WESTERN MENNONITE SCHOOL BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Monday, October 13, 2014 Present: Bob Baker, Cheeri Barnhart, Linda Dibble, Eric Martin, Stan Oyer, Delvin Zook Staff:
Zig Derochowski, Robby Gilliam, Paul Schultz
Chad Hochstetler, Jerry Roth, Allen Schrock
Opening: Linda shared that the Personnel Committee met with Dave Engle on October 1st. A. 6:00 p.m. - General Session 1. Devotions: Linda had anyone who wanted to share where they are spiritually and then had a time of prayer. 2. Consent Agenda: September minutes were approved as written. 3. Head of School Report: Paul Schultz Dedicated phone lines need to be laid to finish the fire monitoring system, so it probably will not be finished until the first of the year. 4. Principal Report (verbal report): Zig Derochowski Zig has been meeting with teachers to set professional and personal goals and is nearly finished with that. The first parent night was a success and Diana Blackstone-Helt had a great presentation. Parents liked it and are looking forward to the next parent night. PSAT testing is happening on Wednesday. Several juniors may qualify for National Merit Scholarships this year. After the testing students will do some nurturing community activities. Parent teacher conferences are coming up on Friday, October 17. Freshmen went with our Guidance Counselor, Darlene Fritz, to Portland this evening to a Christian College Fair. A Big Brother/Big Sister activity with Riviera Christian School is coming up on November 6. The middle schoolers are taking them to an Oregon State basketball game. 5. Director of Advancement & Finance (verbal report): Robby Gilliam The Board affirmed sharing our policies with Brotherhood Mutual. The advancement team is reaching out to local businesses and schools with promotional materials. Visitors Day is coming up on November 12. Articles have been sent out to churches for bulletins as well as working on inserts to be sent to churches at least once a month. Plans are being made for the choir to visit churches. The fall concert is next Wednesday. 6. Action Items: a. November/December meeting date is on December 1, 2014. There was discussion about inviting Rich Gerig to the January retreat. b. Date for Retreat: After discussion, the weekends of January 16-17 or 23-24 were chosen as the most likely dates. Eric will check with Rich Gerig to see what works for him. 7. Board Business Adjourned 9:20 p.m. Next Board Meeting: December 1, 2014 at 5:00 p.m. Dora Ivanitsky, Recording Secretary