Thursday, September 17, 2015

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How beer is made

Behind the scenes at London’s Toboggan Brewing Company. >> Pg. 4


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Doggy daycare since 1906



TOMORROW high 27 low 21 VOLUME 108, ISSUE 04

Liberal candidate’s office vandalized Rita Rahmati NEWS EDITOR @RitaAtGazette

Courtesy of the University Students’ Council

DO YOU ASK. Date Safe Project speaker Mike Domitrz presents at this year’s O-Week. Consent education has become a key part of the messaging at universities for first-year students.

Universities focus on consent education in O-Week Drishti Kataria NEWS EDITOR @DrishtAtGazette

With new students arriving at Ontario universities this past week, a focus on consent education is increasingly becoming the norm. York University hosts Canada’s largest consent education presentation, with 6,500 students attending a presentation from Mike Domitrz. Speaker Domitrz of the Date Safe project is a well-known speaker who also spoke at Western’s orientation week about the importance of consent, respect and healthy dating. Domitrz has been coming to Western for 11 years and this year it was moved to a larger venue. “This year’s event has been bigger than it ever has. We moved it out of rez rally and onto main stage to make sure the broadest cross section of students as possible can hear his message,” said University Students’ Council vice-president internal Alex Benac. “He said good things to know, it got me thinking. It was one of those kind of things where he teaches you good stuff and you didn’t get bored,” said Sarranya Surendran, first-year student.

Precautions taken during Orientation Week

With regards to mental health and

consent, Western took many precautions during orientation week. “Particularly surrounding a consent themed event, we always have community support workers in the audience,” Benac said.“That’s a precautionary measure we put in place in case there is a triggering effect or if a student wants to make a disclosure to somebody. We always want to make sure we have professionals on hand.” Sophs had an after hours counsellor for most of the week this year. Also, Campus Police is actively involved in planning O-Week and constantly assessing security risks and threats, continued Benac.

Leader in sexual violence prevention

“Western really is a leader in Canada with regards to sexual violence prevention on campus and that’s not to say that we’re perfect but we are a leader and that’s what sets us apart,” Benac said. He also mentioned that Western has an an administration that is equally as committed to preventing sexual violence on campus as student groups are and that’s really important when you talk about building partnerships. While a lot of schools buy their sexual violence material from third party companies, Western’s housing division created the ‘Upstandard’

program here on campus. It is a violence prevention campaign program that other schools actively seek to adopt, according to Benac.

Coming up

Benac said the USC will be hosting a consent themed forum to have conversations about consent in the context of university life, with representatives from St. Joseph’s Hospital and Dr. Rachel Griffin, a well-known speaker on sexual violence and consent. The forum will be held on campus on Oct 26 and is open to the community.

When Liberal candidate Peter Fragiskatos went to his campaign office Saturday morning he was bewildered to find red graffiti covering his campaign office. Fragiskatos, formerly a political science professor at King’s University College, is the Liberal candidate for London North Centre riding in the upcoming federal election. “We showed up at 8:30 a.m. for a campaign meeting and to be greeted in that way is obviously disappointing,” Fragiskatos said. This act of vandalism is more strange than most because the graffiti read “Down with Harper” and Fragiskatos is a Liberal candidate. Susan Truppe, the current MP for London North Centre, is the candidate for the Conservative party. Both Fragiskatos and Truppe are unaware of how many people were involved or the motive — it is a mystery if the vandalism was meant to be ironic, if the vandals mistook Fragiskatos’ party. “It’s as strange as it is disappointing,” Fragiskatos said. “We’re obviously trying to move beyond Mr. Harper, as well as a campaign. The Liberal party is putting forward policies that we think will put the country on a better footing.” The act has garnered media attention and other politicians have spoken out about the vandalism. On Saturday, Truppe spoke out about the incident on Twitter. “I’ve read that an opponent’s campaign office was vandalized. Very unacceptable and unbecoming

of London and democracy,” her tweet read. Fragiskatos echoed Truppe’s comment on the vandalism negatively demonstrating democracy. “[Vandalism is] disrespectful to the process of democracy,” he said. “The foundation of any democracy is respect — without respect you can’t have any democracy.” Fragiskatos explained it is common to find vandalism on campaign signs, although it is very unexpected on a campaign office. Truppe elaborated that many individuals are unaware that vandalizing, even if it is merely a sign, is a crime and can result in jail time. “This is something small businesses face all the time, as well is vandalism... I would certainly encourage any victims to go to the police if they do experience that,” Truppe said. As shocking as the act was it garnered tremendous support from the community and Fragiskatos has been very moved by constituents’ kind responses. “We’ve received messages of encouragement,” Fragiskatos said. “We’ve even had people show up, people we don’t know, people from the riding show up with paint cans, paint brushes, wanting to help in some way... [it] is extremely moving when you see something like that.” Fragiskatos’ campaign has pressed on as they continue canvassing. Fragiskatos believes the best way to move forward from an incident like this is to continue campaigning. Currently Fragiskatos says no one has been found responsible for the vandalism, although police are looking into it.




Dale Carruthers • LONDON FREE PRESS

WELL, VANDALS ARE KNOWN FOR THEIR POLITICAL INTELLIGENCE. Federal Liberal candidate for the London North Centre riding, Peter Fragiskatos, looks at graffiti targeting his office on Saturday. Vandals targeted his campaign office with a message of “Down with Harper,” the Conservative leader and current prime minister.

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