BOARD RETREAT SUMMARY WESTERN MENNONITE SCHOOL JANUARY 16-17, 2015 Before the planning sessions began, the board spent focused time Friday evening on reviewing the spiritual and historical settings of WMS. There was much to celebrate as we recognized progress in four key areas of the school in the past 12 months: Academic, Leadership and Organization, Facilities, and Spiritual Environment. The targets, set January 2014 by the Board, each had progress or completion of tasks. Affirmation was given to Paul Schultz and the administrative team for their leadership and efforts. The Strategic Planning Committee met subsequent to the retreat to prioritize areas of concern or places for improvement based upon the four strategic goals set 2014. Each SPC member was asked to highlight observations of the 2015 retreat. Following are five key areas discussed: 1. Mission and Vision a. The SPC recommends that the board appoint a study group to explore whether our mission statement is reflective of our time and hope for the future. It is suggested that this group be composed as such: 1-2 board members; 1-2 faculty/staff; 1-former VFE committee member; 1- non-Mennonite influencer; 1Mennonite influencer; + perhaps 2 more other supporters. b. This mission study group would address current perceptions, lessons learned from the VFE, determine the loyalty factor of recent graduates for support of the school. 2. Finance and Marketing a. The SPC recommends that a communication advisory team be implemented to assist the current structure in communicating to various stakeholder groups regarding multiple needs of the school: financial, planned gatherings, etc. This would be a smaller group consisting of WMS Marketing/Finance Person and perhaps the Executive Board members or WMS Marketing/Finance Person, 1-2 board members, 1-2 alumni. b. The need for financial stability/sustainability includes adequate staffing to prepare for capital campaign as well as annual fund. c. The need for debt retirement outweighs the immediate need for a capital campaign. d. The finance committee when planning the budget needs to create an allowance for extraordinary needs and a plan for how that allowance might be fulfilled. 3. Leadership/Organizational goals a. See 2.b. above. b. Continued improvement of F/S salaries – include a revision of the salary chart? c. Meeting these goals is dependent upon review/rewrite of the mission and/or vision statements.
4. Facilities and Campaign preparation a. Give attention to any campus-wide energy upgrades b. Gym improvements/expansion c. Campaign for Science Wing on Academic Center (Phase II) 5. Spiritual Environment a. Development of spiritual life team/s b. Training and tools for F/S to “teach and disciple students and to model integration of faith into all of life�
Key points for the board to consider: 1) Annual sustainability a. How is this going to happen? 2) SPC would like to add one more person to this committee 3) Addition of a Foundation Board member to represent the FB attending Board meetings