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Smith Ford
SMITH FORD - Sixth generation ranching family understand the role vehicles play in agriculture
The McSpadden family has been in the car business for threegenerations. With the understanding of hard work, determinationand will power, it only makes sense to be cattle ranchers as well. Eric and Katee McSpadden, along with their children, own and operateSmith Ford in Lordsburg, New Mexico while also running two ranchesjust outside of Lordsburg. Combining cattle and cars just makes sensein the Mcspadden minds, as Katee is a 6th generation rancher, on bothsides of her family; her parents and Aunts still run cattle on the sameranch as her great great grandfather. While Eric is the 3rd generationto run car dealerships, as his dad still operates McSpadden Ford inGlobe, Arizona which has been in their family for nearly 50 years.

The McSpadden Family
A combined understanding of what ranchers and farmers need fora vehicle to work and what they want has proved successful for theMcSpadden family, outfitting customers in custom built trucks for nearlyfifty years between McSpadden and Smith Ford. Eric and Katee havewon the coveted President’s Award two years in a row, an award givenonly to the Ford dealers who strive to be the best in customer serviceand satisfaction. With the customers in the driver’s seat, designing avehicle continues to get easier, when a vehicle is ordered, the customerhas the ability to customize everything from interior style to exterior.No matter your location, either Arizona or New Mexico, both Smith andMcSpadden Ford have you covered with up fitting your truck with aRanch Hand Bumper, Grill Guard or steps to better suite your personalstyle and needs. Smith Ford also has a custom fabrication shop thatbuilds and installs Bradford Built beds that are made for the person who works out of their trucks, whether rancher, farmer, veterinarian, mine engineer or just someone that appreciates a flatbed; there is something for everyone.

Bryan Runyan of Runyan Construction
With a customer base largely coming from the small communities in southwest New Mexico and eastern Arizona, Eric and Katee believe it is important to support these families as much as possible. It is a common practice in small towns and the agricultural industry to shop small and local, and that goes along with the car business as well. Eric and Katee are recognized and welcomed faces at the local county fairs, FFA banquets, sporting events and at the rodeo arena supporting the children, nieces, nephews and grandchildren of customers. One thing that the McSpaddens really enjoy doing is purchasing the show animals at the many county fairs in both Arizona and New Mexico, just to turn around and use the meat to feed not only their family, but their twenty employees and their families, giving back one hundred percent. The McSpadden family appreciates being busy within their community, with their four children competing in rodeo, baseball and gymnastics. Eric says it best, “No Funny Business! We want a relationship with you, as the customer. ” Be sure to think of the McSpadden family when you need a new ranch truck.