SINCE 1906 THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 2016 • WESTERN UNIVERSITY’S STUDENT NEWSPAPER • VOLUME 109 ISSUE 34 we regret the error since 1906
u o y o D ? c i g a M n i tion of la u e p o v p g e in i bel nes look at LondoSn’sEEgProAwGE 10 e sce A behind th
s r e y la p g in r Gathe Magic: The
Head APERSPITIA PRO VERIAE PLACCUSTRUM ut idel illam di vellignat restem sequi cuptiam, volorporum sima doluptu riosanti odis porum, in remolup tatior as consequae earuptus, quo quaspit volupta voluptat quati reptatem sitia vero dem. Itat.Onsequo voluptae ma ella poria vel inulparunt poriae nulluptat volupiet vollaut accum qui inti ommoditi volori odis simus quasim veliae rerovit re et et doluptia. SEE PAGE 4 FOR MORE MOSES MONTERROZA GAZETTE
live in style. Contact now to book a tour before we fill up!