Champs are back!
The women’s hockey team hits the ice for the first regular season game this weekend. >> Pg. 7
TODAY high 16 low 7
Fighting fruit flies since 1906
TOMORROW high 13 low 6 VOLUME 109, ISSUE 8
USC introduces special interest caucus groups Amy O’Kruk NEWS EDITOR @AmyAtGazette
Jennifer Feldman • GAZETTE
Lock your windows Amy O’Kruk NEWS EDITOR @AmyAtGazette
On a Friday night in the fall of 2012, second-year Western student Emily Vickruck primped, gathered four of her roommates and headed to a nearby house party for the night — with the front door securely locked behind her. She wasn’t expecting a call later that evening from the lone roommate who stayed behind. Vickruck’s roommate frantically reported that while she slept, an intruder broke into their home through a main floor window and fled with a laptop and digital camera. Vickruck and her housemates raced home. “We were angry because our stuff was stolen, but it was also very frightening,” Vickruck said. “It feels like such a violation of your personal space because I know, that in my room, they had gone through all of my things … it’s not a good feeling.” Unfortunately, Vickruck’s story isn’t uncommon, especially in heavily student-populated neighbourhoods like the Oxford and Wharncliffe area where the former Western student and her roommates experienced the burglary. It’s also the reason the University Students’ Council is partnering with the London Police Service for
a second year in a row to launch the “Lock Your F***ing Doors” campaign after successfully reducing student break-ins last year. “Between the years of 2011 and 2013, over half the break-ins in student housing were due to unlocked doors and windows,” said Kevin Hurren, USC communications officer. “With the introduction of last year’s campaign, that number went down for the first time in four years.” In 2014, the percentage of entries through unlocked windows fell from 40 per cent in 2013 to 27.5 per cent. Similarly, unlocked doors accounted for close to 19 per cent of entries in 2013 and only 15 per cent last year. Hurren emphasized this year’s campaign’s focus on locked windows. He said out of the total number of break-ins due to unlocked entrances in 2014, windows accounted for twice as many as doors. “What the police have found is that most of the offenders are opportunistic,” Hurren said. “When they find an unlocked window, that’s when they’ll take their chance. But when it’s locked, they won’t break in because there’s a higher chance of being caught or being unsuccessful.” The LPS is also conducting a sister campaign, “Keep Calm and Lock Your Doors.” The police service distributed over 1,300 cautionary flyers
to homes in identified at-risk areas: Wharncliffe Road and Western Road, Mill Street and St. George Street and Richmond Street and Broughdale Street. The USC will ramp up the “Lock Your F***ing Doors” campaign on social media this month and in early December and January when many students take off for the holidays and leave their homes potentially vulnerable to break and enters. Hurren added students should take notice of the campaign because smartphones and laptops are the most common items stolen and often the ones students depend on the most. “A lot of students lives are in their cellphones and their laptops,” Hurren said. “We not only lack the finances to replace a lot of things stolen, but we rely on these technologies.” The LPS advises students to keep electronic’s location services on and to keep a record of devices’ make, model and serial number to aid the police in the case of theft. “Leaving a window open doesn’t seem like a big deal, especially when somebody’s home,” Vickruck said. “Now … when we go out we close all our blinds, lock all our doors and put our laptops away … [the break-in] definitely made us more cautious.”
The University Students’ Council is adjusting their governance structure to allow undergraduate student-interest groups to form caucuses. The USC wants caucuses to act as channels for student-interest groups – allowing their voices to be heard and helping them achieve better representation through the undergraduate student government. Alex Benac, USC vice-president internal, said that instead of having stand-alone student-interest groups, the goal was to standardize a caucus formation process. This way these groups could co-exist, gain increased accessibility to the USC and benefit from easier membership recruitment and selection. “We really just wanted to create a structure where students could be empowered to take ownership over their own experiences and use that community base to inform the decisions that council makes,” Benac said. Already established caucuses include a mature and transfer students’ caucus, first-year students’ caucus and international students’ caucus. Kevin Dunklee, a fourth-year
BMOS undergraduate and mature student, said he thinks the caucus initiative addresses the need for undergraduates to have a place to voice their concerns. “We wanted to make sure the mature student voice is represented through the USC,” Dunklee said. “They are representing undergraduate students and … we are a contingent of that population. Our voice has not been heard there for a number of years.” Benac said the caucus formations will be a consultative process: the first step will be to fill out a form and gather 20 signatures. Providing eligibility requirements are met, a student executive will help the potential caucus draft a terms of reference. Then, it will go before the USC’s local and campus affairs standing committee for approval – after which council can give the final go-ahead. Applications to sit on the established caucuses are due October 9 and can be found at the USC’s website under “jobs and opportunities.” “If caucus members can walk away and feel like they truly had a valuable opportunity to participate in conversations about their experience at Western, I think … that will be the ultimate indicator of success,” Benac said.
How to form a caucus: Step 1. Fill out a USC form
and gather 20 signatures.
Step 2. Establish a terms of reference and follow ratification procedures.
Step 3. Get approved by the USC’s local and campus affairs standing committee.
Step 4. Get approved by council. Christopher Miszczak • GAZETTE