hours of operation, make reservations, and if you like what you taste, buy their wine! W


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May 18 - May 24, 2017 W 7




A wine-lover’s guide to Okanagan events 2017

STAFF WRITER @westendervan

The Okanagan is well known for its memorable landscape, its plethora of outdoor activities and, of course, its unforgettable wines. But, time your winery visit to a summer concert or a harvest supper, and the magic truly clicks. So, consider this list of events your guide for all things wine through the coming months. We recommend booking ahead of time as most events are ticketed and limited. Meyer Family Reunion & Spring Release Party When: May 20, 3-8pm Where: 4287 McLean Creek Road, Okanagan Falls Meyer Family Vineyards is back with its annual Family Reunion and Spring Release Party.This year’s event is set to highlight Meyer’s newly released spring wines, including the ‘A’ grade 2016 Steven Block Chardonnay (having literally earned a score of 92 points from wine writer John Screener) and the 2016 Okanagan Valley Chardonnay. Other wines include the notyet-released 2016 Pinot Noir Rosé, Riesling and Gewurztraminer.

Sunset Yoga and Wine at Cedar Creek Estate Winery When: June 6-August 19, 6:308:30pm Where: 5445 Lakeshore Road, Kelowna Flex your muscles and your taste buds with SunsetYoga. EveryTuesday from June 6 to August 29, Cedar Creek EstateWinery is hosting an outdoor yoga class followed by a wine-and-dine retreat in its wine garden with selection of local treats.

10-Year Anniversary Paella, Wine & Live Music at Quinta Ferreira Estate Winery When: July 17, 11:30am3:30pm Where: 6094 Black Sage Road, Oliver Quinta Ferreira Estate Winery is celebrating its 10th anniversary with a round up of Portuguese-inspired events. Chef JeffVan Geest is slated to serve up some paella and, as always, wine tasting is to be expected. SilverStar Food & Wine Festival When: August 11-12, all day Where: SilverStar Mountain Resort Sitting some 5,280 feet above sea level, SilverStar Mountain Resort welcomes

the first to taste the awardwinning wines.The evening includes a celebration of the BC wine industry with a seated awards ceremony, set to reveal the Premier’s Award for Best Wine in BC for 2017.

Penticton’s Cropped by Valley First is one of the largest wine tasting and farmers’ markets in BC. Kieran Frey Photo back the SilverStar Summer Wine & Food Festival and Mile HighWine & Music.The two-day event is set to feature various activities for Okanagan and wine lovers, including a wine masters dinner, wine and food seminars, a cooking demonstration, art gallery viewing, self-guided hiking and Sunday brunch. Mile HighWine & Music is also set to display 30 British Columbian wineries, cheese from Dairy Farmers of Canada and café and wine pairings from Starbucks. Sip & Support for the SPCA at Township 7 Vineyards & Winery When: August 27, 11am-4pm Where: Naramata Bench Grab a glass and help sup-

port animals in need with this Township 7 fundraiser in support of the Okanagan SPCA. The picturesque Naramata Bench winery will have animals available for adoption, an agility course, food trucks, live music, pet paraphernalia and award-winning wines. Admission is by donation in support of the cause. British Columbia Wine Awards & Reception When: Sept. 28, 7-9:30pm Where: Laurel Heritage Packinghouse, Kelowna The province’s oldest wine judging competition heralds the arrival of the fall Okanagan Wine Festival.Ticket holders can meet winemakers and be

The Amazing Grape along the Kelowna Fab Five Wine Trail When: Sept. 29 to Oct. 8, 11-5pm Where: East Kelowna Fab Five Wine Trail ‘Wine’ your way through East Kelowna by visiting all the Fab Five wineries: House of Rose, Camelot,TheVibrant Vine, SpierHead andTheView. Pick up an Amazing Grape entry form at your first winery, answer the questions as you tour, and drop it at your last winery to enter to win. Oliver Festival of the Grape When: Oct. 1, 12-5pm Where: 6359 Park Place Drive, Oliver One of the most popular outdoor wine events in the southern Okanagan returns this year for more wine tasting and grape stomping. About 3,500 attendees are expected to visit this year to taste various wines, enjoy live music, browse local artisans and watch – or compete in – the grape stomp.

Harvest Dinner at Painted Rock Winery When: Oct. 7, 6-10pm Where: 400 Smythe Drive, Penticton Painted Rock Winery proprietor John Skinner and Ben Pallett of Kitchen Sync Catering collaborate for a hardy fall meal and some of the region’s best wines. Pallet’s philosophy of harvesting his own ingredients makes for an appetizing locavore concept.

Cropped by Valley First When: Oct. 7-8, 6-9pm Where: Penticton Trade and Convention Centre, Penticton Consider it a crash course in wine. Over 80 wineries are expected to participate in what has become one of the largest wine tasting and farmers’ markets in British Columbia.The Pinot Bar offers different styles of Pinot Blanc, Pinot Gris and Pinot Noir, provided by the new Sensory Lab at Okanagan College. Dairy Farmers of Canada are scheduled to provide two free onsite seminars introducing dairy cheeses. Visit Nesters Market stations, sample Saputo cheeses, and dance to live musical acts at different busker stations. W

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Red wine headaches: myth or monster?

LAURA STARR @westendervan

The infamous RWH (red wine headache) garners a lot of skepticism in the wine world, especially from those who can drink wine without feeling the effects. Eye rolls follow the old adage, “I can’t drink red wine, it gives me a headache,” and it is often assumed the speaker is confusing a hangover for a headache. But, if you are someone who gets RWHs, you likely can’t consume enough wine to even get a hangover. That insidious throbbing starts after only a few sips of wine, and believe you me, it is not a myth. That said, there is a lot of controversy and misinformation over what causes RWHs. Spoiler alert: there is no straight answer, nor a cure. But let’s untangle a common misconception about sulfites.Yes, it is true that some people are sensitive to sulfites. But if you can eat a piece of dried fruit (very high in sulfites) then the sulfites in your wine are not the cause of your RWH. And, despite popular belief, red wine


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This September 28th until October 8th...


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contains fewer sulfites than white wine! So what does cause the RWH? The theories are myriad, and every person is different. Wine does contain tyramines and histamines – compounds that are released in the body during allergic reactions. But so do a lot of other alcohols that don’t trigger the same painful pounding. Tannins are often blamed, since they are unique to red wine, but no studies have conclusively linked tannins to headaches. The “possible” reasons go on for days, but the fact is every person is different, so pay attention to your body. Drink lots of water (with or without your wine). And despite having no answer, know this: RED WINE HEADACHES ARE NOT A MYTH! W








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May 18 - May 24, 2017 W 9




Farming for the future The next generation of Okanagan farmers bring their social and environmental A-games Anya Levykh Nosh

@FoodgirlFriday Canada’s farmers are getting old. According to the 2016 Statistics Canada census on agriculture, released earlier this month, the average age of the Canadian farmer is 55, up slightly from the last census in 2012. And, as this group ages, we’re left wondering who will take up the scythe (figuratively speaking, natch) and carry on making our food. Turns out, it’s not all doom and GMO-gloom. According to the same census, the number of farmers under 35 has also gone up slightly, meaning more and younger people are taking up farming as a career. This younger group, which can span more than two decades from end to end, is also bringing a strong innovation slant to their work, creating new products

and social initiatives. While multi-generation operations like Covert Farms in Oliver and Harker’s Organics in Cawston have long been laying down their organic and sustainable roots – and even expanding into winemaking – it’s some relative newcomers who are driving the latest farming revolutions. Michael Buffett, the founder of Start Fresh in Kelowna, launched his community teaching garden last year as a not-for-profit designed to teach people about the value of good food, while also teaching them usable skills both in a kitchen and on a farm.The Start Fresh Project is now in the process of building a catering and teaching kitchen in order to both deliver more services to the community as well as to create a self-funded model that will allow it to continue helping groups like the local Kelowna branch of the Canadian Mental Health Association, the Karis Support Society (a women’s shelter that provides safe housing, support, and skills development for those dealing with addiction and mental health issues), and the local Boys and Girls Club, among others.

“We’re not certified organic,” says Buffett, [its proximity to a neighbouring cherry orchard that uses sprays makes that impossible], “but we do use organic farming practices. And our classes are free to those who have been referred through social services.” Today, the main farm operates on a half-acre of donated land, with the catering location and other growing locations in the works. As for the produce, it goes directly back to the community, via community groups like Karis, as well as through social services. Start Fresh also operates a community bee farm, with the same educational goals as the main farm. Further south in the Similkameen Valley, husbandand-wife team Yvonne (Yve) Kosugi and Morris Holmes quietly launched Farmersdotter Organics a handful of years ago, focusing on only one crop, Russian Red garlic. It turns out it’s a heritage varietal and, according to Kosugi, introduced to Canada by the original Doukhobor settlers. Because this is a certified organic farm, Kosugi and Holmes use

Kelowna’s Start Fresh project has launched a community garden for teaching people about the value of good food and usable skills from farm to plate. Start Fresh photo rotation methods to keep the soil biologically active, which is what led to their nowpopular secondary line of garlic scape sea salt. Scapes are the flowering stems that appear for a short period (roughly three weeks) during the growing season. “Most people aren’t familiar with scapes, as they’re around for such a short period of time,” explains Kosugi. “So, for most farmers, they’re just waste. They end up leaving them on the ground, as the scapes will continue to release their seeds, but if you want a clean rotation that minimizes bacteria and disease, this isn’t helpful.” Kosugi decided to harvest the scapes instead and turn them into a flavoured sea salt. The idea was inspired

by where she grew up. “My mother is a certified organic grain grower in Saskatchewan,” says Kosugi. “I grew up near an ancient salt bed that’s part of a massive salt pan that stretches from the Northwest Territories down into Saskatchewan.The salt from the mine is about 300 million years old, so, like a diamond that’s had its impurities driven out over time by immense pressure, this salt is incredibly pure. It’s pre-industrial, pre-human, really.” The farm name is a reference to Kosugi’s mom and their Swedish heritage (“dotter” is the Swedish spelling of “daughter”). Kosugi uses her mom’s certified organic flour for the bread she bakes in the farm’s massive wood-fired oven. That oven

is also where she dries out the scapes that go into the salt. Holmes, meanwhile, has been focused on turning the farm into a net-zero energy farm. What does that mean? “We are connected to BC Hydro, but we’re setting up a solar array to generate our own energy in the summer,” he explains. “It means that we can generate our own power that can be fed back into the grid, giving us an energy credit. We can then use that credit during the winter, when we use more energy than we generate, resulting in zero-net use.” The pair are also constructing some guests suites on the property, that should be available via Air BnB by July and will be solar-powered as well. W

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Biking the red brick road: a perfect Yaletown afternoon 3

KELSEY KLASSEN @kelseyklassen

If you’re like us, you live for the weekend. It doesn’t get much better than spending a sunny afternoon in the city nibbling on gourmet treats, hitting up local boutiques, picking up new trinkets for the home, finding new hidden gems, and grazing lazily on a brand new patio. Last weekend, we were invited to take theYaletown BIA’s gorgeous red Raleigh cruiser out for a spin, and so we did exactly that, weaving together six stops, just minutes from the seawall, that made for the ultimate Yaletown bike tour. Grab your wheels and follow along!



