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Western Mennonite School

Course Syllabus

Course Title: Senior Speech Instructor: Mrs. Hergert hhergert@westernmennoniteschool.org (503) 779-7650

2012-2013 Grade Level: 11, 12 Prerequisite: English II or III

This class is going to be structured like a college class. All of the expectations will be stated upfront (acknowledging that some flexibility may be necessary due to unforeseen situations). I expect the students to take responsibility and show maturity in the quality of their work. Course Description: Designed to give practical and intensive instruction in oral communication, this course provides students with opportunities to plan, develop, and deliver a variety of speeches including informative speech, persuasive speech, oral interpretation/performance, sermon, and newscast. Goals and Objectives: Students will be given the opportunity to: 1. Review kinds of communication and responses to communication 2. Analyze famous speeches 3. Practice elements of an effective speech 4. Prepare, revise, and present several types of speeches, including demonstrative, informative, and persuasive 5. Present oral interpretations Course Content: See the calendar later for the content. Materials: Provided by WMS: Planners Provided by the student: Lined paper, pens & pencils, USB flashdrive, either an email address or text messaging number to receive videos of in-class speeches Grading: This class is a total-points class. All points are weighted evenly and are listed on the calendar. A: 90 – 100 -Work exceeds expectations B: 80 – 89 - Work meets expectations with few errors or omissions C: 70 - 79 - Work meets expectations with more errors or omissions D: 60 – 69 - Work below expectations F: 0 – 59 - Work does not meet expectations



Assignments: All assignments are due on the date the assignment is listed. For example, on Friday, September 14th, it says, “Poetry Reading Due.” That means that it due on Friday, September 14th. Assignments include: Speech Resource Book (includes notes from the lectures, speech outlines, ETHICALs, and self-reflections): Due on January 15th (or our Final day) Speeches Podcast Outlines ETHICALs Speech Conferences Self-assessments

Senior Speech Calendar Date T, 09/04

W, 09/05 R, 09/06 M, 09/10 T, 09/11

W, 09/12 R, 09/13 F, 09/14 M, 09/17


Assignment / Topic for the Day Introduction to public speaking** *Speaking Survey *Accomplished in class and due at the end of class **Lesson Topic

Points Possible 10 points

Oral Interpretation: The Basics** Choose a childrenʼs narrative for the Childrenʼs Narrative Reading

Rehearse Childrenʼs Narrative Reading Childrenʼs Narrative Reading (either a picture book or a chapter from a book)

50 points

Finish Childrenʼs Narrative Reading Rehearse for poem if time allows Poetry Special Circumstances** Poetry Reading Due Self-evaluation of childrenʼs narrative reading is due

25 points 50 points

Self-evaluation of poem reading is due Choosing a Topic and the Communication Model**

10 points


Date W, 09/19 R, 09/20

Topic for Speech #1 Due “Ken Robinson Says Schools Kill Creativity” Critical Thinking 101**

M, 09/24

ETHICAL Research Day

T, 09/25

ETHICAL Research Day

R, 09/27 F, 09/28 M, 10/01

ETHICAL for Informative Speech Due Speech Outline How To**

Outline Due Ethics & Public Speaking**

W, 10/03


R, 10/04

Informative Speech Due

F, 10/05

Finish Informative Speeches

W, 10/10

R, 10/11

M, 10/15

50 points

Outline Work Day

Public Speaking Dress Code**

T, 10/09

5 points

Visuals** ETHICAL Research Day

T, 10/02

M, 10/08

Points Possible


F, 09/21

W, 09/26


Assignment / Topic for the Day

Self-evaluation of Informative Speech Due Persuasive Speaking**

25 points

100 points

50 points

Campaigning Facelift** PSAT Day (If we have class, Iʼll let you know the topic that week) All late work must be turned in by today. End of 1st 6-Weeks “J.K. Rowling Harvard Commencement Speech” - Identify ETHICAL elements in speech Persuasive Speech Topic Due ETHICAL Work Day

10 points


Date T, 10/16 W, 10/17 R, 10/18 M, 10/22 T, 10/23 W, 10/24 R, 10/25 F, 10/26 M, 10/29 T, 10/30

