Kogan and District Rural Fire Brigade Weather forecasters have predicted a long, hot, The current space exposes the 32 volunteers dry summer. For rural fire brigades, this means and 14 active fire fighters to extremes of temperature, making meetings, training and a busy season. working there uncomfortable at times. Paul Storey is Kogan station’s First Officer and Vicki Searle is a fire fighter, Volunteer Although there has not been a serious fire for Community Educator, secretary/treasurer and 40 years, Paul believes the area does lend itself successful grant writer. The couple retired from to such a possibility because fire would spread the city to a property at Kogan and immediately quickly if it catches the canopy of the huge pine threw themselves into community life. ‘I believe trees. that you should be part of the community The local fire service faces a number of issues where you live,’ says Vicki. in attempting to keep the area safe. Many of They took over running the fire station, Vicki the newer landholders who are on small blocks explained, ‘because it had been dormant for have come from urban areas and often are not four years and someone needed to do it. We aware of the need for hazard reduction or that had no idea what we were walking into.’ In the they require a permit to burn. The difficulties way of competent and passionate people, they are compounded when there are absentee landlords. rolled up their sleeves and got to work. Paul explains, ‘If a fire starts on your property, it is your responsibility. If you own the fuel you own the fire.’ As Community Educator, Vicki provides training and advice to landholders and pays an annual visit to the school. The Rural Fire Brigade is there to help and to offer support and will undertake hazard reduction on your property, but they cannot do so without your It is the new extension which will make all the permission. difference. This separate room will be a kitchen, training room, office and, most importantly, it As an “all hazards” organisation, the Kogan and will be insulated and will have running water. District Rural Fire Brigade works in conjunction Bill Anderson describes Vicki and Paul as the driving force behind the current fire service. Through grant writing, determination and support from the community they now have a toilet, fridge, freezer, cooking equipment, a BBQ, three radios, a concrete slab for the new extension and a lock-up fuel depot.
with the Western Downs Council, Queensland Fire and Emergency Service and the SES in Queensland flood and cyclone recovery. Why do they do it? ‘We have met some amazing people and knowing that our presence makes a difference is important,’ says Vicki. Kogan residents are indeed fortunate to have such a caring and committed team preparing the district for what could become a difficult season. Words and Images: Ann Alcock | WESTERN Downs Magazine Photos: Paul Storey and Vicki Searle Paul Storey and Vicki Searle with station mascot, Becky