Weekend Scene 12-8-11

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[12.08.11] [VOL. 96 ISSUE 26]





Thursday, December 8, 2011

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Lend a hand and volunteer By Sam Stachurski Staff Reporter The Kalamazoo area has plenty of opportunities available both on and off campus for people to volunteer or put in hours for community service. “At any given time, we have more than 500 volunteer opportunities on our website at more than 230 nonprofit organizations,” said Amanda Reel, program coordinator of Volunteer Kalamazoo. On Campus Opportunities - Children’s Place Learning Center. (269) 387-2277. 210 Wilbur Ave. Kalamazoo MI, 490085228 - Drive Safe Kalamazoo. Go to http://drivesafekalamazoo.com to sign up. - Miller Auditorium. (269) 3872320. 2200 Auditorium Drive Kalamazoo MI, 49008 Clothing-related Volunteering - Goodwill Industries of Southwest Michigan. (269) 382-0490. 420 E. Alcott St. Kalamazoo MI, 49001

Volunteering With Children - Kalamazoo Public Library Ready to Read Program. (269) 553-7885. 315 S. Rose S. Kalamazoo MI, 49007 - Big Brothers, Big Sisters. (269) 382-6800. 3501 Covington Road Kalamazoo, MI 49001 Food-related Volunteering - Kalamazoo Loaves & Fishes. (269) 488-2617 ext. 209. 913 E. Alcott St. Kalamazoo MI, 49001 - Fair Food Matters. (269)4921270. N. Burdick St. Kalamazoo MI, 49007 - Taste of Heaven. (269) 349-0849. 111 E. Kalamazoo Ave. Kalamazoo MI, 49007 Volunteer Work With Animals - Kalamazoo Humane Society. (269) 345-1181. 4239 S. Westnedge Ave. Kalamazoo MI, 49048 - Canine Safe Harbor. (269) 3752736. 8171 W. Kl Ave. Kalamazoo MI, 49009 Other Volunteer Opportunities - The Civic Theatre. (269) 3433380. 329 S. Park St. Kalamazoo MI, 49007 - Kalamazoo Valley Habitat for

Highlight your opinion For more information visit: http://www.wmich.edu/poapa/ices/resources.html



1517 Faunce 1903 W. Michigan Avenue Kalamazoo, MI 49008-5365 Phone: (269) 387-2092 Fax: (269) 366-3046


Nora Strehl 387-2097 editor@westernherald.com

Advertising Manager

Nicole Taylor 387-2107 advertising@westernherald.com Trevor Ritsema/Western Herald

From left; Christina Loce and Bonnie Flora, make chocolate covered pretzels at The Taste of Heaven in downtown Kalamazoo. Humanity Inc. (269) 344-2443. 525 E. Kalamazoo Ave. Kalamazoo MI, 49007 - Kalamazoo Nature Center. (269) 381-1574 ext. 23. 7000 N. Westnedge Ave. Kalamazoo MI, 49009 - American Red Cross of Greater Kalamazoo Area. (269) 3538657. 5460 Venture Court Kalamazoo, MI 49009 - Greater Kalamazoo United Way. Go online to complete a volunteer form at http://www.kalamazoounitedway.org/volunteer Students looking to volunteer for classes should sign up for volunteer work shortly after receiving the assignment. “It’s not recommended that students wait until the last minute or even the last couple of weeks before the due date because it can sometimes take a few weeks to find a place and get scheduled for a volunteer shift. Organizations are not often able to just bring you in right after you call. Most of them have a process they have to go through before you can even get started. You’re going to make it very difficult on yourself if you try to schedule something at the last minute,” Reel said. For more opportunities, more information or volunteer positions available, students can contact Volunteer Kalamazoo at (269) 382-8350.

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Web Manager

Cody Kimball 387-2092 web@westernherald.com

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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Students bene�it from volunteering By Katy TerBerg Staff Reporter With the new semester approaching, more and more students will start looking for jobs. Whether that job is part time, full time or an internship, a polished resume paired with good interviewing skills will increase a student’s chances of securing a job that best fits their needs and areas of study. Western Michigan University is rich in volunteer programs, Registered Student Organizations and other opportunities. Some students regularly participate in the services offered. One question often asked when joining an organization is how the volunteer services will look on a resume. “Any time a college student has an opportunity to expand upon their academics will prove helpful,” said Lynn Kelly-Albertson, assistant director of Western Michigan University’s Career and Student Employment Services. Employers look for three key components on a resume, said Kelly-Albertson. The first is education. “The second is work experience, which includes both full and part time jobs as well as internships. The third is anything that students have actively explored beyond the school environment,”

