Dalby Harvest - March 2015

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2 – March 2015

March 2015 – 3

Community Needed – Your Ideas and Your Great Photographs. Dalby Welcoming Community Committee will commence planning for this year’s Delicious & DeLIGHTful festival on Tuesday March 3rd at Dalby Chamber, 133 Cunningham Street, Dalby, at 5:00 pm. It is hoped that clear directions around the citizenship ceremony, foods, entertainment, children’s activities, lantern parade, Sunday brunch and the creative arts expo will be achieved at this meeting and separate committees formed. Everyone who has ideas for our festival is encouraged to come along to that meeting. Are you interested in photography and have The competition closes on Friday 27th March at 5:00pm. The person submitting the winning some great photos of Dalby? entry will win $600.00, with four runner up Dalby Chamber of Commerce & Industry, prizes of $100.00 each. Every entry has the proudly supported by QGC, is organising a chance to be included in the new publication. Photographic Competition on the themes For more information contact Beth Wood on of Live, Work and Play @ Dalby for a new 0419645671. publication encouraging potential employees, visitors and others to move to, and live in our Beth Wood – Dalby Welcoming Community Committee community.

March 2015 – 7

Community HodGson–Hunters Ltd: A city house transplanted to Dalby DALBY FAMILY HISTORY SOCIETY INC. The firm, Hodgson-Hunters Ltd was established in 1911 with shareholders. The firm entered the lists boldly, not merely as local competitors, but in declared competition with the big city houses. The premises were situated at the corner of Cunningham and Patrick Streets; they were commodious, amply lighted, ventilated and had a Cunningham Street frontage, with three imposing plate-glass windows, as well as extending eighty feet along Patrick Street. One section was built of brick, whilst the other section was of wooden construction that was built in 1897. The principals [names unknown] were city men from the same houses who had a large country order business and they wanted the firm to be a “City House transplanted to Dalby” because the one aim of the firm was an absolute guarantee that satisfaction was assured or a return of the Co., Warwick before coming to Dalby. Mr. T E purchase money would be given. Hunter was manager of manchester and dresses, whilst the millinery and ladies’ departments Many people wondered how they could sell was under the charge of Miss Weale, and Miss the same high-class goods at the same low McCarthy had the haberdashery, hosiery and prices that ruled in Brisbane, but the answer fancy departments under her control. The men’s was that the firm bought direct from the same and boots departments were in charge of Mr. makers as the city houses did, but they saved Alexander Hunter (the Director), and one of money with the low rents and other associated his assistants was Mr. G J Patterson. The heads expenses. To show the appreciation with which of the departments had exceptional trade the business was regarded, one specialty experience and as a consequence were able to alone – embroideries – imported direct from guarantee entire satisfaction to their customers. the manufacturers in Switzeland; orders were A couple of the staff that paid the supreme received from some well-known Brisbane ladies sacrifice in WW1 was Private Bertie Ryan and visiting Dalby, one in particular stating that Lance Corporal George Patterson. she had never seen such a large and attractive range in any of the houses there. The auditor It was mainly through Mr. Alexander Hunter’s reported that business in 1912 showed an work that the grand sum of between £65,000 average increase of almost 65 per cent from had been raised in the town and district for the the previous year. The reason – satisfaction was various war loans. given and also gained by handling goods direct In 1923, a severe hail and wind storm did from the producer to the consumer. extensive damage to the building of Hodgson – The managing director was Mr. Alexander Hunters Ltd as well as many others in the town Hunter who had been manager of Barnes and

