Public notice - making of local laws

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Public Notice

Notice of Making of Local Law Local Government Act 2009 (S29B) 1. Western Downs Regional Council (the “Council”) has, by resolution dated twenty-sixth (26th) day of October 2011, made — a) each local law identified in schedule 1, column 1; and

7. A copy of each local law and subordinate local law may be— a) inspected at the State office of the Department of Local Government and Planning, 63 George Street, Brisbane; and b) inspected and purchased at the local government’s customer service centres located at:

b) each subordinate local law identified in schedule 1, column 2.

i) 30 Marble Street, Dalby, QLD, 4405 (Corporate Office);

2. Local Law (Repealing) Local Law (No. 1) 2011 repeals each local law identified in schedule 2. 3. Each of Local Law No. 2 (Animal Management) 2011, Local Law No. 3 (Community and Environmental Management) 2011, and Local Law No. 5 (Parking) 2011, is an adopted model local law. 4. The local law which authorises each subordinate local law to be made is identified in schedule 1, column 3. 5. The purpose and general effect of each local law and subordinate local law is identified in schedule 1, column 4. 6. If a local law or subordinate local law contains an anti-competitive provision, that fact is identified in schedule 1, column 5.

ii) 80 - 86 Heeney Street, Chinchilla, QLD, 4413; iii) 19 Fry Street, Tara, QLD, 4421; iv) 29 Dawson Street, Miles, QLD, 4415; v) 6 Henderson Road, Wandoan, QLD 4419;and iv) 22 George Street, Jandowae, Qld 4410. c) or requested via: au

SCHEDULE 1 Name of local law

Name of subordinate local law

Name of authorising local law

Purpose and general effect of the local law or subordinate local law

Does the local law or subordinate local law contain an anti-competitive provision?

Local Law (Repealing) Local Law (No. 1) 2011

Not applicable

Not applicable

To provide for the repeal of existing local laws


Local Law No. 1 (Administration) 2011 (LL1)

Not applicable

Not applicable

To provide a framework for the administration of local laws and regulatory powers and identify prescribed activities to be regulated by Council


Subordinate Local Law No. 1.1 (Alteration or Improvement to Local Government Controlled Areas and Roads) 2011


To regulate alterations and improvements to local government controlled areas and roads


Subordinate Local Law No. 1.2 (Commercial Use of Local Government Controlled Areas and Roads) 2011


To regulate the commercial use of local government controlled areas and roads


Subordinate Local Law No. 1.3 (Establishment or Occupation of a Temporary Home) 2011


To regulate the establishment or occupation of temporary homes


Subordinate Local Law No. 1.4 (Installation of Advertising Devices) 2011


To regulate the installation of advertising devices


Subordinate Local Law No. 1.5 (Keeping of Animals) 2011


To regulate the keeping of animals


Subordinate Local Law No. 1.6 (Operation of Camping Grounds) 2011


To regulate the operation of camping grounds


Subordinate Local Law No. 1.7 (Operation of Cane Railways) 2011


To regulate the operation of cane railways


Subordinate Local Law No. 1.8 (Operation of Caravan Parks) 2011


To regulate the operation of caravan parks


Subordinate Local Law No. 1.9 (Operation of Cemeteries) 2011


To regulate the operation of cemeteries


Subordinate Local Law No. 1.10 (Operation of Public Swimming Pools) 2011


To regulate the operation of public swimming pools


Subordinate Local Law No. 1.11 (Operation of Shared Facility Accommodation) 2011


To regulate the operation of shared facility accommodation


Subordinate Local Law No. 1.12 (Operation of Temporary Entertainment Events) 2011


To regulate the operation of temporary entertainment events


Subordinate Local Law No. 1.13 (Undertaking Regulated Activities regarding Human Remains) 2011


To regulate the undertaking of regulated activities regarding human remains


Subordinate Local Law No. 1.14 (Undertaking Regulated Activities on Local Government Controlled Areas and Roads) 2011


To regulate the undertaking of regulated activities on local government controlled areas and roads


Subordinate Local Law No. 1.15 (Carrying out Works on a Road or Interfering with a Road or its Operation) 2011


To regulate the carrying out of works on a road or interfering with a road or its operation


