Friday, June 6, 2014

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thegazette Remembering who the true heroes are since 1906


FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 2014


Provincial candidates talk student issues

Judy Bryant


Kevin Lalonde

Salim Mansur

Deb Matthews


Nancy Branscombe Nancy Branscombe is a councillor for the City of London serving as the representative for ward 6. Branscombe is a member of the civic works committee and community and protective services committee, among others. Branscombe wants to run for a seat in provincial parliament because she is “increasingly alarmed about the unchecked spending by the current Liberal government” and wants to protect Ontarians’ services by spurring on the economy.

Judy Bryant is a councillor for the City of London serving as the representative for ward 13. She is also a board member of the London Downtown Business Association, an organization that encourages economic development in the downtown core. Bryant wants to run for a seat in provincial parliament because she’s always had a passion for public service and she wants to now “serve London at a different level.”

Kevin Labonte is a graduate of Fanshawe College’s Law Clerk Program. He is currently employed at the law firm Judith Hull and Associates serving as their Law Clerk and Social Media Manager. Labonte wants to run for a seat in provincial parliament because he saw that there is a disconnect between “good sensible policy and what the current elected members were offering Ontario.”

Salim Mansur is an associate professor of political science at Western University. He has published columns for the London Free Press and the Toronto Sun. Mansur wants to run for a seat in provincial parliament because he is frustrated with the state of the economy and Ontario’s debt load. He joined the Freedom Party to “bring sanity” back into how Ontario is governed.

Deb Matthews is the Liberal incumbent serving in London’s North Centre riding since 2003. She currently holds office as the Deputy Premier of Ontario and is the Minister of Health and LongTerm Care. Matthews has a PhD in social demography from Western. Matthews wants to run for a seat in provincial parliament because she wants to make a difference and to “try and actually narrow the gap between the rich and the poor.”




Question 1: Thousands of students live in your riding, how are their needs reflected in your party’s platform? The obvious and most important answer to this is so that high-quality, well-paying jobs will be available when they graduate if we can get the Province back on a path to prosperity. That is what our election platform is all about.

The NDP will freeze tuition and make provincial student loans interest free. Most importantly, we are going to be rewarding companies who create new jobs with a tax credit and we are encouraging jobs for the future in creative industries.

Students have the same concerns as most. [We are] advocating for a Social Innovation fund that will help entrepreneurs with grants, loans and mentorship programs. We will also increase funding for public transit. [We] also focus on preventative medicine and healthy lifestyles.

Every student as a citizen has a stake in Ontario achieving a balanced budget, in reducing the debt burden of $288 billion and rising, and in seeing that electricity rates do not spiral out of their capacity to pay for them, and in restoring trust in government.

We are committed to maintaining the 30 per cent off tuition grant. We’ve also capped tuition increases. The next thing is that students want to get a job after they graduate, and this is a very high priority for us, in fact it’s our highest priority.

Question 2: How will you represent students’ interests in the legislature? [A variety of ways], such as regular dialogue with young people, students and students’ Councils, liaising with other MPPs from all parties in ridings with post-secondary, etc. Most importantly, I have a strong interest and will to work with young people in the riding.

One of the legacies of the Liberal mismanagement is the dire state of our many university buildings and campuses. We need to invest in our facilities. Another thing we need to look at is class sizes. More and more […] classes have more than a hundred students and this is not a way to provide a world-class education

I will best represent the student’s interest by listening to the students. If a student has an issue, I want them to be comfortable enough to come to me with their problem​and trust that I will work with them to find a solution and advocate hard for them at Queen’s Park.

By remaining focused on the issue of bringing about a balanced budget, about cleaning waste, inefficiency, nepotism and corruption in government. Students are part of the larger society, not independent and apart from it, nor are their needs somehow fundamentally different from the rest.

I really believe in the power of education, I believe that one thing that sets us apart […] is the opportunity to have post-secondary education. I am determined that everyone have the opportunity to get the education that they’re prepared to work for and that their financial circumstances never be a barrier.

Question 3: How important is it that young people come out and vote on June 12? I think it is extremely important for young people and students to come out and vote. Every vote matters especially in close elections. If you support the views and direction of a political party, it is important to make the effort to mark your ballot so the youth vote will help shape the future of the province.

I can’t imagine anything more important. It’s a habit that one needs to develop and I’ve met a number of young student voters and just young people who were voting for the first time and they were really excited about it and they usually ask really good questions. I can’t overstate how important it is for young people to vote.

It is extremely important that young people vote on June 12. Politicians currently draft policies that will get them the most votes, if young people do not vote then their concerns will not be addressed and nothing will change.

Very important. It is about their future […] By not voting, by not taking part in the political life of your province and country, you as students are opting out of your own responsibility for which you have to answer, and also in the process electing members and parties to form governments who have regularly betrayed the trust given them.

It is so important. If young people voted in the same proportions as their parents and grandparents did we would have very different campaigns. I can’t say enough how important it is because the decisions that politicians make today will impact young people more than they will anybody else. It’s really important to me that young people understand the power of the ballot box.

Question 4: How important do you think students and education are to the success of London in the future? London has very strong post secondary institutions like Western University and Fanshawe College, Ivey Business school and other fine academic institutions. Education and these institutions have had and will always have a huge role to play in the City of London and our success.

I can’t imagine anything more important than education here in London North-Centre. Every students needs to know that there will be a job available in their field. Canadians come to train here to for jobs of the future and we need to make sure these jobs are Ontario and here in London.

London’s future depends greatly on retaining the brightest minds that come out of Western and Fanshawe. London is failing to capture the talent that we’ve helped generate as more and more students leave the city after graduation. We must create a vibrant city that meets the needs of the students and create a place where they are willing to raise a family.

Very important. They are the future of this city, of this province, of this country. [Students not voting is] a reflection of the sort of government we have and we will continue to have, a government that excels in mismanagement and scandals as the Liberal government has done instead of responsible government that takes seriously the matter of trust between citizens and government.

It’s everything. One of our great competitive advantages is we have a really well educated workforce and that’s because people take on that responsibility […]. Well-educated citizens who can critically evaluate the decisions we make as a society. Obviously Western is a huge economic driver in London, which is why London would be disproportionately hit with the Hudak cuts. • Amy O’Kruk

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