and on 28th April 1924 a fire swept through the wooden section of the building which housed the showroom and dress department. This was the first time the new motor fire engine was used by the Fire Brigade and they drew water from Myall Creek, about 200 yards away. The damage from the fire was estimated to cost £10,000 to the stock and consequently a sale to clear the stock was held in June, that decision was made by the shareholders and also for the firm to go out of footwear. Mr. Hunter was an outstanding citizen of the town as well as managing director of the firm Hodgson-Hunter Ltd; he served six years on the municipal council; as Mayor and as Chairman of the Finance Committee. He was a member of the following committees, the Hospital Committee; the Chamber of Commerce; the Caledonian Society and the P & A Association. He was also very involved with the building of the Soldiers Memorial in the recreation reserve along with Mr. C G Knowles and Mr. George Geddes. He and his wife had spent thirteen years in Dalby and during that time they lived in Stewart Street. In August 1924, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hunter left Dalby to take up residence at Flinders Parade, Sandgate where they lived before shifting to Toowong in 1954. He remained at Toowong until his demise in 1957. A part of Hodgson- Hunters Ltd still remain in Dalby at the Pioneer Park Museum, a silver tray is inscribed with the words:“With compliments from Hodgson-Hunters Ltd The Big Drapery and Boot House Dalby” Jean Town March 2015 – 9

10 – March 2015

EAT CLEAN – LIVE WILD Paleo chef Library tour Thursday 12 March 10am Moonie Library 5.30pm Meandarra Library Friday 27 March 10am Bell Library 5.30pm Chinchilla Library Come and see how easy healthy living can be. Bookings essential. Book online or phone 1300 COUNCIL For more info and online bookings visit www.library.wdrc.qld.gov.au

Community Chamber Chat CHALLENGES AND CHANGE IN 2015 Dalby Chamber of Commerce and Industry has seen in the New Year by addressing economic challenges through introducing changes. Member Services Manager, Trudi Bartlett, said, “Chamber has started 2015 strongly by implementing some changes to our typical annual activities. We have identified what Chamber does very well and what our members love and we are continuing with these activities in 2015 whilst introducing even more services and events for Chamber members,” Ms Bartlett said. “Our board and sub-committee members have identified that Dalby is going through a challenging time economically and Dalby Chamber of Commerce and Industry is focused on assisting our members as much as possible through promotions, networking and facilitating opportunities to access new customers, clients and contracts,” she said. “Chamber has now introduced a calendar year membership allowing new businesses to join now and enjoy a whole year of benefits. We have 23 new members for this year already. Chamber is looking forward to a year filled with events, opportunities and avenues for all of our members to promote their business.”

14 – March 2015

CHAMBER’S SUB-COMMITTEES START 2015 WITH A BANG Dalby Chamber currently has 5 sub-committees – the Retailers, Manufacturing, Business Excellence Awards, Dalby Welcoming Community and Planning and Development Advocacy Group. “Chamber has always had a manufacturing subcommittee and a retail sub-committee. We are now also looking at an agricultural sub-committee and a hospitality/tourism sub-committee,” said Ms Bartlett. “Over the past few weeks, we have had a lot of retailers join the Chamber and we now have a strong Retail sub-committee that will have it’s first meeting on Thursday 12th March at 7am at Michel’s Patisserie,” she said. “We are now calling on manufacturing, agriculture and hospitality business owners who would be interested in shaping the future of Dalby to join a sub-committee.” For more information, phone Chamber on (07) 4662 4050 or email manager@dalbychamber.com.au CALLING ON ALL HOME-BASED BUSINESSES Dalby Chamber of Commerce and Industry is calling on all home-based business owners to be the first to start Chamber’s Home-based Business sub-committee.

“Chamber has seen a boom in the number of businesses starting in the region that are homebased. With modern technology, it is no longer necessary to have a traditional shop-front to have a successful business,” said Ms Bartlett. “We want to be in contact with these business owners so Chamber can assist them in promoting and supporting their business,” she said. WHAT’S ON AT CHAMBER?

3 March 5pm – Welcoming Committee sub-committee meeting 4 March 5.30pm - Business After Hours – Men’s Shed (supported by Fitzsimmons Real Estate) at Dalby Museum, 17 Black Street, Dalby 5 March 12pm – Business Excellence Awards sub-committee meeting 12 March 7am – Retail sub-committee meeting – Michel’s Patisserie 13 March 7am – Board meeting 17 March 5pm – Welcoming Committee sub-committee meeting 18 March 5.30pm – General meeting 9 March 12pm – Business Excellence Awards sub-committee meeting 27 March – “Hookers and Hackers” – Chamber’s corporate golf day – 3 person Ambrose Please note – unless specified all meetings are held at Dalby Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 133 Cunningham St, Dalby

