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Western Mennonite School OFFICE SUPPLIES and PROCEDURES 1) MAIL:  All F/S and high school students will have a mailbox. o Student's boxes are color coded according to grade. o Faculty/Staff boxes are color coded: blue for teachers and white for everyone else. o Use mailboxes for communicating.  Incoming mail arrives about 11:00 AM or later and is then sorted and distributed.  Stamps and envelopes are available to buy in the office. 2) COPY MACHINE:  Personal copies: 5¢ each side for black and white; 15¢ each side for color  If you are asking a student to make copies for a class, send a note with them with your department code.  If you are having problems with the machine, please ask Dora to assist you. 3) RECYCLING  Confidential pieces should not be put in recycle box, (shredders are available) - also no tape or paper clips in recycle box (staples are allowed). 4) SUPPLIES:  The paper cutter and hole punch are not to leave the office but are there for your use.  Items available: paper, pens, pencils, paper clips, staples, tape, glue, white board markers, files. (If you don't see it, ask!) Please use the sign out sheet on the wall when taking items and let Dora know when you use the next to last item. 5) FIRST AID:  Small amount of supplies available--Tylenol, band aids, cough drops, etc. 6) GOING OFF CAMPUS:  Please let the office know when you leave--so helpful when someone is looking for you. When you return, be sure to check your mail box for messages. 7) ASSIGNMENT REQUESTS:  If a student is absent and requests assignments, you will receive an emailed request from Sheila. 8) ETC:  Students are not to be in the office unless they are teacher aides. Other students need to go to the window.

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