This bright and airy destination chocolate shop is an ode to the cocoa bean. From sculptural statement chocolates to the country’s largest selection of single-origin chocolate bars (made in-house, of course)

there’s a melt-in-yourmouth sample for the connoisseur in everyone. Don’t leave without tasting owner Hodie Rondeau’s bestselling Cardamom Crème Brulée bar; you’ll never look at white chocolate the same way again. 1271 Homer Street • xoxolat.com



Family business meets sleek décor emporium at Suquet Interiors, now helping design-loving Vancouverites envision a more inspiring abode from its new location inYaletown. From the classic-yet-textural coffee tables and lounges, to the massive stone fireplaces – replicas of the types you’d see in the grand buildings of Mexico City (and can now find in Shaughnessy mansions and shops like Boboli) – to a hands-on design team, pop in to see how nice small (and big) space living can feel. 101 - 1014 Homer Street • suquetinteriors.com


Swedes are among the biggest consumers of candy in the world. The country is so crazy for bulk candy, says Karameller owner Louise Schönberg, that even the lowly gas stations make sure to have dozens of bins of tasty sweets stocked for the expectant traveller. You experience a small slice of the Swedish good life when you step into her tiny Yaletown shop – a haven for sugar-deprived Swedish students, local lunchbreakers and tourists, alike. Karameller specializes in 100 varieties of non-GMO, trans fat-free, no-high-fructosecorn-syrup Scandinavian delights, and you can truly taste the difference in quality. Ask Schönberg to guide you through her favourite Swedish sours and licorices, or put together a mixed bag of your own to go. 30 - 1020 Mainland Street • karameller.com

Life is like a bag of candies. Above: Writer Kelsey Klassen samples sweets from Karameller. Lucy-kate Armstrong photos


Step into Revolucion, tucked away in a shaded spot on the upper level of Mainland Street, and the first thing that hits you is the scent: pure, unadulterated masculine indulgence.The source is a Lampe Berger, a patented French burner system that releases scent to purify and perfume the air. In Revolucion’s case, the beautiful glass Lampes go hand-in hand with the shop’s massive selection of Habana cigars and pipes – offering an elegant solution to the classic cigar smoke conundrum. Elsewhere in the man cave, curated gifts and accoutrements like Jack Black grooming supplies, globes, and La Colline skincare abound. 1063 Mainland Street • revolucionstyle.com


Above, clockwise from left: parking the Great Bike Giveaway bike at Fayuca; sampling chocolate bars at XOXOLAT; attempting overalls at Woo to See You; and admiring the art at Suquet Interiors.




Woo to SeeYou might have just opened a new location on Main Street, but the boutique’sYaletown home base has been ahead of the

curve for a long time.The wee boutique is packed with the latest minimalist fashion staples, with a focus on quality textiles and comfort-forward pieces. Owner Hans Woo prides her shop on stocking a unique selection of Korean designs alongside local mainstays and labels from Montreal, NewYork, London and further afield. Given its size, it’s surprising to learn that the store actually grew into this location from its former Yaletown Shops hideaway. A hidden gem for the street styler in all of us. 1062 Mainland Street • wootoseeyou.com



Blending flavours from the North Pacific of Mexico and the Pacific Northwest of BC, Nuba restaurateur Ernesto Gomez’s new endeavour tastes like a salt- and sun-kissed version of home.The word ‘Fayuca’ means contraband, the type of small things – clothes, DVDs, food, booze – one sneakily brings across the border; and, here, it translates to allowing

the flow of ideas between the two cultures to appear on the plate. From the raw albacore crudo with crispy parsnips to the voluptuous mountain of guacamole, to the pisco-forward Panamericana cocktail, dinner on the patio was the ideal place to refuel after a day on the bike. 1009 Hamilton Street • fayuca.ca Once you start, though, you realize there are endless small businesses to visit and owners to chat with in theYaletown ‘hood. Next on our list? Suit shopping at Indochino, bedding buys at Pisolino, gift gleaning at Fine Finds, and handicraft hunting at Kaarigar! yaletowninfo.com W

GIVEAWAY Want to win your own shiny red Raleigh from Reckless Bikes? The Great Yaletown Bike Giveaway is running until the end of May! Head to yaletowninfo.com/great-yaletownbike-giveaway for details.

May 18 - May 24, 2017 W 11


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May 18 - May 24, 2017 W 13




Youth in theatre find opportunities with Arts Umbrella VERONNICA MACKILLOP @vamackillop

Being a teenager is a perilous path to navigate, but for Vancouver youth with a passion

for the arts, there are safe spaces to be found. Ace Crowchild, 17, has been enrolled at Arts Umbrella for the last three years. In the lead up to the non-

WEST END RESIDENTS: PARKING PERMIT RENEWAL Current West End Residential Parking Permits Expire on Wednesday, May 31, 2017

profit school’s Expressions Theatre Festival, Crowchild recalls the support that he got from his troupe when he first came out as a trans male. “When I first came out to them as trans, nothing changed,” Crowchild says. “They were all so accepting, and it really helped me find my place [with them].” The Expressions Festival highlights the diversity of talent participating in Arts Umbrella’s pre-professional theatre program, including dancers, visual artists, and filmmakers. This year, the acting programs are being given the spotlight with four full productions in the festival. The productions include Urine Town:The Musical, performed by the pre-professional Musical Theatre Troupe; Charlotte’sWeb, performed by the Junior Theatre Troupe; Living in my Skin, written and performed by the Laboratory Theatre Troupe; The Complete Works ofWilliam Shakespeare (abridged), performed by the Senior Theatre Troupe; as well as the Theatre and Music Showcase, performed by Theatre Intensive Program

don’t want to offend you,” students. he explains. This year’s Expressions Paul Moniz de Sá, the Festival has Crowchild playartistic director of Arts ing the male role of Officer Umbrella’s Barrel in pre-proUrine Town. fessional Crowprogram, child says says that that being from his trans in theexperiater presences as ents many a teacher challenges. and direc“People tor, the aren’t really youth are sure where very supto place portive of you. I’ve each other had people no matter asking, ‘Do what. you want “All to be a boy of our character or a girl Transgender actor Ace Crowchild. students are discharacter?’ covering because who they are, what they they’re unsure.” want to do with their lives, Crowchild says that the and where they stand in shows he’s done haven’t had the world, and they’re all any gender-fluid characters, working on it together and only male or female charthey’re creating something acters, which can make it together,” he says. “The only difficult for someone who way they can really do that is is transitioning to get main by being supportive of each roles. “When you’re in that in between [of] transitioning, other, and I think that’s the biggest part of it.” they usually just put you in Moniz de Sá says that ensemble roles, because they

young people need to have a space where everyone knows it is safe to explore whatever they need to explore. “That’s an important part of being an actor, and that’s an important part of being an artist, and being a teenager. I think that’s a beautiful thing.” Moniz de Sá and Crowchild both agree that one of the most important things about Arts Umbrella is that members are treated like professional actors, not like children. “People may think that because they’re teenagers, they don’t know anything, they’re still just learning, but they really have so much passion,” Moniz de Sá says. “They really do amazing work on stage, and they come at things from a different perspective, they can look at things in a different way, so they really bring something different to these characters. It’s even more spectacular for all the young people watching.” • The Expressions Theatre Festival runs May 18-27 at Waterfront Theatre on Granville Island.Tickets from $10. artsumbrella.com W

To make purchasing your annual permit as quick and easy as possible, we offer three ways to do it: • Online (24 hours a day, seven days a week) at vancouver.ca/parking • Phone 3-1-1 (7 am – 10 pm, seven days a week) • In person, during business hours at Vancouver City Hall, 453 West 12th Avenue (8:30 am – 5 pm) and at West End Community Centre, 870 Denman Street

THE COMMUNITY CENTRE PARKING PERMIT DESK WILL HAVE EXTENDED HOURS ON THESE DATES: • Friday, May 26, 9 am – 7:30 pm • Saturday, May 27, 9 am – 2 pm

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• Monday, May 29, 9 am – 7:30 pm • Tuesday, May 30, 9 am – 7:30 pm • Wednesday, May 31, 9 am – 7:30 pm

REGULAR HOURS OF OPERATION: Monday – Friday, 9 am – 1 pm and 2 – 5 pm, year round (except holidays) To pay online or by phone, you must: live in the permit parking zone and have valid car insurance registered in your name and address, a credit card (American Express, MasterCard or Visa), and a valid email address. You may pay by cash, cheque or credit or debit card if you pay in person.

