2.5 mile | 5 Mile | 5 Mile Partner Relay Saturday May 7, 2016 at the Oregon State Fairgrounds Come join in the fun at Western Mennonite School’s Pioneer Run in conjunc on with our annual benefit auc on. Proceeds will go into funding Western Mennonite Schools brand new Disc Golf Course project! A erwards, join us for our live and silent auc ons, famous BBQ Chicken Dinner and other great food! FREE ADMISSION & PARKING. Registra on fee includes: WMS Drawstring Pack | Post Race Refreshments | Ice Cream Float WHEN: Saturday May 7, 2016 star ng at 8:00AM. Registra on opens at 7:15AM behind the Jackman Long building. WHERE: The en re course will be located on the Oregon State Fairgrounds, maps available online and provided on race day. COST: Par cipant: $20 | WMS Faculty/Staff: $15 | WMS Student: $10 | Add $7 for finisher T‐shirt CONTACT: Caleb Ivanitsky at (503) 363‐2000, or register online at
2.5 Mile Run/Walk
5 Mile Run
5 Mile Relay | Partner Name:
Age (On Race Day):
Phone: Street
T‐Shirt size ($7.00) :
FEES: Regular Registra on $20 | WMS Faculty/Staff $15 | WMS Student $10 | Add $7 for Finisher T‐Shirt Payment Op ons (Check one) Now (Registra on fee enclosed)
Race Day
WAIVER “I, the undersigned, represent that I am medically fit and have properly trained to par cipate in this event. I hereby for myself, my heirs and executors, release any and all claims or right to make claims against all of the sponsors, organizers, employees, and volunteers associated in any way with the Western Mennonite Pioneer Run. I recognize and assume the risks inherent in running a road race, including but not limited to the risk of injury associated with strenuous physical exercise, contact with other par cipants, falls, running near traffic, and the risk of uncertain weather including heat and humidity. This release extends to all claims of every kind or nature whatsoever, foreseen or unforeseen, known and unknown. I grant permission for any and all of the foregoing to use any photographs, video tapes, recordings, or any other record of this event for any purpose whatsoever.” Signature:
Parent's Signature: If under 18
Office Use Date Received
T‐Shirt Ordered