Tuesday, February 5, 2013

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The lion’s roar Mustangs fall to York Lions 2–1 in overtime. >> pg. 8

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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

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Volume 106, Issue 68

Universities urged to commercialize research Cam Smith News Editor According to a report published last week by the Ontario Chamber of Commerce, commercializing university research should be a priority for boosting Ontario’s economy. The report, Emerging Stronger 2013, outlined several strategies for encouraging business support of research and development, which included government mandating commercialization for academic institutions. “Ontario universities are world leaders in [research and development]. The problem is that far too little of their work gets commercialized,” the report stated. “Previous support programs have not meaningfully closed the commercialization gap. Government must make commercialization part of universities’ mandates.” At Western, commercialization of research and development is

already taking place. “Western is actually one of the more active universities in Canada. We rank in the top five in commercial income, and we rank number two in the creation of spin-off companies,” Paul Paolatto, executive director of WORLDdiscoveries, which is responsible for consolidating Western’s business interests, explained. “We’ve put 18 companies into the marketplace over the last five years. That is second in Canada. We’re punching well above our weight class.” According to Paolatto, the recommendations provided by the OCC are not new to Western. “The Ontario Chamber of Commerce isn’t telling us anything we don’t already know,” he explained. “I think industry involvement can enhance research. It can guide it toward a more favourable outcome.” Business affiliation with

academic research has always raised the question of if inherent bias would be brought on by financial affiliation. Yet, Paolatto said this was not a significant issue. “That’s always a difficult question to answer. I would suggest not,” he said. “It’s only one small piece. It’s never at a point where it could compromise academic freedom or the integrity of basic academic research.” Western and its business affiliates will continue to encourage commercialization of research and development, in line with the OCC’s recommendations for improving the province’s economy. “Western will always pursue a commercial agenda,” Paolatto explained. “Anything that fosters the knowledge economy gives us a competitive advantage. When we’re in an opportunity to move that to marketplace for economic and social gain, then that is a win for everyone.”

Andrei Calinescu Gazette

Researchers seek MR compatible medical devices Jesica Hurst News Editor

Courtesy of Blaine Chronik

DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE. Blaine Chronik, a Canadian Research Chair in medical physics at Western, tests a 3T MRI machine for MR compatibility.

Researchers at Western are hoping to improve the quality of healthcare for those with implanted medical devices. As of right now, people with implanted medical devices—such as pacemakers or cochlear implants— are not eligible to receive an MRI, since these devices either cease to operate or could potentially be dangerous within the system. However, Blaine Chronik, a Canadian Research Chair in medical physics, and his team recently received a $705,911 Canada Foundation for Innovation award to facilitate a project that will create a comprehensive medical device testing and development facility to support companies and academic groups in the development of medical devices that are safe and operational within an MR

scanner. “A few years ago, a few companies inevitably wanted to sell products that could be used within the MRI, but didn’t know how to go about making it work,” Chronik said. “It was external people seeking us out at first, and then that made me realize it was going to be a big growing thing, so I kind of realigned our lab and our career to try and take advantage of it.” According to their project application, over 120,000 Canadians have implanted pacemakers, with 25,000 new implants per year. Because the number of MR scans is increasing each year as well, Chronik explained there are a significant amount of people who are not currently receiving the appropriate healthcare they need. “You have this dichotomy where you have people getting a very good standard of care on one hand,

in the sense that they can receive [an implant], but then it precludes them from normal access to MRI,” he explained. “As they get older, these patients need these scans more and more, but right now every single one of those cases causes a big problem for medical imaging.” Even though the grant has been awarded, Chronik and his team are still in the purchasing process. He estimated the new facility would be in place by this fall. “[This award] will put in place in our lab a series of test systems, and each one replicates a condition of the MRI in a simpler way,” Chronik explained. “This way I will be able to do the interactions independently, and once we know what we’re doing, we can do the final crash test with the device and the actual MR scanner.” “It should make our research faster, and it should make it cheaper. Ultimately, it will make it better.”


thegazette • Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Caught on Camera

Crossword By Eugene Sheffer Cameron Wilson GAZETTE

MIX AND MINGLE. Students within the faculty of information and media studies schmoozed with professors and TAs Monday night at the Wave as part of FIMSSC’s Meet Your Prof event.

