Live Free or Get Hard Will Ferrell and Kevin Hart don’t earn hard laughs in new comedy. >> Pg. 4
thegazette Happy Birthday Matt since 1991
FRIDAY, MARCH 20, 2015
TODAY high 7 low -3
TOMORROW high 5 low -4 VOLUME 108, ISSUE 90
Students suffer as York and Toronto universities’ standoff with TAs continues Hamza Tariq NEWS EDITOR @HamzaAtGazette
As teaching assistants, contract faculty and university administrations at the University of Toronto and York University attempt to reach a compromise to end their deadlock and the resulting strikes, students from both universities are left hanging with the academic year drawing to a close. According to Melissa Kuzniecov, a third-year student at the University of Toronto, students are suffering from the timing of the strike. “I think that the strike happened at the worst possible time for everyone. These last two weeks of class are when professors cram in those last essays or in-class final exams,” she said. “For some students, that 40 per cent essay that is no longer due determined whether or not they would pass the class. It was their last chance, and I think that as students who are paying tuition, it’s in our rights to be given the opportunities that our syllabus promises.” While a number of classes are still on going at U of T, tutorials were suspended since the strike began towards the end of February. Due to the large classes, tutorials are often the only opportunity students get to gain feedback on their assignments and projects. “I take a lot of courses that have large lectures, and so tutorials are often the time when you actually get to ask questions or have discussions
Courtesy of The Toronto Star
about the material,” Sabrina ApitzGrossman, a third-year student at U of T, said. “It’s been difficult to complete assignments without having contact with the TAs. Also, many assignments are comprised of multiple parts, and at this point of the year, the final drafts are due. Without having received the other drafts back, it is difficult to incorporate feedback or improve your work.” The strikes also pose challenges
for students who are nearing their graduation and are applying to professional or graduate schools. Prakash Amarasooriya is a fifthyear student at York University and a student senator. He originally planned to take the MCAT and apply to medical schools in the U.S. and Canada this summer. “However, with the extension of the semester into May, this has disrupted my academic schedule to apply for professional schools. I
have heard from many graduating students that they are in the same boat,” he said. “It’s been difficult since many students want to complete the semester regardless of the strike, but there are many students who believe it’s disrespectful to return to class while university members are on strike.” According to Jen Carter, president of the Ontario University Students’ Alliance, the cancellation of classes
could result in students not being able to complete their credits for the courses in which they are enrolled, and place an additional financial burden on them. “As we are all aware, university is a significant financial endeavour and when worst comes to worst, these strikes have the potential to uproot the entire university,” Carter said. >> see STRIKE pg.3
Gender neutrality movement gains momentum on campuses Amy O’Kruk NEWS EDITOR @AmyAtGazette
Pink or blue, skirt or tie — several post-secondary institutions across the country are breaking down gender binaries for students across campuses. While all is quiet on the Western front, students and staff say the university is far from lacking student accommodation and efforts to promote gender neutrality. On Thursday, Memorial University in Newfoundland drummed up buzz when it announced one of its on-campus student residences, Burton’s Pond, is embracing gender neutrality with
the elimination of segregated living spaces. While its four-bedroom apartment units were previously inhabited by either exclusively males or females, students can now choose their roommates regardless of sex or gender identity. Other schools are following suit. Toronto’s Humber College released a gender diversity policy yesterday, the first of its kind among Ontario colleges. The policy outlines the school’s commitment to protecting students from harassment and discrimination on the basis of gender identity and gender expression. It highlights promoting gender-inclusive dialogue, accessibility of all-gender washrooms and self-identification as the sole
determinant of a person’s gender. While Western lacks a formalized gender diversity policy, Nicholas Gill, University Students’ Council associate vice-president of the Peer Support Centre, said the school still prioritizes gender expression and sensitivity. “The Peer Support Centre does not have a specific gender diversity policy; however, we have the safer space policy which is an umbrella over gender diversity,” Gill said. Gill added Western has Equity Services — a confidential process available to students, staff and faculty where they can express having an unsatisfactory experience >> see GENDER pg.3
Jennifer Feldman • GAZETTE