Strawberry Hanging Basket 10 inch pot

The annual permit fee is $77.90 and payment options are: cash, cheque, American Express, MasterCard, Visa or debit card. *New permit prices will start September 1, 2017. To get an exemption to the market-based permit prices, purchase your permit before September 1.


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Down but not out: Tonye Aganaba’s journey through music and MS


Rising local R&B singer Tonye Aganaba was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis last year. Liz Rosa photo And she has no problem talking about her misfortune – not only because May is MS Awareness Month, but because she believes her resolve to carry on is a reflection of who she is as an artist and as a person altogether. She laughs loud and often, is gleefully, endearingly profane, and radiates charisma to a degree I’ve not observed in most of the A-list celebrities I’ve met. “It’s one of those bullshit diseases. It’s like, ‘Yo, fuck you, MS,’” she says, matter-of-factly. “The brain is vast and unexplored, like space and the ocean. But I have faith that MS will be cured within my lifetime.” “Villain,” she goes on to explain, is essentially the end result of her evolution as an artist since moving to Van-

couver a decade ago. “It took me six or seven years to find my feet and start feeling like this was somewhere I could call home,” she explains. Although she has long kept busy as a performer and collaborator, and in her billspaying job as manager at Gastown’s Guilt & Co. (from which she had to resign at the beginning of the year), she believes she didn’t begin fulfilling her potential until she made a decision a few years ago. “I quit drinking. It was the smartest thing I ever did,” she says. “I came to realize I would never reach my full capacity if I wasn’t able to emote honestly – alcohol and drugs were a way for me to not do that. So now, going into my fourth year of sobriety, I can honestly say it was

6:30 pm June 22nd, 2017 at Tradex in Abbotsford Regular tickets: $99 VIP tickets: $129 For more info and to purchase tickets visit fvcdc.org or mattshouse.ca To benefit Matthew’s House and Fraser Valley Child Development Centre.

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• Tonya Aganaba’s latest single, “Villain,” is available now from iTunes.

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George Littlechild

“I’m tripping myself!” exclaims Tonye Aganaba, sitting in an Eastside café. She isn’t remarking about her abilities as a singer, songwriter and musician, although she would be completely justified if she were. Instead, Aganaba – whose stage name is simply Tonye (pronounced tawn-yay) – is impressed merely that she was able to walk the few blocks from her home to this interview. Only days earlier, it would have been physically impossible. Last year, the 31-year-old was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, a neurological condition whose myriad symptoms can include impaired vision and sensation, fatigue, compromised coordination, and much more. Since then, she has experienced a roller coaster of remission and relapse; her most recent (and strongest) relapse occurred in March, and its timing was especially cruel. In fact, it seems a disservice to Tonye that MS should play such a prominent role in this story. All that should matter is that shortly before her latest relapse, she and her new label, 604 Records, released the single “Villain” – not Tonye’s first studio venture by any means, but her bona fide wide-scale debut – and it isn’t an exaggeration to say it ranks as one of the best R&B recordings ever to come out of Vancouver, spanning decades of soul and funk touchstones, from Chaka Khan and Jody Watley to Brand New Heavies, Jill Scott and others. “Villain” should be a nationwide hit and a star turn for its creator, yet at the time of this writing its YouTube clip has fewer than 1,000 views.This is, in part, because when she was in her hometown of Dawson Creek to take part in an upcoming CBC program, filming was halted after her brother found her collapsed and unconscious on the stairs of their parents’ home. “I don’t remember ANYTHING,” she posted to Facebook the next day. “I have just woken up and am desperately trying to fill in the blanks.” When she meets Westender, Tonye has recovered the ability to venture out into her neighbourhood only in the past 48 hours.Yet, however compromised she is physically, (“I feel about 100 years old, but that’s because of my health,” she says. “My brain feels young!”), she looks like the proverbial million bucks, from zipper-covered leather trousers to a walking stick topped with a Don’t-eventhink-about-fucking-with-me billiard ball.

the wisest thing I ever did for myself. I’m pissed at myself that it took me so long.” Anyone investigating her history wouldn’t know this from looking at the video evidence that survives online from her drinking days. A 2011 clip of her performing in the Gastown flagship of John Fluevog, for instance, suggests an artist in full command of her faculties and her craft. “I was a great actress,” she counters. “I’ve never struggled to get onstage and do my thing. That’s the one place where it doesn’t matter what else is going on in my life. I channel something that’s not me. Well, it’s me, but it’s my superhero time. “I laugh. I laugh at what kind of fucking idiot I was. I write a lot about love, but now I look back at the music from before my sobriety – I’m just like, ‘Damn, girlfriend.You were high if you think that was love.’” Now emboldened and determined,Tonye hopes her current remission will sustain well enough to justify releasing an EP, also titled Villain (“Five songs of fury,” she says of it) in June or July, to coincide with a set at the Canada Day festivities at Canada Place. (She also was recently booked to play the Montreal International Jazz Festival.) “MS has forced me to live in the moment because I don’t know about tomorrow,” she says. “The possibilities are endless and I can’t spend time thinking about them. I just have to live now. I’m not the best, but I feel good about myself and I want to honour myself by investing in my own dreams. Everybody should have their own dreams.” W

at the

MICHAEL WHITE @bequietmichael


Greed/REsolve TUE JUNE 27 - WED 28 I 7pm

Two-spirit curated festival

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May 18 - May 24, 2017 W 15




‘No Fixed Address’ tackles Vancouver’s housing crisis Sabrina Furminger Reel People @Sabrinarmf

If there’s one topic that is guaranteed to fire up Vancouverites, it’s housing. Our housing woes are real. Rapidly rising prices have made home ownership an unattainable dream for many. Rental stock is diminishing in quantity but increasing in cost. Homes of all sizes and conditions sit unoccupied all over the city, their owners cashing in from other neighborhoods, out of province, or distant climes. But even though we can’t stop talking about our housing woes, “the conversation is rarely very complete,” says documentary filmmaker Charles Wilkinson, who deepdives into our city’s housing woes in his new feature-length documentary, Vancouver: No Fixed Address. “I’ve been in coffee shops and overheard someone

talking about government intervention, or a lack thereof, and somebody else chimes in with, ‘Well, it’s the Chinese, it’s their fault,’ and it completely derails the debate,” says Wilkinson, whose film kicks off an extended run at VIFF’s Vancity Theatre on May 19 after screening to sold-out houses at Hot Docs in Toronto and locally at DOXA Documentary Film Festival. Wilkinson says he was compelled to “examine each one of the things that people say are the cause of the problem, with people who actually know what they’re talking about.”Thus, Vancouver: No Fixed Address is divided into five acts, each investigating the crisis from a different angle:The Boom,The Back Story, Race,The New Normal, and Money. “My sense of it was it’s very difficult to resolve a problem until you understand it, and we’re still at the spot where we don’t really get it yet,” says Wilkinson. Wilkinson (along with co-producer and co-editor

Tina Schliessler and executive producers Kevin Eastwood and Murray Battle) won accolades and critical acclaim for Oil Sands Karaoke (2013) and Haida Gwaii: On the Edge of the World (2015) – documentaries that showcased the consequences of oil extraction and pipeline expansion on northern and island communities. This latest documentary is a natural continuation of his previous films, according to Wilkinson. “We were making these environmental documentaries about our northern regions being threatened by the over-commercial exploitation of the resources there in the region, and it occurred to me that my environment – the environment that I personally live in –- is Vancouver,” Wilkinson explains. “This is our reality.This is our environment, and it is by all accounts under threat from the exploitation of the region.” Wilkinson and co. logged revealing interviews with a who’s who of housing experts and stakeholders, including environmentalist

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MaY 29 - JuNe 4, 2017 oN GrAnViLlE IsLaNd, vAnCoUvEr


16 W May 18 - May 24, 2017

David Suzuki, Mayor Gregor Robertson, and “condo king” Bob Rennie, as well as Vancouverites whose lives have been profoundly impacted by the housing crunch.We hear from a man who lives in his car at a West Side beach, a widow who worries about making rent payments on her West End apartment, and a longtime Vancouverite selling the family home to out-of-towners for a huge sum.We hear from giddy new homeowners, locals who are reimagining living situations (including tiny homes and shared housing), and people who have been displaced and ignored. Wilkinson says he was surprised to learn during filming that the bulk of new out-oftown and in-town speculation leads to unoccupied homes – a percentage he says could be as high as 90 per cent. “That was really a revelation, because these aren’t people who are looking to raise a family in our city or contribute to the community,” says Wilkinson. “It’s purely an investment. It’s a safety deposit box, which they may or may not even rent out.” But the rising tide of market forces is meeting something that has the potential to be just as powerful: the deep love that so many have for this city. “The spirit of people here is as such that, even in spite of everything that’s happened and that’s happening, people love this city so much, and they feel that it’s worth fighting for,”Wilkinson says. But what they lack, adds the director, is a “catalyst, somewhere to focus their energy, to stop this train and tell the people who are driving it that housing shouldn’t be a commodity.” Vancouver: No Fixed Address was well received during its Toronto premiere, says Wilkinson, although numerous audience members questioned his choice to include shots of Vancouver’s iconic beaches, mountains, and forests in a documentary about an ugly situation. “We want people to understand what’s at stake, and what’s at stake is losing one of the most beautiful spots on Earth,” says Wilkinson, before conceding, “It’s hard to present any kind of a gloomy picture in a place that is insanely beautiful.” InWilkinson’s mind, staying put is a form of resistance, and he intends to do just that. “That’s the wayTina and I feel.We’re staying. I know it’s a place that’s really worth fighting for, so I think we need to forgo the short-term gain.” • The film screens May 19 to June 8 atVIFFVancity Theatre. Tickets at viff.org W

Vancouver ceramicist Gabrielle Burke is hosting a studio open house at The Beaumont on May 18. Jarusha Brown photo

Home is where the art is: G Ceramic & Co. Jennifer Scott A Good Chick to Know

@Jennifer_AGCTK The trifecta of form and function, design and aesthetics, and human interaction creates a beautiful relationship that each of us engage in, often unknowingly, every day.The objects that appeal to us and are invited to serve their purpose in our homes become the pillars of our daily experiences; the furnishings, art, and accessories we choose shape not only the visual elements of everyday life, but the functional way we live as well. It is this relationship that inspired ceramicist and Emily Carr graduate Gabrielle Burke to pursue her passion and create G Ceramic & Co., a collection of artisan tableware and accessories handmade in the heart of Vancouver. “I love that people have an intimate relationship with the objects.They pick them up and fondle them.They allow that mug to touch their lips as they sip on their morning coffee or tea everyday.The objects are thoughtful, they have meaning,” says Burke. Burke has been invited to participate in this year’s ADDRESS, an annual, curated platform to showcase art and design from over 30 of the Pacific Northwest’s most elite designer/makers. Hosted by Kate Duncan, the four-day limited engagement is taking place from Thursday, May 25 through Sunday, May 28. Tickets can be purchased at Eventbrite.ca. Burke is also welcoming members of Vancouver’s creative community, and the public, to the G Ceramic & Co. open house and studio launch Thursday May 18 from 7-10pm at her new digs in The Beaumont Studios at 316 and 326 West 5th Ave. We caught up with her to talk craft and inspiration. Tell us a little about yourself.

