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Semi-musical film God Help the Girl doesn’t hit all the right notes >> Pg. 5
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USC offers grants for student initiatives
TODAY high 10 low 4
TOMORROW high 5 low -2 VOLUME 108, ISSUE 35
Poloz under fire for youth unemployment comments
Jonathan Hermina GAZETTE STAFF @uwogazette
Did you know that you could apply for a grant from the University Students’ Council? The grant program, created by the USC, helps students and organizations in funding events and programs. Andrew Lalka, vice-president of finance for the USC and chair of the student-run grant committee, said the purpose of the grant system is to support students and student events. “The grants program allocates approximately $100,000 per year to support various student initiatives based on the grant guidelines,” Lalka said. The fund is separated into monthly allotments, which are given out over the course of the school year until March. To obtain grants, students must submit an application that undergoes a 20-day review process. “Any Western undergraduate student, including affiliate students, are allowed to apply,” Lalka said. “Councils, clubs and other student groups are also encouraged.” Students contribute to the grants program in their ancillary fees, paying $3.79. “The USC gives out these grants in an effort to support student innovation and creativity across campus,” he said. “Any student could have a great idea to make the Western community better and the grants are there to support their vision.” For more information, visit westernu.collegiatelink.net.
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Kelly Samuel • GAZETTE
LOOKING DOWN ON THE PLEBS. Western graduate and governor of the Bank of Canada, Stephen Poloz, shown here on the side of the Social Science Centre, has made news with his comments about youth unemployment. He suggested youths volunteer their time while looking for work, drawing criticism from many people.
Governor suggests youth should work for free Amy O’Kruk NEWS EDITOR @AmyAtGazette
The governor of the Bank of Canada has stirred up controversy following a statement he made about unemployed youth working for free to gain experience. Stephen Poloz, a Western University graduate, made the comments during a speech and press conference in Toronto on Monday and again in the House of Commons on Tuesday. In Monday`s press conference, Poloz said graduates who are out of work should take steps to boost their resume because they’re at a disadvantage to new graduates entering the job market. “Having something unpaid on your CV is very worth it because that’s the one thing you can do to counteract this scarring effect,” Poloz said. “Get some real life experience even though you’re discouraged, even if it’s for free. If
your parents are letting you live in the basement, you might as well go out and do something for free.” On Tuesday, Poloz was asked about the subject again. While he was unspecific about whether youth should seek unpaid internships or volunteer opportunities, Poloz reiterated that out of work graduates should do anything they can to reduce the scarring effect of a gap in employment history. He added it wasn’t his intention to delve deeply into the issue. Currently the Canadian unemployment rate for 15-24 year olds sits at 13.5 per cent, nearly double the national average. Poloz estimated there are around 200,000 under-employed youth in Canada. Mike Moffatt, an assistant professor at the Richard Ivey School of Business, said he was surprised by Poloz’s remarks because they were prepared comments. He said the head of the Bank of Canada usually sticks to discussing monetary policy.
“He does have a point in the sense that it is useful to have more experience and as well that employers tend to frown on large gaps in a resume,” Moffat said. “My concern is that … we want to avoid a situation as a country where jobs only go to the people who can afford to take one or two years off, unpaid.” Moffatt stated the danger of this outlook is the potential shift from a merit based economic model to one where the job goes to whoever has the wealthiest parents. Jen Carter, vice-president external of Western’s University Students’ Council, said that even if unpaid interships and work experience were an option for more students, they still not guaranteed to pay off. “What we do know is that the statistic for unpaid internships is that only 1.8 per cent of students who take unpaid internships have better employment outcomes than their peers,” Carter said. “I think it’s really unfortunate that [Poloz], who’s in a position to stimulate job creation for all Canadians, would really downplay the importance of meaningful employment for university grads.”
In defence of Governor Poloz World of Raycraft Richard Raycraft MANAGING EDITOR @RichAtGazette
The governor of the Bank of Canada Stephen Poloz is finally starting to attract the sort of attention his superstar predecessor Mark Carney used to get. Unfortunately, it’s for all the wrong reasons. Poloz’s advice for young people down on their luck in the labour market has provoked a sour reaction to say the least. >> see POLOZ pg.3