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2014-15 Master Schedule by Teacher Teacher

Period P1 US Government Global Citizens

Period P2

AP Spanish 4 Lit & Cult *

Spanish II

Chambers, Dave (Rm 61)

Geometry & H

Algebra I

Chambers, Sean (Rm 64)

Algebra I

Affolter, Jim (Rm 05) Cain, Gretchen (Rm 08)

De Groot, Denise (Rm 34, 45) Dillow, Elizabeth (Rm 09) Engle, David (Rm 03)

Chemistry *

Chemistry *

Sermon on Mount I Corinthians

New Testament

Grimes, Emily (Rm 20) Harper, Jim (Rm 07) Harris, Caroline (Rm 63, 6A) Helt, Diana (Rm 32A, 45)

Concert Choir

Language Art 6

Louthan, Steve (Rm 12, 52)

Spanish I

Spanish III *

PE 8 Health 8

Physics *

Pre-Algebra (8)

Pre-Algebra (7)

Intro Pre Alg (6)

Exploritory 6 Exploritory 8

Digital Photog ---

--Digital Photog

AP Psychology *

General Biology

General Biology

AP Biology *

Sermon on Mount I Corinthians

New Testament

Sermon on Mount I Corinthians Jazz Band

A Cappella

New Testament

Choir 8 Choir 6

Choir 7

Bible 7

Christ Life/Steward Gospel of John

World Geog 6

Language Art 7

Language Art 8

PE 7 Health 7

First Aid & CPR Adv Phys Ed

Adv Phys Ed Basic PE


--Basic PE

Study Hall

Study Hall

Study Hall

Study Hall

Study Hall

Study Hall

ESL English

Art/Ceramics --Woodworking Woodworking Health I ---

Learning Center

ESL English

--Health II

US History

Science 8

Int Phys Science

Int Phys Science

Math Foundations (6)

English II

Learning Center

--Art/Ceramics Woodworking Woodworking

Health I Health II

US History

Science 7

Environ Science

Science 6

Nussbaum, Ray (Rm 34)

Msoft Off Appl ---

Msoft Off Appl Msoft Off Appl, CAD & Prog

Parker, Dave (Rm 04)

Algebra II & H

Algebra II & H

AP Calculus AB *

AP Eng Lang & Comp (11)

English I

AP Eng Lit & Comp (12)

Stinson, Susan (Rm 22, 06)

English I

--Account I, II, B Law

Vriend, Allison (Rm 23)

English III

English IV

Woodard, Chris (Rm 62)

Period P7 Global Geograph Economics

Algebra II & H

AP Human Geog

Martin, Sandi (Rm 51)

Period P6 Global Geograph Economics

Geometry & H

English II

Study Hall

Period P5 AP US History *

Bible 6

TBD (Rm 12)

Martin, Geoffrey (Rm 21)

Period P4

Spanish II

Bible 8

Hull, Gary (Rm 47, 71) Kamilos, Dottie (Rm 33)

Period P3 US Government Global Citizens

US History 8

--PE 6

--Msoft Off Appl

Intro Pre Alg (7)

Pre-Calculus *

Pre-Calculus * Career Ed Accounting I & II

English IV

English III

World History 7

Individualized Math

Career Ed ---

Health 6 ---

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