Trevor Ritsema /Western Herald

Catey Koch, student, works on updating her resumé on Sunday, Dec. 5. “I believe having volunteer work on my resumé makes me look more well rounded,” says Koch. she said. Phil Korista, a WMU senior, has done his fair share of exploring. He is a member of WMU’s Habitat for Humanity RSO, which is connected to United Campus Ministries at Kanley Chapel and has seen the volunteering process and its personal impact firsthand. “People should volunteer, whether in Habitat or other nonprofit organizations, because it opens your eyes and heart,” he said.

Kelly-Albertson said volunteering can be great to source during your interview. “You want to be able to explain why you were passionate about the project or organization,” she said. “Employers want to know not only what organization you volunteered for, but what was done, how long the process was and the overall outcome.” Korista recalled his own experiences working in a volunteer organization and its effect on his outlook. “My first Habitat for Humanity house I worked on almost three years ago was in Kalamazoo’s North side,” he said. “I saw empty houses and yards with eviction notices. The family we were helping and so many more were truly struggling, and right away, the ‘lazy poor’ stigma vanishes.” This desire to help, Kelly-Albertson said, is what fuels the most success when explaining student volunteerism. “Most employers hire students because they want to work, so their resume should reflect that they were personally interested in the volunteering and not doing it just because it was required for a class.” A desire for volunteering can begin early in a student’s career, Korista said. “Many times, kids who join for class requirements will feel

that inspiration, step up and begin volunteering,” he said. “In fact, some of the most dedicated student volunteers began volunteering for class hours. This is not to dispute the value of the hard work that other students do.” Altruism, he said, is the core of Habitat for Humanity and other nonprofit organizations. “Altruism is a great quality to look for in an employee,” said Kelly-Albertson. “Employers like to hire people who are hardworking, dedicated, and kind and volunteer experience reflects all those qualities. Businesses encourage potential employees to highlight their personalities as much as possible.” This personality-based resume, Kelly-Albertson said, works in tandem with the new “personality-based” style of interviewing. Several employers ask questions as a means of testing the potential employee’s problem solving, leadership and service skills. “Rather than simply asking for the interviewee’s strengths and weaknesses,” Kelly-Albertson said. “They

ask questions that start with, ‘tell me about a time when…’” These questions help employers gauge for what position a prospective employee would be best suited. Korista emphasized the importance of being genuine when promoting past volunteer experiences. “You learn the truth of inequity and poverty very fast, yet, by doing something about it, you become inspired,” he said. “I think there are two forks in the road when it comes to vast problems like poverty and social inequity. One road leads to despair and inaction. The other leads to something bigger than you, bigger than your life.” Most students are motivated to volunteer because they want to help their community, not because they want a bigger paycheck. “That’s the greatest thing about volunteering,” Korista said. “You step outside of yourself and become part of something much more important, the cause of love.”


Student leads nonpro�it By Lexie Causley Staff Reporter Most high school cafeterias has had its fair share of food fights, but the thought rarely crosses a student’s mind after they enter college. However, one Western Michigan University student did just that and started her very own “Food Fight.” Freshman Molly Cahill founded a nonprofit organization in her sophomore year of high school with two seniors,

Jordan Prosapio and Jonathan Meneses. She started the organization because the students wanted to see a change. They three students knew they were more fortunate than a majority of other teens and wanted to give back to those in need. “The hardest part of getting started was getting people to take us seriously,” Cahill said. “No one takes three high school students to be serious when they want to start a nonprofit.” The trio started off in three of

five high schools in Naperville, Ill. The group gained support from the school board after the board witnessed immense support from the students at the three high schools. “Food Fight is more of a satellite company to a bigger nonprofit called Feeding Children International,” Cahill said. “They are the ones who connect us to countries in need.”

