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canada’s only Daily Student Newspaper • founded 1906
Volume 106, Issue 48
USC working for the weekend Five more years of New policy to seek end of weekend exams Chakma-ty goodness Jesica Hurst News Editor
Julian Uzielli Gazette
Aaron Zaltzman News Editor The weekend is a time for relaxing, catching up, doing work and—if you’re a Western student—the odd midterm. But the University Students’ Council is aiming to change this reality as it drafts a policy paper that would push the university to eliminate weekend exams. “Generally, the sentiment is that we’re looking at alternative ways of examining students, aside from on weekends,” Alysha Li, vice-president university affairs for the USC, said. “Many students work on weekends to support their education, so weekend exams are just not convenient.” According to Li, Western is one of, if not the only, university in Canada to hold exams on weekends. She said the USC is trying to work with the administration to at least scale back the amount of weekend exams, or exam timeslots, both during the midterm season, as well as the December and April finals. But it appears to be a daunting task. “One of the important issues to consider is that we have multiple sections of a course and we need to find time where students from different sections can all sit an exam at the same time,” John Doerksen, vice-provost academic for Western, explained. “The main times that students are going to be free are on
the weekends. “The other important change over the years has been the move to having many more half-courses,” he explained. “The more half-courses, the greater the number of midterm exams that are going to be scheduled.”
One of the important issues to consider is that we have multiple sections of a course and we need to find time where students from different sections can all sit an exam at the same time. —John Doerksen
Vice-provost academic for Western
It’s also a problem for final exam times, where the amount of exams already causes overlap. “We have to use every time slot that we’ve got to schedule exams and reduce conflict for students,” Doerksen said. While the USC is adamant a change is in order, they, too, understand it requires a radical overhaul. “The university scheduling system […] is not structured in a way
that we can easily get rid of weekend exams,” Li said. “We’re willing to work with the university on that, but the biggest pushback is that the way they schedule classes is a big obstacle.” Li said she would entertain the idea of baby steps, such as only eliminating Sunday exams. Doerksen said the university is considering all options. “We’ve had an initial discussion about the various implications of our schedules, and the considerations that need to be taken into account,” Doerksen said. “At this point, I would say that we’re at a fairly early stage of trying to identify what the constraints are, what the considerations need to be.” “We need to work through it carefully. Obviously, we need to make sure that the various academic programs are able to implement the kinds of evaluations that are appropriate to the disciplines,” Doerksen said. Still, Li said it’s clear exam-free weekends are in reach, considering it is the case at the majority of universities. “A big part of the research is to look at how other institutions work, but Western is different in terms of how we’re scheduled,” Li said. “We understand it’s difficult for the university to schedule around classroom availability.”
Western can’t get enough of Amit Chakma. Even though the university’s president and vice-chancellor has completed only three years of his first term here, Western’s board of governors has already reappointed Chakma to a second five-year term. The term will begin on June 30, 2014 and end on June 30, 2019. Stephen Coxford, board chair at Western, explained the decision was based on a long-standing and carefully prescribed review process. “Since about 1995, there has been what is called a board protocol that requires certain processes to be followed before making a recommendation for reappointment,” Coxford said. “That includes striking a committee of the board, which is the senior operations committee, so additional members of the board, and in this case representatives from faculty, staff and students.” According to Coxford, the process began back in May or June, and continued over the course of the summer months. After the committee collected data and met on several occasions to review written or face-to-face submissions from stakeholders at Western, they presented a report to the board last Thursday. “The product of [the review] was an enthusiastic endorsement of Dr. Chakma’s leadership [...], and after
discussion on an in-camera basis, the report of the committee was accepted, and the board enthusiastically agreed to the reappointment of Dr. Chakma,” he said. Although he didn’t necessarily suggest Chakma’s commitment to the internationalization of the university was the most important factor tied to the reappointment, Coxford explained most stakeholders mentioned this point first. He also said Chakma’s positive qualities were recognized when making the decision. “I think people regard Dr. Chakma as an inspirational leader—he’s someone who leads by example and brings a large deal of commitment and integrity to the job.” Even though Chakma was pleased to accept the board’s offer, he still has his mind on completing his first term. “Although it is a reappointment, I am still continuing with my first term—it’s a five-year term, so I haven’t completed it yet,” Chakma said. “Having said that, what this does is allow one to focus on longterm activities and objectives— something like strategic planning.” “Whether I was given a second term or not, whether I accepted it or not, I was already thinking longterm. All this does is gives me more time to do more things, its just a longer mandate to invest in these goals further.”
Corey Stanford Gazette