WESTERN MENNONITE SCHOOL SUBSTITUTE REQUEST PROCEDURE LESSON PLANS 1. Weekly lesson plans are to be in every teacher’s desk top or in the top desk drawer each Friday by 4:00 PM. It is advisable to update these plans during the week as required. 2. Dora will not be taking lesson plans from you over the phone. 3. An emergency substitute plan should be available in your desk for those times that you are absent unexpectedly. A neighboring teacher, Dora Ivanitsky, and Zig Derochowski should know where these plans are located. This plan should include the routines and procedures a substitute needs to know to be successful teaching your classes. (See form in Faculty/Staff Resource Notebook.) NOTIFICATION OF EMERGENCY ABSENCES 1. Please call for a substitute at least the day before your absence. If that is not possible, you MUST phone Dora by 6:30 AM the morning of your absence at 503-559-5907. (Do NOT leave messages on Dora’s home phone.) 2. The information to Dora should be similar to the following: “This is Jane/John Doe. I am reporting ill and will need a substitute for one day beginning Wednesday, September 7th. My phone number is 555-555-5555. Thank you. 3. Notify Dora by 2:00 PM of the day of your absence if you will be returning the next day, so the substitute teacher can be released or retained for the following day. NOTIFICATION FOR OTHER ABSENCES 1. You are responsible to fill out Request for Field Trip forms ahead of time when you plan field trips, or choir events. These forms are available in the holders by Zig’s door and need to be filled out even when these events are listed on the calendar. For sports events, let Dora know your substitute needs at the beginning of the season and be sure to notify her when changes occur. 2. When you know you will miss school for doctor or other appointments and will need class coverage, fill out the Request for Leave form and give it to Dora at least the day before your appointment.