See Food Page 5

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Thursday, December 8, 2011

‘Heads up!’ art shown:

CHHS displays rhythmic artwork

By Taylor Larson Staff Reporter


(Bernhard Center, lower level)

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Like the smooth, steady swing of jazz, Michael Dunn’s paintings have rhythm, a lively pulse and colorful beat. They also have shape, albeit a strange one—twisted and contorted, representational of space and time. Much like the music they resemble, Dunn’s paintings are free, unstructured and flowing, and can be viewed through Dec. 22 on the second floor of the College of Health and Human Services building. Dunn’s paintings are reminiscent of Kerouac prose, pulsing with a staccato rhythm, full of free form brush strokes that curl and stretch into discernible shapes that tell a story, bringing the image to life. Like a trippy reflection in a funhouse mirror, Dunn’s work is representational and symbolic. “Heads Up! was a six to seven year long process,â€? said Dunn of his creation. “I did a lot of face drawing every day.â€? Dunn said his artwork is a bit of self explanation and personal history. “People rub off on you—that person you saw at the grocery store—its subconscious, a connection you have with everyone,â€? he added. “It’s universal but archetypal, and my way of tapping into something in art that’s been going on a long time.â€? The exhibit consists of four different series of work, done in basic graphite or a combination of colored pencil and the medium. Others go beyond typical conventions and feature textured rubbing. To achieve this expressive effect, Dunn begins by making small lines on paper, sketching until he sees something he likes. He may even scratch around the material with a nail or other sharp object before drawing over top. The pieces Dunn creates often feature layers and layers of paint, scratching, etching and scribbling to create the desired look. “There’s always a message, a psychology to what I’m doing,â€? Dunn said. “There’s a search going on—technique comes along for the ride. Content is first. I try to represent time and space in my work within a 2D space. I want to show passage within that paper. I think of technique as a tool‌a way to push

spatial flatness in paintings.â€? Dunn’s paintings often feature heads drawn with turned faces, to give the viewers a sense of change and motion— emphasizing that nothing remains the same. Full of bright, Caribbean colors and expressive lines and shapes, Dunn prefers his art to be playful and unstructured as possible. “Whenever I’m drawing, I don’t know what to expect!â€? he said. “I never plan anything out, never look at photographs.â€? In college, Dunn studied photography and copied photos to start. “Since then, I’ve moved away from photos as a tool and primarily use my memory—I draw and react as opposed to copying.â€? Going with the flow is a far cry from Dunn’s work as an architect, a job centered around tight control and planning. For Dunn, art is an outlet of expression, unrestricted creativity. After being kept up so long in logic, numbers and careful planning, art is meditation to him, as relaxing as a hot cup of tea. Large and bold, like the wail of a sax, it’s no wonder that Dunn, like many artists, is strongly influenced by his own feelings and experiences. “Moods motivate me,â€? he said. “I usually work in a series—I’ve drawn series of heads, figures, knots, and rocks‌12 to 20 pieces simultaneously. Each piece feeds off the other, and they all evolve together. I love seeing how series communicate with each other.â€? With his constant sketching and interplay of pieces, Dunn will have no problems with future inspiration. Rediscovering his love for photography, Dunn often takes his camera out to capture the areas surrounding his home, to sharpen his eye and appreciate the subtleties of his neighborhood. “Most people run through life and don’t pause to see what’s special,â€? Dunn observed. “Taking photos near my home has opened up a lot.â€? “The longer you look, the more you seeâ€? may be the motto behind Dunn’s work. To test one’s perception, the gallery may be viewed Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. to 9 p.m., and Saturday and Sunday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.


Thursday, December 8, 2011

Man-on-the street: How do you volunteer? Cassie Stagner

Kyle Berryman


Lauryn Muma


Wendy Holland

Rachel Stickney

WMU student


Bishop has volunteered at the YMCA camp, Manitou-lin, in Middleville. He has been a camp counselor since his junior year in high school. “It’s fun being a counselor, I remembered my sixth grade counselor and thought, ‘I want to do that when I am old enough,’” Bishop said.

Food From Page 3

Feeding Children International gives the students a place to store the food once they receive it. They have strict specifications of how food needs to be packaged and how much it should weigh in order to be allowed to send overseas. Last year, the five high schools in Naperville had 1,100 students participate and they helped pack over 99,861 meals that they sent to Haiti. They have sent meals to Haiti for the past two years and in 2009, they sent meals to Uganda and Zimbabwe. Cahill is currently trying to expand the organization. Currently it is just in Naperville and the leadership gets passed on year to year. Their mission is to harness the potential of high school students in order to eradicate hunger

Sophomore Muma has volunteered with 4th graders, for Communities in Schools, helping tutor children with math and reading. “Volunteering made me feel good about myself, helping kids with reading and math.” Muma said.

Berryman volunteered to help a disabled police officer clean his house. He served food at a pantry for the homeless in Detroit and served food in a senior citizen home. “People were always very thankful, they have the same values, just a harder life,” Berryman said.

