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Western Mennonite School This handbook has been prepared to acquaint you with the policies and benefits that apply to your employment at Western Mennonite School (WMS). Every job in our school is important, and you will play a key role in the continued quality and growth of our school. Please read this handbook carefully. This handbook is part of the contractual agreement between WMS and its employees. It is your responsibility to become familiar with its contents. Should you have any questions concerning this handbook, your employment or benefits, please feel free to discuss them with your supervisor. WMS reserves the right to make changes to these policies and benefits. Administration will notify employees of changes via e-mail. Western is governed by a board of directors whose primary responsibility is to promote and insure the mission of the school by the establishment of policies. A direct line of authority and responsibility has been established from the Board through the school’s Head of School to various supervisors who regularly make reports to the Board. These supervisors are referred to in this manual as the Leadership team or Administration and consist of the Head of School, Principal, Dean of Students, and the Director of Finance and Advancement.


Index Contractual Information .................................................................................................................. 2 Statement of Ethics ......................................................................................................................... 2 Anti-Discrimination & Harassment ................................................................................................ 4 Americans with Disabilities Act ............................................................................................. 4 Equal Employment Opportunity Policy .................................................................................. 4 Policy Prohibiting Harassment and Discrimination ................................................................ 4 Compensation & Work Schedule.................................................................................................... 5 Attendance & Punctuality ....................................................................................................... 5 Breaks ..................................................................................................................................... 5 Child Support Reporting Regulations ..................................................................................... 6 General Pay Information ......................................................................................................... 6 Overtime ................................................................................................................................. 6 Pay Schedule ........................................................................................................................... 6 Performance Evaluations ........................................................................................................ 6 Salary Increases ...................................................................................................................... 6 Work Eligibility Records ........................................................................................................ 7 Work Hours............................................................................................................................. 7 Timekeeping Rules for Non-Exempt Employees (hourly) ..................................................... 7 Conduct Standards .............................................................................................................. 7 Company Equipment and Vehicles ......................................................................................... 7 Conduct Standards & Discipline ............................................................................................. 8 Dating In the Work Place ........................................................................................................ 8 Dress Policy ............................................................................................................................ 9 Searches .................................................................................................................................. 9 Drug Testing ........................................................................................................................... 9 Unpaid Suspension as a Disciplinary Measure ....................................................................... 9 Ethical and Legal Business Practices ...................................................................................... 9 Complying With Laws and Regulations ............................................................................... 10 Employee Privacy and Other Confidential Information ....................................................... 10 Accounting and Financial Reports ........................................................................................ 10 Account and Customer Information...................................................................................... 10 Political/Campaign Activities ............................................................................................... 10 Open Door ............................................................................................................................. 11 Grievances............................................................................................................................. 11 Progressive Discipline .......................................................................................................... 11 Smoking Policy ..................................................................................................................... 12 Workplace Solicitation.......................................................................................................... 12 Zero Tolerance for Workplace Violence .............................................................................. 12 Return of Company Property upon Separation ..................................................................... 12 Leave ............................................................................................................................................. 12 Bereavement Leave ............................................................................................................... 12 Federal Family and Medical Leave Rights ........................................................................... 13 State Law Leave Rights ........................................................................................................ 14 Jury Duty............................................................................................................................... 14 Time off From Work in Connection With Court Cases ........................................................ 14 General Employment .................................................................................................................... 15 Employee Classifications ...................................................................................................... 15 ii

Employee Records ................................................................................................................ 15 HIPAA Portability Rights ..................................................................................................... 15 HIPPA Privacy and Security Compliance ............................................................................ 16 Identity Theft Protection ....................................................................................................... 17 Reference/Background Checks ............................................................................................. 17 Termination, Resignation and Discharge .............................................................................. 17 Employment and Release ...................................................................................................... 17 Safety & Emergency ..................................................................................................................... 18 Emergency Measures ............................................................................................................ 18 Fire Safety ............................................................................................................................. 18 First Aid ................................................................................................................................ 18 Safety .................................................................................................................................... 18 Corporate Communications & Technology .................................................................................. 19 Investigations ........................................................................................................................ 19 Software Policy ..................................................................................................................... 19 Other Faculty & Staff Information ............................................................................................... 19 Faculty/Staff Meeting ........................................................................................................... 19 Professional Standards: ......................................................................................................... 19 Tardies and Absences, Etc. ................................................................................................... 20 Small Groups ........................................................................................................................ 22 Advisor Responsibilities ....................................................................................................... 22 Other Policies ........................................................................................................................ 22 Employee Benefits ........................................................................................................................ 23 COBRA (AMSC has continuing coverage, but it is not COBRA) ....................................... 23 Medical/Dental Insurance ..................................................................................................... 25 Retirement Saving Plan......................................................................................................... 25 Professional Allowance ........................................................................................................ 25 Travel and Expense ............................................................................................................... 25 Workers’ Compensation ....................................................................................................... 25 Unemployment Compensation.............................................................................................. 25 Holidays & Vacation..................................................................................................................... 26 Holidays ................................................................................................................................ 26 Vacation ................................................................................................................................ 26 Sick Days .............................................................................................................................. 27


Contractual Information By signing the Appointment and Service Agreement, I have agreed to accept the position and duties for the term specified, and will abide by and maintain the policies of the WMS Board and the school Administration as delineated in official literature and communications. In consideration of and for such services, the WMS Board, through the Business Office of the school, agrees to pay the salary and benefits as stated on the Appointment and Service Agreement. The Appointment and Service Agreement should be reviewed by the employee for accuracy; questions of discrepancy should be addressed with your immediate supervisor.

Teaching Load: A full-time teacher’s load is normally 5.5 credit hours of classroom instruction, five days per

week, or other non-teaching duties as assigned. Teachers are to be regularly on duty at the school Monday – Friday from 7:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. By mutual agreement, the number of periods taught and/or daily hours may be altered.

Non-Teaching Responsibilities: Regular attendance at faculty meetings and chapel attendance is expected of all employees. Full-time teachers are expected to be available for sponsorship of extra-curricular activities and participation in school programs without additional compensation; this is why a full-time teaching load is 5.5 credit hours and not 6.0 credit hours. The Administration will assign responsibilities after consultation with the employee and will attempt to be reasonably equitable in making these assignments.

Payroll Taxes: The wages of all employees of WMS are subject to Social Security tax and Federal and State

taxes. Employees are also insured under the State Industrial Accident Commission, and the prescribed amount for this insurance will be withheld from wages.