March 2015 – 17

It is that time of the year again; all the local country shows are happening again, and the weekend of 10th and 11th April is Dalby’s turn, and we will be presenting our 145th show. The committee this year is making some changes to the presentation of the event to make it more inviting for the many patrons who will attend. We will have the new Knox Pavilion available for the trade displays, which were on the veranda of the main pavilion. We hope this will ease some of the congestion in the pavilion. Also in the Knox Pavilion will be the education displays, the Lego competition, the photography and the fruit and vegetable sections. It is KRSHG WR WKHQ EH DEOH WR VSUHDG RXW WKH ƓQH DUWV WR PDNH WKDW VHFWLRQ easier to admire.

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Ride On Mowers

Out around the grounds we hope to have entertainment that will suit everyone. The sheep dog trials, which are being sponsored mainly by Telstra, have become a strong event with last years competition lasting 3 days, and the champion prize going to Victoria. Horse numbers are increasing quickly, so that should keep the ring entertainment quite busy. We hope the season becomes more favourable for the cattle section. Entertainment in sideshow alley should be as good as always with the usual attractions arriving. There will also be roving entertainment around the grounds, with the main attraction being the Crack Up Sisters. On the main veranda of the pavilion, there will also be entertainment in the form of fashion parades on Friday and Saturday, and on Friday afternoon will be Dalby’s showcase of local talent, which is hoped to run for several hours by local businessman, Richard O’Shea.

March 2015Show – 19 Photography courtesy of Emma Hooke at the 2014 Dalby

%RWK )ULGD\ DQG 6DWXUGD\ QLJKWV ZLOO KDYH D VSHFWDFXODU ƓUHZRUNV display sponsored by GWSR – Paul and David Winter. Machinery and car agents will have displays which gives the show a lift for the farming community. There will also be a Pride and Shine display and competition for restored and loved vehicles. This should attract some very presentable entries. You should not go hungry either. The Pavilion Café will be going strong on the veranda of the pavilion, and around the grounds will be the usual burgers, sandwiches and dagwood dogs in sideshow alley. There will be coffee shops, potato chips and, of course, the bar. In the bar area will be bands playing after dark with a licence until midnight.

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20 – March 2015

Friday night entertainment will VWDUW DW DERXW SP ZLWK WKH RIƓFLDO opening by our local member, Mr. Pat Weir, followed by a young farmers challenge and grain shovelling competition. After this ZLOO EH WKH )ULGD\ QLJKW ƓUHZRUNV and then the band, The Memphis Movers, in the bar area. Saturday night will start with a two and a half hour rodeo followed by the Saturday QLJKW ƓUHZRUNV $IWHU WKH ƓUHZRUNV we will be entertained by any local entertainer who wants to do some entertaining. The 2015 Dalby Show is set to provide a great weekend’s entertainment, with rides, food, ƓUHZRUNV DQG PDQ\ GLVSOD\V $Q\RQH wishing to have a pavilion entry may ƓQG D VFKHGXOH DW RXU ZHE VLWH ZZZ dalbydistrictshow.com.au We look forward to seeing you at the show!

Photography courtesy of Emma Hooke at the 2014 Dalby March 2015Show – 21

Health & Beauty ASTHMA Asthma is an inflammatory disorder of the airways that makes breathing difficult. It affected more than two million Australians. Asthma can be well controlled with medication, allowing a person with asthma to live a normal and active life, free of symptoms.

TRIGGERS There are many triggers for asthma and they can differ for each person. Some known triggers include: • Inhaled allergens (e.g. house dust mites, pollens, moulds or animal hair) • Cigarette smoke • Colds and flu • Drop in air temperature • Exercise • Emotion, stress, anxiety • Come foods, flavourings, colourings

People with asthma have sensitive airways in their lungs. When exposed to certain triggers, the muscles around the airways tighten, the lining of the airways becomes inflamed and swollen and extra mucus is secreted, resulting in narrower air passages and difficulties with Some people can have asthma attacks which is breathing. triggered by something associated with their SYMPTOMS work or workplace. • A dry cough, especially at night, early in the The management of asthma aims to keep a morning and with exercise or activity • Wheezing or whistling sound with person free of asthma symptoms and prevent lung damage from asthma. It involves avoiding breathing or managing asthma triggers and correct us of • Breathlessness asthma medication. • Chest tightness A person with asthma may have one or more of Most asthma medicines are inhaled into the lungs through an inhaler device, but sometimes these symptoms. tablets, syrups or injections must be used. The main types of asthma medicines are called relievers, preventers and symptom controllers.