Stagner helped found the Saint Claire Butterfly Foundation, which raises money for abused children, social services, and re-adoption. “I love doing that kind of work, I think it is important to help children because they can’t help themselves,” Stagner said.

Taylor Bishop

Matt Gruesbeck

WMU student

Gian Rivera

Freshman Holland has volunteered her time in two different nursing homes, walked dogs, and helped mentor middle school children with being bullied for Natural Helpers.

across the world, according to the nonprofit’s website. Now, they are reaching out to university students. “I want to use Western as an experiment,” Cahill said. “I want to make Food Fight bigger. I want to bring it to a college level and expand the mission.” Students looking to get involved with Food Fight can donate online at the official website, foodfightforhunger.com. Donations are used to help package the food. When the high school students get together to package the food, it is basically a meal in a bag. They stand in an assembly line style and each one adds a scoop of something different to compose a meal. “This organization is incredibly important to me,” Cahill said. “It opened my eyes up to how much one person can really change the world.”

Gruesbeck volunteered for Eaton Rapid High School, as the assistant coach for the men’s JV basketball team. “It felt really good to help out, I got to see the other side of coaching,” Gruesbeck said.

WMU student Stickney has volunteered for the March of Dimes, bread lift. “We make T-shirts every year and that money goes to babies and mothers in the Portage, Kalamazoo area for March of Dimes, and also, those who give money receive a loaf of bread for their donation,” Stickney said.

Rivera volunteered at Boys and Girls Club; he played with children at recess and made art with them. “I felt like I was really making an impact on the kids’ lives,” Rivera said.


Thursday, December 8, 2011

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By Taylor Larson Staff Reporter Situated high in a corner of the Gwen Frostic School of Art, Mindi Bagnall’s creation, “The World Wide Web,” carries an ominous message. The intricate tangle of delicate dollhouses snared in a spider’s web of cables signifies the emergence of cyberspace into the real, concrete world and what happens when technology intermingles with real time existence, a visual representation of how technology has the capacity to bind and trap. Originally displayed in Grand Rapid’s Fountain Street Church as an ArtPrize submission, The World Wide Web may be viewed at the Gwen Frostic School of Art until Dec. 16. While some artists find their muse in the eyes of a beautiful woman, others find their starting point within themselves, social issues or nature. Mindi Bagnall gained inspiration for her piece from an itsy bitsy spider. “I kept lots of pictures of spiderwebs, and there was one picture of a web in particular that had an octagon hole in the middle,” said Bagnall. “I thought, that looks like a house, and went from there. Home and shelter is part of my thing.” The corner piece, which took Bagnall about four months to complete, is a departure from her usual work–pieces that tend to be mostly paint (acrylic and watercolor) or basic pen and pencil. Bagnall’s skills in these mediums are well developed. She received her Bachelor of Fine Arts in watercolor and, in 2007, her Master of Fine Arts in painting from Western Michigan University.

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Art exposes the Internet

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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Change in choir: REVIEW: Theater season New face in administration

By Kyle Stevens Staff Reporter The choirs of Western Michigan University recently underwent a major change: Dr. Kimberly Dunn-Adams is the new face around the Dalton Center for the Arts this year as the new director of choirs. “I did my undergrad at Oberlin Conservatory and Oberlin College where I got a bachelor’s of music in voice performance and a bachelor of arts in religion with a specialization in modern thought,” Dunn-Adams said. “That actually closely parallels much 20th century music, which I have always loved. I got a master’s degree in choral conducting from Yale with a certification in sacred music, and then I received my doctorate in choral conducting at the University of Wisconsin with a minor in music theory.” This education in choral conducting and her love of making music with others drew her to Western, she said. “Western has a decade-long tradition of great choral singing” she said. “I noticed immediately that the students were dedicated to both choir and their own solo performance. They are all so bright, motivated, enthusiastic and kind, and the [School of Music] faculty is very collegiate.” Dunn-Adams said WMU will be a great fit for her and she hopes she will have a chance to leave her mark on the choirs. She said she would like the choral program at WMU to gain more of the national and international attention that it deserves. “I believe a program this good should be more recognized nationally and internationally. WMU is already recognized on a national level, but we can always go further,” she said. However, national recognition is far from the only goal for the choirs of WMU in DunnAdams’ mind. She also has many academic, educational and musi-

