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MAILING ADDRESS (If Different From Home)




RACE/ETHNICITY: (Choose all that apply) ☐African American ☐American Indian/Alaskan Native ☐Hispanic ☐Other









√ IF APPLICABLE ____ Unlisted ____ Cell


☐Hawaiian/Pacific Islander

LEGAL DOCUMENTS: (Restraining order, Custody Agreements and any other court documents) ☐ YES – Please provide documents ☐ NO




HOME ADDRESS (If different from above)













HOME ADDRESS (If different from above)








EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION – Please list at least two persons not listed above. Any person listed may be contacted in an emergency; parent/guardian contact will be attempted first. Any person listed may pick student up from school.

NAME (Please print)






NAME (Please print)






NAME (Please print)






INSURANCE INFORMATION | 2015-2016 STUDENT NAME: Do you have any reason to believe your child is not physically able to take part in all school-sponsored activities he/ she chooses? ☐YES ☐NO If yes, please explain: Is there anything unique related to your child’s physical condition or medical history which the school should know? ☐YES ☐NO If yes, please explain: ANY KNOWN ALLERGIES: PARENT PERMISSION FOR SCHOOL TRIPS: I hereby give permission for my student to take part in field trips and other school-sponsored activities included in the planned program of the school. Transportation may be provided at the discretion of Western Mennonite School in such form as approved. ☐YES ☐ NO I authorize Western Mennonite School, its employees and my child’s weekend/hospitality home (if applicable) to administer first aid or secure the services of a physician or hospital, and to incur expenses for necessary services in the event of accident or illness. I will provide payment for these services. Every reasonable effort will be made to contact the parent(s) as soon as possible. Do you agree to the above statement? ☐YES ☐NO INSURANCE COVERAGE: COMPANY: GROUP #: POLICY #: NAME OF POLICY HOLDER: PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE My signature indicates that all information provided on this form is correct to the best of my knowledge. Signature:


Date: ____________

Emergency contact number(s): ____________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________

INSURANCE DISCLAIMER: Although I realize that Western Mennonite School requests that I provide health insurance for my child, I do not have any health insurance coverage at this time. I will be responsible for any medical bills accrued by my child while attending Western Mennonite School and will not hold Western Mennonite School responsible for those bills. PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE:


Community Standards Student Name:


Philosophy Admitted students must agree to help bring unity to the Western Mennonite community by supporting the Western Mennonite School Standard of Conduct and guidelines listed in the student handbook. Standard of Conduct The WMS Standard of Conduct is a guide for WMS students and families and is in effect while a student is enrolled at WMS. It is a code consistent with the teachings of Jesus Christ, and while not exhaustive in nature, it is representative of behaviors WMS students and families are expected to follow. Any student or family who is unwilling to abide by the following Standard of Conduct will be asked to withdraw from WMS. As a student and family of Western Mennonite School I sincerely resolve to: 1. Be open to the influence of Jesus Christ and His followers, respectfully listening in chapels, small groups and classes. 2. Allow others to seek truth about Christianity. 3. Treat others in a respectful and courteous manner. 4. Be trustworthy in words and actions. 5. Believe the best about somebody or a situation. If I have questions I will go directly to those involved. 6. Refrain from being involved in any activity that could negatively represent my family, friends, school, or me. WMS administration understands that members of its community may fall short in their fulfillment of the Standard of Conduct. This may result in disciplinary action from administration. When these times happen, WMS administration expects its students and families to reaffirm their commitment to the WMS community by re-establishing a lifestyle that supports the school’s Standard of Conduct. Student Rights and Responsibilities WMS expects each student to share in the responsibility for self-discipline and for ensuring the health and safety of those around them by reporting inappropriate behavior to the correct authorities. WMS students have the right: 1. To be heard as a responsible member of a community of faith and learning. 2. To be encouraged for behavior that shows responsibility and consideration of others. 3. To have conversation kept in confidence when they come to a staff member for counseling (exceptions include items covered under mandatory reporting rules) 4. To be treated with courtesy and respect when confronted by a staff member on a discipline issue. 5. To be dismissed from school only after careful attempts at correction by the school community (in the spirit of Matthew 18:15-20) fail to bring about sufficient evidence of changes in attitude and behavior. 6. To know the standards of behavior expected of them as well as the consequences of misbehavior. 7. To privacy which includes privacy in respect to the student’s school records. 8. To equal educational opportunity and freedom from discrimination, including the responsibility not to discriminate against others. I have read the Community Standards listed above and the Student Handbook, and agree to abide by the stated guidelines: Parent/Guardian Signature:



Student Signature:



Form Required for Every Student

Transportation Permissions | 2015-2016 Student Name:


The purpose of this form is to allow you, as the parent, the ability to give specific transportation related permissions for your son/daughter for the school year. Please read each section carefully and make the appropriate selections that best fit you and your student’s needs. As a closed campus, all students, including those that are 18 or older, unless specifically approved by the student’s parent/ guardian and WMS administration will not be allowed to leave campus during the school day, nor drive themselves to any athletic events. Parental permission for these things can be given below and kept on file by initialing all sections that apply. Permission to leave campus during the school day without a school faculty/staff member for such things as lunch on Fridays, appointments, etc. _____ Yes, my student may leave campus

_____ No, my student may not leave campus

_____ I would like to give permission for each specific instance WMS only allows the siblings of the driver to ride in any student driven vehicle. Non-siblings may ride in a student driven vehicle if the carpool is registered with Student Services Office. Please list any car pool you would like to give your child permission to ride in while travelling to or from school, and/or athletic events. Carpool driver/s: ____________________________________________________________________________ Student #1 ___________________________________ Student #2 ____________________________________ Student #3 ___________________________________ Student #4 ____________________________________ Student #5 ___________________________________ Student #6 ____________________________________

Please register any vehicle(s) that you will be driving to campus this school year. Vehicle #1 Color _________________

Make ___________________

Model _____________ License ___________

Make ___________________

Model _____________ License ___________

Vehicle #2 Color _________________

Form Required for Every Student

Internet and Technology Use Policy | 2015-2016 Student Name:


Western Mennonite School offers students the privilege of computer use through educational software and Internet access. Both the computer software and the Internet offer students a vast array of resources that have the potential to enrich their educational experience. The Internet is intended as a supplement to library resources and is first and foremost a research tool. The primary use of the school’s network and the Internet is for activity that supports the educational objectives of the school and the Standards of Conduct. Any student using a computer on campus, including personal laptops and other devices, agrees to the responsible use of these resources. 1. I will not do anything that interferes with the operation of the school’s network or the Internet. 2. I will not attempt to gain access to unauthorized areas of the network. 3. I will respect the work of others, and I will not tamper with or in any way violate the property, folders, files, etc. of others. 4. I will not violate copyright laws or commit plagiarism by downloading any copyrighted materials found on the Internet. (This includes music, music videos, movies, etc.) 5. I will use the school’s limited resources responsibly by not using excessive hardware space and by limiting the number of copies I print. 6. I will not use the school’s network to access or display objectionable, obscene, or violent images, messages, or materials. 7. I will not knowingly send, receive or display obscene or violent images, messages or pictures. 8. I will not download or play computer programs or games that are not school approved. 9. I will not access unauthorized social networking sites. 10. I will not give out personal information such as complete name, phone number, address or identifiable photo without permission from teacher, parent or guardian. 11. I will not use the computers or Internet to insult, harass, or attack others. I understand that any violation of these guidelines will result in the loss of Internet and computer use and privileges as well as other possible disciplinary or legal action. The school will cooperate fully with civil and federal authorities in the event of criminal activity relating to our electronic communications system. I ________________________________, have read and understand the Acceptable Internet and Technology Use Policy and agree to adhere to all guidelines listed here. I understand the consequences that will occur upon violation of this policy. As a student Internet and computer technology user, I accept full responsibility and liability for the results of my personal actions. Student Signature _____________________________________________________________ Date ________________ Consequences for any student violating the Acceptable Technology Use Policy st

1 offense = loss of computer privileges for one day – Dean of Students informed and parents notified 2nd offense = loss of computer privileges for one week – Dean of Students informed and parents contacted by phone and a formal letter placed in student’s file 3rd offense = loss of computer privileges on campus for the semester – Dean of Students informed, and parents notified. This policy is in place to protect the privacy of all members of the Western Mennonite School Community and to safeguard the integrity of the system. Any activity that interferes with the operation of the school’s network or Internet will be considered vandalism. All costs for labor and materials incurred due to vandalism will be billed to those responsible for that vandalism.