Blog the vote 2013 westerngazette.ca /blog-the-vote

Solution to puzzle on page 7

News Briefs

Having a Ball Western’s Charity Ball committee has more to celebrate than the success of the event they hosted on Saturday night. Tori Stone, coordinator of the Charity Ball committee, received news Monday morning 2,138 tickets were sold this year—quite a significant increase from last year’s number, which was between 1,400 and 1,500. “The committee is definitely so thrilled about the success of Saturday night,” Stone said. “It’s a great feeling to look back and see all the hard work was worth it, especially because we’ve partnered with a charity that is absolutely so

deserving.” According to Stone, the number of tickets sold surpassed the goal the University Students’ Council gave them. “The USC gave us a goal of 1,800 tickets, but I gave us a personal goal of 2,000,” she said. “We actually surpassed 2,000 tickets at about 3 p.m. on Friday, so we had a big celebration about that.” “I just want to thank everybody who came out and enjoyed themselves throughout the night and I look forward to seeing everyone next year.” The money raised will go toward helping The Wait List Clinic, a charity that focuses on mental health services. —Jesica Hurst

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On Wednesday night, the creative city committee proposed a Cultural Prosperity Plan intending to provide a clear direction for cultural development in London. The report calls for more support of cultural programs through an increase in government funding and partnerships with businesses. The report also intends to raise awareness of the economic benefits of culture. The committee’s research found the cultural community contributes $530 million per year to the London economy. Harold Usher, Ward 12 councillor, commented the promotion of culture is one of the things that will facilitate people moving here, which will raise the quality of life of Londoners. “[The plan] has a lot to offer our city, and it may even change the face of London, or at least change the attitude of Londoners,” Usher said. According to Usher, the city has to bring together the three areas of life—business, government and the non-profit sector. Since the Cultural Prosperity Plan’s aims went over positively, the committee’s next step is to determine how the plan will be implemented. “I think it will be successfully implemented, but I think it’s going to take time,” Usher commented. “I don’t think it’s something that you will see big, big changes in a year.” —Danielle Williams

The Cryptoquip is a substitution cipher in which one letter stands for another. If you think that X equals O, it will equal O throughout the puzzle. Single letters, short words and words using an apostrophe give you clues to locating vowels. Solution is by trial and error. © 2002 by Kings Features Syndicate, Inc.

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thegazette • Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Beating the PSE system Post-secondary transfers save the most money Jaclyn Carbone Gazette Staff

A new report has found students who transfer from college to university to complete their undergraduate degree are likely to save themselves, and the government, money. “The total cost to students and the government of a degree earned through two years at college followed by two years at university is lower than the cost of a four-year university program,” David Trick, a professional consulter specializing in higher education and strategy management and author of the report, wrote, adding potential savings could range from eight to 29 per cent per student over the course of four years. The costs to attend university are much higher than those associated with college, but students transferring can get the same degree for a lower cost. “For most college programs, student tuition plus mandatory fees average about $3,300 a year, whereas university undergraduate programs, including mandatory fees, is around $6,500 a year,” Trick said. “So that’s where the tuition benefit to the student comes from.” Trick also indicated in the report transferring had no effect

on student performance. “Students who transferred tended to have graduation rates similar to those who entered university directly, and they also got marks as good as the marks of students who had entered university directly,” Trick said.

For most college programs, student tuition plus mandatory fees average about $3,300 a year, whereas university undergraduate programs, including mandatory fees, is around $6,500 a year. —David Trick

Professional consulter specializing in higher education and strategy management

He said not all students learn the same way, and for some, beginning their undergraduate career in college, where classes are smaller and more interactive, is easier than starting at university, where lectures are filled with hundreds of students. However, Trick emphasized

2012 a record for organ donations in Ontario Aaron Zaltzman News Editor One person can save up to eight lives through organ donation, a message that was evidently received last year as a record 1,053 life-saving organ donations were performed in Ontario. “We’ve made significant progress in organ and tissue donation and transplant,” Ronnie Gavsie, president of the Trillium Gift of Life Network, explained. “We are proud of the record number of lifesaving transplants and look forward to the momentum continuing.” Gavsie said the numbers indicate a significant positive step for organ donation. “It means that, as a system, we’re doing better to make organ and tissue donation part of our culture,” Gavsie said. “It also tells us some poor news—that our registration numbers are not moving in the same way.” Gavsie referred to the statistics that indicate while actual donation numbers have increased, the proportion of Ontario residents who have registered to be a donor have remained steady at 22 per cent. Anthony Jevnikar, director of transplantation nephrology at London Health Sciences Centre, said the facts are more complicated than the pure numbers suggest. “There have been periods in the past that have had high levels of donors, only for us to be disappointed the next year,” Jevnikar said. “We would like to think [the increase] is some effort on the part of the province, […] but registration