W, 10/31 R, 11/1 F, 11/2 M, 11/5 T, 11/6 W, 11/7


Assignment / Topic for the Day

Points Possible

Speech Conference ETHICAL Work Day ETHICAL Work Day ETHICAL Due Outline Work

50 points

Outline Due Everyday Persuasion**

25 points

Persuasive Speech Due

100 points

Finish Persuasive Speeches “This I Believe” Brainstorm** Speech Conferences ETHICAL Work Day Persuasive Speech Self-Evaluation Due ETHICAL Work Day Spiritual Renewal Week ETHICAL Work Day Spiritual Renewal Week “This I Believe” ETHICAL Due Work on Outline

50 points

Spiritual Renewal Week Outline Due

25 points

Spiritual Renewal Week “This I Believe” Speech Due

100 points

Spiritual Renewal Week Finish “This I Believe Speeches Introducing a Speaker** (Draw names for who you will be introducing) “This I Believe” Self-Evaluation Due GAME Lesson Plan Format**

50 points



Date R, 11/8 F, 11/9 M, 11/12 T, 11/13

W, 11/14 R, 11/15 F, 11/16 M, 11/19 T, 11/20 M, 11/26

Points Possible

ETHICAL Work Day Fall Play Opens ETHICAL Work Day Teach Me ETHICAL Due Introduction Outline Due

50 points 25 points

Teach Me Outline Due Introduction Due Teach Me Speech Due

25 points 50 points 100 points

High School Visitorʼs Day Finish Teach Me Speech Famous Speeches** Work on Famous Speech Reenactment All late work must be turned in by today. Famous Speech Reenactment ETHICAL Due Famous Speech Reenactment Due

50 points 100 points

Finish Famous Speech Reenactments End of 2nd 6 Weeks Group Research Speech** Divide into groups

T, 11/27

Group Speech Work - Decide on a topic and begin research

W, 11/28

Group Speech Work

R, 11/29

Group Speech Work

F, 11/30


Assignment / Topic for the Day

“Caitria and Morgan OʼNeill: How to Step up in the Face of Disaster” Group Speech Work

M, 12/3

Group Speech Work

T, 12/4

Group Speech Work

W, 12/5

Group Speech Work

R, 12/6

Group Speech Ethical Due

50 points 5

Date F, 12/7

Begin Group Research Speech

M, 12/10

Finish Group Research Speech

T, 12/11

What始s Different About the Bible?**

W, 12/12

Bible Study Methods (Part 1)**

R, 12/13

Bible Study Methods (Part 2)**

F, 12/14

Bible Study Methods (Part 3)**

M, 12/17

Bible Study Methods (Part 4)**

T, 12/18

Preaching Observation

W, 12/19

After Dinner Speech*

R, 12/20

After Dinner Speech ETHICAL Work (only need 1 per letter)

F, 12/21

After Dinner Speech Christmas Edition

M, 1/7


T, 1/8


W, 1/9


R, 1/10


F, 1/11 M, 1/14 T, 1/15


Assignment / Topic for the Day

Points Possible 150 points

50 points

All late work must be turned in by today. Preach It, Brother (And Sister) ETHICAL Due

50 points

Preach It, Brother (And Sister) Outline Due Preach It, Brother (And Sister) Speech Due

25 points 100 points

End of 1st Semester Finish Preach It, Brother (And Sister) Speech Resource Notebook

200 points



All speeches will be scored using the State Scoring Guide (2011-2014 edition).