CARE • Identify and manage a s t h m a triggers • Keep using asthma medication even when you feel well • Use inhaler correctly – Check with your pharmacist if not sure • Always carry a reliever with you • Do not smoke and avoid other people smoke For further information regarding your asthma please drop in and speak with one of our friendly Pharmacists at Friendly Society Dispensary who will answers any question which you may have. Friendly Society Dispensary

Women’s Health Nurse Visit Dates (Mobile) Women’s Health Nurse, Barbara Milne, will be conducting FREE Women’s Health Clinic (including pap smears) at a number of locations over the Western Downs during March. These clinics include issues relating to: Nutrition; Stress Management; Personal Development; Sexual Health; Puberty; Sexually Transmitted Diseases; Family Planning; Contraception; Violence (domestic or sexual; Pap Smears; reproductive Health Issues; hysterectomy, endometriosis or osteoporosis. 24 – March 2015




Jandowae Health Service (Hospital)

26 March

4668 4555

Dalby Health Service (Hospital)

3 March

4669 0517

Tara Primary Health Care Centre

30 March

4678 7900

“Ballara” at Meandarra

9 March

4665 6336

Wandoan Primary Health Care Centre

11 March

4627 4444

Miles Primary Health Care Centre

5 March

4628 5600

Chinchilla Health Service

4 March & 18 March

4662 8888

Health & Beauty

Ask OptomTom Your questions answered by the experts at Eyecare Eyewear

Question: What is the best way to manage my Myopia? Myopia is a vision problem where light from a distance focuses in front, instead of on the back of the eye. The result is blurred vision when looking in the distance, while near vision often remains comparatively clear.

detachment and glaucoma. Not to mention the effect that myopia can have on learning in the classroom or with reduced reaction times when driving.

While there are no conclusive strategies to prevent myopia, recent research indicates that Orthokeratology is the most effective method of halting any myopic progression. This is where a custom rigid contact lens is From my perspective, it is very important that slept in overnight with vision myopia is prevented, or when found controlled returning to normal once the to as lower levels as possible. This is due to the lens is removed in the morning. fact that myopes are more likely to develop vision threatening eye diseases such as retinal While wearing contact lenses is not Myopia is a significant problem with an estimated 17% of all Australians with this condition. Fortunately we are faring better than many of our Asian neighbours. Singapore is the country with the highest incidence, with up to 80% of the population with myopia.

for everyone, it is my opinion that most patients with myopia are suitable and should be offered this treatment option.

Got a question for OpTomTom? Please contact Eyecare Eyewear Dalby on 4669 7072 or Chinchilla on 4668 9888 or email: tomroger@ecew.com.au

Behavioural Optometrists Shop 21 Dalby Shoppingworld Phone 07 4669 7072 Shop 3 Chinchilla Central Phone 07 4668 9888 Shop 4 Rosecity Shoppingworld Phone 07 4661 4144


26 – March 2015

Professional Eyecare, Innovation in Eyewear Introducing our new Topcon Maestro Optical Coherence Tomographer. Automatic 3D laser scan and retinal camera. The gold standard in eye disease diagnosis and management.