I’m a hopeless romantic. I love the idea of designing our lives, exploring how we curate a life of beautiful people, things and experiences that create our perception of the world around us. How did you get started in your craft and what led you to where you are now? I had drawn and painted for years but always felt something was missing. I never felt fully satisfied. I was also wanting to go to art school, so I thought I’d take a ceramics class to flesh out my portfolio. I was the worst in my class. Everything I made blew up, cracked or simply didn’t work. I ended up taking the course again the next term as I needed another elective, and one day I sat down at the wheel and everything clicked. I learned how to touch and understand in a different way. I’ve never questioned it since. Some people collect old cameras and typewriters. Do you collect anything? I collect mugs. I rarely drink out of one of my own mugs. I feel like using a handmade item is almost like having a conversation with the person who made it.Who wants to talk to yourself all the time? I love supporting other artists (I was a board member of the BC Potter’s Guild for five years.) The sad thing is I keep breaking them (hand wash and dry only!) which is bittersweet, as I then get to buy new ones! Artistically, what is your favourite part of the city? All of it. I notice the little things.The old bricks coming through the pavement on Victoria Drive and Powell St. The texture of the shingles on old Kitsilano houses.The intricate designs on the Bay and the Fairmont. I want to do a line of cast work that uses textures from different neighbourhoods – if there are some really amazing ones anywhere in the city, I’d love to know! W




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Sales Associate Roger Ross



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New 1710 Bayshore Drive SOLD 1845 Robson #301 SOLD 985 Jervis #303 Coming Soon at BAYSHORE GARDENS. Beautiful 2 bdrm + den on prestigious Bayshore Drive with lovely views to Coal Harbour, the marina & the mountains. Magnificent lobby, resident lounge, gym and 24 hr concierge. Pets & rentals OK. Call now.

SOLD West of Denman at Sundial Place two bedroom, two bath, two patios Stanley Park strata suite just two blocks to Lost Lagoon. 1014 SF, Rentals OK. $699,000.

SOLD Over Asking 1251 Cardero #2001 English Bay Rarely available SW corner 694 SF ocean view one bedroom at the popular Surfcrest. Sold over the asking price of $439,000.


Real Estate Opens


SOLD - View Townhouse 1236 Bidwell #1202 SW English Bay corner two bedroom and den split level at Alexandra Park. 16 ft. ceilings, pets & rentals OK. 1503 sq. ft. $2,180,000.

604.623.5433 www.robjoyce.ca robjoyce@telus.net


1238 Richards St., 1 bdrm + den, $938,000 Sat & Sun 2-4pm


Seylynn Village

2504-1550 Fern St., 3 bdrm + den, $2,788,000 Sat 2-4pm

Thinking of Selling Your Home? Call any of the agents in the Westender Real Estate Section and your home could appear here.






702 – 2088 BARCLAY $2,099,000 THE 702 PRESIDIO – 2088 BARCLAY $2,099,000 Perched on the edge of Stanley Park with views to the North Shore. Fabulous layout, huge principal rooms, perfectly maintained. Live in the best area, surrounded by nature, steps to downtown.

SOLD Heritage character at the mid century soughtafter Sherwood Lodge co-op in the heart of the West End. Beautiful redesigned 1 bdrm. 689 SF. $469,000.


VICTORIA DAY SPECIAL Lots of sellers waiting and buyers hoping for supply to choose from. If you are planning retirement or looking to invest for income flow for the future there are more options that you may not have considered. We have been collecting much data on property investment both inside and outside Canada and have many connections to colleagues who can assist with your international travel, investing and/or snowbirding. Relax over the holiday weekend and consider your options to sell and invest, downsize or leverage existing properties. Stop by for a spot of tea and we will be happy to share our knowledge and look at your options. You deserve a life, a future and ultimately a retirement fit for a queen. The world is a much smaller place these days and these options are not only reserved for royalty! CROWNING GLORY As usual, we are here to assist with your purchase and sale of strata, coop, leasehold, single and multi-family properties locally and provide support for international relocation as required.


West End Neighbours

New info always available on the website; an opportunity for community to stay in touch and keep up on local issues. www.westendneighbours.ca

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liz.carney@century21.ca • www.vancouvercondo.com Century 21 In Town Realty • 421 Pacific • 1030 Denman

In Town Realty

May 18 - May 24, 2017 W 17






301-1508 W BROADWAY





2 L E V E L L O F T AT M E T R O P O L I S




U +S




W NE • • • • •

10th & 11th level 1 BR + office 954 sq. ft. complete open concept Soaring 16’ ceilings-wall of glass Reclaimed hardwood floors on main Stainless steel & granite kitchen

• • • • •


2” reclaimed fir dining bar top Exposed brick, cast iron railings 4 pce bathroom on main floor Custom millwork & insuite W/D 2 pce Bathroom up w/space for shower

E OV • • • • •

Large walk-in closet plus 7’ closet King-size bedroom upstairs Perfect space for office upstairs Steps to Choices, doggie park 1 parking, 1 storage, pet & rental ok

• • • • •

Top floor 2 lvl 1201 sq. ft. (strata) 2 BR + office + formal DR + 2 baths 3 skylights, wraparound balcony Extended kitchen w/breakfast bar Wood cabs, SS appls, granite counters

• • • • •





MBR w/walk-in & 4 pcs ensuite LR w/wood FP & 15’ vaulted ceilings Flex office/den/bedroom up 3 piece bath, walk-in shower up SW corner, WD, 1 parking

$938,000 1274 BARCLAY



Q 0S


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3007-455 BEACH AVE.

Taking our Listings Global Andrea Spallanzani



AMAZING VIEWS This is a rarely available high floor ”07” unit. Large 1 bedroom and Den with office. Soak in the breathtaking views of False Creek, the city and parks from every room! This unit is spacious, bright and beautifully decorated. Exquisite gourmet kitchen featuring granite countertops, gas range, and stainless steel appliances. Beautiful Birch hardwood flooring in the main areas, carpet in the bedroom and open balcony. Close to Granville Island market, George Wainborn and David Lam Parks. Amenities include: pool, Jacuzzi, Steam room, Racket courts and more. Comes with 1 parking stall and a large storage unit. Check out our website, www.dexterrealty.com for current market condition updates. 18 W May 18 - May 24, 2017

Commercial Real Estate Needs? Dexter Associates Realty’s commercial team will answer all of your questions and will help with all your commerical needs. Whether you need office space, somewhere to set up your business or retail store, or are looking to buy an investment property we can help you. Call us at 604-689-8226 today.




WHAT’S ON THURSDAY, MAY 18 ARTS Island Earth The controversial issue of GMOs in Hawaii is explored from the perspective of a young indigenous scientist. Screening includes a post-film talk with director Cyrus Sutton. 6:30pm at Patagonia Vancouver. By donation.

FRIDAY, MAY 19 SOCIAL Eastside Flea Spring Market Shop vintage clothing, local artisanal jewelry, naturally-sourced body care, and more at this spring bi-weekly market. 6pm at the Ellis Building. Tickets $3 at the door.

SATURDAY, MAY 20 ARTS Vancouver Comic Arts Festi-

val This weekend-long event celebrates comic book artists and graphic novels from around the world. 10am at the Roundhouse Community Arts Centre. Free.

SUNDAY, MAY 21 SOCIAL Engine 374 Anniversary Celebration On its 130th birthday, the Yaletown historical highlight hosts a community party of cake, crafts, and musical performances from a brass band. 12pm at the Roundhouse Turntable Plaza. Free.

Tickets $15 at eventbrite.ca

ARTS The History of Love Based on the novel by Nicole Krauss, a longlost manuscript connects an old Polish Jewish immigrant with a young girl determined to solve her mother’s loneliness. 7pm at Norman Rothstein Theatre. Tickets $13 at vjff.org


MONDAY, MAY 22 FOOD 77K Freeze Sample a variety of customizable dairy-free and plant-based frozen desserts during this happy hour event with live demonstrations from resident freezeologists. 6pm at 77K Freeze.

604.263-1144 www.thegoteam.ca


Roast Battle Vancouver Local funny personalities engage in an evening of embarrassing repartee hosted by Fatima Dhowre. 9pm at Little Mountain Gallery. Tickets $5 at the door. W

DOWNTOWN LIVING 710-1372 Seymour Street

The Mark by award winning Onni Group – Yaletown’s Iconic Masterpiece. This northwest-facing 641 sq.ft. 1 bedroom + den home offers lots of windows and natural light. Live in sophistication with custom flat-panel cabinetry, premium engineered hardwood oak flooring and solid composite stone countertops. Enjoy exclusive access to the 10,000 sq.ft. Wellness Centre featuring: 24/7 concierge, 1 & 2 bedroom guest suites, a professionally equipped gym, yoga room, pool, hot tub, sauna & steam rooms, outdoor BBQ area and theatre. Low flow fixtures, water efficient landscaping and on-site car share program all contribute to the building’s focus on sustainability. Rentals allowed and pet friendly.