Childrenʼs Narrative Reading (Worth 50 points) " Choose a picture book or a chapter from a picture book to read to the class. Introduce your reading with the title of the book, author (and illustrator if applicable), and any necessary background information needed for the listener to understand (especially important if you are reading a chapter from a picture book). Poetry Reading (Worth 25 points) " Choose a poem to read for the class at least 10 lines long. If you find a poem you want to read that is shorter, find a second poem to read that will add the lines needed. (Example: Because I want to read a poem that is only 4 lines long, I need to find another poem to read that is at least 6 lines long.) Introduce your reading with the poemʼs title, source of the poem (name of the anthology, Internet source, etc.), poetʼs name, and briefly (1-3 sentences) why you chose it. Informative Speech (Worth 100 points): " Your first speech needs to be for the general purpose of “to inform.” Your speech needs to be at least 4 minutes long and no longer than 6 minutes long. There will be a 5 point penalty for each 30 seconds over or under the required time. Persuasive Speech (Worth 100 points): " Your second speech is for the general purpose of “to persuade.” Choose an issue that important to you and will make a difference in peoplesʼ lives. Your speech needs to be at least 4 minutes long and no longer than 6 minutes. There will be a 5 point penalty for each 30 seconds over or under the required time. “This I Believe” Podcast (100 points) " You will write a speech to communicate what you believe. Focus on your core beliefs that make you who you are rather than the things on the outside that people think you are. The prewriting for this speech should be harder than others. Take the time to think deeply about who you are (not your friends or your parents) and why you believe that way. Take a risk and even analyze your beliefs. Do they line up with Scripture (our one source of truth)? If not, what are you going to do about it. Do you believe this way for a reason or are you letting your culture tell you what to be? " When you deliver your speech, we will record it and make a podcast. I will ask a few of you for permission to post the podcast on the WMS website once the speeches are finished. Speaker Introduction (50 points) " You will write a speaker introduction for one of your classmatesʼ “Teach Me” speech. Make sure your introduction stays short and keeps the focus on the upcoming speaker. Your introductions need to be no more than 50 seconds long. There will be a 5 point deduction for every 10 seconds over time.



Teach Me (Worth 100 points): " You will choose something you know how to do and teach the class how to do it. You will still fill out an ETHICAL, but you will also use the GAME (Goal, Activities, Materials, Evaluation) lesson plan format that WMS teachers use. Have fun with this, choose something you are passionate about. If you need to be outside or in a unique space or need unusual materials, talk with me and we will see what we can do. Your teaching needs to be between 5 and 10 minutes long.There will be a 5-point penalty for every 30 seconds over or under the time requirement. Group Research Speech (Worth 150 points): " You will do a group speech researching any topic that you choose. Confirm your topic with me before spending the time on your research. One person will do the introduction and conclusion, one person will do your first point, one person will do your second point, and one person will do the third point. (If our class does not divide evenly into fours, I will discuss the way it will work with groups of three.) Each section needs to be between 4 and 6 minutes. (The introduction and conclusion need to total between 4 and 6 minutes.) Fifty of the points are based on the speech as a whole; 100 points are based on your individual work. Like usual, there will be a 5 point deduction for every 30 seconds over or under time. Famous Speech Reenactment (Worth 100 points) " You will choose one of the famous speeches from the attached list to reenact. Read (and, if possible, listen) to your chosen speech. Look for the ETHICAL elements. Complete the ETHICAL as much as possible for the speech. If you can始t find one of the elements in your speech, please talk to me. There is no time requirement for this speech. After-dinner Speech Christmas Edition (Worth 50 points) " You will choose a topic that would entertain people after they始ve eaten their Christmas dinner. Because people would be sleepy from overeating, your speech needs to be between 2 and 4 minutes long. Again, for every 30 seconds you are over or under, your speech will lose 5 points. (Note: Since this speech is worth less points, the deduction is like losing a letter grade. Think of how you feel when you始ve eaten a good meal and someone drones on and on. Not fun.) Preach It, Brother (& Sister) (Worth 100 points): " You will teach/preach on one of the passages from the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:1-7:29). This part of Scripture is both practical and challenging for our view of life and God. Your speaking will be 6-8 minutes long including reading the Bible passage that you will be talking about. There will be a 5-point penalty for every 30 seconds over or under the time requirement.



