Guidelines required to maintain a safe and clean atmosphere for food preparation.
1 Remember that the kitchen is a licensed food preparation area that must follow State guidelines to stay as free from contaminants as possible. 2. When food preparation is in process, keep your visits short, and stay out of the work path. 3. When entering the kitchen, wash your hands thoroughly at the hand sink. Be sure your hands are clean before opening the fridges. 4. Never sit on the food prep or serving counters. 5. Please allow the kitchen staff to make coffee. It will be available to you in the cafeteria. 6. The only students allowed in the kitchen will be student workers. The kitchen phone is not for student use. They must take their calls elsewhere. 7. No children are allowed in the kitchen work area. Those who catch the bus may wait in the cafeteria. Other Guidelines: There will be a sign-out sheet for those of you who wish to borrow anything from the kitchen. Please, check first to see if we can spare the item you wish to use. Washer and dryer are for kitchen use. Any other use must be by permission from the kitchen staff and will cost $1.00/load. Kitchen use - any activity where the kitchen is used must be discussed with the kitchen staff and will be marked on the calendar. Please, do not assume that it is always available. Cafeteria - locked after hours - any use must be supervised. No student should have access to the kitchen once the kitchen staff leaves for the night. Do not loan your kitchen key to students; accompany them. Freezer space for staff is designated. All staff food must be labeled and dated with felt marker. Unmarked food will be used. When leaving the freezer, be sure the light is off and the door closed securely. Notify the kitchen of any activity that will take students from the cafeteria over a meal. Do this as far in advance as possible. Our menu planning is done 6 to 10 days in advance. Our meat is thawed or purchased 4 to 6 days in advance. If a class leaves and we do not know, we have excess food. By telling us your plans early, we can use menus that use smaller amounts of food we may already have. Help us to use our food wisely.
Lunches - As soon as you plan an activity that requires lunches from the kitchen, contact the kitchen staff. Lunch meats are very perishable so we keep only the required amount in the fridge. If you wait until the day you leave to notify us, your meat is still frozen. You also risk not having baked cookies, snacks and fresh fruits available. As soon as you know your need for lunches, please pick up the number of Lunch Request forms you need for your students. If you need lunches for a trip that leaves before noon, your requests must be in before 5th period of the previous day. Evening lunches must be in before 5th period of the same day. No exceptions. Lunches will be made for school related activities off campus, supervised by a staff person only. They are not an option to eating in the cafeteria. If your group has ordered lunches DO NOT leave without them. Pick up will be at the kitchen. Students allowed to stay in the dorms from Friday to Saturday are not entitled to breakfast on Saturday unless arrangements have been discussed with the dorm staff. Do not ask special favors of the kitchen staff (especially evening). It is important that we set good examples for the students by observing the same expectations and rules. During meals-be aware of the students around you. We will gladly receive suggestions and consider them. Courtesies: Lock up when you leave. Clean up when you finish. Stack your dirty plates! Get to meals on time - sport practices, etc.