YALETOWN | MODERN FURNISHED ONE-BEDROOM APARTMENT WITH AIR CONDITIONING AT THE MARK The Mark, built by the Onni Group in 2013, is a 41 storey high-rise in the heart of Yaletown, just steps away from the Seawall, English Bay, Canada Line and your favourite restaurants and cafes. This gorgeous, 500 sq.ft. Onebedroom suite features modern furnishings and finishes throughout, including: engineered hardwood floors, floor-to-ceiling windows, air conditioning, in-suite laundry and a balcony. The living room has a flat screen TV, leather sofa and a dining set that seats four. The fully equipped kitchen features steel appliances, gas range and quartz countertops. The bedroom has a queen-size bed with crisp, linens, a flat-screen TV and a built-in closet organizer. Your rent includes a secured parking spot, hot water, gas, basic cable, wireless internet and hydro. Residents of this suite will have exclusive access to the 10,000 sq.ft. Wellness Centre which includes a Fitness Centre, a yoga/dance studio, steam & sauna room, outdoor pool & hot tub, common BBQ area, common garden, kids’ playroom, guest suite and 24-hour concierge. A minimum 6-month term is required. No pets, please. A strata move-in fee of $200 and move-out cleaning fee of $150 apply. For more information & to see the full listing, contact: LILY HSIEH 778-881-1191

There is more online


• See the full listings online at westender.com

dexter pm 608-1372 SEYMOUR ST. $2,200/MONTH



405-1238 SEYMOUR ST $3,800/MONTH

6188 NO.3 RD. $2,100/MONTH



Welcome to Space in Yaletown. Situated in Vancouver’s most trendiest neighbourhood. Just steps to seawall, Canada Line, Choices Market and wide variety of eateries & amenities. This exquisite 1,150sq ft furnished 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom and 2-Level loft boasts hardwood floors throughout, 16 ft ceiling, floor-to-ceiling windows ensure ample natural light and a 400sq ft private patio with BBQ & Fire pit. The living space features contemporary design & decors including a large couch, flat screen TV, automatic roll down blinds and dining table with seating for 4. For more information & to see the full listing contact: LILY HSIEH 778-881-1191

Welcome to The Mandarin Residences! Situated in the heart of Richmond’s Downtown core, just steps to Canada Line, Richmond Centre, 24hr Shopper’s Drug Mart, supermarket and a wide selection of dining options. This bright, 860 square foot corner suite features hardwood floors throughout, in-suite laundry, floor-to-ceiling windows, air conditioning and a good-sized balcony. The kitchen is complete with Quartz countertops, stainless steel appliances, gas cook top and lots of cupboards. The building amenities include a fitness centre, common courtyard, meeting rooms, visitor parking, bike storage and common room. Sorry, no pets! Your rent includes hot water, gas and secure parking stall. An annual lease is required. A $200 Strata Move-in fee and a $200 move-out cleaning fee applies. For more information & to see the full listing contact: LILY HSIEH 778-881-1191

6610 LIME ST.

$4,400/MONTH BEAUTIFULLY MAINTAINED KERRISDALE FAMILY HOME | UNFURNISHED 5 BEDROOMS WITH BACKYARD | PET FRIENDLY This is the quintessential West side home, beautifully maintained over the years with all the character and charm of a perfect family home. Lime Street is a single block, quiet and tree-lined with wonderful neighbours; located just off 49th and West of Arbutus. Here you are in the heart of Kerrisdale, walking distance to some of the best schools and parks in the city, a short drive to UBC and within close proximity to shopping in Kerrisdale, South Granville, Kitsilano and Downtown. The main level is anchored by a spacious living room, a bedroom that can be used as a family den, plus two Dining rooms and a full bathroom. The Kitchen is spacious with everything you need. Recently updated with contemporary stainless steel appliances, a full sized gas range and beautiful custom oak cabinetry and granite countertops. The kitchen looks out to the spacious and totally private backyard with double doors that lead you out to a large deck perfect for summer BBQs and entertaining. Upstairs you will find a newly renovated full bathroom and 3 spacious bedrooms with an additional office/flex space as well as a viewing deck facing North. The basement suite is the perfect getaway for guests or teenagers. Finished with a large family room, sizeable bedroom and separate laundry room, with private entry from the backyard. The backyard garage has been intelligently converted to a livable space, once purposed as an office, it can easily be turned into a small gym, yoga room or whatever your home needs are! For more information contact: JOSIE GORDON 604-868-4717



May 18 - May 24, 2017 W 19


Continued from page 3

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Christian recalls the recording booth in their basement where his father would broadcast news, interviews, sportscasts and music of interest to Vancouver’s Italian community. After cutting his teeth on radio,Vultaggio launched Il Marco Polo in 1974, an Italian-language newspaper that marked a progression in his lifelong passion of promoting Italian culture. There were a few stops in between for the serial entrepreneur, including launching several restaurants: Il Favorito Trattoria in 1981 and Andiamo Ristorante, at Hastings and Howe streets, in 1988, and involvement in the Jolt Cola energy drink enterprise.Yet, throughout his many careers,Vultaggio continued to pursue and build upon his deep love for the Italian community and culture, particularly through his work with the newspaper, and the Italian Cultural Centre, which he co-founded. “He believed that you have to communicate news to the community, so the media was important to him,” recalls West Vancouver resident Orazio Scaldaferri, 67, who first met Vultaggio at an event at the Italian Cultural Centre 30 years ago. “But his energy came from enjoying

A young Rino Vultaggio (centre) with his parents in Sicily. Photo courtesy of Il Marco Polo

contact with people.” Vultaggio was often one of the first points of contact for Italian immigrants through his involvement with the Consulate General of Italy in Vancouver, connecting them with resources in the community. “He was someone that would welcome people and help them adapt to a new country,” says Scaldaferri. “He was a point of reference for a lot people.” Vultaggio was diagnosed with cancer last year, and handed off Marco Polo, which now has a weekly distribution of around 5,000 copies, shortly after. “My dad had a real zest for life,” says Christian. “He was

a people person and leaving a legacy was always important to him… He was very generous… He did good things just to leave his mark; it was the sense of accomplishment that drove him.” Vultaggio succumbed to his illness on May 11, 2017 at the age of 76, surrounded by family in his Vancouver home. He leaves behind his son Christian, daughters Jordana and Lisa, four grandchildren and his wife, Sofia Chen. Friends and family are invited to attend a funeral service for Vultaggio on Friday, May 19 at 11am at Blessed Sacrament church, 3040 Heather St.,Vancouver. W

604-729-2126 liana@lianashowcase.com


3 bedroom + den + family rm/ loft, 2.5 bath, 2 level, world class PENTHOUSE w/ PANORAMIC, birds eye VIEWS of the city skyline, Burrard Inlet, & North Shore mtns! This 1 of a kind, PRIVATE, bright, corner home offers 10’ ceilings, 2 PATIOS on main plus a sundrenched private 2000 SF ROOFTOP deck. Multiple, CUSTOM DESIGNED UPGRADES include Thermador/Wolf integrated appliances, Caesarstone Quartz counters, floating wood & glass staircase, spa baths with heated floors, triple glazed windows, geothermal A/C, electric vehicle EV outlet, outdoor gas firepit, green living wall, Grohe fixtures, flr to ceiling windows throughout. 2 pets OK (breed restrictions) & rentals OK (min 30 days), 2 side by side parking, bike+storage lockers. A perfectly crafted beauty!


2% of all sales proceeds benefit WAP, IFAW & BCSPCA

IMPERIAL TOWER, $1,188,800 2003-811 HELMCKEN


THE CANADIAN, $709,900 1406-1068 HORNBY ST


5250-5252 EMPIRE DR. $1,588,000



20 W May 18 - May 24, 2017


ARIA 2, $689,000 2104-400 CAPILANO RD, PORT MOODY


ARIA 2, $589,900 804-400 CAPILANO RD, PORT MOODY



SHINE, $499,900 321-289 E 6TH AVE




SEASCAPE LANDING, $428,880 105-131 W 3RD ST

THE CARLYLE, $438,880 1210-1060 ALBERNI



RECENT SALES 1006-14 BEGBIE ST 906-1199 SEYMOUR 38595 HIGH CREEK DR 419-350 E 2ND AVE 305-1288 ALBERNI 301-2799 SHAUGHNESSY 1209-1783 MANITOBA ST 201-66 W GEORGIA ST 608-250 E 6TH AVE 801-140 E KEITH ROAD 3796 COMMERCIAL ST 908-188 KEEFER ST 1041 GROVELAND ROAD 605-619 STATION ST 1-1633 W 8TH AVE 110-2665 MOUNTAIN HWY 2302-989 BEATTY ST 1301-2203 BELLEVUE AVE 2203-550 PACIFIC ST 2488 WEST 49TH ST 206-2033 W 7TH AVE 203-919 STATION ST PH1-868 KINGSWAY AVE 1603-1128 QUEBEC ST 902-907 BEACH 102-118 ATHLETES WAY 1576 E 26TH AVENUE 901-1501 HOWE ST 8-3437 WEST 4TH AVE 305-1188 QUEBEC ST 741/743 E 10TH AVE PH1-868 KINGSWAY 206-2033 W 7TH AVE





Ask Mish: Lube me up!


Sex with Mish Way


Caleb the “senior wiener” is looking for a special forever home.