Employment and Release: All appointments are on an annual basis except as specifically provided by the

Board. Recommendations for the appointment or release of a faculty member shall be made to the Board’s Personnel Committee. Faculty members shall sign the Appointment and Service Agreement and return it to their immediate supervisor not later than the due date specified. Should such Appointment and Service Agreement not be returned by this date, the position will be declared open except when the faculty member and the Board or its agent mutually agree to a stated postponement of the signing of the agreement. An employee with a full time contract with the school shall not assume other employment relations or engage in any major work without the permission of Administration. The staff person shall give no less than 30 days written notice of intended resignation during the term of this contract unless a different termination date is mutually agreed upon. The Board shall likewise give at least 30 days notice of termination. No notice shall be required for immorality, disloyalty or insubordination, incompetence, or other causes that make continued employment during a 30-day notice period inappropriate. In such cases termination may be immediate with right of appeal according to board policies. An employee with a full time contract with the school shall not assume other employment relations or engage in any major work that interferes with the performance of their duties.

Statement of Ethics (Based on Board Policy ABA) As a Mennonite Education Agency school, WMS exists as a servant of the church and as such behaves in ways that are consistent with a Mennonite understanding of God at work in our world and with membership in a community of believers. To this end, the Board, administrators, and all other employees seek to model the attitude and behavior of Christ as we: 1. Avoid all conflict of interest situations. Extreme care must be taken in friendships and business dealings, receiving of gifts or personal gain from roles at WMS, participation in public events or civic affairs. 2. Believe in the traditional biblical view of marriage and the family unit. Personal relationships should reflect 2

integrity, high standards of morality, and should reflect the standards set forth in the “Covenant for Disciples” as adopted by the Board. 3. Treat each other, students, parents, and constituents with utmost integrity. Faculty and staff action or language should not seriously disrupt or jeopardize the mission and function of the school, the health or safety of students or personnel, or seriously discredit the school’s image as a credible Christian educational institution. (Board Policy GCPD) When personal conflicts arise, all personnel are encouraged to follow the Matthew 18 model. 4. Fulfill all written and oral contracts and promises unless agreed upon otherwise by all parties involved. 5. Represent the school in all respects both authentically and truthfully, allowing discussion of another teacher, staff, or board member only while offering a statement of defense or support for the absent person. 6. Handle all confidential material and information in a way that best serves the welfare of the school and individuals concerned. Since relationships are at the core of our Christian Educational Program at Western, staff members should actively seek opportunities to support and encourage students. Divulging confidences must be done with extreme caution. 7. Commit ourselves to the service of others following Christ’s example of servanthood. 8. Model the importance of church by being actively involved in a local congregation. 9. Operate within defined roles and prescribed guidelines in a manner that is conducive to open discussion and mutual accountability. 10. Are supportive both verbally and behaviorally of all decisions that have been processed. 11. Actively seek opportunities to witness to students. Faculty/Staff and student relationships are the core of our Christian educational program at Western. Attending athletic games, inviting students into the home for meals, visiting in the dorms are types of activities that help Faculty/Staff develop personal friendships with students. Always remember that administrators, staff, and faculty are to model the attitude and behavior of Christ on and off campus. Faculty/Staff are encouraged to lead by example. Though employees have freedom in Christ they have been employed as a role model and must consider their actions in light of I Corinthians 8:1-13. Every employee is expected to continue growing as a disciple in the following areas: TO GROW IN MIND: We will commit ourselves to continuing education; to learn from colleagues, professional development opportunities and other school activities; to fill our time and minds with what is wholesome and enriching, avoiding any speech, social conduct or personal appearance which is degrading, disrespectful or abusive. TO GROW IN BODY: We will apply ourselves to a pattern of proper diet and sufficient rest and exercise, avoiding the use of tobacco, illegal drugs, and excessive use of alcoholic beverages. TO GROW IN SPIRIT: We will daily seek the influence of Jesus Christ and His followers in our lives, serving as Christian models to our students; encourage and help those who want to grow; provide guidance to those who are in spiritual need. Be an encourager to those who want to grow in an obedient relationship to Him. TO GROW IN CHARACTER: We will be trustworthy in all of our relationships, respecting the rights and property of others, and speaking and living the truth in all circumstances. Recognize our responsibility as a member of the community to refrain from sexual immorality (including premarital, extramarital and homosexual practices, or use of pornography), gambling, or dishonesty. Isolated and/or persistent action in violation of these statements may result in administrative review and possible termination of contract with right of appeal according to Board policies.


Anti-Discrimination & Harassment Americans with Disabilities Act It is WMS's policy that we will not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities with regard to any aspect of their employment. WMS is committed to complying with the American with Disabilities Act of 1990 and its related Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as applicable. WMS recognizes that some individuals with disabilities may require accommodations at work. If you are currently disabled or become disabled during your employment, you should contact your supervisor to discuss reasonable accommodations that may enable you to perform the essential functions of your job. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, employees with AIDS will be treated like any other ill employee. If the individual is fit to work, he or she will be provided with work in accordance with normal procedures. Usually, no special precautions in the workplace are indicated. However, employees with AIDS may request reasonable accommodation by contacting the company’s medical officer or human resources department. We are committed to safeguarding the health of all employees and maintaining productivity.

Equal Employment Opportunity Policy WMS provides equal opportunity in our employment practices to qualified employees and applicants without regard to race, color, gender, national origin, age, disability, or marital status. This policy applies to all aspects of the employment relationship, including recruitment, hiring, compensation, promotion, transfer, disciplinary action, layoff, return from layoff, and training, social, and recreational programs. WMS requires, within the guidelines allowed by state and federal regulations, adherence to the faith and belief practices stated in its Mission and Goals Statement.

Policy Prohibiting Harassment and Discrimination WMS strives to maintain an environment free from discrimination and harassment, where employees treat each other with respect, dignity and courtesy. This policy applies to all phases of employment, including but not limited to recruiting, testing, hiring, promoting, demoting, transferring, laying off, terminating, paying, granting benefits and training. Prohibited Behavior WMS does not and will not tolerate any type of discrimination or harassment of our employees, applicants for employment, or our students. Discriminatory conduct or conduct characterized as harassment as defined below is prohibited. The term harassment includes, but is not limited to, slurs, jokes, and other verbal or physical conduct relating to a person's gender (including pregnancy), race, color, religion, national origin, age, disability, military status, marital status, expunged juvenile record, genetic information, ancestry, or any other protected category under federal, state or local law, that unreasonably interferes with a person's work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile work environment. Sexually harassing behavior in particular includes unwelcome conduct such as: sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, offensive touching, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Such conduct may constitute sexual harassment when it:    

is made an explicit or implicit condition of employment; is used as the basis for employment decisions; unreasonably interferes with an individual's work performance; or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment.

