Western Mennonite School
Course Syllabus
Course Title: Biology 2012-2013 Instructor: Ms. Miller Grade Level: 10th Grade Course Description: This course includes an in-depth study of the functions of the cell, chemical reactions, genetics, classification of organisms, ecology, and the study of human systems. Laboratory work, field work and research projects are included learning activities. Goals and Objectives: Students will be to: -Understand the transmission of traits in living things. -Understand the relationships among living things and between living things and their environments. -Understand how to properly use the scientific method. -Understand the role of cell parts and functions in living things. Course Content: -Scientific Method -Chemistry of Life -Mitosis and Meiosis -Cell Reproduction -Cell Function and Structure -Classification of Plants/Animals
-DNA/Heredity -Invertebrates and Vertebrates -Evolution and Design -Divesity and Interdependece
Materials: -Textbook -Pen or Pencil -Paper -Spiral Notebook
Grading: A B C D F
90-100 80-89 70-79 60-69 0-59
Attendance/Absences: When absent, the student has as many days as he/she was absent to turn in the work. (Example: You are gone for 3 days. You have 3 days to get all missing work in before it becomes late.) On your first day back, check the assignment sheet for missing assignments. Then, talk to me if a worksheet is needed.
Specific Class Rules / Behavior Expectations: -Be Respectful -Be Responsible -Be Prepared
Late Work: The student will lose 15% per day
4 September 2012
Labs: In this class, we will do various labs. Do NOT touch the lab equipment until instructed. Always use a pencil for all lab work. If horseplay occurs during a lab, all students involved will be asked to be seated and will receive a zero on the lab. Testing: No test retakes! Extra Credit: No extra credit. However, bonus points can be scored on tests. Participation: Every 6 weeks, students are eligible to receive free points (20) for coming to class on time and prepared. However, students can lose points by talking excessively, being tardy, forgetting textbooks or supplies and extreme bathroom use. Each student will get 2 free bathroom passes. After the passes have been used, 2 points will be subtracted for each use from your weekly participation points. Miscellaneous: -No food or drink allowed in to classroom except for water bottles. -No cell phones/video games /CD players./IPODS during class unless permission is received. -Seating Chart (if needed) will be changed every 2 weeks.
Contact Information: E-mail Address: wmiller@westernmennoniteschool.org Telephone Number: 503-363-2000 ext. 251 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------We have read the course syllabus, and understand its contents and requirements. Student signature
Parent / Guardian signature
Date _______
Phone number
4 September 2012