Form Required for Every Student

Auto Pay Authorization I hereby authorize Western Mennonite School to charge my bank account monthly for the purposes designated below. My bank is authorized to handle withdrawals on the 10th of each month or the next banking day as if I had personally issued a check. I will undertake to promptly notify Western Mennonite School, in writing, of any change in the account information provided in this authorization. Authorization will remain in effect until notification to terminate or limit is given in writing or by email. Personal Information Last Name:

First Name:

Phone Number:


Middle Initial:

Mailing Address: City


Zip Code

Bank Information (Attach a voided check –OR– fill in information below) Account Type:


☐ Checking ☐ Savings

Bank Address: City Routing Number:

☐ Tuition/Fee Amount: $(payment may vary)


Zip code

Account Number:

☐ Monthly Donation Amount: $

Authorized Signatures X

Date: Signature of Bank Account Holder


Date: Signature of Bank Account Holder

Financial Planning Information | 2015-2016 This worksheet is provided to help estimate the annual or monthly cost of education. Please contact the school business office with any questions regarding payment schedules or special arrangements. We appreciate the investment you are making and are committed to serving you and your children. Middle School $7,395

High School $8,950

Registration fee(s)



Instructional materials fee





Family Total


Participation Fees Bus transportation First student







Second student (2-way)






Third student



Transportation per trip



Dorm 5-day room and board


7-day room and board


Sports (Per sport. Third sport per student is free)



Choir MSC (estimate before fundraising)


Drama Fall








Yearbook Class dues (9-11 grades)



(~ $100 - $2,000)

SUBTOTAL Discounts


Sibling (Discount applies to the second child)



Matching Church Scholarship where available









Need-based Grant * SUBTOTAL

$ (


TOTAL COST 12 MONTHLY PAYMENTS (Starting July 10) 11 MONTHLY PAYMENTS (Starting August 10) 10 MONTHLY PAYMENTS (Starting September 10)

* For information regarding our grant program please visit the school’s website at www.WesternMennoniteSchool.org or contact Rich Martin, Admissions Coordinator, at 503-363-2000. For priority consideration, please make sure Western receives your report from FAST by April 15.

One Form Required Per Family

Grandparent Information | 2015-2016 Student Name (s): Western Mennonite School values the role that many grandparents play in the lives of our students. Every year Western hosts a Grandparent Day in which all grandparents are invited to the campus to enjoy lunch with their grandchild. This event has received great feedback from both students and grandparents. Please provide the following information: Name(s)





Phone ___________________




Phone ___________________




Phone ___________________



One Form Required Per Family

Media Consent 2015-2016 Student Name: MEDIA CONSENT AND RELEASE: Students at WMS are occasionally asked to be a part of school publicity, publications, and public relations materials and programs (including but not limited to print, web and video). In order to guarantee student privacy, Western Mennonite School requires parent/guardian authorization permitting its use of student information. By signing below, I give Western Mennonite School permission to use information about my student in school publicity, publications, and videos or on the school’s website. Information includes, but is not limited to, student’s name, picture, art projects, written work, voice, verbal statements or portraits (video or still). I understand that this information may be used in subsequent years. Parent/Guardian Signature ________________________________________________ Hometown Newspaper ___________________________________________________ If you do not want WMS to use student information in specific areas, please indicate what you do not authorize below:

NOTICE REGARDING DIRECTORY INFORMATION: I hereby give consent for the student’s grade level and parent’s address and phone number to be listed in the school directory. ☐ YES ☐ NO If NO, please send a written request to the school.

