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Thursday, October 25, 2012
Volume 106, Issue 29
Safety across campus Methadone not linked to crime Cam Smith News Editor More evidence has recently arisen indicating the stigma surrounding methadone clinics may be overblown. A recent study conducted by the University of Maryland suggests crime rates in areas near methadone clinics are not significantly higher than elsewhere. In fact, the study found convenience stores experience higher crime in their vicinity than methadone clinics. According to Susan Boyd, lead researcher of the study, many people associate methadone clinics with higher instances of crime, something she hoped the study would dissuade.
Cameron Wilson Gazette
Aaron Zaltzman News Editor Having trouble crossing the street? The university has made it easier than ever, thanks to the installation of three new Accessible Pedestrian Signals at various crosswalks on campus. The APSs differ from normal signals by vibrating and emitting sharp tones to guide pedestrians safely across the street. The type of tone depends on the direction of the crossing signal, and the frequency of the vibrations indicates how much time is left for pedestrians to cross. “The signals are designed to provide the same information that is offered by the visual pedestrian signals in an audible format, enhancing accessibility for visuallyimpaired pedestrians,” Roy Langille, associate vice-president of Facilities Management, explained. “There are two features of the APSs that enhance accessibility,”
Langille added. “The first is the push button with the tactile arrow that points in the direction of the crossing and vibrates when used. Visually-impaired patrons will press and hold the button, activating the second feature, the audible signal.” “Depending on the direction, the signal will create a distinct sound, alerting patrons that the intersection is ready to cross,” he continued. The installation of the new signals at the Western and Elgin, Western and Wellington and University and Perth intersections is meant to comply with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, a new legislation that aims for increased convenience for people with disabilities in the built environment. “We are committed to removing barriers and achieving accessibility for persons with disabilities in a number of key areas, but keep in mind the accessibility act itself is
still quite new,” Langille said. “The Built Environment standards are still being drafted, so the work we are doing now is above and beyond any current requirements.” The University Students’ Council applauded the installation of the new signals. “Having this kind of assistive technology is definitely a plus for students, and for continuing accessibility on campus,” Alysha Li, vice-president university affairs for the USC, explained. “For somebody who has a visual impairment, these APS signals would be able to better guide him or her across the street than a regular button.” “The university is quite open to hearing suggestions about making campus more accessible,” Li said. “When we find something about accessibility that needs to be addressed, we are definitely able to bring it to them.” Facilities Management said all crosswalks on campus would feature an APS by August 2013.
We hope the study results will lead to better acceptance of new and existing methadone clinics in cities and towns across this country, and others. —Susan Boyd
Assistant professor at the University of Maryland School of Medicine
“The perception among many in the public is that methadone clinics increase crime, leading to difficulty opening new methadone clinics in many cities and towns,” Boyd explained. “We hope the study results will lead to better acceptance of new and existing methadone clinics in cities and towns across this country, and others.” Despite this, some still have an adverse perception regarding methadone clinics in general. Recently, a London resident and Western student led a protest against a methadone clinic opening near their place of residence. The protest included photographing those entering the clinic, and was viewed
with considerable disdain by clinic visitors and employees. Some London councillors are inclined to agree methadone clinics have a negative impact on a neighbourhood. “Take a look at the Dundas Street clinic. Why are a thousand people showing up to a pharmacy, hanging around and trading drugs close to a school? It’s not conducive to a good family environment,” Dale Henderson, Ward 9 councillor for the City of London, asserted. “I think the people don’t like what they see going on with drug issues on any major street in town.” Henderson also questioned the reasoning behind methadone clinics being privately owned and operated. “Why is this being run by private businesses, with major money being made, just because the regulations say we don’t pay for drugs?” he asked. “What’s the documentation on the results?” Not all city councillors are as opposed to methadone clinics as Henderson, however. “There is certainly perception around some of the methadone clinics that they might be a scary or dangerous place,” Harold Usher, Ward 12 councillor for the city, said. “I use the word ‘perception’ because I don’t think anyone has asked these people who they are.” According to Usher, this perception stems primarily from a lack of knowledge and awareness about the nature of the clinics themselves. “There are lots of people who understand the use of methadone clinics, and they have no fear of them, or the people that use them,” Usher explained. “But there are lots of people, also, who may not understand, and they might say they don’t want a clinic too close to their backyard.” Usher encouraged a more informed awareness about methadone clinics, in the hopes public perception would view them more favourably.
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