aside, at the time of somebody’s death, decisions are made that may not necessarily depend on some card or online registration.” “It comes down to whether or not the deceased made their decisions clear to their family members.” Jevnikar explained awareness alone is not sufficient for higher donation rates at either the registration or post-death decision levels. “I think people don’t have a personal connection to the process of transplantation,” Jevnikar said. “If they had a family member that needed an organ, it would be a big issue.” He cited the case of Hélène Campbell, an Ottawa women whose publicized double-lung transplant last year help raised significant awareness about organ donation as a way for people to feel socially connected. “There has to be some personal connection or sense of altruism that makes you give back to society, or another person,” Jevnikar said. “There are stories of altruism, and stories of recipients that elevate people’s consciousness about organ donation.” However, Gavsie said she hopes a sustained campaign can increase both registration and donation numbers. “Our goal is to create a culture of donation in Ontario, to make sure everyone in this province knows how to register consent and why it is so important,” she explained. “There is one thing in control of every Ontario resident—to register at beadonor.ca and to make sure their families know of their intent.”

college credits may not transfer equally into the third year of university. “It is difficult for students in Ontario to be able to take two years of college and then two years of university and get a fouryear degree,” he said. “Typically, some of their college credits will transfer, but others won’t, and even where universities and colleges are trying to encourage transfers, a lot of the transfer arrangements require the student to take more than two years of university,” Trick said. “This reduces the financial benefit for the student, and also imposes a cost on the student because they will be out of the workforce for a longer period of time.” Trick said there were a number of solutions for this problem. “One is creating specific programs at colleges designed to lead into third-year university,” Trick said. “Another direction is for the university to create a two-year program specifically designed for students who did two years of college.” “The third direction is college baccalaureates where colleges create opportunities for students in their two-year programs to take two more years at the college to complete a college baccalaureate,” Trick concluded.

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thegazette • Tuesday, February 5, 2013


tuesdaytweet @ConanOBrien: My Super Bowl rule: never bet on a team named after an Edgar Allan Poe poem.

—Conan O’Brien, before the Super Bowl.

Oh Geronimo crashes into London Bradley Metlin Gazette Staff Some bands have a deep meaning behind their name—a story, a deep meta reference or an inside joke that left the band giggling. Oh Geronimo, however, is not a band that thinks the name is important. Banjo player and songwriter Kyle Robertson says it was a name the band just enjoyed. “There’s not really a good story behind it,” he says, laughing. “Geronimo is a natural, native kind of idea. A lot of our songs have to do with nature and the outdoors. The name seems to fit.” The folk band does not fit into the mould of other ordinary bands in the genre. Lead singer and songwriter Ciarán Downes believes the lack of romance sets Oh Geronimo apart. “We experiment a lot with harmonies, but our lyrics, amongst other folk bands, are less romantic and a little more forward. They bring new ideas to the table,” Downes says. The lyrics seem very important to the band and believe expressing an idea is one of the most important aspects of playing music.

“The songs are designed so the lyrics come together at the end. It makes sense—it’s one full idea,” explained Robertson, who said one of the most inspirational things about music was its personal nature. “A lot of the music I listen to, I listen to it for the personal side of it—for the lyrics and the connection to the lyrics. So that was kind of our goal so we could reach out to other people and have them relate to us.” This past December, Oh Geronimo released their first EP titled Mind your Mannerisms. “A lot of the lyrics are about dealing with family issues and people going away to school and it’s easy to forget your roots,” Downes explains. “Reflecting on moving out—we all just move away.” When first starting out, Oh Geronimo had a bit of trouble securing venues, Downes explains. “We didn’t have any music to show anybody for shows but we wanted everyone to have a place to play.” Some might feel defeated, but not this band. “We’ve been putting on house shows in [people’s] basements,”

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Robertson says. “I think the people who come to see us enjoy them the most. When everyone is so close, face-to-face like that, it creates the best possible atmosphere for our show.” These shows are becoming almost a signature for the band now. “The vibe is really welcoming, everyone is here to party and have a good time. It’s very casual and a

Full of killer performances

nice way to ease into shows, but it’s turned into more than that, it’s like a biweekly occurrence. We’re getting bands from out of London now. About 50 to 60 people attend each one,” Downes said. These basement shows might have sparked the beginning of a successful new folk band in London. “From the start, we’ve got it going through our own house shows,”

Robertson says. Oh Geronimo is currently working on a new EP called The Hibernation, which they plan to release sometime during the summer. Oh Geronimo is performing this Wednesday at the Aeolian Hall in the benefit concert Share The Man. Doors open at 6:30 and tickets are $10 for students.