Church Attendance We currently attend a church ☐ YES ☐ NO

Denomination __________________________________________

Name of Church _____________________________________________ City _________________________________ Pastor __________________________________ Youth Pastor _____________________________________________

Parent Volunteers If you are interested in volunteering at Western please fill out the following information and you will be contacted accordingly. Parent/Guardian Name: Home Phone:

Cell Phone:


___ Bulletin Boards

___ Field Trip Chaperone

___ Benefit Auction (May)

___ Parents in Prayer

___ Drama Support

___ Photography

___ Golf Tournament (Sept.)

___ Student Grant Phonathon Caller

___ Grounds/Facility Maintenance

___ Office Support

___ Hospitality Home (Host international students for extended weekends/year. ____ Male ____ Female) Find more opportunities online at www.WesternMennoniteSchool.org/volunteers

Campus Job Application | 2015-2016 Campus jobs are provided to promote job experience, service and responsibility, as well as providing pocket change. A limited number of campus jobs are available to students and are by application only. Jobs are awarded to oldest students first. Compensation is one free lunch per shift worked for all non weekend dorm students. Name

Grade ______ Please Print

___ Day Student ___ Dorm Student Parent/Guardian

Phone Please Print

Job Preference: Rank your preferences from 1 being the most desirable to 8 being the least desirable. ____ Wash Dishes Lunch ____ Wash Dishes Dinner—dorm students only ____ Clean Gym after Basketball Games (December – March) ____ Cafeteria Cleaning (after school) ____ Window Cleaning (after school) ____ Sweep/Mop Stairs & Landing in Heritage Bldg (twice a week) ____ Vacuum & Dust Academic Center (three times a week) ____ Paper Recycling (1 to 3 times a week) ____ Telephone Receptionist (weekdays 4:00-5:00pm)

Scheduling Details: I prefer to work _______ days a week. The sports I hope to be involved in are

Earnings Detail: Student timecards are due monthly and must be signed by their adult supervisor before being given to the Campus Jobs Coordinator. If a student’s tuition or Meal Time account are past due, their campus job pay will first be applied to the outstanding balance(s) before they can receive personal wages.

Student Signature


Parent/Guardian Signature


Optional Form

Middle School Registration for High School Classes | 2015 -2016 Grade: 8th

Student Name:

Honors Geometry and Spanish I are offered to qualified 8th grade students. Both of these classes are academically challenging and earn high school credit. To qualify, 8th grade students must meet the following criteria:

Honors Geometry

Spanish I

must have a 3.5 GPA for grade 7 -Andhave an “A” in both semesters of Pre-Algebra

must have a 3.5 GPA for grade 7 -Andhave an “A” in both semesters of 7th grade Language Arts

I am interested in taking _____________________________________________ for high school credit.    

I believe I meet the I meet the criteria listed above. I understand that if I choose to take Spanish I, I will NOT be able to take Choir/Exploratory because it is offered during the same class period. I understand that if I choose to take Spanish I and my semester grade is less than a “B” I will not be allowed to continue Spanish I for the second semester and must repeat all of Spanish I. I understand that if I choose to take Honors Geometry and my grade is not as high as I hoped after the first six weeks I can drop down to regular Geometry and take Honors Geometry again my freshman year.

Student Signature:


I approve for my student (entering 8th grade) to take the class(es) mentioned above. Parent/Guardian Signature:


Middle School Only

First Semester Calendar | 2015-2016 Aug. 10-11 ............. Mon.-Tue ....... Senior Registration Aug. 12-13 ............. Wed.-Thu ....... Junior Registration Aug. 14 .................. Fri ................... Middle School Registration Aug. 17-18 ............. Mon.-Tue ....... Sophomore Registration Aug. 19-20 ............. Wed.-Thu ....... Freshman Registration Aug. 21 .................. Fri ................... Middle School Registration / New Faculty Orientation Aug. 21-22 ............. Fri.-Sat. ........... Student Council Orientation Aug. 24-28 ............. Mon-Fri. ......... Faculty/Staff In-Service Week Aug. 27 .................. Thu ................. International Students Arrive Aug. 28 .................. Fri ................... Dorm Open for Domestic Students Aug. 31 .................. Mon................ First Day of School Sept. 1 ................... Tue ................. School Day Out Sept. 3 ................... Thu ................. Parent Orientation “Day in the Life of Your Student” - 7:00 pm Sept. 7 ................... Mon................ Labor Day Holiday – NO CLASSES Sept. 11 ................. Fri ................... Last Day to Add/Drop Class for 1st Semester / Mini-Term Assembly Sept. 12 ................. Sat .................. 18th Annual Western Benefit Golf Tournament Sept. 16 ................. Wed................ School Pictures by Portrait Masters Sept. 18 ................. Fri ................... Big Brother/Big Sister Kick Off (Double Lunch) Sept. 19 ................. Sat .................. 6th Annual Benefit Scholarship Banquet at Salem Convention Center Sept. 23 ................. Wed................ “See You at the Pole” 7:00 am Sept. 25 ................. Fri ................... Parent/Teacher Conferences 12:00-8:00 pm – NO CLASSES Sept. 28 ................. Mon................ National Christian College Fair in Portland (All Freshmen) 2:45-9:00 pm Sept. 28-Oct. 2 ...... Mon.-Fri ......... Fall Pioneer Spirit Week Oct. 2 ..................... Fri. .................. Small Group Breakfast / Service Afternoon Oct. 9 ..................... Fri ................... Statewide In-Service – School in Session Oct. 13 ................... Tue ................. Picture Retakes by Portrait Masters Oct. 14 ................... Wed................ PSAT 8:00-12:00 for Grades 9, 10 & 11 / Senior College Tours Oct. 14 ................... Wed................ Middle School & High School Fall Concert 7:00 pm Oct. 15-16 ............. Thu.-Fri. .......... ACSI Conference / Teacher In-Service - NO CLASSES Oct. 19-23 ............. Mon.-Fri ......... Fall Spiritual Renewal Week Oct. 23 ................... Fri ................... National College Fair for Juniors 8:00 a.m. – 2:45 p.m. Oct. 29 ................... Thu ................. End of 1st Quarter / MS Fall Festival 6th & 7th Periods Oct. 30 ................... Fri ................... Accred. In-Service/Grading/Healthcare Careers Conference (Sophomores) – NO CLASSES Nov. 10 .................. Tue ................. Big Brother/Big Sister After School Activity Nov. 11 .................. Wed................ Visitor’s Day Nov. 19 .................. Thu ................. Pastor’s Day Nov. 24-29 ............. Tue.-Sun ......... Hospitality Homes (Dorm Closed 6:00 pm Tuesday - 5:00 pm Sunday) Nov. 25-27 ............. Wed.-Fri. ........ Thanksgiving Break – NO CLASSES Dec. 10 .................. Thu ................. Grandparent’s Day Dec. 15 .................. Tue ................. Big Brother/Big Sister Christmas Party / Middle School Christmas Concert 7:00 pm Dec. 16 .................. Wed................ Choirs at the Capitol Dec. 17 .................. Thu ................. Alumni Celebration Day // High School Christmas Concert 7:00 pm Dec. 21-Jan. 1 ........ Mon.-Fri ......... Christmas/New Year Break (Dorm closed Dec. 18 at 6:00 pm - Jan. 3 at 12:00 noon) Jan. 4 ..................... Mon................ Classes Resume Jan. 19-21 .............. Tue.-Thu ......... High School Exams Jan. 21 ................... Thu ................. End of 2nd Quarter/End of 1st Semester Jan. 22 ................... Fri. .................. Accreditation In-Service - NO CLASSES Jan. 23-25 .............. Sat.-Mon ........ Student Council Retreat Jan. 25 ................... Mon................ Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday - NO CLASSES

