Wednesday, October 17, 2012

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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

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canada’s only Daily Student Newspaper • founded 1906

Volume 106, Issue 24

Premier McGuinty resigns Project Unbreakable Premier departs and prorogues parliament

arrives at Western Cam Smith News Editor

Julian Uzielli Gazette

Alex Carmona News Editor Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty unexpectedly announced Monday he would be stepping down as the leader of the provincial Liberal party. He also announced he would be proroguing the government because his minority government could not reach an agreement with the opposition over proposed public sector wage freezes. “I’ve concluded that this is the right time for Ontario’s next Liberal Premier, and our next set of ideas to guide our province forward,” McGuinty wrote in an open letter. While McGuinty has gone on the record saying he has no immediate plans following his resignation, his abrupt announcement has prompted speculation that he may make a run for federal leadership of the Liberal Party. He asked the party president to convene a leadership convention as early as possible, and will continue to serve as premier until a new leader has been found. He also plans to give up his seat in the Ottawa South riding. “Everyone has been talking about Chris Bentley and Deb Matthews running for leadership of the party,” Jaquetta Newman,

a political science professor at King’s University College, said. “It’s hard to say, but those two might be a bit reticent because Deb Matthews has been having real problems in terms of the questioning around the Ornge scandal, and Chris Bentley is now caught up in all of this stuff about not tabling certain documents that were requested by the opposition parties,” she said, refer-

It means we simply do not have a responsible government. —Jaquetta Newman

Political science professor at King’s University College

ring to the recent scandal which caused the provincial Conservatives to accuse Liberal energy minister Chris Bentley of contempt of parliament. According to Alisha Li, vicepresident university affairs for the University Students’ Council, the leadership change could be problematic for new tuition policies being advocated by the Ontario Undergraduate Students’ Alliance. “Before all this, we knew that the government was looking into

implementing some sort of new tuition framework within the next budget session, but at this point it’s probably going to be considered a major policy decision,” she said. “Hopefully we’ll get more information in the next few weeks, but we know that things like tuition, quality teaching, online learning and experiential learning are still priorities and we’ll still make sure that gets at the forefront in front of the government.” Newman was more concerned over McGuinty’s decision to prorogue Parliament. “Prorogation is historically, and traditionally, used if a government has come to the end of its legislative agenda,” she explained. “But now we have precedent with Harper in terms of using prorogation for political purposes, and that is what McGuinty is doing—he’s doing this for his own party’s purposes of finding a new leader without having to go to the polls in the middle of it,” she said. “This is irresponsible government—the government is responsible to the opposition, and the House. The fact is that there will now be no question period and no debate within the House at Queen’s Park. [It] means we simply do not have a responsible government.”

Sexual Violence Awareness Week is in full swing on campus, promoting awareness about the nature and reality of sexual violence, as well as promoting consensual sexual activity. A variety of booths are set up on the main floor of the University Community Centre laden with information, pamphlets and pins. Along with this, Western brought in Grace Brown of Project Unbreakable, a New York photographer and sexual activist, to speak last night. Her blog shares pictures of sexual assault victims displaying quotes their attackers had spoken. TIME magazine ranked Brown’s blog among the top 30 on Tumblr. According to Brown, she got the idea for Project Unbreakable after a conversation with her friend, who was the victim of sexual violence. “I was out with my friend one night when she just blurted out her story. While I’d heard many stories before, this one just really got to me,” she said. “The next morning I woke up with the idea to start this project.” With stark portrayals of victims of sexual assault, and the deeply disturbing quotes, Project Unbreakable provides a human quality for an otherwise inhuman act. “I think it’s more real—it puts a face to the statistics,” Brown said. “I don’t really have an agenda with Project Unbreakable, I just do it because I think it’s important.” It is for these reasons that Brown was sought out to speak during Sexual Violence Awareness Week.

“When I checked out her Tumblr, I realized this is really something we had to bring into Western,” Myuri Komaragiri, vicepresident campus issues for the University Students’ Council, explained. “Upon seeing the pictures, it’s impossible not to feel something.” For Komaragiri, the awareness Project Unbreakable raises is important, as it serves to stop sexual violence before it starts. “Once we’re able to share these experiences openly, we can move to preventative measures from reactive measures,” Komaragiri said. “Her project makes people want to talk about it.” “I think it’s really powerful. Although it’s difficult to absorb the pictures, there’s something really powerful about it,” she concluded. According to Komaragiri, another reason Project Unbreakable is so effective at raising awareness is its dedication on focusing the issue on the individual, not the grand scheme. “[Brown] is creating an awareness situation through art. It’s making it something that’s human, as opposed to this large issue that seems difficult to combat,” said Anthea Williams, a member of the I Know Someone campaign, another movement dedicated to sexual violence awareness. Even though Project Unbreakable focuses on individual stories, Williams asserted this did not have a negative impact on the effectiveness of the project. “Any way to raise awareness is effective,” she said. “If it stops even one sexual assault, then it was effective.”


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