‘Adopteez’ Pet of the Week: Caleb NOA NICHOL @adopteezpleez

The first time Caleb’s luck ran out was in March 2016, when his loving female owner passed away. For some reason, her surviving male partner opted to keep the tweenie dachschund (ie, weighing between 12 and 15 pounds and considered between miniature and standard size) and his sister, Sophie, outdoors until finally surrendering them to Surrey-based Dhana Metta Rescue Society in October. In a matter of weeks, Caleb’s fortune seemingly turned, and he and Sophie found a new forever home, together, in time for the holidays. But, after just two months, the siblings began to show signs of jealousy toward each other and started to fight for the attention of their new owners.The family decided to return Caleb, rather than Sophie, to Dhana Metta, where he’s been ever since, patiently waiting for his luck to change once more. “We hope to find Caleb a wonderful home, for the time he has left,” says Dhana Metta founder and directorYuana of the 10-year-old dog. “He’s been passed around so much in the last year that we’re amazed he isn’t depressed. In fact, he is very affectionate, sweet and loving. He has a few issues, to be sure, but nothing the right owner would find overwhelming.” Given Caleb’s age,Yuana says his suffering from early stage liver disease isn’t necessarily unusual, and simply means that he “urinates a little more often than other dogs.” Happily, she adds, Caleb is “fully house trained and will use pee pads religiously if he has to go when no one is around.” “He’s also fairly energetic for his age, even pulling a


little on his leash, but he has responded amazingly to treat training,” she continues. “He’d also be good as a dog that has a large yard to run and play in, if his people aren’t able to walk far, but he is looking for a home where he can be the only ‘child’— no cats and no kids.” Caleb is also fearful of large dogs, but Dhana Metta is committed to providing the right adopter with guidance and hands-on training, so they can learn how to manage him on walks. “We’re here to help and support whoever adopts Caleb. We believe in him and we know he has so much to offer,”Yuana says. “He loves his food and treats, and he loves to chill out and watch TV with his human. He’s loving and loyal to a fault, and he has many good years left. We hope someone out there will read this and will open their heart and their home to this wonderful senior wiener!” • More details on Caleb can be found online at www.dhanamettarescuesociety.org. W

What is the best lubricant? My boyfriend always buys the cheap drugstore stuff like Astroglide and, I’m sorry, but it’s so goopy and gross. I feel like it’s destroying our sheets and that it always creates a film on my skin. I honestly hate it so much. My friend gave me a bunch of flavoured lubes and they basically turned my vagina into a burning hell fire. I guess I am sensitive, but I don’t know what lube is best. There are so many out there. I’m fine to spend money on lube, which brands do you recommend? Astroglide is disgusting. I don’t blame you for never wanting to put that crap near your pussy ever again. If you ever find yourself out of lube, just run into your kitchen pantry and grab some coconut oil. It’s edible, smooth, as well as naturally antimicrobial and antibacterial.The downside? Coconut oil is NOT compatible with latex. I used to swear by Slippery Stuff (and I still do), but here are my favorites as of late that are real game changers.

silky, thin, condom-friendly and, best of all, completely scentless. I don’t think most women want a lubricant that reeks of a chocolate Bonne Bell Lip Smacker. Plus, flavoured lubricants irritate the skin and vagina. The outcome is worse than fucking in chlorine. Uberlube leaves no residue, and, unlike cheap drugstore brands, it doesn’t clump up and roll into revolting lint-like balls after a real heavy fuck-fest.You only need about a quarter-sized amount, so, if you do some quick math, the stuff is pretty cheap to purchase. Bonus feature? I use Uberlube on my skin, hair (excellent for extra shine), and even to help wipe off my make-up when I don’t have my regular products on hand.

Penchant Premium $20 USD penchantforpleasure.com This one is great for someone like you with sensitive skin. Again odourless, silky and does not leave gloopy stains. It also works while in water, which doesn’t seem like a big deal, but some-

Pulse $250 USD lovemypulse.com

times you need lube during shower sex. Plus, the labeling isn’t obviously sexual, so if your uptight grandmother came over and saw it on your bedside table, she would assume you left your contact solution in the wrong room. Happy Banging! W

EMAIL MISH Have a sex question? Send Mish your queries to sex@westender.com

MISSING A TOOTH? If an implant is not an option for you MK Pontic Unique treatment option to replace a missing tooth without reduction of adjacent teeth. Cost effective, minimally invasive, lasts for years: $600

Uberlube $14-$28 USD uberlube.com I’m ridiculously obsessed with this stuff. Uberlube is

I know you may not want to throw down $250 on a bedside lubricant dispenser, but if you buy any luxury sex item, let it be this. Pulse comes with its own lubricant to pop in the dispenser: “H2Oh!” and “Aloe-Ah,” and the product is great. This bedside machine looks like a mini-spaceship and dispenses warm lube with a hands-free sensor. Nothing kills the mood like fumbling through your bedside drawer for a bottle of lubricant. Pulse eliminates any of that. The warming feature seems kind of frivolous at first, but it’s actually surprisingly pleasant. Pulse-brand lube is smooth with a barely-there feel. It’s ultra-moisturizing and odourless. Pulse lubricants are also glutenfree, vegan, and free of parabens and glycerin.You know, for people who give a shit about that kind of thing.

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LEGAL NOTICE UNDER THE LAND ACT (s.33(3) and s.56 and 99 (2)), COMPANIES’ CREDITORS ARRANGEMENT ACT, (s.37) and the UNIFORM INTERNATIONAL TRUST ACT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT; I; emily rakhit, Private Canadian in trust, non statutory citizen of Canada, hereby claim all right title and interest in the property described herein Trust Id, parceled as; 1. RN082 352 386CA-001 thru RN082 352 386CA -999; 2. RN082 352 369CA-001 thru RN082 352 369CA -999; 3. RN082 352 355CA-001 thru RN082 352 355CA -999 whereby all Legal interests by nature and by characteristic in Public Nominee and or ‘company, corporation or legal person incorporated by or under an Act of Parliament or of the legislature of a province, any incorporated company having assets or doing business in Canada’; EMILY SARAH RAKHIT; RAKHIT, EMILY SARAH; EMILY S. RAKHIT; including its property is evidenced and conveyed said Legal interests by nature to the Trustee(s), primarily HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN in right of CANADA and HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN in right of BRITISH COLUMBIA, binding on the trust of land herein described as conveyed parcels, while the beneficial owner, emily rakhit, retaining and holding all equitable interests by nature, only, in Public Nominee, and or Legal Estate (or, potentially under R.S.C, 1985 c.C-36, R.S.C., 1985, c. C-44,); EMILY SARAH RAKHIT; RAKHIT, EMILY SARAH; EMILY S. RAKHIT, etc. I; emily rakhit, am without notice of any bona fide or would be bona fide purchasers for value or bona fide adverse claimant either by nature or characteristic by legal or equitable rights of claim and that emily rakhit, is without notice of any superior prior, equal, equitable or legal right, title or interest competent to suspend or confuse my equitable and/or legal interest by nature or characteristic, to said property. This notice/publication is made to give notice for absolute title interest in land and property to which is to be used to satisfy an assumed vacant legal estate by virtue of making it solvent, by operation of law. All trust property conveyed to trustees shall be kept as a separate fund outside of the public interest. I; the settlor and grantee, am only secondarily liable for any and all debts of the principal and legal estate, expressing rights in subrogation for all third party claimants. All written objections on the ownership or superior claim of trust(s) and estate(s), should be directed to trustee(s) for the Emily Rakhit Trust, no later than 30 days from the date of publication of this notice, please contact: covenantor: private canadian in trust (of union of counties, regions, provinces, territories of Dominion of Canada), mail in care of: 2205 Chairlift Road, county of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Covenantor/grantor in trust expressly reserves all rights and liberties.

NOTICE UNDER THE LAND ACT (s.33(3) and s.56 and 99 (2)), COMPANIES’ CREDITORS ARRANGEMENT ACT, (s.37) and the UNIFORM INTERNATIONAL TRUST ACT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT; I; justin anthony jamal pilon, Private Canadian in trust, non statutory citizen of Canada, hereby claim all right title and interest in the property described herein Trust Id, parceled as; 1. RN218 386 506CA-001 thru RN218 386 506CA-999; 2. RN218 386 497CA-001 thru RN218 386 497CA-999; whereby all Legal interests by nature and by characteristic in Public Nominee and or ‘company, corporation or legal person incorporated by or under an Act of Parliament or of the legislature of a province, any incorporated company having assets or doing business in Canada’; JUSTIN ANTHONY JAMAL PILON and PILON, JUSTIN ANTHONY JAMAL, including its property is evidenced and conveyed said Legal interests by nature to the Trustee(s), primarily HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN in right of CANADA and HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN in right of BRITISH COLUMBIA, binding on the trust of land herein described as conveyed parcels, while the beneficial owner justin anthony jamal pilon, retaining and holding all Equitable interests by nature, only, in Public Nominee, and or Legal Estate (or, potentially under R.S.C, 1985 c.C-36, R.S.C.,1985, c. C-44,); JUSTIN ANTHONY JAMAL PILON and PILON, JUSTIN ANTHONY JAMAL, etc. I; justin anthony jamal pilon, am without notice of any bona fide or would be bona fide purchasers for value or bona fide adverse claimant either by nature or characteristic by legal or equitable rights of claim and that justin anthony jamal pilon, is without notice of any Superior prior, equal, equitable or legal right, title or interest competent to suspend or confuse my equitable and/or legal interest by nature or characteristic, to said property. This notice/publication is made to give notice for absolute title interest in land and property to which is to be used to satisfy an assumed vacant legal estate by virtue of making it solvent, by operation of law. All Trust property conveyed to trustees shall be kept as a separate fund outside of the public interest. I; the settlor and grantee, am only secondarily liable for any and all debts of the principal and legal estate, expressing rights in subrogation for all third party claimants. All written objections on the ownership or superior claim of trust(s) and estate(s), should be directed to trustee(s) for the Justin Anthony Jamal Pilon Trust, no later than 30 days from the date of publication of this notice, please contact: covenantor: private canadian in trust (of union of counties, regions, provinces, territories of Dominion of Canada), mail in care of: 304- 1060 Linden Ave, county of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada,V8V 4H2. Covenantor/grantor in trust expressly reserves all rights and liberties.