Western Mennonite School

Second Semester Calendar | 2015-2016 January 26............... Tue .................. Second Semester Begins February 2............... Tue .................. Big Brother/Big Sister Double Lunch February 5............... Fri .................... Last Day to Add/Drop Classes for 2nd Semester February 8-12 ......... Mon.-Fri .......... Winter Pioneer Spirit Week February 10............. Wed ................. Visitor’s Day February 12............. Fri. ................... Middle School Winter Festival 6th & 7th Periods February 13............. Sat ................... Benefit Choir Concert February 15............. Mon................. President’s Day Holiday – NO CLASSES February 17............. Wed. ................ High School District Choir Festival at Linfield College February 23............. Tue .................. Future Engineers Conference (Sophomores) February 26............. Fri. ................... Student Intent to Return Forms Due March 3................... Thu .................. Flex Day (WMS Basketball Team at State = No School) March 4-5 ............... Fri.-Sat. ............ In-Service Day/State Basketball Tournament at Pendleton – NO CLASSES March 14................. Mon ................. National Honor Society Induction Celebration 7:00 pm March 16................. Wed. ................ Senior Portraits Due for Yearbook Inclusion March 16................. Wed ................. Big Brother/Big Sister After School Activity March 16-27 ........... Wed.-Sun ........ Dorm Closed 6:00 pm Wednesday - 5:00 pm Sunday) March 17................. Thu. ................. Parent/Teacher Conferences 12 Noon-8:00 pm – NO CLASSES March 18................. Fri .................... Good Friday Observation – NO CLASSES March 18-21 ........... Fri.-Mon .......... A cappella Choir Tour March 21-25 ........... Mon.-Fri .......... Spring Break (Dorm Closed Wednesday, 3/16 at 6:00 pm - Sunday, 3/27 at 5:00 pm) March 31................. Thu .................. End of 3rd Quarter Mar. 31-Apr.3 ......... Thu.-Sun .......... Hospitality Homes (Dorm Closed 6:00 pm Thursday - 5:00 pm Sunday) April 1 ..................... Fri .................... Accreditation In-Service/Grading Day – NO CLASSES April 5-7 .................. Tue.-Thu .......... Middle School Testing April 8 ..................... Fri .................... High School Preview Day April 8-12 ................ Fri.-Tue ............ MSC Music Festival, Kalona, IA April 20 ................... Wed ................. Big Brother/Big Sister All Day Event Off Campus April 25-28 .............. Mon.-Thu ........ Spring Spiritual Renewal Week April 29 ................... Fri .................... High School Mini-Term Service Day – NO MIDDLE SCHOOL CLASSES May 5 ...................... Thu .................. High School State Choir Competition at GFU May 7 ...................... Sat. .................. 44th Annual Western Benefit Auction (Student Participation Required) May 9 ...................... Mon................. Auction Appreciation Day // AP Biology Exam 8:00 am - NO CLASSES May 11 .................... Wed. ................ Visitor’s Day May 17 .................... Tue .................. Middle School Spring Concert 7:00 pm May 19 .................... Thu .................. High School Spring Concert/Senior Academic Awards Night 7:00 pm May 24-25 ............... Tue.-Wed ........ Middle School Pioneer Days May 25 .................... Wed ................. 8th Grade Promotion 7 pm May 24-26 ............... Tue.-Thu .......... High School Exams May 26 .................... Thu .................. End of 4th Quarter / End of 2nd Semester // No Middle School Activities May 27 .................... Fri .................... Grading Day – NO CLASSES May 30 .................... Mon................. Memorial Day Holiday – NO CLASSES May 31-June 3 ........ Tue.-Fri ............ High School Mini-Term (Senior Mini-Term TBD) June 3...................... Fri .................... Senior Grad Practice June 4...................... Sat ................... Senior/Family/Faculty Reception // Commencement June 5...................... Sun .................. Dorm Closes at Noon June 6...................... Mon................. End of Year Faculty/Staff Meeting // Work Day June 7-8 .................. Tue.-Wed ........ Faculty Workdays