>> On disc

Brent Holmes Arts & Life Editor GGGGH Killer Joe Director: Ryan Cole Starring: Kevin Milne, Andrew Sturrock, Mike Kutti, Kalina HadaLemon, Roya Hakim Killer Joe is probably one of Richmond and Tower Productions’ most ambitious projects to date. The self-proclaimed “Tarantinos of theatre,” praised for their hard-hitting presentation of David Mamet’s Glengarry Glen Ross and Ashlin Halfnight’s Survival Box, deal with a lot more sexuality and violence in Tracy Letts’ controversial Killer Joe. Killer Joe is not a play for chickens—the violence is intense, the sexuality and partial nudity are shocking and incredibly uncomfortable scenes are performed front and centre so the audience can’t look away. Chris Smith (Andrew Sturrock) owes money to drug bosses. To pay for it he arranges with his father Ansel (Mike Kutti) and his new wife Sharla (Roya Hakim) to hire Joe Cooper (Kevin Milne) to kill his mother for her life insurance money. Since Joe won’t work without cash in advance, Chris uses his mentally handicapped sister Dottie (Kalina Hada-Lemon) as a retainer until he gets the money. Unsurprisingly, everything goes wrong. The performances are all incredibly strong. Hada-Lemon and Hakim have the hardest material to deal with and pull it off spectacularly. Sturrock and Kutti do a good job with their scenes and Milne gives a solid performance

Courtesy of Richard Gilmore

in the title role. The actors all do a good job of handling their southern accents. Richmond and Tower is in the unique position of performing a play in which the film adaptation was only released last year. Director Ryan Cole had not watched the film before staging and directing the play, and, as a result, there are interesting differences and similarities between the characters. In terms of comparison to the film, Hada-Lemon provides a fantastically different take on her character, providing a Luna Lovegood spaciness that is compelling and fun. Milne has the hardest job, as his version of Joe is more restrained than Matthew McConaughey’s take on the character. This is also the largest set that Richmond and Tower has taken on. Unlike the simplicity of their earlier stage designs such as the professor’s office in Oleanna, or the empty centre space of Survival Box, Killer Joe sports a massive lower-income house with crushed beer cans and bottles littering the set.

Thematically, Letts’ Killer Joe is like Tennessee William’s Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Edward Albee’s Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? and many other major American plays, as it observes the dysfunction of the American family and watches as it implodes. Killer Joe is more violent and sexual, watching as the Smiths brutally turn on each other, but unfortunately isn’t as satisfying as it should be. Letts’ writing is unfortunately more based on shock value than in providing insightful commentary on its themes. The violence against women in this play is beyond disgusting. The play’s graphic nature will leave viewers feeling disturbed and not likely thinking on the play’s thematic elements. For those who can stomach it, Killer Joe is worthwhile for its performances, especially HadaLemon’s Dottie. While it is undoubtedly Richmond and Tower’s most sexual, edgy and shocking performance yet, Letts’ repetition of common American themes doesn’t have a lot of meat on its bones.

GGGGF A$AP Rocky Long.Live.A$AP RCA

GGFFF Renny Wilson Sugarglider Mint Records

A$AP Rocky’s breakout mixtape Live. Love.A$AP derives its beauty from its simplicity. Rocky didn’t stray too far from his usual topics of sex, cash and weed, but had enough skill and personality to complement Clams Casino’s ambient, layered production. On Long.Live.A$AP, Rocky explores his newfound friendships with more eclectic rappers like Kendrick Lamar and Joey Bada$$. To best illustrate this, the track “Wild For The Night” features dubstep producer Skrillex, known for jarring songs with sampled screams and twisted metal sound effects, and manages to not be alienating. Similarly, Rocky’s subject matter evokes more vulnerability in his relationships on “Suddenly” and greater social reflection on “Phoenix,” but he approaches them with his usual, straightforward style. In essence, Long.Live.A$AP conveys an A$AP Rocky keen on blending the familiar and the new to make his expansions in subject matter seem like genuine and natural pursuits toward honing his style into maturity, while still allowing his fans to recognize him. —Mason Zimmer