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March 2015 – 27

Business USE PILATES TO REFORM YOUR POSTURE Lower back pain is amongst the most common conditions presenting to physiotherapy for treatment. We can utilize many modalities of treatment from massage and joint mobilisations, to acupuncture and dry needling to relieve symptoms. Unfortunately, for many people lower back pain becomes a recurring cycle of aggravation and relief, resting when they are sore and getting back to business as usual when the pain has gone. There is an old saying that doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity. This is why physiotherapy prescribed exercise is so important in reducing or preventing injuries from reoccurring. If you are able to strengthen your weaknesses and improve bad habits, you can change the stress the body is under and change the outcome.

to change them. Active Physiotherapy offers Pilates in a variety of settings. Tailored programs using our Pilates equipment that are reviewed on a 1-2 monthly basis, or group Pilates classes running at 3 convenient times during the week means there is an option to suit everyone. We always offer ONE FREE TRIAL of our group classes to see if it is for you. So why not call us or drop in to find out more and take a step in the right direction to getting rid of your pains for the long term. Peter Cusack Active Physiotherapy Dalby

Pilates exercise under the guidance of a physiotherapist is a great way to become more aware of your body, your habits and to take steps

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28 – March 2015

Dalby Leagues Club Not Just a Football Club ... We’re a Family Club and Much, Much More! Looking for the perfect place for your Wedding Reception, to celebrate a Wedding Anniversary, Birthday or any Special Occasion OR are you looking for a venue to host a Business Function, Conference or Training? Look no further than the Dalby Leagues Club, Orpen Street Dalby, where we have just completed major renovations so that we can now fully cater to all your requirements for any of these events.


ith Chef Russell Seymour-Smith and his experienced kitchen staff, your enjoyment in dining at the Dalby Leagues Club is assured. Club Manager, Wayne McKenzie, is always available to discuss your requirements. Restaurant Manager, Dee and Club Assistant Manager, Cherrie work hand in hand to make sure that everything possible is done to meet your every wish.

With power point projectors installed in both our Function Room and our main Bistro, we are more than capable of providing all the services you require for such an event. Large or small, the Dalby Leagues Club is the venue of choice when it comes to professional events. Call Wayne to discuss your business requirements and to obtain more detail on the services and amenities available.

Our large weatherproof veranda overlooks the lush green PLAYINGĂ?lELD Ă?(EREĂ?YOUĂ?CANĂ?ENJOYĂ?ALFRESCOĂ?DINING Ă?AĂ?SIMPLEĂ? barbecue or canapĂŠs and drinks. Able to cater for 100 guests at a cocktail type event or 60 comfortably seated for full service dining, this venue is enjoyed by many for birthdays and other special occasions.

The Dalby Leagues Club is a proud inductee (2012) into #LUBSĂ?1UEENSLANDĂ?(ALLĂ?OFĂ?&AMEĂ?AFTERĂ?BEINGĂ?AWARDEDĂ?THEĂ? Best Football Club (Small) in 2009, ‘10 and ‘11 by the peak body of sporting and community clubs in Queensland. Also awarded Best Club Development Under $1Million in 2012, the committee, management and staff continue to strive for perfection when it comes to offering quality amenities and service for our members and the wider Dalby community. Recognition by the hospitality industry OFĂ? THESEĂ? EFFORTSĂ? CONlRMSĂ? THATĂ? $ALBYĂ? ANDĂ? DISTRICTĂ? CANĂ? BEĂ? assured the Dalby Leagues Club is not only a great local venue for the people of the district, but also that the club stands tall when compared to all clubs throughout Queensland.

The new Function Room can seat 70 guests in comfort and can cater for a cocktail function of 80 people. With its own bar and private access to all amenities, this is the perfect venue for that small to medium function where privacy is important.

We are able to combine our main Bistro area and Function Room into one larger room, which means we are easily able to cater for 240 seated guests, and a cocktail function If you have never been to the Dalby Leagues Club, why not of up to 350 people. call in and enjoy a cold drink in our Sideline Bar, lunch or DINNERĂ?INĂ?OURĂ?"ISTRO Ă?ORĂ?HAVEĂ?AĂ?mUTTERĂ?INĂ?OURĂ?'AMINGĂ?2OOMĂ? The Dalby Leagues Club is proud to have hosted 220 where we have 40 machines for your enjoyment. Become GUESTSĂ?ATĂ?THEĂ?$ALBYĂ?3TATEĂ?(IGHĂ?3CHOOLĂ?3PORTSĂ?!WARDSĂ?ANDĂ? a Social Member for only $3.00 for two years and enjoy 240 guests when Our Lady of The Southern Cross chose one of the best social and dining venues on the Downs. to bring their Deb Ball to the club. This year we will also cater for the Annual Zonta Ladies Breakfast where 270 Visit our website at www.dalbyleaguesclub.com.au or call excited guests are anticipated. us on 07 4662 1433. Are you in business and looking for a venue for training, a Dalby Leagues Club conference or client event?