The types of conduct covered by this policy include: demands or subtle pressure for sexual favors accompanied by a promise of favorable job treatment or a threat concerning employment. 4

Specifically, it includes sexual behavior such as:  repeated sexual flirtations, advances or propositions;  continued and repeated verbal abuse of a sexual nature, sexually related comments and joking, graphic or degrading comments about an employee's appearance or displaying sexually suggestive objects or pictures including cartoons and vulgar e-mail messages; and  any uninvited physical contact or touching, such as patting, pinching or repeated brushing against another's body. Such conduct may constitute sexual harassment regardless of whether the conduct is between members of management, between management and staff employees, between staff employees, or directed at employees by non-employees conducting business with the school, regardless of gender. Harassment by Non-employees WMS will also endeavor to protect employees, to the extent possible, from reported harassment by nonemployees in the workplace, including customers, clients and suppliers. Complaint Procedure and Investigation Any employee who wishes to report a possible incident of sexual harassment or other unlawful harassment or discrimination should promptly report the matter to his or her supervisor. If that person is not available, or you believe it would be inappropriate to contact that person, contact a member of the Administration. WMS will conduct a prompt investigation as confidentially as possible under the circumstances. Employees who raise concerns and make reports in good faith can do so without fear of reprisal; at the same time, employees have an obligation to cooperate with WMS in enforcing this policy and investigating and remedying complaints. Anyone found to have engaged in such wrongful behavior will be subject to appropriate discipline, which may include termination. Retaliation Any employee who files a complaint of harassment or other discrimination in good faith will not be adversely affected in terms and conditions of employment and will not be retaliated against or discharged because of the complaint. In addition, we will not tolerate retaliation against any employee who, in good faith, cooperates in the investigation of a complaint. Anyone who engages in such retaliatory behavior will be subject to appropriate discipline, which may include termination.

Compensation & Work Schedule Attendance & Punctuality Every employee is expected to attend work regularly, report to work on time, and fulfill their required work day obligations. If you are unable to report to work on time for any reason, telephone the school office and your supervisor as far in advance as possible. Teachers will need to call the person responsible for finding substitutes as far in advance as possible. Teachers are expected to be in their classrooms prior to their student’s arrival. Teachers shall be within close proximity of their class at all times. No class is to be canceled or rescheduled before first clearing with Administration.

Breaks Hourly employees are entitled to minimum breaks and lunches as specified by the Bureau of Labor and Industries which are posted in the Faculty/Staff lounge.


Child Support Reporting Regulations Federal and state laws require us to report basic information about new employees, including name, address, and social security number to a state agency designated as the State Directory of New Hires. The state collects this information in an effort to enforce child support orders. Please be advised that if the state determines that you owe child support, it will send WMS an order requiring us to withhold money from your paycheck to pay your child support obligations. WMS is required to comply with such orders as a matter of federal and state law.

General Pay Information Certain deductions will be made in accordance with federal and state laws. In addition, the school makes available certain voluntary deductions as part of the school’s benefits program. If an employee elects supplemental coverage under one of the school 's benefits plans, which requires employee contributions, the employee's share of the cost will be deducted from his or her check each pay period. If the employee is not receiving a payroll check due to illness, injury, or leave of absence, he or she will be required to pay the monthly cost directly to the school.

Overtime Overtime compensation is paid to all nonexempt employees at one and one-half times their regular rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of 40 hours per week. If you are nonexempt, you must receive authorization from your supervisor before working overtime. After you have worked overtime, you must enter it on your time sheet to be turned in on the 26th of the month. Overtime pay is based on actual hours worked. Time taken for lunch or dinner is not included as time worked for purposes of computing overtime. Time off on holidays, sick leave, vacation leave, personal leave or any leave of absence will not be factored in as hours worked when calculating overtime.

Pay Schedule For all salaried and hourly employees, salaries are distributed on the last working day of the month. Employees may draw up to one-half of their monthly salary at the middle of the month with Administrative approval. Hourly employees will submit their timesheets to the payroll department by the 26th day of the month showing hours in the previous pay period. Salaried employees must submit a “request for time off” form for vacation, unpaid and sick time. The wages of all employees of WMS are subject to Social Security, federal and state withholding taxes as required by law. Employees are insured according to Workers Compensation law. The prescribed amount of employee contribution for this insurance will be withheld from wages.

Performance Evaluations Supervisors and employees are strongly encouraged to discuss job performance and goals informally at any time. Additional formal performance reviews will be conducted to provide both supervisors and employees with the opportunity to discuss job tasks, identify and correct weaknesses, encourage and recognize strengths, and discuss positive, purposeful approaches for meeting goals. These formal reviews will be conducted periodically, but not less than yearly.

Salary Increases Each year the Board in conjunction with administration reviews wage and salary tables to determine compensation for the coming school year.


Work Eligibility Records The federal government requires that within three business days of your first day of work, you must complete an employment eligibility verification form (I-9 Form), and provide documentation proving your identity and eligibility to work in the United States. If you have previously worked for WMS, you need only provide this information if it has been more than three years since you last completed an I-9 Form or if your current I-9 Form is no longer valid. I-9 Forms are maintained separately from other personnel records and are treated as confidential to the extent possible. If you need additional information about the I-9 Form, please contact the business office.

Work Hours Faculty/Staff are to be regularly on duty at the school Mondays- Friday from 7:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. Your supervisor may establish alternative hours.

Timekeeping Rules for Non-Exempt Employees (hourly) WMS strives to maintain strict compliance with the FLSA. The FLSA is a federal law that protects employees from unfair pay practices and guarantees non-exempt employees payment of minimum wage and overtime. The rules below are designed to help WMS with the FLSA and to ensure that all employees are paid fairly and legally. Failure to follow these rules may subject you to discipline up to termination. These rules apply to nonexempt employees only. If you are unsure of your status as exempt vs. non-exempt, please ask the business office.  You must keep an accurate record of all of your work hours in the manner designated by WMS.  Employees are responsible for maintaining their own timesheets.  Daily enter the time that you work on your timesheets.  You must obtain your supervisor's approval before working over and above your regularly scheduled work hours. This includes time incurred before or after your regular shift, during unpaid meal breaks, or after hours at your home or another off-site location. If you do perform any work outside of your regularly scheduled hours, you should record the time accurately on your timesheets.  Your timesheets should include entries for time spent at mandatory, job-related training programs, lectures, or meetings.  Do not carry over hours of work from one day to the next, or from one week to the next. Your timesheets should reflect the exact hours worked for each day indicated.  Review the accuracy of your timesheets before submitting them to your supervisor or the payroll department for processing. If you need to make a change on your timesheet to correct an error, make the correction before you submit it for processing. When you sign and submit your timesheets, you are certifying that they are complete and that they accurately reflect all hours that you worked.