Renny Wilson’s debut album, Sugarglider is definitely nothing you would hear on mainstream radio. The Edmonton native has struggled to define his unique sound for almost a decade. Yet, the final product leaves much to be desired for those who can’t appreciate a semi-revival of the synthesis genre that combines smooth disco and electronic pop. Wilson performs the instrumentals and vocals are performed exclusively, with the exception of the saxophone and drums on “Nobody” and the guitar solo in “Could’ve It Been Me?” The theme of unrequited love runs rampant throughout the lyrics, and the melancholic tone seeps into every song. However, the seamless way these songs seem to switch makes it all a little repetitive. Fans of smooth disco-pop amalgamation will appreciate the easy listening sound, upbeat tempo and contrastively despondent lyrics. Sugarglider will not disappoint its very distinct niche market, and if “white-boy funk, cosmic pulsarpop and sampled-string schmaltz” is your thing, then more power to you. —Lindsey McKie


thegazette • Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Baauer and Just Blaze tag team London

>> On the web

Manish Jain Contributor Performance Openers Setlist Crowd Worth the $$


Last Thursday night, newcomer Baauer teamed up with veteran hiphop producer Just Blaze to deliver a refreshing show of alternative music to London. Baauer is the poster boy of trap music, a genre born as a love child between hip-hop and electronic. No one at the show knew what to expect—Baauer’s previous sets ranged from being dominated by simplistic rap to heavy house without lyrics. Sometimes he caters to hip-hop heads who want to stand and nod while other times he gets crowds jumping with pounding bass. Adding to the mystery was Just Blaze, who has earned his name as a prolific beat maker, not a live performing DJ. The venue was billed for London Music Hall, but the performance took place in Rum Runners. The smaller setting made for a more intimate show and harder hitting bass. Local DJ Keep De Pace started the night strong, varying his usual electronic set to include more hiphop oriented sounds as attendees

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filed in. The crowd brought lively energy with them and they wasted no time getting moving. The turning point came when the entire room sang along to a rendition of “Wonderwall,” which cut to a heavy drop. De Pace worked the crowd into a frenzy, switching over to electronic house near the end of his set. By the time he introduced Just Blaze, the room was roaring in approval of a stellar opening act. Just Blaze took the stage and reminded everyone of his credentials by dropping the classics he produced. He began pitchperfectly with Jay-Z’s “Allow Me To Re-Introduce Myself” and got hands in the air with “Touch the Sky.”

One sweet ride

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Lisa Hogg Contributor GGGGF Holy Motors Director: Léos Carax Starring: Denis Lavant, Edith Scob, Kylie Minogue, Eva Mendes Having no prior knowledge of Léos Carax’s work, there was no option but to regard Holy Motors without expectations. First premiering in May 2012, this Franco-German film proves to be rather enigmatic upon the conclusion and a film to be considered and pondered well after its premiere into an open mind. Denis Lavant’s character, Monsieur Oscar, travels through the film portraying different scenes through different actors, which he prepares for on instruction in the back of a limousine, driven by his dear friend Céline, played by Edith Scob. After a total of 11 scenes, one of which is an uplifting accordion interlude, Lavant successfully pulls off roles from a feral leprechaun to a man married to and rearing his own chimpanzee. It is unclear whether he enjoys the chaos of his aptly named “appointments,” despite claiming his adoration for the “beauty of the act.” One is left with the impression

that Monsieur Oscar is exhausted by this cinematic adaptation of a complex poem. Each rather spontaneous and explicitly different scene offers hidden purpose and thought provocation, continuing to keep the viewer questioning, yet craving the continued lack of clarity. Carax pays little attention to the setting of each scene, using the city of Paris, France to complement the transitions between each of the different stories he seeks to tell. Even throughout the scenes, the setting plays a minor role in adapting each story, heavily relying on Lavant’s superb versatility and the accents of Kyle Minogue in a musical act, and Eva Mendes playing a lost, obedient top model, captured by Carax’s interpretation of a feral leprechaun. Upon the film’s conclusion, one can relate to mental schemas to deduce their own interpretation of its meaning. Offering some comedic relief from an intense series of tales, Carax completes his work of cinematic art in a way that doesn’t reveal a definite explanation—rather an outlet to understanding is delivered. Anything but boring, Holy Motors is a spontaneous fantasy of mystery and wonder, not unlike a dream. Holy Motors is currently playing at Hyland Cinema and will run until Thursday, February 7.

The only downside of the set was Just Blaze’s musical ADD, switching between great songs frustratingly quickly. The crowd would get excited for a house mix of “Paris” only to have it switch off a minute later to Daft Punk’s “Around the World.” After Just Blaze’s set, Baauer took the stage in a casual red toque to roaring applause and proceeded to keep the energy going with heavy house tunes. He incorporated dubstep and hip hop, shying away from heavier rap. Baauer played non-descript beats that perfectly fit the atmosphere. He dropped his own hits and a bass heavy mix of “I Love My

Sex” which shook the entire building. His own performance was topnotch, but he failed to notice the crowd’s waning energy and incorporate a few chills songs. By the end, attendees were dragging themselves out happy but exhausted. This show wasn’t just about the headliner—from De Pace to Just Blaze to Baauer, the crowd got its fill of good music. In a show of solidarity, all three performers joined together on stage to close the night out properly. In total, De Pace proved he’s more than just a local act, Just Blaze showed he’s not just a producer and Baauer convinced that he’s a name to watch.

