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Western Mennonite School

Course Syllabus

Course Title: INTRODUCTORY PHYSICAL SCIENCE Instructor: J. Colvin Course Description:

2012-2013 Grade Level: 9

This course is to familiarize students with an overview of the two foundational sciences: chemistry and physics. These core sciences will be reinforced by laboratory experiments, demonstrations, simulations, and multimedia presentations/lectures. Students will be researching, designing, and implementing a preengineering project, e.g., First Lego Robotics. Students will learn industry best practices and standards for laboratory safety. This course is required for advanced science coursework and Algebra I is recommended.

Goals and Objectives: The objective of this course is to familiarize students with an overview of the two foundational sciences: chemistry and physics.

Course Content: Students will learn core concepts of chemistry, e.g., mass vs. weight, density, universal gas law, and an overview of the periodic table of elements. Also, students will learn core concepts of physics, e.g., forces (potential energy vs. kinetic energy), work, vectors, etc.

Materials: Provided by school:  Textbook and/or handouts  Laboratory materials Provided by student:  Pen or pencil  Large glue stick  Scientific calculator, e.g., Ti-30X or better  Lab book – 100-200 page ¼” quadrant composition note book, bound with saddle stitching…preferably not spiral, nor glued, and no perforated pages  flash memory stick (optional)

Grading: Grading is on an letter A - F scale, e.g., 80% is passing with a “B-.” The grades are weighted as follows: Daily Participation Assignments and/or labs Lab book – turned in weekly Quizzes Exams Final Examination

10% 35% 10% 10% 20% 15%

September 4, 2012

Attendance: (refer to student handbook, p. 22) The expectation is that we both have responsibilities…mine, as your instructor, is to be prepared and give you my best instruction so that you and your parents get value for your time and education at Western Mennonite. Your job is to be prepared and give your best effort to honor your Lord, your parents, and yourself. By being absent and/or chronically tardy you disrespect all the aforementioned and are not being a good steward of what has been given to you. I will take the necessary steps to help you.

Specific Class Rules / Behavior Expectations: (refer to student handbook, p. 18) We will… • treat each other with courtesy and respect—poor behavior keeps others from learning. • start on time by being seated, and prepared to work before the bell rings. • be excused on time when the lab is clean and everyone is seated. • use hall passes when necessary and when it has the least impact on our learning. • keep ourselves safe and healthy in the lab—eating/drinking in the lab is not safe. • utilize personal electronic devices on our own time outside of the school day (refer to student handbook, p. 24.)

Contact Information: E-mail Address: jcolvin@westernmennoniteschool.org Telephone Number: 503.363.2000 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------We have read the course syllabus, and understand its contents and requirements. Student signature


Parent / Guardian signature

Date _______

Phone number





September 4, 2012

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