Conduct Standards Company Equipment and Vehicles When using WMS property, including computer equipment or hardware, exercise care, perform required maintenance, and follow all operating instructions, safety standards, and guidelines. If an employee of WMS would like to schedule a van, micro bus, or larger bus, please fill out a “Field Trip Request Form” to reserve a vehicle. To use a vehicle after school hours you will need to check with the Transportation Coordinator for vehicle availability. Vehicle keys are secured and vehicles are only provided for approved uses. Your early request for a vehicle will help ensure that the vehicle is mechanically sound and will help allocate the cost of vehicles to the correct department. 7

Notify your supervisor if any equipment or machines appear to be damaged, defective, or in need of repair. This prompt reporting could prevent the equipment's deterioration and could also help prevent injury to you or others. Should you have questions about the maintenance and care of any workplace equipment, ask your supervisor. If you use or operate equipment improperly, carelessly, negligently, or unsafely, you may be disciplined or even discharged. In addition, you may be held financially responsible for any loss to WMS because of such mistreatment. Please keep your work area neat and clean and use normal care in handling school property. Report any broken or damaged equipment to your supervisor and submit a work order to the appropriate department supervisor. You may not use any school property for personal purposes or remove any school property from the premises without prior written permission from the appropriate department supervisor.

Conduct Standards & Discipline WMS expects every employee to adhere to the highest standards of job performance and of personal conduct, including individual involvement with school personnel, students, and outside contacts. The school reserves the right to discipline or discharge any employee for violating any school policy, practice or rule of conduct. The following list is intended to give notice of our expectations and standards. However, it does not include every type of unacceptable behavior that can or will result in disciplinary action. Be aware that WMS retains the discretion to determine the nature and extent of any discipline based upon the circumstances of each individual case. Employees may be disciplined or terminated for poor job performance, including, but not limited to the following:    

Unsatisfactory quality or quantity of work Repeated absences or lateness Failing to follow instructions or school procedures, or Failing to follow established safety regulations.

Employees may also be disciplined or terminated for misconduct, including, but not limited to the following:             

Not adhering to the statement of ethics Falsifying an employment application or any other school records or documents Failing to record working time accurately or recording a co-worker's timesheet Insubordination or other refusal to perform Using vulgar, profane or obscene language, including any communication or action that violates our policy against harassment and other unlawful forms of discrimination Disorderly conduct, fighting or other acts of violence Misusing, destroying or stealing school property or another person's property Possessing, entering with or using weapons on school property Possessing, selling, using or reporting to work with alcohol, controlled substances or illegal drugs, or having them present in the employee's system, on school property or on school time Violating conflict of interest rules Disclosing or using confidential or proprietary information without authorization Violating the school 's computer or software use policies, and Being convicted of a crime that indicates unfitness for a job or presents a threat to the school or its employees in any way.

Dating In the Work Place Supervisors and employees under their supervision are strongly discouraged from forming romantic relationships. Such relationships can create the impression of impropriety in terms and conditions of employment and can interfere with productivity and the overall work environment.


If you are unsure of the appropriateness of an interaction with another employee of the school, contact your supervisor for guidance. If you are encouraged or pressured to become involved with a student or employee in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable and is unwelcome, you should notify your supervisor immediately. No student or employee of this school has the right to subject any employee to sexual or other unlawful harassment, including requests for sexual favors, sexual advances, offensive touching, and any other unwanted verbal, graphic conduct or communications of a sexual nature. You should also be aware of, and are expected to comply with, WMS's policy against sexual and other forms of illegal harassment in the workplace. Appropriate action, which may include reassignment, leave of absence, suspension or termination, will be taken against those who violate this policy.

Dress Policy Faculty and staff are expected to dress professionally which means staying well above the dress code expectations for our students. Jeans are allowed on the last working day of the week (most often Fridays), but still appearing professional and well above the student dress code is expected. Exceptions are made for extracurricular activities.

Searches WMS may conduct searches for illegal drugs, controlled substances, or alcohol in school facilities or grounds without prior notice to employees. Such searches may be conducted at any time. Employees are expected to cooperate fully. An employee's consent to a search is required as a condition of employment and the employee's refusal to consent may result in disciplinary action, including termination. Searches of employees and their personal property may be conducted by administration when there is reasonable suspicion to believe that the employee has violated this policy, or when circumstances or workplace conditions justify such a search. Personal property may include, but is not limited to, purses, boxes, briefcases, as well as any WMS property that is provided for employees' personal use, such as desks, lockers, and files.

Drug Testing WMS may require a blood test, urinalysis, hair test or other drug or alcohol screening of employees suspected of using or being under the influence of drugs or alcohol or where other circumstances or workplace conditions justify such testing. The refusal to consent to testing may result in disciplinary action, including termination.

Unpaid Suspension as a Disciplinary Measure In accordance with WMS's policies on harassment, drug or alcohol use, and other work conduct rules, the school reserves the right to discipline or discharge any employee for violations of rules pertaining to behavior within the workplace. An employee will be subject to an unpaid disciplinary suspension for infractions of workplace conduct rules. Suspensions without pay apply to everyone. For exempt employees, suspensions without pay will be in one or more full-day increments. For non-exempt employees, suspensions may be any period of time within the school’s discretion.

Ethical and Legal Business Practices WMS expects the highest standard of ethical conduct and fair dealing from each employee, volunteer, and all others associated with the school. Our reputation is a valuable asset, and we must continually earn the trust, confidence and respect of our parents, our students, and our community. This policy provides general guidance on the ethical principles that we all must follow, but no guideline can anticipate all situations. You should also be guided by basic honesty and good judgment, and be sensitive to others' perceptions and interpretations. You are expected to promptly disclose to Administration anything that may violate this policy. We will not tolerate retaliation or retribution against anyone who brings violations to Administrations attention. 9

Complying With Laws and Regulations All of our activities are to be conducted in compliance with the letter and spirit of all laws and regulations. You are charged with the responsibility of understanding the applicable laws, recognizing potential dangers and knowing when to seek legal advice.

Employee Privacy and Other Confidential Information WMS collects only personal information about employees that relates to their employment. Only people with a business-related need to know are given access to this information, and the Administration must authorize any release of the information to others. Personal information, other than that required to verify employment or to satisfy legitimate investigatory or legal requirements, will be released outside the school only with employee approval. If you have access to any confidential information, including private employee, donor or student information, you are responsible for acting with integrity. Unauthorized disclosure or inappropriate use of confidential information will not be tolerated and will result in disciplinary action which may include termination.

