3 minute read
Our Story

Western ag life is three simple words that paint a compelling, heritage-filled picture. Maybe it dredges up images of cowboys in a weathered, wooden corral branding calves; the smoke curling around faces stained with sweat, blood, and perhaps even tears. Or does it paint the lettuce fields of Yuma set against the towering Gila Mountains? Maybe it brings up memories of visiting a vineyard and enjoying a wine tasting with friends while marveling at the exceptional landscape and climate that produces a glass full of worldclass vino? Much like these words paint a picture of iconic moments of western lifestyle, the Western Ag Life magazine aims to do the same while staying true to the roots of Western culture by providing a factual, informative commentary.
From the coasts of California to the plains of Texas and from the international border of Arizona to the Rocky Mountains in Colorado, there are stories yearning to be told of farmers and ranchers who are putting their life’s work into growing healthy, wholesome, delicious food. With a three-pronged goal of communicating, educating, and celebrating agriculture, the Western Ag Life magazine is the publication to do just that. Paul Ramirez, the founder of Western Ag Life Media, has spent his lifetime and career working in the agriculture community. He is immersed in the story of growing food, which has developed a passion for sharing the facts, stories, and continuous improvements to which farmers and ranchers are dedicated. When asked why he set out on this publication journey, Paul’s simple response is, “We can all benefit from a publication that shows the positives of the agriculture community.”

Hot off the press, 1st issue. Pictured from Left to Right: Laura Davis, Tina Mead-Ramirez, Paul Ramirez
When Ramirez speaks of agriculture, he means the whole spectrum. From beef to dairy, lettuce farming to growing hay, and all the animals and fields in between, this magazine showcases a little bit of it all. Articles include human interest pieces, forage that grows in our unique climate, updates on the policy that affects arid-land agriculture, restaurant reviews, equestrian events, and more. One of Ramirez’s goals is to provide a place where those immediately involved in the agricultural world can grab this non-affiliated, nonpartisan magazine for an update on what’s going on in the Southwest. With that being said, he noted the ideal consumer of this magazine is the general public. “We want to appeal to all who love the western lifestyle. We want to be their source of information, to give them even more reasons to be fans of the farmers and ranchers who are growing their food,” Ramirez noted.
Others are already telling these stories, but these organizations do not share the same goals as Ramirez. Organizations with goals like ending animal and modern agriculture as we know it. Despite not being asked, they’ve told stories through their warped lenses of how they believe food is raised and are telling these stories in an organized, well-funded manner. The agriculture community has seen what can result from their tactics and needs not only to fight back but to also show up to the fight.
This magazine is the positive punch back the agricultural community needs. Those who are not in agriculture work hard to have the means to provide safe, wholesome food for their families, and those in agriculture, while it might be different types of work, know all about what hard work means. They know that raising delicious and nutritious products requires long days, early mornings, late nights, blood, sweat, and tears. This weighty task rests heavily on the shoulders of farmers and ranchers as they know the result of their work can be life-giving nourishment or the extreme opposite. Western Ag Life magazine provides the space for connection between these two hard-working groups of people, farmers and ranchers and consumers.