GLEESON QUALITY MEATS If sharing great food at Christmas is your family tradition then call in and see Clinton and the friendly team at Gleeson Quality Meats Chinchilla to order your Christmas meat. They have double smoked hams, locally sourced pork, fresh turkeys and chickens. They also have Christmas packs available DQG RƬ HU IUHH ORFDO GHOLYHU\ 6SLW KLUH DQG FDWHULQJ DUH RQ RƬ HU VR ERRN HDUO\ IRU WKHVH *OHHVRQ Quality Meats have all your needs covered this Christmas.
Address: Phone: Facebook:
OCEAN’S BEST SEAFOOD G’day I’m Thommo, and I own and operate a mobile seafood business called ‘Oceans Best Seafood’. I believe that everyone, no matter where they live, should have access to enjoying the taste of fresh Australian caught seafood, and don’t supply imported or IDUPHG VHDIRRG , JUHZ XS LQ D Ʈ VKLQJ IDPLO\ LQ 4XHHQVODQG DQG JDLQHG H[SHULHQFH RQ SUDZQ WUDZOHUV UHHI Ʈ VKLQJ DQG FDWFKLQJ mud crab. Having spent 3 years working in Western Queensland mines, many locals voiced the lack of quality seafood available. Ocean’s Best Seafood was established to service customers in the Western Downs area with the premium fresh seafood that only I would eat, from ‘ocean to plate’. $YDLODELOLW\ GHSHQGV RQ VHDVRQ 6HOOLQJ Ʈ VK SUDZQV FUDEV EXJV calamari and oysters. Serving the Western Downs region on a Friday, Christmas orders are encouraged to avoid stock selling out. Contact: Mobile: Facebook:
Michael Thompson 0417 650 711 Ocean’s Best Seafood
91 Heeney Street, Chinchilla QLD 4413 07 4662 7475 Gleesons Quality Meats Pty Ltd
SOUTHSIDE QUALITY MEATS A Commitment to quality. Our commitment to our customers is simple; we support our local farmers & graziers by sourcing EHHI ODPE SRUN ZLWKLQ WKH UHJLRQ NHHSLQJ SURƮ WV ZLWKLQ WR enhance local economy. We believe in maintaining strong health relationships with both suppliers & customers so that SSQM can deliver out community the best & most wholesome hormone-free produce available on the Darling Downs. By understanding the demands of our divergent marketplace, SSQM also presents a select range of King Island & Cape Grim produce. SSQM also stock exotic game meats including Crocodile, Emu, Kangaroo, Goat and Free Range Ducks and Turkeys. With a WHDP RI GHGLFDWHG SURIHVVLRQDO VWDƬ ZH DUH HTXLSSHG WR VHUYLFH the region with top-quality products delivered by a team of people SDVVLRQDWH DERXW WKH EHVW TXDOLW\ WDVWH ư DYRXU Address: Contact: Email: Web:
106 Drayton Street, Dalby QLD 4410 07 4662 2950
CHINCHILLA FARMERS MARKET Come and see Chinchilla Farmers Market for all your Christmas season fruit and vegetable needs. We can supply fruit platters, fruit gift baskets and bulk buys of mangoes, lychees, and cherries. Don’t forget, our local watermelons will be in season towards the end of November/ early December! Get your orders in early to avoid disappointment We also have fruit smoothies, cold pressed juices, barista FRƬ HH VFRRS LFHFUHDPV DQG D IDQWDVWLF UHIXUELVKHG RQOLQH website, with online shopping available! Check it out www. or like our facebook page for our latest news and specials. Warrego HIghway 1km west (Miles side) of McDonalds.
Address: Contact: Facebook:
CULBERTS MEATS For the best in quality this Christmas, visit Culberts Meats in Dalby. Quality is guaranteed with all of their beef, lamb and free range pork grown on their own farm. They can supply Turkeys and can also RƬ HU 7UDGLWLRQDO :RRG 6PRNHG /HJ +DPV ZKLFK DUH VPRNHG RQ the premises. If fresh cooked Seafood is part of your Christmas menu, visit Culberts for their Australian wild caught Seafood including Prawns, Sand Crabs, Oysters, Bugs and Reef Fish. Culberts Meats has been locally owned and operated for nearly 7 years by Peter and Hamish Von Pein. They have Spits for hire and can deliver locally for free.
Address: Contact: Web:
14 Drayton Street, Dalby QLD 4405 07 4662 3061
Lot 8, Warrego Hwy, Chinchilla QLD 4413 0428 264 352 Chinchilla Farmers Market
PURPLE COW BUTCHERY If you’re looking for great service and a premium product then come to us. Owned and operated by locals Steve and Mary Gordon which have been servicing the area for over 35 years. Four generation butcher son Nick has joined the team with some great new ideas. All our meats are sourced locally including our grass fed beef supplied by Harvey and Esmae Henry of Condamine. Call in and check out our great range of value added products LQFOXGLQJ ,WDOLDQ 0HDWEDOOV &KLFNHQ 3XƬ V DQG %HHI :HOOLHV 2XU IULHQGO\ VWDƬ DUH DOZD\V WKHUH WR KHOS DQG DVVLVW :H DOVR VSHFLDOL]H in private kills. Don’t forget to place your order for a delicious Xmas Ham. /RRN IRU RXU JUHDW ORFDWLRQ MXVW RƬ WKH :DUUHJR +LJKZD\ ZLWK IURQW GRRU SDUNLQJ DYDLODEOH 6KRS (DW 6SHQG DQG (QMR\ /RFDO Address: Contact: Facebook:
6 Inverai Road, Chinchilla QLD 4413 07 4668 9235 Purple Cow Butchery
SPAR JANDOWAE Christmas is such a Wonderful and Busy Season! Children getting LQ WKH 6SLULW /RQJ /XQFKHV ZLWK /RYHG 2QHV 3DUWLHV ZLWK )ULHQGV and Time spent together enjoying Delicious Food and Drinks. Your friendly local Spar Jandowae Team would love to help make your Christmas a Relaxing and Happy One! We’re taking orders for /RFDO +DPV )UHVK 3UDZQV 5RDVW &KLFNHQV +RPHPDGH 6DODGV and Catering. Don’t forget Dessert! Pavlova with Fresh Cream and Fruit, Christmas Pudding with Brandy Custard, etc. Come in and see us! From all our Team We would like to Wish our Customers, Suppliers DQG 6WDƬ D %HDXWLIXO &KULVWPDV 6HDVRQ Nick and Trinny Holman and Family
Address: Contact:
61 High Street, Jandowae QLD 4410 07 4668 5883
ASHTON’S BUTCHERY Are you thinking about your Christmas Celebrations? Well now is WKH WLPH WR SODQ DKHDG :H FDQ VXSSO\ /RFDO +DP 3RUN RU HYHQ D Turducken - (Chicken inside a Duck inside a Turkey and seasoned) can be prepared ready for you Christmas table. $VKWRQoV %XWFKHU\ ORFDO GHOLFLRXV /HJ +DP KDV EHHQ FXUHG DQG smoked to perfection in our own smokehouse. We have Fresh Pork from our Millmerran supplier for Roasting with \RXU FKRLFH RI VWXƱ QJoV UHDG\ IRU WKH RYHQ /HW XV WDNH WKH KDVVOH RXW RI \RXU &KULVWPDV SUHSDUDWLRQV E\ placing your order early, and don’t miss out!
Address: Contact:
Shop 6/7, Dalby Shopping World 4669 8404