Lesson Plan Component
Instructional goals and objectives are stated.
Objectives are stated but are difficult to understand.
No objective given or listed.
Instruction Goals and Objectives
Plan provides a clear and realistic list of what students will be able to do at the end of the lesson. Lesson objectives are aligned and listed with standards. Procedures are clear and detailed, including amount of time allocated for each activity, key questions to be asked to the students, and suggested ways to monitor student learning. All needed materials are listed. Information about quantity and type is give when necessary.
Instructions contain all steps necessary to complete the activity, but more details would be helpful. Most materials necessary for student and teacher to complete lesson are listed.
Activities are described but are difficult to understand.
Major lesson activities are not described.
Material list is missing.
Assessments are related to the specified benchmarks and objectives of the lesson. Assessment strategies are described in detail to gather evidence of student learning and to modify the lesson to meet the needs of all students. Assessment tools, such as a rubric, are provided. Assessment is intended to monitor student growth, provide feedback, or differentiate content or instruction.
Method for assessing student learning and evaluating instruction is present. Can be readily used for expert, peer, and/or selfevaluation.
Some materials necessary for student and teacher to complete lesson are listed, but list is incomplete. Method for assessing student learning and evaluating instruction is vaguely stated. Assessment is teacher dependent.
Materials and Resources
Evaluation/ Assessment
Method for assessing student learning and evaluating instruction is missing.