Western Mennonite School

Middle School Supply List | 2015-2016 ☐ 1” Binder (General Use) ☐ 2” Binder with Tabbed Dividers (Bible Class) ☐*(2) Spiral Notebook (College-Ruled) ☐ Notebook Paper (College-Ruled) ☐ Graph Paper (1cm. - 50-75 Sheets for Math) ☐*Graph Composition book (5x5 Quad Ruled 20# Heavyweight Paper for Science) ☐*1 pack 3x5 Index Cards with Lines ☐ Scientific Calculator ☐ Compass ☐ Protractor ☐*12” Ruler (inches & centimeters) ☐ Colored Pencils ☐ Red, Black and Blue Pens ☐ Pencils ☐ Eraser ☐ Pencil Holder for Binder ☐ 1 Bottle Elmer’s Glue ☐*(3) Glue Sticks ☐ Flash Drive (or other media storage device - optional) ☐ 1 box Tissues (for home room) ☐*NIV Bible (preferred version, but not required) ☐ 1 Small Scissors ☐ 3 Dry Erase Markers ☐ 1 Highlighter ☐ *Mini Post-It Notes (1½”x 2”) optional

In Addition: 6th:

☐ *Composition Book – College Ruled (Language Arts Class) ☐ Another 1” Binder (Language Arts Class)


☐*Composition Book – College Ruled (Language Arts Class) ☐ Another 1” Binder (Language Arts Class)


☐*Composition Book – College Ruled (Language Arts Class) ☐ Another 1” Binder (Language Arts Class)

*These items are also available for purchase at the Office

Middle School Only

High School Supply List | 2015-2016 ☐ 1” Binder (General Use) ☐ 1 ½ ” Binder or folder for organizing (English Class) ☐ 2” Binder with Tabbed Dividers (Bible Class) ☐ Binder or folder for organizing (English Class) ☐ (2-3) Spiral Notebook s (College-Ruled)* ☐ Notebook Paper (College-Ruled)* ☐ Graph Paper (1cm. - 50-75 Sheets for Math) ☐ Graph Composition book (5x5 Quad Ruled 20# Heavyweight Paper for Science)* ☐ (1) pack 3x5 Index Cards with Lines* ☐ Scientific Calculator ☐ Compass ☐ Protractor ☐ 12” Ruler (inches & centimeters)* ☐ Colored Pencils ☐ Red, Black and Blue Pens ☐ Pencils ☐ Eraser ☐ Pencil Holder for Binder ☐ Flash Drive (or other media storage device - optional) ☐ NIV Bible (preferred version, but not required)* ☐ Dry Erase Markers ☐ (5) Dry Erase Pens (Mr. Chambers) ☐ Highlighter ☐ (1½”x 2”) Mini Post-It Notes (optional)* * These items are available for purchase at the Office

Fall Sports Information | 2015-2016 If your student is planning to participate in any sport activities this year, be sure their physicals are up to date. OSSA requires Sport Physicals every two years. If you are unsure if one is needed or not, you may contact the office. Physicals that have expired need to be completed before the first day of practice. Physical Forms available online at www.WesternMennoniteSchool.org/athletics/physicals Contact Sheila Fahndrich with questions



HS Varsity Boys – Steve Fahndrich .............503-990-5277

HS Varsity Girls – Rory Rush ....................503-545-9008

HS Varsity Girls – Eric Foster .......................503-551-9893

HS JV Girls – Chad Rush ...........................503-504-5847

JV Boys – Dwaine Richards .........................503-810-4991

MS Girls – Brenda Phillips ........................503-391-0862



HS practices TBD by coaches

August 17 - 21:

HS practices TBD by coaches

August 31:

First day of MS soccer practice

August 31:

First day of MS volleyball practice


SOCCER CAMPS* Grades 5-8

Middle School Boys & Girls August 10-13

Grades 9-12


Middle School Girls August 10-13

4:00 – 6:00 pm

High School Boys & Girls August 10-13

Grades 3-8


Grades 9-12

5:30 – 8:00 pm

5:00 – 7:00 pm

High School Girls August 10-13

$90 4:00 – 8:00 pm

Please contact coaches if you have questions.

Sports Physicals must be completed by first day of practice. If a Sports Physical is not on file the student athlete cannot participate in school sports. Elementary Soccer Camps are also available in August. Camp registration forms available online at www.westernmennoniteschool.org *All camps must be paid in full by first day of camp.

Western Mennonite School


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