Accounting and Financial Reports WMS's financial statements and all books and records on which they are based must accurately reflect the school's transactions. All disbursements and receipts must be properly authorized and recorded. Employees must record and report financial information accurately. Reimbursable business expenses must be reasonable, accurately reported and supported by receipts. Those responsible for handling or disbursing funds must assure that all transactions are executed as authorized and recorded to permit financial statements in accord with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.

Account and Customer Information Employees are prohibited from distributing account, client, and/or customer information to anyone, in any form, except the named account holder, client, or customer. Compliance Employees who fail to comply with this policy will be disciplined, which may include a demand for reimbursement of any losses or damages, termination of employment and referral for criminal prosecution. Action appropriate to the circumstances will also be taken against supervisors or others who fail to report a violation or withhold relevant information concerning a violation of this policy.

Political/Campaign Activities WMS recognizes employees' constitutional right to vote and participate in the political process. However, political and campaign activities can be disruptive and must be limited during work hours. In the interest of maintaining a productive and tension-free work environment, WMS has adopted the following policy restricting political and campaign-related activities in the workplace. Employees may be subject to disciplinary action, up to termination, for violating this policy. Prohibited Employee Activities Employees are not permitted to participate in any political activity that interferes with or disrupts the workplace in any manner. It is against this school’s policy for any employee to:  Use work time or school resources to accomplish goals that are politically motivated.  Solicit or encourage monetary contributions or other support for a political party, campaign, candidate, or political belief during work hours.  Use school facilities, such as break or eating areas, conference rooms, or offices for any political or campaign activity.  Utilize the school’s property or school -issued property, including but not limited to, telephones (both cellular and desk phones), computers, facsimile machines, email systems, interoffice mail or voicemail, photocopiers, postage, paper, envelopes, or other office supplies, for any political or campaign activity. 10

 Use the school’s name or affiliation in connection with any political or campaign activity, at any time, without the school’s express written approval.  Display political posters, buttons or slogans on clothing. Political Coercion, Harassment and Retaliation WMS embraces diversity and respects each employee’s political beliefs and preferences. It is against school policy for anyone to behave in a threatening, harassing, or discriminatory manner toward any other employee with respect to his or her political beliefs or activities. The school does not permit its administration or supervisors to coerce employees into supporting or opposing any political candidate, party, or belief. It is a violation of this school’s policy for any supervisor to retaliate, threaten to retaliate, or take any adverse action against an employee for his/her support or opposition to any political campaign or party affiliation. Employees Running for Public Office Employees who decide to run for public office are expected to keep politics separate from employment, and should not allow political involvement to interfere with work performance. WMS strictly prohibits employees seeking public office from using the school’s name in association with any political or campaign activity without the school’s express written permission. Employees wishing to run for public office should notify their supervisor in writing of their intentions, specifying the position and venue in which they are seeking election. Employees running for office are expected to maintain all regular work duties during the campaign and upon election. Employees elected to a full-time office are encouraged to either resign or request a leave of absence without pay. The school does not guarantee that employees will be reinstated to their prior position or any other position upon return from a leave of absence for political service. Employees elected to public office must disclose to Administration the existence of any potential or actual conflict of interest affecting the employee’s duties or loyalty to the school, and shall cooperate to the extent practicable to resolve such conflicts to the school’s satisfaction.

Open Door Communication is a two-way street. WMS has an open-door policy whereby any employee can speak to any Administration member on any matter. Our leaders are dedicated to being available and attentively listening to employees. Changes cannot be implemented if the school is unaware of the need for change(s).

Grievances WMS recognizes that a peaceful working environment facilitates productivity, and will continue to take the necessary steps to create a harmonious working environment. In the event that a misunderstanding or conflict arises, every effort should be made to resolve the situation in a timely manner. Should the situation persist, you are encouraged to bring the complaint to the attention of Administration by following the procedures outlined below: 1. Discuss the situation with your immediate supervisor. If this is not sufficient or appropriate, then proceed to step 2. 2. Meet with an administration member, who may proceed to conduct an investigation into the situation and find possible remedies. You should receive a response within a reasonable period of time. The school will attempt to respond and/or resolve the situation within 14 days, or sooner as the circumstances warrant. If this does not suffice then you are encouraged to meet with the Head of School. 3. Should the Head of School be the subject of the grievance then the School Board may be notified. This may be done by first notifying the Board Chair. Note: Complaints alleging violations of the school’s discrimination/harassment policy should be handled in accordance with the policy entitled "Policy Prohibiting Harassment and Discrimination."

Progressive Discipline WMS retains the discretion to discipline its employees. Oral and written warnings and progressive discipline up to and including discharge may be administered as appropriate under the circumstances. Please note that WMS reserves the right to terminate any employee whose conduct merits immediate dismissal without resorting to any aspect of the progressive discipline process. 11

Smoking Policy Smoking is prohibited on WMS property. All employees and visitors are expected to comply.

Workplace Solicitation To promote a professional and collegial workplace, prevent disruptions in business or interference with work, and avoid personal inconvenience, WMS has adopted rules about soliciting for any cause and distributing literature of any kind in the workplace. Employees may not solicit on WMS property or use company facilities, such as e-mail, voicemail or bulletin boards during working time for solicitation. This policy applies to collecting funds, requesting contributions, selling merchandise, gathering employee signatures and promoting membership in clubs or organizations. Working time means time during which employees are expected to be actively engaged in their assigned work; it does not include scheduled meal or break periods. Solicitation with another employee may occur only if both you and the other employee are not on working time; literature may distributed only in nonworking areas and while not on working time to other employees who are also not on working time. Nonemployees may not make solicitations or distribute literature at any time. WMS may grant limited exemptions from these rules for charitable purposes at its discretion.

Zero Tolerance for Workplace Violence WMS has a zero-tolerance policy concerning threats, intimidation and violence of any kind in the workplace either committed by or directed to our employees. Employees who engage in such conduct will be disciplined, up to and including immediate termination of employment. Employees are not permitted to bring weapons of any kind onto company premises or to company functions. Any employee who is suspected of possessing a weapon will be subject to a search at the company's discretion. Such searches may include, but not be limited to, the employee's personal effects, desk and workspace. If an employee feels he or she has been subjected to threats or threatening conduct by a coworker, or student, the employee should notify his or her supervisor or a member of the administration team immediately. Employees will not be penalized for reporting such concerns.

Return of Company Property upon Separation When an Employee’s employment with WMS terminates, for whatever reason, the Employee is required to immediately return all school -owned property used during his/her employment, and all documents, disks, and other materials containing proprietary or confidential information belonging to the school. This includes without limitation, keys, credit cards, computers, vehicles, communication devices, and any other equipment, materials, or items purchased, leased, owned, or otherwise belonging to WMS.

