Friday, May 16, 2014

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Neighbors Zac Efron and Seth Rogen star in latest festival of raunch & wine >> pg. 4

thegazette Not letting Robert go to his dinner and a movie since 1906

FRIDAY, MAY 16, 2014

TOMORROW high 10 low 4


USC innovation fund not touched by executives Amy O’Kruk NEWS EDITOR @AmyAtGazette

Mike Laine • GAZETTE

TODAY high 11 low 5

With the end of the University Students’ Council fiscal year fast approaching, the Executive Innovation Fund has yet to see a dime of its wealth spent by USC executives and the money will instead be used to cover projected deficits. The Executive Innovation Fund was a reserve created in October of last year to deal with an unforeseen $59,000 surplus that was generated in 2013 from USC operations such as the Spoke and Wave. The fund’s purpose was to allow USC executives to develop ways to apply the windfall to projects that would benefit the students who created the profit. The innovation fund also came with an expiry date — May 31, 2014. With that date drawing near, there’s not a lot of time left to apply the funds, nor are there any plans to. Instead, the USC has decided that the unused surplus will be absorbed into its service stabilization fund. The stabilization fund is a fail-safe reserve that helps counteract any deficits in the budget. Emily Soti, a former King’s University College councillor, said that not using the innovation fund was a missed opportunity for both the USC and students.

“The money should have originally gone into the grants fund for both the executive and students at large to have access to,” Soti said. “At least then, if the executive didn’t end up spending the money on students, the students could have had the chance to do it themselves.” The clubs grant system is a USC program in which students across campus can apply for grants for their projects and clubs. The 201314 grant fund had upwards of $90,000 available to students and isn’t exclusively governed by the USC executive but by six students of mixed affiliations. Jack Litchfield, chairman of the USC’s long-term plan and budgetcommittee, said that the innovation fund wasn’t utilized because the executives relied on their existing budget lines to provide funding for projects. He added that in any case the money will benefit students. “We set this up so that if there is something that comes up we can use this money that was collected by the students this year, if not it will just drop into the bottom line and our stabilization fund,” Litchfield said. “So either way it’s going to indirectly benefit students.” USC president Pat Whelan commented that budgets are predictions. >> see FUND pg.3


>> CIS East-West Bowl

Jonathan Dunn • GAZETTE

CATCH ME IF YOU CAN. Team East’s Jamal Henry of the Concordia Stingers attempts to catch for a touchdown at Saturday’s CIS East–West Bowl, which features Canada’s university football all-stars. Team East won by a score of 19–12. For more coverage, TURN TO PAGE 7 and go online for a photo gallery.

Graduates get internship boost from feds Federal government introducing 3,000 paid internships in fields with high demand Olivia Zollino NEWS EDITOR

Stephen Harper unveiled a $40-million program geared towards the creation of paid internships for graduating students while on his visit to London on May 2. The program would generate 3,000

Iain Boekhoff • GAZETTE

internships in fields of high demand. Steven Wright, a recent graduate and former chair of the University Students’ Council provincial and federal affairs standing committee, applauded the idea. “I like the principles behind the program,” Wright said. “It’s helping to alleviate the pressure for unpaid internships by providing those

opportunities to students.” However, Wright raised concerns about the targeted nature of the internship program. “The real issue with this program is that it’s being put into the STEM fields,” Wright said. The internships will mostly be created in the fields of science, technology, engineering and math.

“I think the federal government would be better off putting these paid internships into degrees and disciplines that don’t typically have the highest employment outcomes,” Wright said. Wright mentions various fields, such as the liberal arts, English, and arts and humanities as needing more opportunities.

Harper’s announcement follows the termination of two magazine internships in Toronto due to the interns being unpaid. The closures have spurred a debate over unpaid internships. For Wright, there is no option other than paid internships. “You’re not being progressive in terms of income inequality,” Wright said. He noted that unpaid internships are only available to students who can afford them and students should receive fair pay for fair work. “I think that if the government is going to pursue a program like this for more employment outcomes for university graduates, the best way to do that would be to give it to the underrepresented disciplines in the labour force,” Wright said.

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