Running on suds
Western student sets world record in beer mile race >> Pg. 11
thegazette Proudly wearing bandanas since 1906
City roadblocks Uber drivers Amy O’Kruk NEWS EDITOR
TODAY high 25 low 12
TOMORROW high 22 low 13 VOLUME 109, ISSUE 2
Ban on soph apparel sparks controversy
Ridesharing drivers beware: amidst local law enforcement crack-downs and mounting fines, the road travelled by London UberX drivers is becoming financially treacherous and, according to some city officials, will not have turnaround anytime soon. Last week, London Police Service launched Project Licensed Ride, an enforcement blitz that catches commercially unlicensed drivers and fines them for violating municipal bylaws. UberX drivers, the on-demand chauffeurs of the app-based ridesharing service, were the first to feel the program’s sting. During a two-day period, 18 of the UberX drivers racked up 29 fines totalling around $500 each. The problem, according to London’s chief municipal law enforcement officer Orest Katolyk, is that UberX drivers are breaching London’s taxi and limousine licensing bylaw. In order for commercial drivers to lawfully cruise in the Forest City, they must have commercial insurance, a license, conduct a training exam and divulge any criminal record and medical issues. In addition, drivers’ vehicles must be no older than three years and have interior security cameras. UberX drivers, on the other hand, are bound by less severe stipulations. Drivers must use a four-door car, but from 2005 to present (in most cities). They must also pass a background and driving record check, but can hold personal driving insurance — no commercial insurance necessary. It’s breaking local bylaws coupled with breaching provincial acts that lands UberX drivers in fiscally hot water, said Katolyk. >> see UBER pg.2
Taylor Lasota • GAZETTE
IS THIS FLAG EVEN ALLOWED? The Medway-Sydenham soph team’s flag flies above the crowd at Tuesday night’s O-Week opening ceremonies. They were among the soph teams who have had to change their usual uniforms after certain items were banned by this year’s orientation planning committee.
Hamza Tariq BREAKING NEWS EDITOR @HamzaAtGazette
The restrictions placed on soph uniforms for this year’s O-Week have triggered protests from sophs and garnered national media attention as part of a larger conversation about cultural appropriation and political correctness. In protest of these restrictions, one soph team cut up and ate bandanas at the soph rally to draw attention to the issue. A ban on synthetic hair,
communicated to sophs just this past week, was a more recent restriction. The original policy from the orientation planning committee allowed fake hair to be included in the soph uniforms if they chose. But in an email to sophs last week, orientation coordinator Eddy Avila discouraged sophs from “using synthetic hair, using beads or including any material that resembles synthetic hair in their hair-do.” The fake hair ban came after OPC reached an initial compromise with the Medway-Sydenham soph team to
allow them to wear braided fake hair instead of their traditional dreadlocks. According to Sophie Helpard, University Students Council president, the soph team went ahead and braided their hair accessories as the OPC had asked them. Soon after, however, the committee reversed its decision. “Unfortunately new information came to us,” she said. “We spoke to a few more students of our community who didn’t think this is a fair compromise and didn’t think this compromise was necessarily fixing the root of the problem that
it was first intended to fix.” OPC is composed of student representatives from various organizations on campus and the university administration. The committee is based on a consensus model where input is first sought from all members, and then the co-chairs move forward with the decision. The current co-chairs of the OPC are Taryn Scripnick, USC vice-president student events and Peggy Wakabayashi, director of residences for Western. >> see SOPHS pg.3
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