Tuesday, September 30, 2014

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BANNER ME LIKE ONE OF YOUR FRENCH GIRLS Western unveils larger than life banners of alumni for fundraising campaign >> pg. 3

thegazette What a bodacious day since 1906



Undergrads only for USC council The University Students’ Council passed amendments to a bylaw that changed election candidate eligibility at their meeting last Wednesday. The amendments to bylaw 2 were recommended by the governance and agendas committee and included a change to the terms surrounding USC electoral candidate eligibility. Candidates are now required to be registered as a full or parttime undergraduate or professional student at Western for two consecutive semesters at the time of their candidacy. Before the amendment, students could technically be elected without having been a Western student the previous term. Special circumstances are noted for first-year students and students on exchange who would fail to meet the conditions but should otherwise be entitled to run and vote. Trevor Hunt, a social science councillor, said there was a high level of unanimity among the USC in passing the motion. “It’s a guarantee that we’re electing students who have had some amount of time to get themselves involved in the Western campus and who have an understanding of […] what’s going on,” Hunt said. •  Amy O’Kruk



Freedom of speech on campus • P3 Exercise is Medicine

• P4

Review: A Most Wanted Man

• P5

The role of the opinions editor • P6 I’m sorry

• P6

Good, bad and ugly

• P8

TODAY high 18 low 12

TOMORROW high 21 low 12 VOLUME 108, ISSUE 17



RUN STANGS RUN! Fatima Braimoh of the Mustangs carries the ball past a Waterloo defender. Western trampled the Warriors 8–1 at home this past weekend. > SEE PAGE 7 FOR MORE

USC begins work on new strategic plan Plan would map out the next three years for council


Hamza Tariq NEWS EDITOR @HamzaAtGazette

The first general meeting of the University Students’ Council on Wednesday saw the initiation of the strategic planning process. “Constitutionally we have a mandate to rewrite the strategic plan every three years,” Jack Litchfield, president of the Social Science Students’ Council said. According to Litchfield, who moved the motion, the plan is an important part of a student government because of the high yearly turnover of most members of council. “If everybody is turning over like that you’re going to have a very different tactical plan every year,” he said. “It’s really important to have an overarching strategy to tie together

those initiatives to make sure we actually get somewhere.” The planning process will see the involvement of the USC executive, the steering committee, the long term plan and budget committee, the board of directors and the corporate administrative staff. “In the last strategic planning cycle they focused on the number of respondents they could get. This year, we are looking at a variety of respondents as opposed to just pure numbers,” said USC vice-president finance Andrew Lalka. According to Lalka, the relevant USC committees are looking to engage a broad spectrum of students, ranging from students in athletics and councils to students-at -large who do not affiliate with any particular organized structure. “It’s particularly exciting this

time round because not only are we doing a three-year strategic plan, we are also doing a three-year rolling budget paired with the three-year plan,” he said. He added that the combination of a planned three-year budget along with the strategic plan could possibly lead to a new tactical plan. “I think the strategic planning process initiative is important because it will guide the process that will eventually lead to the production of a new long-term strategic plan for the USC,” health science councillor Megan Yang said. According to Yang, it was important that the council had passed this motion in a timely manner and that this would allow ample time for planning. >> see PLANNING pg.3

• Family and Cosmetic Dentistry • • New and Emergency Patients Welcome • • Insurance Plans Accepted for Direct Payment •


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