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Alleged sexism at Ceeps bingo night upsets Western student
New faculty contract finalized Amy O’Kruk NEWS EDITOR @AmyAtGazette
Kyle Porter • GAZETTE
Manager allegedly made sexist remarks during the event; Ceeps said they will not change the format Olivia Zollino NEWS EDITOR @OliviaAtGazette
A Western University student is upset over jokes made by a manager at The Ceeps. The incident took place on November 18 during their popular Tuesday bingo night. She claims the manager made comments that were sexist and misogynistic during the event. Aashna Sandhu, a second-year political science and criminology student, said that when she attended sledgehammer bingo night the announcer, a manager named Mike, was repeatedly sexist towards women. According to Sandhu, the announcer made jokes that included women not being capable of winning at sports and about sex trafficking in India. “You could have still had bingo, still given out sex toys, still had it comedic. But they did not need to say that stuff. It was totally unnecessary,” Sandhu said. Sandhu added that she talked
to a manager named Tyler Costello about the events that occurred over the course of the night once sledgehammer bingo was finished. She said that her concerns were brushed off. Since that night, Sandhu has repeatedly called The Ceeps looking for somebody to explain the sexist nature of the show. Torrel Ollivirrie, fourth-year BMOS and MIT, said that he does not remember specifics about what the announcer had said, but that a particular comment about girls not being able to play sports riled the crowd at the beginning of the night. Colin Tattersall, part of the management team at The Ceeps, said that while he was not present that particular night, The Ceeps has no plans to change the format of sledgehammer bingo. “We take all complaints concerning Ceeps seriously,” he said. He estimated over 50,000 sledgehammer bingo players have walked through the doors of The Ceeps over the past 10 years and that this is the first complaint they have ever received.
Sandhu was also told that she was the first to ever make a complaint to The Ceeps about the content during bingo night. “My argument was, is something not wrong until someone complains?” Sandhu said. Tattersall also estimated that the crowd is usually 50–60 per cent female on a typical bingo night. “If the complaint is that it is a sexist show, over the years, we would have seen the decline in the female to male ratio,” Tattersall said. “And we just don’t.” As for Sandhu, she said she refuses to attend the drinking establishment again. “That shouldn’t be the case … I shouldn’t be avoiding coming out to a bar because I’m not going to be treated equally in that sense,” she added. The Ceeps plans on putting a sign at the front door on Tuesday nights cautioning patrons about the graphic nature of the show, as well as before the show. The messages will alert people that the show is politically incorrect and is not intended for those who are easily offended.
However, they refuse to change the format of the show. “We created bingo to be a … fun night out with friends. The humour is certainly rude and dirty and politically incorrect. It’s meant for adults,” Tattersall said. Sandhu realized that it was an adult show with adult humour, but that she noticed they were targeting women, who comprise over half of The Ceeps attendance, as well as over half of Western’s student body population. “I asked them if they would make a racist or homophobic joke, because I’m also a person of colour, and he said, ‘No we wouldn’t do that.’ So I asked, ‘Why do you think it’s okay to make sexist jokes?’ and I did not get an answer.”
The University of Western Ontario Faculty Association and Western’s administration have finally sealed the deal on a new four-year collective faculty agreement. A ratification vote by UWOFA’s membership on Monday preceded the tentative collective faculty agreement being given its last green light by Western’s board of governors on Tuesday. Negotiations began last May in preparation for the June, 30, 2014 expiration of the previous faculty contract. After dozens of meetings betweenWestern’s administration and UWOFA, a tentative deal was reached on November 12 following five days of mediation with a conciliator. With the collective faculty agreement finalized, Alison Hearn, president of UWOFA, said one of the faculty association’s biggest achievements was getting more job security for some of the university’s contract faculty. Hearn elaborated that one aspect of this security comes in the form of a new faculty position called limited-term no end date. This designation will be available to educators who have continuously worked at Western for 14 years after being subject to the approval of the Appointments Committee and their faculty’s dean. “It’s new this round and it’s going to affect, by our calculation, 67 of our members,” Hearn said. “What it means is that they don’t ever have to come up for contract renewal again and they also are going to have gain access to things like phased retirement provisions … stuff that tenured faculty and tenure track faculty have access to.” >> see CONTRACT pg.2
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