March 2015 – 29

On the Land CenterFlow Solves One Tonne Storage Problems The CenterFlow reusable one tonne poly • container provides farmers and industry with • a safe, modular, stackable storage solution for • flowable product up to 1100 kg.

Easy to label Contents are easy to inspect Easy to handle and transport - 4-way forklift entry slots, pallet jackable and modular stacking.

Some of the uses for a CenterFlow on farm are – a storage option for excess seed or fertilizer, a safer way to fill farming equipment, a mini silo Wenbox Solutions will be attending to store feed or grain and as a way to collect local shows and field days to demonstrate how the CenterFlow bulk products from the supplier. container can be used on farm. To find Not only useful in agriculture, the CenterFlow out where you can see one, visit our container is also an efficient way to manage the Facebook page www.facebook.com/ transfer and storage of bulk products and small wenboxsolutions or ring 0428 686 754. components in the manufacturing sector. Wenbox Solutions is the sole distributor These modular containers are: of Buckhorn’s CenterFlow container in • Designed for safe operation by one person Australia. Based on the Darling Downs, in the field - improving farm safety and Wenbox Solutions aims to provide the reducing labour costs agricultural sector with a safer, more • Cost effective with many years of operating convenient alternative to the one tonne life bag. Visit our website for more information. • Weather proof www.wenboxsolutions.com.au. • Rodent proof Wenbox Solutions Contrary to the headline printed on page 35 of the Summer Special Edition, CenterFlow from Wenbox Solutions are not for liquid storage, rather for the storage of grains, fertiliser and other similar flowable products.

March 2015 – 31

On tho Land

Faba Beans ‘Pulse Winter Crop Alternative for mid April-Early May plant in southern Queensland’ Southern Queensland is renowned for premium grain and pulse production with chickpeas currently holding the number one spot for winter pulse production. The advantages with growing pulse crops are extensive including: • • • •

Increasing yields and quality of cereal grain and cotton crops following Nitrogen fixation reducing the need for incrop fertiliser Providing residual fertilizer for subsequent crops and Reducing soil-borne diseases and allow a variety has given southern QLD another viable weed break for cereal crops. • winter pulse option.

Although there are many advantages with growing a pulse crop such as chickpeas, being able to take advantage of early autumn rain for planting in April is not one of them. Research has shown chickpea crops planted before midMay often suffer from reduced yields associated with low temperatures, frost risk at flowering, and result in higher vegetative biomass allowing for a more favourable environment for the spread of diseases. So what other options are out there to take advantage of an early plant? Faba Beans. Up until recent varietal improvements there have been little options to fill this gap. However, this is no longer the case with the release of PBA Warda. It has shown a superior yield to all currently grown faba bean varieties in northern NSW and southern QLD and with its improved quality and disease resistant package, this

32 – March 2015

crops of up to 130kg/ha residual N Good disease break for winter cereals

Its ideal sowing window for southern QLD is In-crop management is quite similar to mid-April to mid-May and allows growers to chickpeas. Agronomic monitoring is still vital for Faba beans with Helicoverpa being the take advantage of early autumn rain. main insect affecting quality. Although they Other benefits include: have a better tolerance threshold to frost than chickpea, Faba beans yield can be impacted by • Finishing up earlier than chickpeas. heavy frosts and therefore may not suit colder Harvest from early October pockets of southern QLD in a cold winter. It • Allowing to spread the timing of farm is also recommended to start with a good soil operations moisture profile to reduce risk for crop failure in • Spread risk across more commodity’s a dry season. For more information regarding • Allowing for growers to get on top of Faba bean production and whether they would problematic spring flushes of summer benefit your farming system please review grasses such as Barnyard grass and various GRDC puplications such as Fababean Feathertop Rhodes grass earlier Grow notes available from: http://www.grdc. • Possibility of achieving some respectable com.au/Resources/GrowNotes or contact your gross margins with prices last season of local Agronomist. around $420-$435/tonne and yields of 1-3t/ha. Matthew Skerman • Possibility to deep plant (15-20cm) • Providing residual fertilizer for subsequent