cal goals for the students of her choirs. “When you come into a program, it’s not about changing things, but rather about continuing and enhancing the good things,” Dunn-Adams said. “I’d like to create a sense of camaraderie between the choirs of Western. I like to refer to them as ‘The Choral Forces,’ because that’s what they should be. I also want to develop a good four year curriculum for every student. My goal is for there to be some large ensemble opportunities, small ensemble singing, music from every genre and time period in at least five to six languages.” Dunn-Adams said she believes that there are important aspects to music that cannot be taught and must be learned on an individual basis. “I’d like to approach music more philosophically. We’re not reaching out into the world for our own pride and glory, but because we need to bring the goal of the fine arts into the world. Music gives us something special. It’s not that music won’t let it rain on us, but that it’s always there,” Dunn-Adams said. The Collegiate Singers will be presenting a concert in February with the renowned operatic bassbaritone Samuel Ramey. Ramey, according to his website, has performed in some of the largest opera houses around the world, from the Metropolitan Opera in New York City, La Scala in Italy, to Covent Garden in London. The Collegiate Singers of Western are set to welcome a 25 percent increase in participation next semester and Dunn-Adams hopes this trend will continue, she said. Those wishing to get involved with choirs at WMU will need to audition and can find out more information from the WMU School of Music’s website, or email Dunn-Adams directly at kimberly.adams@wmich.edu.

By Cody Janczewski Staff Reporter

Western Michigan University Theatre can confidently check the box for an exceptionally successful fall 2011 program complete with multiple standing ovations, sold out performances and of course, the cherry topper, absolute phenomenal acting. With such a highly respected and successful performance season thus far, here is the recap: “References to Salvador Dali Make Me Hot” Sept. 22 – Oct. 2, 2011 Under the direction of WMU alumna, Tara Matkowsky, “References to Salvador Dali Make Me Hot” swept up York Arena Theatre and its patrons in an intense, erotic performance where an abstract universe put the two worlds of fantasy and reality to the test. Junior Ali Shea and senior Cornelius Davidson, who played Gabriella and Benito in this performance, truly tore the audience into two opposing sides throughout this production, really make into an emo-

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tionally gripping show. The cast, crew and the director of this performance sincerely captured the essence and emotions of Jose Rivera’s writing in this phenomenal and must see production of “References To Salvador Dali Make Me Hot.” “Blithe Spirit” Oct. 6 – 16, 2011 Directed by Jim Daniels, “Blithe Spirit” is a comical farce that takes the audience on an escapade in a writer’s effort to obtain material for his new mystery novel. While doing so, he summons the eccentric Madame Arcati to host an séance, which turns into a hilarious adventure. The entire cast perfected these characters to the tee to make this as much of a fun, relaxed and adventurous production for the audience as they could; one that audiences could not help but laugh throughout the entire production.

tion with Miller Auditorium, talk about a successful jump to the left and a step to the right where nearly a full house of 3,000 and a cast in stilettos and fish nets took part in the infamous Time Warp dance. “The Rocky Horror Show” was a highlight of WMU Theatre’s season not just because of the wildly fun audience participation, the monstrous yet incredible staged castle or the stunning 3D projected imagery, but because the entire cast, especially Zachary McConnell in his unforgettable stunning performance, is what made this production truly spectacular and successful; one truly not to miss with many in hopes of its return in years to come.

“The Rocky Horror Show” Oct. 28 – 29, 2011 Under the direction of Jay Berkow and in its first collabora-

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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Murray inducted into IIHF By Patrick Littleton Staff Reporter Western Michigan University hockey head coach Andy Murray has been selected for induction into the International Ice Hockey Federation Hall of Fame. Murray has been inducted under the “builder’s” category and is joined by players Pavel Bure, Phil Housley, Raimo Helminen and Milan Novy as the class of 2012. “It’s a proud and humbling moment,” Murray said. “I am being recognized as one guy but I have been involved with so many teams over the years and I have had a chance to work with so many great players and coaches that it is kind of humbling to think that they would pick your name to go in there.” Murray, a native of Souris, Manitoba, praised his fellow inductees and said he looks forward to enjoying the induction ceremony with his family at the IIHF World Championship in Sweden on May 5. Murray coached team Canada to the IIHF Championship in 1997, 2003 and 2007, each time with a completely different roster. He is the only non-Russian head coach in the history of the IIHF World Championships to ever win three gold medals for his country. Murray is the ninth Canadian coach to be inducted into the IIHF Hall of Fame and the 23rd Canadian overall. Murray said his next goal is to earn a victory Friday night when the Broncos travel to Bowling Green, Ohio to do battle with Bowling Green State University. Long term, he wants to maximize each day to its full potential and impact the lives of those around him in a positive manner.

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