Tomatoes? Ew. Flip Flops? Ew. Channing Tatum in a dress? Hilarious. Airing last summer on Jimmy Fallon’s late night show, Fallon and his guest Tatum took part in a skit as two preteen girls measuring various levels of ‘ew.’ Though the video’s a bit older, it has experienced a recent spike in popularity due to the kind of ‘hot potato’ effect that websites like Tumblr and Facebook can have with viral sharing. While Fallon has done this skit with a number of other guests, like Emma Stone and Michael Strahan, watching Tatum’s portrayal of one pink loving, hip hop dancing Susie Callahan is anything but ew. Tatum even pokes fun at himself when the two “girls” talk about Tatum’s recent film Magic Mike. Their voices are over the top in all the right ways, and this video is definitely a good watch for anyone wanting a little chuckle. —Kevin Hurren


thegazette • Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Elections belong to the people. It’s their decision. If they decide to turn their back on the fire and burn their behinds, then they will just have to sit on their blisters.

—Abraham Lincoln, 16th president of the United States

From the desk of the deputy editor

Tweets of the week

Putting private profiles in the past

@NotForUSCPrez If elected, I promise to deem the @uwogazette a threat to national security and shut them down for good. Press freedom is overrated anyway.

Sites like Facebook are there to help us remember our past, remind us of future events and help us keep in touch with people we know—whether we want them to or not. Even though we willingly post our photos and information online, many of us are worried it may be too much. So we tighten up our profiles, and some of us even try to minimize our entire digital footprint. I’ll admit I’m guilty of this. Most of my Facebook albums are private, it took me a long time to hop on the Twitter bandwagon and I only recently made a LinkedIn account. But lately, I’ve started posting more photos to Facebook, joining more Twitter conversations and have generally tried to create a stronger online presence. Why, you ask? I’ve come to realize being an online ghost won’t benefit me at all—it will actually limit my professional opportunities. The Journal of Applied Social Psychology released a study last year that found about 70 per cent of recruiters and HR staffs have rejected candidates after finding negative information about them on sites like Facebook. The study also found partying pictures sometimes boosted candidates’ ratings because it showed they were comfortable in social settings. There are, of course, images of yourself you don’t want the world to see. Standing in a sea of red cups, surrounded by half-full beer bottles and your cousin Jimmy passed out bedside you is probably something you don’t want a future boss to find. However, having tasteful pictures of you enjoying your life shows you actually have a personality, and know how to interact with others. Personal profiles essentially act as an online resume and provide recruiters with the benefit of seeing your true colours—something you can easily censor in an interview setting. This can help you out too. Companies are looking for something special, and the Internet is a good way to showcase your pizzazz. Whether or not you agree your online presence accurately portrays who you are, potential employers, school admissions committees and even your friends create a perception of you from your online profiles. You create a brand for yourself through your online platforms. But having no online presence at all can make people feel uncomfortable—like you’re trying to hide something. It may be weird to think of yourself as a brand, but in this digital age, it’s almost necessary. The importance of branding depends on the career you choose, but having an online strategy is important, especially when you’re competing for a job. So if you haven’t thought twice about what you’re saying on the web, it might be time to sit back and gain an objective perspective of how you come across online. And if you’re camera shy, it might be time to get with the digital age and create an online strategy that shows you off in a positive light.

The Tables Have Sterned

Volume 106, Issue 68 www.westerngazette.ca

Gloria Dickie Editor-In-Chief Nicole Gibillini Deputy Editor Cam Parkes Managing Editor

Contact: www.westerngazette.ca University Community Centre Rm. 263 The University of Western Ontario London, ON, CANADA N6A 3K7 Editorial Offices: (519) 661-3580 Advertising Dept.: (519) 661-3579

The Gazette is owned and published by the University Students’ Council.