Leave Bereavement Leave Full-time employees who have worked at WMS for at least 90 days are permitted up to 3 consecutive days with pay to attend the funeral of an immediate family member, which includes a spouse, child, brother, sister, parent or grandparent. Extended family or close friend will be considered, but must be approved. Supervisors must approve all bereavement time, and the school may request verification of the facts surrounding the leave and grant or deny the leave as deemed appropriate. Bereavement leave will not be paid if it occurs when the employee is on vacation or leave of absence, absent due to illness or injury, or not working due to a paid holiday. 12

Federal Family and Medical Leave Rights You may be eligible for family and medical leave if you have worked for WMS for at least 12 months and have put in at least 1,250 hours during the 12-month period before the leave is to begin. A Family Medical Leave request form is available from the Business Office. Reasons for the Leave You may be entitled to take up to 12 workweeks of unpaid leave:  to attend to the birth, adoption or foster care placement of your child;  to attend to the serious health condition of your child, spouse or parent; or  to receive care for your own serious health condition. A serious health condition means an illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition during which you are incapable of working that involves either:  treatment requiring inpatient care in a hospital, hospice or residential care facility, or  continuing treatment by a health care provider for a condition that lasts more than three consecutive days, or for pregnancy or prenatal care, or for a chronic health condition which continues over an extended period of time, requires periodic visits to a health care provider and may involve occasional episodes of incapacity, such as serious asthma or diabetes. It also includes a permanent or long-term condition such as Alzheimer's, a severe stroke and terminal cancer. In addition, leave may be used to cover absences due to multiple treatments for restorative surgery or for a condition which would likely make you incapable of working for more than three days if not treated, such as chemotherapy or radiation treatments for cancer. Substituting Paid Leave The school may require you to substitute accrued vacation or personal leave time for family and medical leave. If the request for leave is due to your own serious health condition, you may be required to first exhaust all accrued sick leave time. Any accrued vacation or personal leave time will then be used. Your total FMLA leave time, which may include paid vacation and sick time, may not exceed 12 weeks. The school has the right to designate such leaves as running concurrently with FMLA leave. Notice of Leave If your need for leave is foreseeable, 30 days prior notice must be given if possible. If such notice is not given, the leave may be delayed for up to 30 days. If your need for leave is due to a planned medical treatment, make every attempt to schedule the treatment so as not to unduly disrupt the work of your department. If your need for leave is not foreseeable, you must request it as soon as practicable, no later than two business days after the need for leave arises. Medical Certification If leave is requested due to your own or a family member's serious health condition, medical certification must be provided from an appropriate health care provider. The medical certification must include the date on which the condition began and its probable duration. Leave may be denied if satisfactory certification has not been provided. WMS may also require a second opinion or third opinion regarding certification of a serious health condition, at our expense. Returning to Work If your leave is due to your own medical condition, you are required to provide medical certification that you are able to resume work before returning. Both you and your health care provider must complete a Return to Work Medical Certification. Upon returning to work, you will ordinarily be entitled to be restored to your former position or to an equivalent position with the same employment benefits and pay if possible. If you do not return to work at the end of the leave and do not notify WMS of your status, you may be terminated. Benefits During Leave Taking family and medical leave will not cause you to lose any employment benefits accrued prior to the first day of leave. The leave period will be treated as continued service for purposes of determining vesting and eligibility to participate in any retirement plan in effect. However, employees on FMLA leave normally will not accrue any 13

other additional benefits during the leave period, unless it is paid leave under which benefits would otherwise accrue. WMS will maintain your insurance benefits while you are on leave, although you may be required to pay your portion of the premium. However, if you do not return to work after the leave, you may be asked to reimburse us for the cost of maintaining insurance coverage during the leave. This provision will not apply in cases where your inability to return is through no fault of your own -- for example, at the end of leave you remain physically unable to return due to your serious health condition. Misrepresenting Reasons for Leave If you intentionally misrepresent the reasons for requesting family and medical leave, you may be discharged.

State Law Leave Rights Employees may be entitled to take up to 12 workweeks of unpaid leave in any 12-month period:  to recover from or seek treatment for your own serious health condition;  to care for a family member with a serious health condition;  to care for an infant, newly placed foster child or adopted child under 18 years of age, or adopted or foster child older than 18 that is incapable of self-care due to a disability ("parental leave"); or  to care for your child who is suffering from an illness, injury, or condition that is not a serious health condition but who requires home care ("sick-child leave"). In addition to the 12 weeks of leave, you may be entitled to take a total of 12 weeks of leave within any one-year period for an illness, injury or condition related to pregnancy or childbirth that disables you from performing any available job duties offered by the school. An employee who takes 12 weeks of parental leave within a one-year period may take up to an additional 12 weeks of sick-child leave within the one-year period. To be eligible for parental leave, you must have worked for WMS for at least 180 days immediately before the leave is to begin. To be eligible for other types of leave, you must have worked an average of 25 hours/week for at least 180 days immediately before the leave is to begin. If your need for leave is foreseeable, you must give 30 days prior notice. If leave is requested due to your own, a family member's serious health condition or sick-child leave, you must provide medical certification from an appropriate health care provider. No salary or benefits will be granted during the absence, but upon returning to work, you will ordinarily be restored to your former position or to an equivalent position with the same employment benefits and pay if possible. The principal will decide staff requests for a leave of absence; faculty and administration requests will require Board approval.

Jury Duty Employees are encouraged to serve on jury duty and fulfill their civic obligations. Employees who are scheduled for jury duty must provide documentation of the jury duty summons to their supervisor immediately. Unless otherwise required by state or local law, WMS will compensate employees their regular pay for up to 10 days of time they are required to serve. Employees must provide evidence of service including monies received from jury duty to their immediate supervisor for submission to the Payroll Department. Employees are allowed to keep mileage cost reimbursement. On occasion, serving on a jury will cause a hardship to school operations. In such a case, the school may ask the employee to request a deferment for reporting to jury duty.

Time off From Work in Connection With Court Cases We recognize that an employee might be subpoenaed or otherwise required to serve as a witness in a court case or arbitration. If you are called to serve as a witness, notify your supervisor as soon as possible. Unless otherwise required by state or local law, employees called to testify will not be paid for the time they are away from work as a result of their participation in a court case or arbitration, but may use available vacation and personal days to cover their time away from work. 14

General Employment Employee Classifications Your supervisor will verify whether you are a full-time or part-time employee, and also whether you are exempt or non-exempt. Exempt employees are not entitled to overtime under the Fair Labor Standards Act, while nonexempt employees can qualify for this pay.

