Relay for a cause Students gathered on Saturday night for 12 hours of relaying for cancer. >> Pg. 3
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TODAY high 4 low -9
TOMORROW high 10 low -3 VOLUME 108, ISSUE 91
Team Sophie appeals decisions of the elections committee Hamza Tariq NEWS EDITOR @HamzaAtGazette
One final test waits for Team Litchfield as the USC’s appeals committee is set to deliberate on the objections launched by Team Sophie regarding the demerit points handed out by the elections committee. In a controversial turn of events, the elections committee awarded Team Litchfield 30 demerit points, one short of automatic disqualification. The demerit points were based on post-campaigning violations, placement of campaign materials in off-campus residences and using alcohol in their campaigning. President-elect Jack Litchfield and his opponent, Sophie Helpard, both declined to comment until the decision of the appeals board is made. Last week on Tuesday, Helpard submitted an appeal to the chair of the appeals board, Derrick Dodgson. The text of the appeal was made public on Thursday night. In an email to Dodgson, she appealed three aspects of the elections committee’s decision regarding Team Litchfield’s violations. The first appeal is regarding the elections committee’s sanctions on Team Litchfield for post-campaigning. >> see APPEALS pg.3
Winnie Lu • GAZETTE
CHECK MY SWAG. CAISA packed Centennial Hall on Saturday with their 17th annual fashion show. The event mixed a variety of different kinds of dance while displaying formal dress, causal clothing, swimwear and lingerie. Read the story on page 4.
OUSA general meeting talks LGBTQ issues Kevin Hurren NEWS EDITOR-AT-LARGE @KevinAtGazette
Water Week at Western
Lil Jon comes to town
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Journalism at a crossroads
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This weekend, the Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance held their Annual General Meeting – a time for passing policy papers that will direct the organization’s advocacy efforts. Hosted by McMaster University, 11 delegates from the University Students’ Council were sent to the weekend-long event to learn about and discuss this year’s three policy papers addressing tuition, mature students and LGBTQ+ students. According to Jen Carter, OUSA
president and USC vice-president external, these topics were chosen for a variety of reasons. “Our policy papers expire every four years, and this year it was time for the mature students paper to be updated. With the new funding formula being discussed in the province, it was incredibly timely to write the tuition paper. Lastly, the general assembly decided that it was time for OUSA to work on our first ever LGBTQ+ paper,” she said. Delegates from seven student associations from across the province spent Friday and Saturday engaging in breakout sessions, going through the papers’ specific points
with OUSA steering committee members and other researchers or paper authors. On Sunday, representatives gathered for the official plenary to debate changes and amendments to the papers. The tuition paper, hoping to work with Ontario’s new tuition framework, aims to look at improving system regulation, ensure fair cost-sharing and address student debt. The second paper, an expiring version of earlier policies on mature students, outlines contemporary barriers that mature student often face such as stigmatization and isolation in the classroom.
While both papers passed little few debate, it was the LGBTQ paper that received the most contention. The first of its kind for OUSA, the paper’s goal was to demonstrate significant differences in educational experiences for queer students and offer suggestions for improvement – including better programming and more gender-neutral accommodations. To research the paper, OUSA conducted a survey earlier in the year of over 300 students who identified on the LGBTQ spectrum.
>> see OUSA pg.3
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