Just playing around
Theatre Western provides students an opportunity to experience the dramatic arts. >> Pg. 5
TODAY high 23 low 10
Blowing through the pizza budget since 1906
TOMORROW high 25 low 10 VOLUME 109, ISSUE 5
HOLD ME, THRILL ME, FINCH ME. Western quarterback Will Finch prepares to throw during Saturday’s game against the Queen’s Gaels. The Mustangs overcame the Gaels 48-25, despite a few fumbles. See the story on page 10.
Undergrad confirmations Student voting down according to OUAC becomes easier Amy O’Kruk NEWS EDITOR
Western University’s percentage of Ontario secondary school students who confirmed their undergraduate program acceptances fell four per cent this fall, according to the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre’s latest statistics. Yesterday, OUAC reported the university’s main campus received 4,124 full-time first-year fall-entry program confirmations, in contrast to last year’s September 10 total of 4,297. Western’s enrolled
non-secondary school students is up 1 per cent, with 1,409 students accepting their offers. Totalled, that’s a 5,533-student freshman class and a far shot above Western’s current first-year enrolment forecast. The university’s 201516 operating and capital budgets forecasted 5,040 first-year students for the 2015-16 school year. Keith Marnoch, director of media relations at Western, said the discrepancy exists because Western waits until Nov. 1 to finalize its number of actual student enrolments due to fluctuations between parttime and full-time student statuses.
“Western’s Ontario high school confirmation stats are currently down by four per cent and our non-Ontario high school confirmations are exactly where they were last year,” Marnoch said. “When you combine those two numbers and include those who will move from being a part-time to full-time student, you get our projected first-year class of about 5,180 students, which is just slightly higher than our projected first-year enrolment plan of between 5,000 and 5,100 students.” >> see OUAC pg.2
Rita Rahmati NEWS EDITOR @RitaAtGazette
The federal election takes place on October 19 and for students, the requirements and steps for voting are often difficult to understand. For students from London or those who will be in their hometown during the voting period, voting will be easier as the address of their ID cards and papers will match the riding they are voting in. You can determine your riding online at elections.ca.
When at the polls, you must show one of the following pieces of ID: driver’s licence, provincial or territorial card, or any other government photo with your name, photo and current address. The second group of options includes showing two pieces of ID such as: health card, Canadian passport, birth certificate, citizenship card, social insurance card, lease, utility bill, or student ID card, amongst other options.
>> see POLLS pg.4
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