Wrath of McGrath

Ryan Stern Sports Editor

Kaitlyn McGrath Associate Editor

In all probability, for the 2013–14 academic year I will sadly no longer be a Mustang. I will always be a Western alumnus, but barring any unforeseen changes, I see no reason to allow me to vote in next year’s election. Don’t get me wrong, I will vote in this year’s election, but I don’t think my fellow Class of 2013 and I should. In electing a University Students’ Council president, votes are cast by students understanding both the benefits and pitfalls of each candidate. It often happens students either don’t exercise their right to vote, or they vote for the candidate with the most chiseled cheekbones or best campaign colours. In voting as a graduating student, I have the opportunity to affect the student experience at Western without being a student at Western. The administration and USC shove the best student experience down our throats, but who better to decide the path of the student experience than students themselves? The argument can be made fourthyear students have the greatest understanding of the USC so they should be able to give their input, but who really believes this to be true? Student apathy is a common theme around election time, and for good reason. Even if senior students do understand student politics more than their peers, they do not feel the wrath of the decision they make. Fourth-year students ostensibly make up around a quarter of the student population, so their swing in the election is monumental. Last year, Adam Fearnall accrued 4,181 votes, edging out Jon Silver who received 3,165. With only 1,000 votes between the two, the votes of graduating students easily could have tipped the scales. As a fourth-year student, I have my own unique concerns relating directly to my personal experience at Western, but as a student applying to graduate at the end of this year, it isn’t ludicrous to think the concerns of first-, second- and thirdyear students should have more weight than mine.

Graduating students have gathered a wealth of knowledge during their tenure at Western. They’ve seen past presidents prosper and they’re watched others flop with broken promises and an all around forgettable tenure. Graduating students will know best what campaign promises hold weight and what ones are simply packed with buzz words to get the uninformed students’ vote. Essentially, the seniors have been through this rigmarole before and they can see through the tricks. So the suggestion the more knowledgeable segment of the student population should be barred from voting in the University Students’ Council election is, frankly, ludicrous. Just because students will not be attending this institution the following year does not mean they do not care what happens to it or would in any way sabotage the future of the USC simply because they don’t give a damn about what’s in store for future students. Often, hopeful candidates are in their last year of studies—by banning graduating students the right to vote, you’d actually be silencing candidates from voting for themselves—a vote they would surely get. And if Stern suggests graduating students shouldn’t vote simply because they will not be present next year, then why not ban students who are going on exchange from voting—they’ll be off experiencing the world, so what do they care about what happens over here? Often, during the election period, the topic of the apathetic, uneducated voter comes up. And it’s true—getting one-third of the student population to vote last year was seen as a major accomplishment, not a failure. The majority of students may be apathetic and that’s not going to change. Eliminating a segment of the population that wants to vote is not going to help eliminate apathy—it will encourage it. Sure, students, you can have a say about your government until you’re in your final year and then we don’t care what you think. A retiring athlete wouldn’t want to leave their team in shambles, he or she would want to leave with their team in good shape. Graduating students only have a few months left to be heard—don’t silence them before they’re gone.

—Nicole Gibillini


@S_Leitch @uwogazette I like supporting you guys but the decision to spend half the opinions page on ketchup preferences was a strange one.

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@NotForUSCPrez We need to learn from last year’s USC exec and steal all the copies of the @uwogazette when those self-serving ideologues criticize us. Follow and tweet your thoughts to @uwogazette Letter to the Editor

Videos need substance To the Editor: I was extremely disappointed to read The Gazette’s review of the candidates’ videos in Wednesday’s edition of the paper. The author not only criticized one team for being overly political, but commended another for being “catchy” and “light-hearted.” I am not sure if maybe this campus has just lost sight of what these elections are truly about, but this is university politics and the goal of these elections is to address serious issues that have been long neglected by the University Students’ Council and the administration. It is not in the student body’s best interest to encourage the same popularity contest gimmicks that are at the very root of the struggle to make student politics more salient and relevant, and if we expect student voices to be major players at the decision-making table, the major media voices on campus need to encourage students to elect representatives who are well-versed and can talk the talk. The Gazette should be applauding a group of students who are making an effort to have a serious and professional discussion about the real issues. I hope The Gazette’s elections coverage is more brazen and astute in the future—the rhetoric of university politics shouldn’t “alienate” students and by encouraging students to lose interest in anything that isn’t aesthetic and immediately attention-grabbing, The Gazette is not exhibiting any kind of responsible journalism. —Julie Flesch Social Science III

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thegazette • Tuesday, February 5, 2013

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5 BEDROOM HOUSES and townhouses for rent on all sides of campus. All have free parking, free maintenance and full-time property management. Huge rooms and tons of natural light. Rented on first come first serve basis. Call Zach 519-854-0505.