22 W May 18 - May 24, 2017


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT; I; nathan reinhold witte, Private Canadian in trust, non statutory citizen of Canada, hereby claim all right title and interest in the property described herein Trust Id, parceled as; 1. RN211 024 697CA-001 thru RN211 024 697CA-999; 2. RN218 386 537CA-001 thru RN218 386 537CA-999; 3. RN211 024 652CA-001 thru RN211 024 652CA-999; whereby all Legal interests by nature and by characteristic in Public Nominee and or ‘company, corporation or legal person incorporated by or under an Act of Parliament or of the legislature of a province, any incorporated company having assets or doing business in Canada’; WITTE, NATHAN REINHOLD and NATHAN WITTE and NATHAN REINHOLD WITTE; and including its property is evidenced and conveyed said Legal interests by nature to the Trustee(s), primarily HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN in right of CANADA and HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN in right of BRITISH COLUMBIA, binding on the trust of land herein described as conveyed parcels, while the beneficial owner nathan reinhold witte, retaining and holding all Equitable interests by nature, only, in Public Nominee, and or Legal Estate (or, potentially under R.S.C, 1985 c.C-36, R.S.C., 1985, c. C-44,); WITTE, NATHAN REINHOLD and NATHAN WITTE and NATHAN REINHOLD WITTE, etc. I; nathan reinhold witte, am without notice of any bona fide or would be bona fide purchasers for value or bona fide adverse claimant either by nature or characteristic by legal or equitable rights of claim and that nathan reinhold witte, is without notice of any Superior prior, equal, equitable or legal right, title or interest competent to suspend or confuse my equitable and/or legal interest by nature or characteristic, to said property.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT; I; walter scott agnew, Private Canadian in trust, non statutory citizen of Canada, hereby claim all right title and interest in the property described herein Trust Id, parceled as; 1. RN211 024 635CA-001 thru RN211 024 635CA-999; 2. RN211 024 670CA-001 thru RN211 024 670CA-999; whereby all Legal interests by nature and by characteristic in Public Nominee and or ‘company, corporation or legal person incorporated by or under an Act of Parliament or of the legislature of a province, any incorporated company having assets or doing business in Canada’; WALTER SCOTT AGNEW and AGNEW, WALTER SCOTT, including its property is evidenced and conveyed said Legal interests by nature to the Trustee(s), primarily HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN in right of CANADA and HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN in right of BRITISH COLUMBIA, binding on the trust of land herein described as conveyed parcels, while the beneficial owner walter scott agnew, retaining and holding all Equitable interests by nature, only, in Public Nominee, and or Legal Estate (or, potentially under R.S.C, 1985 c.C-36, R.S.C., 1985, c. C-44,); WALTER SCOTT AGNEW and AGNEW, WALTER SCOTT, etc. I; walter scott agnew, am without notice of any bona fide or would be bona fide purchasers for value or bona fide adverse claimant either by nature or characteristic by legal or equitable rights of claim and that walter scott agnew, is without notice of any Superior prior, equal, equitable or legal right, title or interest competent to suspend or confuse my equitable and/or legal interest by nature or characteristic, to said property.

NOTICE UNDER THE LAND ACT (s.33(3) and s.56 and 99 (2)), COMPANIES’ CREDITORS ARRANGEMENT ACT, (s.37) and the UNIFORM INTERNATIONAL TRUST ACT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT; I; jacqueline lisa seitz, Private Canadian in trust, non statutory citizen of Canada, hereby claim all right title and interest in the property described herein Trust Id, parceled as; 1. RN211 024 710CA-001 thru RN211 024 710CA-999; 2. RN 211 024 754CA-001 thru RN211 024 754CA-999; whereby all Legal interests by nature and by characteristic in Public Nominee and or ‘company, corporation or legal person incorporated by or under an Act of Parliament or of the legislature of a province, any incorporated company having assets or doing business in Canada’; JACQUELINE LISA SEITZ and SEITZ, JACQUELINE LISA, including its property is evidenced and conveyed said Legal interests by nature to the Trustee(s), primarily HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN in right of CANADA and HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN in right of BRITISH COLUMBIA, binding on the trust of land herein described as conveyed parcels, while the beneficial owner jacqueline lisa seitz, retaining and holding all Equitable interests by nature, only, in Public Nominee, and or Legal Estate (or, potentially under R.S.C, 1985 c.C-36, R.S.C., 1985, c. C-44,); JACQUELINE LISA SEITZ and SEITZ, JACQUELINE LISA, etc. I; jacqueline lisa seitz, am without notice of any bona fide or would be bona fide purchasers for value or bona fide adverse claimant either by nature or characteristic by legal or equitable rights of claim and that jacqueline lisa seitz, is without notice of any Superior prior, equal, equitable or legal right, title or interest competent to suspend or confuse my equitable and/or legal interest by nature or characteristic, to said property. This notice/publication is made to give notice for absolute title interest in land and property to which is to be used to satisfy an assumed vacant legal estate by virtue of making it solvent, by operation of law. All Trust property conveyed to trustees shall be kept as a separate fund outside of the public interest. I; the settlor and grantee, am only secondarily liable for any and all debts of the principal and legal estate, expressing rights in subrogation for all third party claimants. All written objections on the ownership or superior claim of trust(s) and estate(s), should be directed to trustee(s) for the Jacqueline Lisa Seitz Trust, no later than 30 days from the date of publication of this notice, please contact: covenantor: private canadian in trust (of union of counties, regions, provinces, territories of Dominion of Canada), mail in care of: Box 67, Slocan, county of the Kootenays, British Columbia, Canada [V0G 2C0]. Covenantor/grantor in trust expressly reserves all rights and liberties. .




This notice/publication is made to give notice for absolute title interest in land and property to which is to be used to satisfy an assumed vacant legal estate by virtue of making it solvent, by operation of law. All Trust property conveyed to trustees shall be kept as a separate fund outside of the public interest. I; the settlor and grantee, am only secondarily liable for any and all debts of the principal and legal estate, expressing rights in subrogation for all third party claimants. All written objections on the ownership or superior claim of trust(s) and estate(s), should be directed to trustee(s) for the Nathan Reinhold Witte Trust, no later than 30 days from the date of publication of this notice, please contact: covenantor: private canadian in trust (of union of counties, regions, provinces, territories of Dominion of Canada), mail in care of: 211 - 2525 Blenheim St, county of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Covenantor/grantor in trust expressly reserves all rights and liberties.


This notice/publication is made to give notice for absolute title interest in land and property to which is to be used to satisfy an assumed vacant legal estate by virtue of making it solvent, by operation of law. All Trust property conveyed to trustees shall be kept as a separate fund outside of the public interest. I; the settlor and grantee, am only secondarily liable for any and all debts of the principal and legal estate, expressing rights in subrogation for all third party claimants. All written objections on the ownership or superior claim of trust(s) and estate(s), should be directed to trustee(s) for the Walter Scott Agnew Trust, no later than 30 days from the date of publication of this notice, please contact: covenantor: private canadian in trust (of union of counties, regions, provinces, territories of Dominion of Canada), mail in care of: Box 67, Slocan, county of the Kootenays, British Columbia, Canada [V0G 2C0]. Covenantor/grantor in trust expressly reserves all rights and liberties.

NOTICE UNDER THE LAND ACT (s.33(3) and s.56 and 99 (2)), COMPANIES’ CREDITORS ARRANGEMENT ACT, (s.37) and the UNIFORM INTERNATIONAL TRUST ACT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT; I; james wade agnew, Private Canadian in trust, non statutory citizen of Canada, hereby claim all right title and interest in the property described herein Trust Id, parceled as; 1. RN211 024 737CA-001 thru RN211 024 737CA-999; 2. RN218 386 545CA-001 thru RN218 386 545CA-999; 3. RN218 386 523CA-001 thru RN218 386 523CA-999; whereby all Legal interests by nature and by characteristic in Public Nominee and or ‘company, corporation or legal person incorporated by or under an Act of Parliament or of the legislature of a province, any incorporated company having assets or doing business in Canada’; JAMES WADE AGNEW and AGNEW, JAMES WADE, and JAMES W. AGNEW, including its property is evidenced and conveyed said Legal interests by nature to the Trustee(s), primarily HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN in right of CANADA and HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN in right of BRITISH COLUMBIA, binding on the trust of land herein described as conveyed parcels, while the beneficial owner james wade agnew, retaining and holding all Equitable interests by nature, only, in Public Nominee, and or Legal Estate (or, potentially under R.S.C, 1985 c.C-36, R.S.C., 1985, c. C-44,); JAMES WADE AGNEW and AGNEW, JAMES WADE and JAMES W. AGNEW, etc. I; james wade agnew, am without notice of any bona fide or would be bona fide purchasers for value or bona fide adverse claimant either by nature or characteristic by legal or equitable rights of claim and that james wade agnew, is without notice of any Superior prior, equal, equitable or legal right, title or interest competent to suspend or confuse my equitable and/or legal interest by nature or characteristic, to said property. This notice/publication is made to give notice for absolute title interest in land and property to which is to be used to satisfy an assumed vacant legal estate by virtue of making it solvent, by operation of law. All Trust property conveyed to trustees shall be kept as a separate fund outside of the public interest. I; the settlor and grantee, am only secondarily liable for any and all debts of the principal and legal estate, expressing rights in subrogation for all third party claimants. All written objections on the ownership or superior claim of trust(s) and estate(s), should be directed to trustee(s) for the James Wade Agnew Trust, no later than 30 days from the date of publication of this notice, please contact: covenantor: private canadian in trust (of union of counties, regions, provinces, territories of Dominion of Canada), mail in care of: 409-1690 Nelson St. , county of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Covenantor/grantor in trust expressly reserves all rights and liberties.