SCHEDULE 2 The name of each existing local law that was repealed by Local Law (Repealing) Local Law (No. 1) 2011 is as follows— (a) Dalby Regional Council Local Law No.1 (Administration) 2009; (b) Local Law No.2 (Meetings) 2008; (c) Local Law No.3 (Libraries) of Chinchilla Shire Council; (d) Local Law No.5 (Cemeteries) of Chinchilla Shire Council; (e) Chinchilla Shire Council Local Law No. 5 (Removal of Buildings); (f) Local Law No. 7 (Parks and Reserves) of Chinchilla Shire Council; (g) Local Law No.11 (Roads) of Chinchilla Shire Council; (h) Local Law No.13 (Gates and Grids) of Chinchilla Shire Council; (i) Local Law No.14 (Commercial Use of Roads) of Chinchilla Shire Council; (j) Local Law No.16 (Temporary Homes) of Chinchilla Shire Council; (k) Local Law No.17 (Keeping and Control of Animals) of Chinchilla Shire Council; Phil Berting CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER

Name of local law

Name of subordinate local law

Name of authorising local law

Purpose and general effect of the local law or subordinate local law

Does the local law or subordinate local law contain an anti-competitive provision?

Subordinate Local Law No. 1.16 (Gates and Grids) 2011


To regulate the installation and maintenance of gates and grids


Subordinate Local Law No. 1.17 (Parking Contrary to an Indication on an Official Traffic Sign Regulating Parking by Time or Payment of a Fee) 2011


To regulate the grant of parking permits for parking contrary to an official traffic sign


Subordinate Local Law No. 1.18 (Sale or Consignment of Stock at a Saleyard) 2011


To regulate the sale and consignment of stock at a saleyard


Not applicable

Not applicable

To provide for the regulation and management of the keeping of animals


Subordinate Local Law No. 2 (Animal Management) 2011


To provide for the regulation and management of the keeping and control of animals by prohibition, approval requirement, identification, public place access and seizure, impounding and destruction of animals


Not applicable

Not applicable

To protect the environment and public health, safety and amenity by managing and reducing certain risks


Subordinate Local Law No. 3 (Community and Environmental Management) 2011


To regulate local pests, the lighting of fires, fire hazards and community safety hazards


Not applicable

Not applicable

To protect the health and safety of persons using local government controlled areas, facilities and roads and preserve natural and built environment


Subordinate Local Law No. 4 (Local Government Controlled Areas, Facilities and Roads) 2011


To prohibit and regulate activities on local government controlled areas, facilities and roads and regulate access to local government controlled areas and facilities


Not applicable

To regulate parking under applicable State legislation


Subordinate Local Law No. 5 (Parking) 2011


To provide for traffic areas, parking permits, commercial vehicles and minor traffic offences


Local Law No. 6 (Operation of Saleyards) 2011

Not applicable

Not applicable

To provide for the orderly and proper conduct of business activities at saleyards operated by Council


Local Law No. 7 (Aerodromes) 2011 (LL7)

Not applicable

Not applicable

To regulate the use and operation of aerodromes controlled by Council


Local Law No. 2 (Animal Management) 2011 (LL2)

Local Law No. 3 (Community and Environmental Management) 2011 (LL3)

Local Law No. 4 (Local Government Controlled Areas, Facilities and Roads) 2011 (LL4)

Local Law No. 5 (Parking) 2011 (LL5)

(l) Local Law No.18 (Domestic Water Carriers) of Chinchilla Shire Council; (m) Local Law No.19 (Control of Pests) of Chinchilla Shire Council; (n) Local Law No.20 (Control of Nuisances) of Chinchilla Shire Council; (o) Local Law No.21 (Riding Cycles on Footways) of Chinchilla Shire Council; (p) Local Law No.23 (Swimming Pools) of Chinchilla Shire Council; (q) Local Law No.24 (Camping grounds) of Chinchilla Shire Council; (r) Local Law No.27 (Rental Accommodation with Shared Facilities) of Chinchilla Shire Council; (s) Local Law No.29 (Control of Advertising) of Chinchilla Shire Council; (t) Chinchilla Shire Council Local Law No. 37 (Saleyards); (u) Chinchilla Shire Council Local Law No. 42 (Levee Banks); (v) Local Law No.2 (Keeping and Control of Animals) of Dalby Town Council;

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Public notice - making of local laws by Western Downs Regional Council - Issuu