Community Contacts


0418 784 528

John Webster

0428 882 311

QCWA (Queensland Country Women’s Ass.) Springvale (based in Dalby) Kupunn Macalister

Julie Lane

1300 991 443

Quilting & Appliqué Club

Community Amateur Picnic Race Club Apex Club Dalby Lifeline Darling Downs & South West Qld Financial Counselling Services Lions Club - Dalby

0429 696 029

Leisa Finch

4662 0152

Dan Fox


Jim Charlton

0427 624 922

The Salvation Army Western Downs Financial Counselling Service

Ros Turner

4669 6393

The Salvation Army Personal Counselling Service

Paul Grima

4669 6393

Captain Mark Burlow

4669 6393

Pioneer Park Museum Rotary Club - Dalby

The Salvation Army South Qld Flying Service

Zonta Club Dalby

4669 6393

Restored Vehicle Association

4662 4889

Benita Neilson

4662 3304

Scrabble Club - Dalby

Kathleen Maher

4662 0717

Songwriters Network Queensland

Melinda Wells

4662 6674 or 0408 938 030

Russell Duncan

0429 932 175

Paul Buckley

4662 2540

Scout Group - Dalby

Toastmasters’ Club Dalby

Dalby Junior Cricket Association

Bowls Club Inc. Ladies’ Bowling Club Bridge Club

Frank Chiverton

0420 921 408


Melinda Hay

4669 6729

Beth Wood

4662 4063 0419 645 671

Croquet Club Inc. Dalby & District Pony & Hack Club Dalby Dolphins Swim Club Dalby Model Aero Club

4662 3637 4662 1146

Meals on Wheels

Mavis Edgar

4662 5230

Dalby Swans Australian Rules League

National Seniors Dalby

Bob Holden

4662 3868

Dalby Vikings Futsal

Australian Stock Horse Society (Darling Downs Branch)

Dalby Aero Club

Dalby Senior Cricket Association

4662 1694

Dalby Community Choir Dalby Creative Arts Inc.

Diehards Rugby League Neil Holmes Richard Lammas Janelle Katrina

0488 687 649 0429 726 833 4662 4016 4662 2816

Barry Harth

0427 598 293

Lorraine Monaghan

4662 3768

Noel Rockliff

4663 3570


0418 935 186 0427 188 830 4662 4751

Tom Kelly

0418 871 546

Diggers Bowling Club

4662 4149

Eight Ball Association

4662 3320

Football Dalby (Soccer)

Tim Phillips


Golf Club Clubhouse

Dee Seward

4662 2259

Heath Garvey

4662 4622

Cr Carolyn Tillman

0401 662 352

Indoor Bowling Ass.

4662 2220

Jockey Club (Dalby & Northern Downs)

4662 2340

Kart Club Inc.

4669 8123

4662 6674

Dalby Toastmasters

Andrew Smith

0479 042 650

Darling Downs Hobby Club

34 – March 2015

0429 625 391

4662 4183

Melinda Wells

Probus Club - Dalby

Sarah Hemmings

Gun Club Inc.

Dalby Reconciliation Choir

Players Little Theatre - Dalby

0433 728 289

0418 622 551

4662 5215

Girl Guides - Dalby

4662 2087

NIck Holman

Brian Weier

Rilla Witt

Family History Society

Jocelyn Milne

0427 624 524

4662 2582

DISCO - Downs Industry Schools Co-op

4669 6478

Terry Fagg

Meg Stevensons

Dalby Eisteddfod Association

4662 3327 Colleen Walker

Devils Junior Rugby League

Golf Club Pro Shop Dalby Country Music Club

4662 2243 4662 2243

Darts Association

Hobby Clubs / Associations

Cake Decorators’ Association (Dalby & District)

4663 9763

Dalby Sporting Clubs

Meg Doyle Wal Barton

Bunya Mts & District AmCom Inc.