Self-Evaluations: " After every presentation (childrenʼs book reading, speeches, introductions, etc.), you will do a self-evaluation based on a video of yourself, not your feelings of how it went. There will be three parts to your self-evaluation. " First, you will score yourself using the state scoring guide. Score yourself one trait at a time in the order on the scoring guide (Ideas & Content, Organization, Language, and Delivery). After stating your score, use the descriptors to back up why you earned that score. For example, “I scored a 4 in Delivery. As I watched myself, I noticed my “eye contact was present but may not have been made consistently with all members of the audience.” I felt like I looked at both sides of the room evenly, but I looked more at the right side than the left. My “enunciation” and “general fluent delivery” also helped me achieve my 4.” Note how the example used quotes from the scoring guide to back up the score. I will be looking for that in each reflection. " Secondly, you will write a section covering what you did well in your speech. Again, be specific in your comments. Avoid statements like, “I did great.” Instead, tell me how and why you did great. :) " Thirdly, you will write a section describing specific steps you will take to make your next speech better (i.e. make eye contact more consistently}. Include at least two specific ways you will improve.See the rubric on the next page for the grading criteria for your selfevaluations. The rubric continues on the following page. SelfReflection Rubric





Speech Scoring Guide

Missing a score from 2 or more of the traits OR Missing reasons for the scoring (0-13)

Missing a score for one of the traits and/or support not always quoted from the scoring guide (10-14)

Includes a score for each trait with support that is not always quoted from the scoring guide (15-19)

Includes a score for each trait with quoted support from the scoring guide (20)

Success Paragraph

A partial paragraph with vague reasons for success (0-4)

A complete paragraph with vague reasons for success (5-6)

A partial paragraph (sounds more like a list than a paragraph) with detailed reasons for the successful parts of the speech (7-8)

A complete paragraph (beginning, middle, end) with detailed reasons for the successful parts of the speech (9-10)

Specific details about how you did well on your speech



SelfReflection Rubric





A partial paragraph with vague plans for improvement (0-4)

A complete paragraph with vague reasons for improvement (5-6)

A partial paragraph (sounds more like a list than a paragraph) with detailed reasons for how the next speech will be improved (7-8)

A complete paragraph (beginning, middle, end) with detailed reasons for how the next speech will be improved (9-10)

Conventions Spelling and Spelling, grammar errors Grammar, make reading a Capitalization, challenge; MLA Format common capitalization errors occur; MLA formatting errors (0-4)

Several spelling or grammar errors that make the reading difficult; common capitalization is correct; 1 MLA format error (5-6)

Minor errors in spelling or grammar that donʼt hamper readability; common capitalization is correct; typed in MLA format (7-8)

Carefully proofread for spelling, grammar, and capitalization errors; typed in MLA format (9-10)

Improving Paragraph At least 2 specific details about how you will improve next speech

Speech Resource Notebook " Organize all your notes, speeches, and reflections in the following way inside a pronged portfolio. 1.Title Page - Include your name, date, class and teacher name creatively and professionally (See example) " " " Joe Bloe " " " Presented: 15 January 2012 " " " Senior Speech " " " Mrs. Hergert 2.Class Notes - Organize them in the order in the syllabus 3.Your speeches •For each speech, put the ETHICAL, then the outline, then your selfreflection •Put the speeches in the order presented (see the syllabus if you forgot) 4.Final Reflection - Write a 1-2 page reflection paper, self-assessing your progress in public speaking over the semester. Remember to use specific details to support your opinions. Individual pieces missing (i.e. one day of class notes) will subtract 5 points from your score. Missing sections (i.e. Class Notes or Final Reflection) will subtract 50 points from your score. !


Please sign and return by Thursday, Sept. 6 Contact Information: E-mail Address:hhergert@westernmennoniteschool.org Telephone Number: (503) 779-7650 or (503) 363-2000 ext. 263 I am looking forward to a successful year in Speech/Oral Interpretation. Please confirm that you have read and understand the contents and requirements. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. (If you text me, please include your name in the first text message you send me.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Student’s Name I (student) would like to receive in-class speech videos via: ______Text messages (Phone Number: ___________________________________) ______E-mail (E-mail address: __________________________________________) ______Both Student Signature


------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Parent’s Name


I (parent) would like to receive communication via: ______Text messages (Phone Number: ___________________________________) ______E-mail (E-mail address: __________________________________________) ______Both Parent / Guardian signature ___ Date If you already filled out your phone number and email above, you don’t need to fill it out again.  Phone number




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