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Horoscopes as provided by WE Editorial

“A two-year-old kid is like using a blender, but you don’t have a top for it,” said comedian Jerry Seinfeld. Would you like to avoid a scenario like that, Aries? Would you prefer not to see what happens if your life has resemblances to turning on a topless blender ~cj~} ex e b d fgbf ~ yf {cf fj f n g the top and put it on! And if you can’t locate the proper top, use a dinner plate or newspaper or pizza box. OK? It’s not too late. Even if the blender is already spewing almond milk and banana fragments and protein powder all over the ceiling. Better late than never!

My pregnant friend Myrna is determined to avoid giving birth via Caesarean section. She believes that the best way for her son to enter the world is by him doing the hard work of squeezing through the narrow birth canal. That struggle will fortify his willpower and mobilize him to summon f xj t ~ f x x fo ~ b f f ~ future challenges. It’s an interesting theory. I suggest you consider it as you contemplate how you’re going to get yourself reborn.

I invite you to try the following meditation: bh~x f t x f e n b d dj ijdf ijd vb~c ~xo that reminds you of what you used to be and don’t want to be any more. Add anything that feels like decrepit emotional baggage or that serves as a worn-out psychological crutch. When you’ve gathered up all the props and accessories that demoralize you, imagine yourself going to a beach where t x ixb g j ibd i n f j g cx t x f b ~ ~cf mj f q s t x gj hf j x g ~cf h mjd j~b fu hb f ~cf w bhf b t x cfjg that tell you boring stories about yourself. Sing songs that have as much power to relieve and release you as a spectacular orgasm.

In normal times, your guardian animal ally might be the turtle, crab, seahorse, or manta ray. But in the next three weeks, it’s the cockroach. This unfairly maligned creature is legendary for its power to thrive in virtually any environment, and I think you will have a similar resourcefulness. Like the cockroach, you will do more than merely cope with awkward adventures and complicated ~ j b~b t x vb m x b cq f hjx~b It’s possible that your adaptability may i ~cf f f vc j f f mfubi f j g enterprising than you. To keep that from being a problem, be empathetic as you help them adapt. (P.S. Your temporary animal ally is exceptionally well-groomed. Cockroaches clean themselves as much as cats do.)

While shopping at a funky yard sale, I e x g ~cf ~ p o h wf e j i ~b~ fg You’re a Genius and I Can Prove It. Sadly, the rest of the book was not available. Later I searched for it in online bookstores, and found it was out of-print. That’s unfortunate, because now would be an excellent time for you to peruse a text b f ~cb q zct rfhjx f t x ffg fhbnh detailed evidence of how unique and compelling you are -- concrete data that will provide an antidote to your habitual self-doubts and consecrate your growing sense of self-worth. Here’s what I suggest you do: Write an essay entitled “I’m an Interesting Character and Here’s the Proof.”

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By Rob Brezsny

Lady Jane Grey was crowned Queen of England in July 1553, but she ruled for just nine days before being deposed. I invite you to think back to a time in your own past when victory was short-lived. Maybe t x jhh b cfg j d j~betb d efj~ jlf j arduous struggle, only to have it quickly eclipsed by a twist of fate. Perhaps you n j t jgf b~ b ~ ~cf b f bdc~ ix~ ~cf lost your audience to a distracting brouhaha. But here’s the good news: Whatever it was -- a temporary triumph? incomplete success? x bnfg h xf ~ pp t x vb cjwf j hcj hf ~ n g fgf ~b e b~q

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Free Will Astrology

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Leonardo da Vinci wrote a bestiary, an odd little book in which he drew moral conclusions from the behavior of animals. One of his descriptions will be useful for you to contemplate in the near future. It was centered on what he called the “wild ass,” which we might refer to as an undomesticated donkey. Leonardo said that this beast, “going ~ ~cf e x ~jb ~ g b j g n gb d ~cf vj~f muddy, is never too thirsty to wait until it becomes clear before satisfying himself.” That’s a useful fable to contemplate, Libra. Be patient as you go in search of what’s pure and clean and good for you. (The translation from the Italian is by Oliver Evans.)

My friend Allie works as a matchmaker. She has an instinctive skill at reading the potential chemistry between people. One of her key strategies is to urge her clients to write mission statements. “What would your ideal marriage look like?” she asks them. Once they cjwf h j bnfg vcj~ ~cft vj ~ ~cf hf e n gb d j j~f ff ~ ifh f fj bf j g more fun. In accordance with the astrological omens, Scorpio, I suggest you try this exercise -- even if you are already in a committed relationship. It’s an excellent time to get very fhbnh ji x~ ~cf b b fg ~ df~cf f you’re willing to work hard to create.

In ancient Greek myth, Tiresias was a prophet who could draw useful revelations by interpreting the singing of birds. Spirits of the dead helped him devise his prognostications, too. He was in constant demand for revelations about the future. But his greatest claim to fame was the fact that a goddess magically transformed him into a v j e fwf tfj q slf ~cj~ cf h x g speak with authority about how both genders experienced the world. This enhanced his wisdom immeasurably, adding to his oracular power. Are you interested in a less drastic but highly educational lesson, Sagittarius? z x g t x b f ~ ff bef e j wf t gbof f ~ perspective from the one you’re accustomed to? It’s available to you if you want it.

“You remind me of the parts of myself that I will never have a chance to meet,” writes poet Mariah Gordon-Dyke, addressing a lover. Have you ever felt like saying that to a beloved ally, Capricorn? If so, I have good news: You now have an opportunity to meet and greet parts of yourself that have previously been hidden from you -- aspects of your deep soul that up until now you may only have caught glimpses of. Celebrate this homecoming!

I predict that you won’t be bitten by a dog or embarrassed by a stain or pounced on by a lawyer. Nor will you lose your keys or get yelled at by a friend or oversleep for a big appointment. On the contrary! I think you’ll be wise to expect the best. The following events are quite possible: You may be complimented by a person who’s in a position to help you. You could be invited b ~ j jhf ~cj~ cjg fwb x t iff op limits. While eavesdropping, you might pick up a useful clue, and while daydreaming you could recover an important memory you’d lost. Good luck like this is even more likely to sweep into your life if you work on ripening the most immature part of your personality.

Time out. It’s intermission. Give yourself permission to be spacious and slow. Then, when you’re sweetly empty -- this may take a few days -- seek out experiences that appeal primarily to your wild and tender heart as opposed to your wild and jumpy mind. Just forget about the theories you believe in and the ideas you regard as central to your philosophy of life. Instead, work on developing brisk new approaches to your relationship with your feelings. Like what? Become more conscious of them, for example. Express gratitude for what they teach you. Boost your trust for their power to reveal what your mind sometimes hides from you.

May 18: Tina Fey (47) May 19: Grace Jones (70) May 20: Cher (71) May 21: Noel Fielding (44) May 22: Morrissey (58) May 23: Joan Collins (84) May 24: Bob Dylan (76)

May 18 - May 24, 2017 W 23

LONG WEEKEND SAVINGS PricePrices Effective May 18 to May 24, 2017.

100% BC Owned and Operated PRODUCE


Organic Romaine Lettuce from Agrofresco in Mexico

BC Grown Organic Heirloom Tomatoes from Origin Organics, Delta


value pack



3.98lb Blueberries from Mexico

Organic Valencia Oranges

170g package



(4lb) bag


Sockeye Salmon Fillets

Choices’ Own Pork Sausages

Olympic Krema Greek and Organic Yogurt

1.5L • +deposit +eco fee product of Canada


30% 2.99 to




1L • +deposit +eco fee product of USA

Armstrong Natural Cheese Slices


assorted varieties

Maple Hill Organic Free Range Extra Large Eggs


1 dozen • product of Canada


MaraNatha Nut Butters


assorted varieties


Krave Jerky




Assorted Sizes

20% off Regular Retail Price

Omega Nutrition Organic Flax Oil

9.99 355ml 21.99 946ml

Strawberry Shortcake and Peaches and Cream Cake Slices

regular and party size


5.99 to

Vij’s Frozen Indian Meals

assorted varieties

300g • product of Canada


1.99 to 4.99



4.29 to 6.99

COUPON! Lorna Vanderhaeghe Women’s Health Collagen Supplements Assorted Varieties Assorted Sizes

25% off

Save $10

Regular Retail Price

A. Vogel Menopause Assorted Sizes

when you spend $50 or more

20% off

Regular Retail Price



5198.Valid at all Choices to cashier at checkout. PLU . No Please present this coupon coupon per person per visit one it Lim 7. 201 31, May . Markets locations. Expires ies or printouts accepted cop no , used be may coupon cash value. Only original



3.49 to 10.99

Assorted Varieties


38% 7.99

WELLNESS Natural Factors Vitamin B Supplements


assorted sizes product of Vancouver, BC

assorted sizes product of USA

assorted sizes product of USA UP TO

181g • product of USA

assorted varieties

assorted varieties



assorted varieties

Rocky Mountain Frozen Pizza

assorted varieties

Bounce Energy Balls and Bites

75g • product of USA

SAVE 5.99




assorted varieties


41% 5.49 to

170-220g product of USA


Hilary’s Eat Well Frozen Organic Root Vegetable Burgers


Kettle Brand Potato Chips






320-360g product of BC

assorted varieties

assorted sizes product of Canada

35% 4.99

Coco Libre Organic Coconut Water with or without pineapple

33% 3.59

Little Northern Bakehouse Bread


Rossdown Fraser Valley Free Run Roasted Half Chickens

120g product of USA



assorted varieties

While quantities last. Not all items available at all stores. We reserve the right to correct printing errors.Product may not appear exactly as depicted.


assorted varieties


500-650g • product of BC




Blue Diamond Nut thins and Artisan Nut Thins

assorted varieties


Way Better Tortilla Chips




Happy Planet Organic Lemonade


made in-store






at our Kitsilano, Kerrisdale, Cambie North Vancouver, and South Surrey locations


value pack

previously frozen, value pack



Australian Grass Fed Free Range Rib Eye Steaks Aged 21+ days

Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts


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