0447 470 141 Peter Evans

0427 742 842

Health Cancer Council

4662 3433

Wheatmen Rugby Union Club

Dalby SES

Women’s Networking Group


Dalby Junior Sports Clubs

The Salvation Army Rural Ministries Centre

Dalby Show Society

4669 8290 4662 3647 4663 5157

Regional Arts Council Dalby Bruce Chalmers

Myall Youth & Community Network Centre Inc.

Glenys Kirstenfeldt Dorothy Culbert Val Schelberg

4668 5688

Motorcycle Sporting Club

0407 458 703

Netball Association

4669 7217

North Ladies’ Bowls Club Inc.

4662 2859


4662 4677

Le-Anne Callaghan


Jean Town


Tennis Inc.

Kathy Crump

4662 4455

Dalby Touch Association Inc.

Rugby Union Club

Adele Jasper

4669 6457 0402 231 780

President: Betty Vaughan

4662 2296

Sporting Shooters Association of Australia (Dalby Branch) Inc.

0427 762 615 Peter Green

4662 3160

Gayle Nobbs

0408 062 217

Jan Linsley

4662 4666 0419 404 303

Fran Crawford

4663 4043

Regional Sporting Clubs Bell Pony Club




49 WILLIAM ST, JANDOWAE Just Walk In - Totally Renovated Colonial cottage on large 1454m2 allotment/2 bedroom with room for more. Tastefully renovated. French doors leading into the open plan lounge/ dining/kitchen area. New bathroom and kitchen. Both bedrooms have double built in cupboards. Verandah on three sides overlooking the gardens. The paved rear entertainment area has the luxury of a spa to indulge in. Large yard/street appeal with attractive picket fencing and old fashioned shutters and criss-cross railings on the verandah. A double carport sits to the side on a gravel driveway for easy access. $199,000 ono. Keen to sell. Phone owner for inspection on 07 46981676 ......................................

FOR SALE - JANDOWAE HOUSE Approx 12 years old, 4 bedrooms, good scooter ramp to verandah - 2 bay lockable car shed with workshop, laundry and toilet attached. Price $227,000.00. Ph: 4668 5781. ......................................

FOR SALE Solid timber chest of drawers in good condition 141cm high x 124cm wide x 50cm deep - $200 ono.

FOR URGENT SALE Meandarra Post Office. Enquiries Welcome. Ph: 07-46656 130 / 04 6748 9075 Email: meandarrapo@yahoo.com.au

Large timber partners’ desk in good condition, ideal for home office / home business. Seating both sides, drawers one side - $300 ono.

Solid timber “Gentleman’s Lowboy� with hanging space, drawers and area for shoes, in good condition. Ideal for child’s wardrobe - $250 ono.

Silky oak base for double bed - old fashioned spring-type, in good condition $100 ono.


– large separate shed. Ph. 4632 4093. .....................................

Phone 0412109526. ......................................

FOR RENT Jandowae House to rent, 3 bedrooms, sleep out, builtins, 2 bathrooms, electric stove, wood heater, air-cond. Reasonable rent, references, ph 46685287. ......................................

FOR SALE All aluminium basket style roof rack with boat loader. Suit Landcruiser $500 Phone 0476 347 125. ......................................

Enquiries welcome & viewing recommended! Call 0746 686165. Jandowae ...................................... FOR SALE &WANTED Minnkota electric motor $260; Wardrobe in good condition $50; Fishing lures from $4 ea; wanted boat trailer; wanted flat bottom punt. Miles. Ph Col 4627 1498 or 0429 949 522. ......................................



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64 GEORGE ST, JANDOWAE 4 bedrooms, 2 built ins. Kitchen – dining – lounge. Enclosed front office or playroom. Large pantry – sewing room. Plenty of built in cupboards. Car port

FOR SALE 1985 Windsor Windcheater pop-top 16ft Caravan. April rego. Full enclosed annexe & roll out awning. Double bed, tv, microwave & gas stove. 120L watertank, 3 way fridge, back tool box, new brakes & tyres. New flooring & benchtops. $12,500 ono.

Solid timber oval coffee table with claw feet, in good condition - $100 ono.

March 2015 – 35

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