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I Live The Western Lifestyle
Q&A with Courtenay DeHoff
What is your occupation? I am a television personality, speaker and a ‘Fancy Lady Cowgirl’. What’s a typical day like for you? The beauty of the entertainment industry is that there are no typical days. One day I might be on-air inside Madison Square Garden and the next I’m working cows in the Flinthills of Kansas. My television career has taken me all around the world and no two days look alike. I thrive on the unusualness and lack of continuity. It’s never boring. If you think about it though, no two days on a ranch are alike either. That is probably why I love it. If you could be anywhere other than here, right this minute, where would you be? I’d be in a foreign country doing a little exploring. I love to travel and I’m always dreaming of my next grand adventure. I’ve been to 18 different countries, but there are so many more I dream of visiting. I love waking up in a new country, throwing on my tennis shoes in the morning with no plan and seeing where the day takes me. How do you want people to remember you? I want people to remember me for being kind and making them feel like they matter. When I think of the people who have touched me most in my life, it’s because they made me feel like my story mattered. That is what I’m trying to do with my #FancyLadyCowgirl brand. I just really want people to know that their story is important. Who is someone you admire, and why? I admire so many people, but I would have to say my parents. They gave my sister and I such a cool upbringing and looking back I see how much they had to sacrifice to make it happen. We always had good rodeo horses and great show cattle. My mom drove us a million miles to rodeos and my dad worked incredibly hard to make sure we could go to good colleges. My mom and dad are rock stars. From everyone you admire, who do you admire the most? My pappy. He kept our ranch alive and thriving through some of the toughest times in history. He’s 81-years-old and still ranching and riding. He’s a legend. What is the quality you most like in a man and a women? I appreciate a big sense of humor in a man. Life is too short not to have a little fun. I really appreciate a woman who isn’t afraid to own her power. I appreciate a woman is brave enough to be bold.

What do you think are the best skills that you bring to your job? As a television host I have a true passion for telling people’s stories. I really believe that everyone has a unique story that deserves to be told. I think one of the biggest skills I bring is the ability to make people comfortable enough to open up. When a crew of ten walks in with cameras, lights and sound equipment people can get overwhelmed. I make a point to make sure the person I’m interviewing knows I’m just a person too. I want them to look at me and see another human with a story, not some untouchable TV personality. What are you happiest doing, when you’re not working? I love being around people I love. Sometimes that is horseback in Kansas and other times that is rooftop in New York. Either way, I’m happiest surrounded by friends and family. Name three words that you describe you. Bold, Outspoken, Passionate What are some causes you care about? I’m deeply passionate about advocating for agriculture and uplifting traditions of the West. I had to leave the rural community to really be able to come back and appreciate it. I work hard to help share stories from those who make Rural America so wonderful. On Sunday mornings, you can usually find me... If I’m working you can find me in a hotel room going over notes for a broadcast or a speech. Before COVID I was traveling a lot and I spent most weekends on the road. Now that I’m home more, my favorite thing to do in the mornings is fire up my Nespresso machine. I splurged on a fancy coffee machine and now I can make fancy lattes and it’s my favorite thing to do on a Sunday morning. What makes you, #westernlife? I’m a “Fancy Lady Cowgirl”. I was born in the #WesternLife, but I reside in the big city. I take pride in being both a little fancy and a little ranchy. FOLLOW COURTENAY AT: #FancyLadyCowgirl or visit www.courtenaydehoff.com