Employee Records An employee's personnel file consists of an employee's employment application, withholding forms, reference checks, emergency information and any performance appraisals, benefits data and other appropriate employment-related documents. It is your responsibility to notify the Front Office and Business Office of any changes in name, address, telephone number, marital status, number of dependents, military service status, beneficiaries or person to notify in case of an accident. You may be dismissed for misrepresenting any fact on your application or in your personnel file. Personnel records are considered school property. You may review your records after giving adequate notice.

HIPAA Portability Rights If you should terminate your health plan coverage, you may need to provide evidence of your prior coverage in order to enroll in another group health plan, to reduce a waiting period in another group health plan, or to get certain types of individual coverage. This policy describes certain protections available to you under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) when changing your health insurance coverage. If you should have any questions regarding your HIPAA portability rights, please contact the human resources department. Pre-existing condition exclusions. Some group health plans restrict coverage for medical conditions present before an individual's enrollment. These restrictions are known as "preexisting condition exclusions." A preexisting condition exclusion can apply only to conditions for which medical advice, diagnosis, care, or treatment was recommended or received within the 6 months before your "enrollment date." Your enrollment date is your first day of coverage under the plan, or, if there is a waiting period, the first day of your waiting period (typically, your first day of work). In addition, preexisting condition exclusion cannot last for more than 12 months after your enrollment date (18 months if you are a late enrollee). Finally, preexisting condition exclusion cannot apply to pregnancy and cannot apply to a child who is enrolled in health coverage within 30 days after birth, adoption, or placement for adoption. If a plan imposes a preexisting condition exclusion, the length of the exclusion must be reduced by the amount of your prior creditable coverage. Most health coverage is creditable coverage, including group health plan coverage, COBRA continuation coverage, coverage under an individual health policy, Medicare, Medicaid, State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), and coverage through high-risk pools and the Peace Corps. Not all forms of creditable coverage are required to provide Certificates of Group Health Plan Coverage . If you do not receive a certificate for past coverage, talk to your new plan administrator. You can add up any creditable coverage you have, including the coverage shown on your Certificate of Group Health Plan Coverage. However, if at any time you went for 63 days or more without any coverage (called a break in coverage) a plan may not have to count the coverage you had before the break. Therefore, once your coverage ends, you should try to obtain alternative coverage as soon as possible to avoid a 63-day break. You may use your Certificate of Group Health Plan Coverage as evidence of your creditable coverage to reduce the length of any preexisting condition exclusion if you enroll in another plan. Right to get special enrollment in another plan. Under HIPAA, if you lose your group health plan coverage, you may be able to get into another group health plan for which you are eligible (such as a spouse's plan), even if the plan generally does not accept late enrollees, if you request enrollment within 30 days. (Additional special enrollment rights are triggered by marriage, birth, adoption, and placement for adoption.) Therefore, once your coverage ends, if you are eligible for coverage in another plan (such as a spouse's plan), you should request special enrollment as soon as possible. 15

Prohibition against discrimination based on a health factor. Under HIPAA, a group health plan may not keep you (or your dependents) out of the plan based on anything related to your health. Also, a group health plan may not charge you (or your dependents) more for coverage, based on health, than the amount charged a similarly situated individual. Right to individual health coverage. Under HIPAA, if you are an "eligible individual," you have a right to buy certain individual health policies (or in some states, to buy coverage through a high-risk pool) without a preexisting condition exclusion. To be an eligible individual, you must meet the following requirements:      

You have had coverage for at least 18 months without a break in coverage of 63 days or more; Your most recent coverage was under a group health plan (which can be shown by your Certificate of Group Health Plan Coverage); Your group coverage was not terminated because of fraud or nonpayment of premiums; You are not eligible for COBRA continuation coverage or you have exhausted your COBRA benefits (or continuation coverage under a similar state provision); and  You are not eligible for another group health plan, Medicare, or Medicaid, and do not  have any other health insurance coverage. The right to buy individual coverage is the same whether you are laid off, fired, or quit your job. Therefore, if you are interested in obtaining individual coverage and you meet the other criteria to be an eligible individual, you should apply for this coverage as soon as possible to avoid losing your eligible individual status due to a 63-day break. State flexibility. This policy describes minimum HIPAA protections under federal law. States may require insurers and HMOs to provide additional protections to individuals in that state. For more information. If you have questions about your HIPAA rights, you may contact your state insurance department or the U.S. Department of Labor, Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) toll-free at 1866-444-3272 (for free HIPAA publications ask for publications concerning changes in health care laws). You may also contact the CMS publication hotline at 1-800-633-4227 (ask for "Protecting Your Health Insurance Coverage"). These publications and other useful information are also available on the Internet at: http://www.dol.gov/ebsa, the DOL's interactive web pages - Health Elaws, or http://www.cms.hhs.gov/hipaa1.

HIPPA Privacy and Security Compliance It is the intent of WMS to safeguard and protect the privacy and security of its applicants and employees' "protected health information" as defined by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 ("HIPAA"). "Protected health information" includes individually identifiable information, maintained or transmitted through any medium, relating to an individual's past, present, or future physical or mental health or healthcare. Health information is considered “individually identifiable” if it either identifies a person by name or creates a reasonable basis to believe the individual could be identified (through identifiers such as address, social security number, dates of service, telephone number, email address, or vehicle identification number). It is the policy of WMS to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of protected health information entrusted to the school by its applicants and employees by protecting those assets from unauthorized access, alteration, deletion, or unauthorized transmission and to ensure their physical security. Employees and supervisors of WMS shall not at any time access, use, or disclose to any person or entity, any protected health information of the school 's applicants or employees, except as necessary and authorized in the course of their duties and responsibilities with the school. Similarly, employees and supervisors are prohibited from making any unauthorized transmission, alteration, deletion, or unauthorized access of protected health information. Such unauthorized transmission includes, but is not limited to, removing and/or transferring protected health information in the school's computer system to an unauthorized location. These privacy and security obligations apply regardless of the manner in which the employee or supervisor acquires the protected health information, whether it was communicated verbally, in writing, electronically, or in any format, and regardless of whether it was communicated directly to the individual or intended for his/her access.


The unauthorized access, use, disclosure, alteration, deletion, or unauthorized transmission of protected health information in violation of this policy may subject you to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.

