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MATH 112 (5 credit hrs)

Chemeketa Community College

College Credit Now (CCN)

Western Mennonite School Period 5 Course Syllabus Spring 2013 Instructor:

Dave Parker Room 4, weekdays 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM, 503-363-2000


Grade of “B” or better in High School Algebra 2 and MTH 111 and teacher recommendation


Larson, Ron et al. Precalculus. Houghton Mifflin Company. Boston: 2004


A graphing calculator is required for this course. It is required that students become familiar with a graphing calculator at this level of mathematics.

Course Description: This course is the study of trigonometric functions and topics in analytic geometry including conic sections, parametric equations, vectors and polar coordinates. Students are encouraged to discuss and investigate mathematics collaboratively. All course work may be done collaboratively, except individual exams.

Goals & Objectives: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Create mathematical models of abstract and real world situations using these functions. Use inductive reasoning to develop mathematical conjectures involving these function models. Use deductive reasoning to verify and apply mathematical arguments involving these models. Represent these functions in graphical, tabular, symbolic and narrative form, and then use mathematical problem solving techniques to solve problems involving these functions. Make mathematical connections to, and solve problems from other disciplines involving these functions, Use oral and written skills to individually and collaboratively communicate about these function models. Apply appropriate technology to enhance mathematical thinking and understanding, solve mathematical problems, and judge the reasonableness of their results. Do projects that encourage independent, non-trivial exploration of applications and modeling using these function models.

Major Assumptions:

You can only learn math by doing math. Honest effort and doing your own work is more important than arriving at all the ‘right’ answers. Let’s make the journey count! Problem Solving is never accomplished without reaching a point of not knowing what to do, struggling with that, and overcoming.

Graded Criteria: Tests:


Homework: 50%

Tests will be given over material in the text, as well as any additional information covered in class. They will consist of quizzes, chapter tests and a Final Exam. All mathematics is comprehensive and tests will contain previously covered material. Homework will be assigned frequently for it is an opportunity to practice. Due dates for homework will be decided according to class progress, no less than 2 days.

Classroom Participation:

We all come to learn from each other and will respect each other. Do not let your behavior limit another’s learning. Disruptive actions do this directly; nonparticipation does it indirectly. You are bound by the WMS student handbook.


Course Content Outline:


Trigonometry a) Radian and Degree Measure b) Trigonometric Functions: The Unit Circle c) Right Triangle Trigonometry d) Trigonometric Functions of Any Angle e) Graphs of Sine and Cosine Functions f) Inverse Trigonometric Functions g) Applications and Models


Analytic Trigonometry a) Using Fundamental Identities b) Verifying Trigonometric Identities c) Solving Trigonometric Equations d) Sum and Difference Formulas e) Multiple-Angle and Product-to-Sum Formulas

III) Additional Topics in Trigonometry a) Law of Sines b) Law of Cosines c) Vectors in the Plane d) Vectors and Dot Products e) Trigonometric Form of a Complex Number IV) Topics in Analytic Geometry a) Lines b) Introduction to Conics: Parabolas c) Ellipses d) Hyperbolas e) Rotation of Conics f) Parametric Equations g) Polar Coordinates h) Graphs of Polar Equations i) Polar Equations of Conics j) Business and Economics Applications


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