5 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE just off Western Road. Renovated and Affordable $500/person. Varsityhousing.ca. Free parking, 5 appliances, student community. Tour anytime: Call Ted 519-858-2525 x2. tbell@varsityhousing.ca. 6 BDRM HOUSES and apartments. Newly built red bricks in all the best student areas around campus! Dishwasher, washer/dryer included. Spacious rooms with massive closets. Parking included. These ones always go fast. Call John at 519-859-5563. 6 BDRM HOUSES on all sides of campus. Most feature 5 new appliances, spacious rooms and huge closets, open concept kitchen/living room, free parking. Act fast—these won’t last! For more information call Zach at 519-854-0505. 6 BDRM. #1 student rentals. Newly built red bricks in all the best locations! Includes 5 appliances, huge, spacious rooms with massive closets. Parking and 24 hour property management included. These ones always go fast so call soon. Call Sam 519-495-7661, samm@londonproperty.ca 6 BDRM. **#1 student rentals** Newly built red bricks in all the best locations. 5 appliances included. Huge, spacious rooms with massive closets, and parking included. Call Yan anytime at 519-495-5363.

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thegazette • Tuesday, February 5, 2013


factattack Jacoby Jones of the Baltimore Ravens set an NFL post-season record at Super Bowl 47 with a 108-yard touchdown. The touchdown came during the 49ers kickoff to start the third quarter.

Rundown >> The Mustangs men’s volleyball team swept the Toronto Varsity Blues on Saturday, winning in straight sets > With the win, the Mustangs improve to 12–4 on the season—good for third place in the OUA.

Lions down league-leading Mustangs Perron scores game-winner for York in overtime thriller Andrew Sercombe Contributor

The Mustangs men’s hockey team entered Saturday night’s tilt with the York Lions undefeated at home since October 20, 2012. But a slow start from Western and missed opportunities on the power play allowed York to end the Mustangs’ streak with a 2–1 overtime victory. “York came here and played a really good road game,” said Western interim head coach Pat Powers. “They held us to just 23 shots and limited scoring opportunities. We are not going to win games if we don’t push the pace more than what we did tonight.” The Mustangs opened the scoring at 8:24 of the first period when second-year defenceman Matt Paltridge jumped on his own rebound to slide it past Lions goalie Andrew Perugini. The goal was Paltridge’s third of the year. The Lions quickly responded at 11:11 of the first period, when second-year centre Mark Cross snapped a wrist shot from the slot over Western goalie Josh Unice’s blocker arm. The game was a physical affair, and both teams refused to back down after a scoreless second period. By the third period, the referees were cracking down on the physicality, and the Lions spent six of the last eight minutes of regulation on the penalty kill. Infractions by Jeremie Perron, Troy Barrs and Cross set the Lions down a man during this crucial time. Western had many excellent chances late in the third to break the score open, but failed to convert. With many attempts at the net, Perugini and the goal posts proved to be York’s best penalty killer. “Our power play has been

Piotr Angiel Gazette

good all year, but you’re going to have an off night every once in a while,” Coach Powers said. “We had our chances. We hit five goal posts tonight, and two were in the last couple of minutes.” “Our penalty kill tonight was exceptional,” York head coach Jim Wells said. “The willingness to block shots was outstanding. I am really proud of our guys and their commitment to win this game. Perugini was excellent in net, and sometimes the hockey gods take care of you.” “Western hit a couple posts and we were able to get through the last four minutes of the third period a man short,” he continued.

The results and execution weren’t there. Our intensity and urgency to win definitely needs to improve. —Pat Powers

Mustangs head coach

Piotr Angiel Gazette

Three minutes into overtime, second-year defenceman Perron was able to end the stalemate with his first goal of the year. Perron led a rush up the ice, and snapped a shot from the slot past Unice. The goal sent the Lions home with a 2–1 win, and the Mustangs back to the dressing room disappointed. The win now puts the Lions into fifth place, at 14–12–0 in the Ontario University Athletic’s West Division. The Mustangs maintained their nine-point lead on first place, sitting at 21–4–1. “Beating Western, who is ranked number one, is an exceptional feeling,” Wells said. “I was really impressed with our whole

hockey club and how they stayed focused throughout the game.” “Being in first place, we need to understand that every team wants to beat us,” Mustang centre Daniel Erlich said. “We didn’t come out hard enough in the first period. We let York keep the game close and it hurt us in the end.” “The results and execution weren’t there,” Powers said. “Our intensity and urgency to win definitely needs to improve.” The Mustangs only have two more games left in the regular season. They will next host the Brock Badgers Thursday night at Thompson Arena with puck drop scheduled for 7 p.m.

Mike Laine Gazette

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