Identity Theft Protection WMS respects the privacy of your personal data and is committed to ensuring that it will only be accessed and utilized as necessary, in a professional and confidential capacity. In all circumstances, we take reasonable steps to:  Give clear notice when we are requesting information from you, the types of information we request from you, the general purposes for which that information will be used or disclosed, and the categories of users to whom we provide the information; and  Use safe and secure systems, physical and electronic, to safeguard your non-public personal information, including your social security number. If at any time you feel as if your personal data has been misused or improperly accessed, please report your concerns to the business office or admin team for further investigation.

Reference/Background Checks WMS conducts reference and background checks on all new employees. Employees who have falsified information on their employment applications will be disciplined, which could include termination. Applicants who have provided false information may be eliminated from further consideration for employment.

Termination, Resignation and Discharge Unless expressly proscribed by statute or contract, employment with WMS is "at will" and may be terminated with or without cause or notice. Similarly, employees are free to resign at any time. If at any time it is necessary for an employee to resign his or her employment, WMS requests at least two weeks’ notice unless contract specifies otherwise. Employees who resign will receive their final paycheck immediately if they provide 48 hours of notice (excluding weekends and holidays). If 48 hours of notice is not given, wages will be paid by the earlier of the next regular payday or within 5 working days from the date of resignation. Employees who are discharged will receive their final paycheck by the end of the first business day after the discharge. Final paychecks will include all wages accrued but not paid through the date of separation. DISMISSAL: Dismissal of a faculty or staff member during his or her tenure may be made on the grounds of negligence of duty, incompetence, destructive attitude toward the church or administration, immorality, or sexual harassment of an employee or student. No employee shall be dismissed without an interview with administration and a hearing before the Executive Committee of the Board, if desired by the employee.

Employment and Release All appointments are on an annual basis except as specifically provided by the Board. Recommendations for the appointment or release of a faculty member shall be made to the Board’s Personnel Committee. Faculty members shall sign the Appointment and Service Agreement and return it to the immediate supervisor not later than the due date specified. Should such Appointment and Service Agreement not be returned by this date, the position will be declared open except when the faculty member and the Board or its agent mutually agree to a stated postponement of the signing of the agreement. An employee with a full time contract with the school shall not assume other employment relations or engage in any major work without the permission of Administration. The staff person shall give no less than 30 days written notice of intended resignation during the term of this contract unless a different termination date is mutually agreed upon. The Board shall likewise give at least 30 days notice of termination. No notice shall be required for immorality, disloyalty or insubordination to the school or overseeing conference, incompetence, or other causes that make continued employment during a 30-day notice period inappropriate. In such cases termination may be immediate with right of appeal according to board policies.


Safety & Emergency Emergency Measures Bad weather or hazardous commuting conditions may occasionally make it impossible for employees to report to work on time. However, you are expected to make a diligent effort to report to work when conditions have improved. If you determine that you are unable to report to work because of the conditions, inform your supervisor as soon as possible. Your absence will be charged to unpaid or vacation time. If it becomes necessary to shut down the school due to weather or other emergency, every effort will be made to notify employees. Decisions to cancel school because of weather will be made by 6:00 a.m. Announcements will be sent to families via the PowerSchool notification system, TV and Radio, and through the school website.

Fire Safety Every employee is responsible for recognizing potential fire dangers and taking an active role in preventing fires. Employees are required to observe all OSHA safety requirements and regulations. Flammable materials are to be stored in covered metal containers. Employees should not block any fire doors, fire exits, fire extinguishers, windows or doorways. Review the fire escape routes posted in each work area.

First Aid Our goal is to provide employees with the necessary information regarding appropriate techniques associated with administering medical assistance to others. WMS is concerned about employees who may be exposed to blood and other bodily fluids when rendering first aid to other employees. The following procedures are to be used when administering first aid:  Always use latex gloves that are supplied in the school 's first aid kit.  In the event CPR becomes necessary, a CPR Micro-Shield should be used if available. Only those employees who are certified to perform CPR should perform CPR.  Any materials, including latex gloves and CPR Micro-Shields, used in administering first aid should be discarded in the red biohazard bags located in the administration building.  Hands should be thoroughly washed following any first aid procedure. The red biohazard bags will be picked up by special arrangement with the local waste management company on a regular basis.

Safety WMS is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy environment for all employees. Report all accidents, injuries, potential safety hazards, safety suggestions and health and safety related issues immediately to your supervisor. If you are ever injured you need to fill out an Incident Form and contact your supervisor immediately. Seek help from outside emergency response agencies, only if needed. Contact information is posted in the business office. You must complete an Employee's Claim for Worker's Compensation Benefits Form if you have an injury that requires medical attention. If your injury does not require medical attention, you must still complete an Incident Form in case medical treatment is later needed and to ensure that any existing safety hazards are corrected. You can obtain the required forms from the business office. A federal law, the Occupational Safety and Health Act, requires that we keep records of all illnesses and accidents that occur on the job. OSHA also provides for your right to know about any health hazards that might be present on the job.


In addition, the state Workers' Compensation Act also requires that you report any illness or injury caused by the workplace, no matter how slight. If you do not report an injury, you may jeopardize your right to collect workers' compensation payments as well as health benefits. You can get the required reporting paperwork from the business office.

Corporate Communications & Technology Investigations In an effort to safeguard the property of our employees, and WMS, WMS reserves the right to inspect property owned and/or supplied by the school at any time, with or without notice. Therefore, employees should have no reasonable expectation of privacy in property owned and/or supplied by the school. Employees may be permitted to store personal items in facilities. However, the school is not responsible for loss, damage or theft of employees' personal belongings, so employees should exercise discretion in storing any personal items.

Software Policy WMS regulates employees' use of its computer software. Duplication of any licensed software or related documentation for use, either on school premises or elsewhere, unless expressly authorized to do so by written agreement with the licensor is prohibited. Licensed software may not be provided to anyone outside the school. Employees should be aware that the illegal duplication of software may result in the filing of criminal copyright charges by the owners of the copyrights and can subject both the employee and the school to liability. All software that WMS acquires must be purchased by the IT Director or Administration. Upon delivery, all software must be registered properly and installed by the IT Director. Personal software may not be loaded onto WMS computers.

Other Faculty & Staff Information Faculty/Staff Meeting Faculty and staff (70% FTE and above) are expected to attend all F/S meetings every Monday morning, beginning at 7:30 a.m. (F/S less than 70% are encouraged to attend.) Matters for discussion in faculty and staff meetings need to be submitted by Thursday afternoon to a member of Administration. Matters that could be handled better by private discussion with Administration or another teacher or staff should not be raised in faculty meetings. No employee, however, should hesitate to seek the whole group's counsel.

Professional Standards: Teachers should continually update themselves by attending professional meetings, subscribing to journals in their teaching discipline, taking advantage of other available services and resources for professional growth. An administrator will evaluate each teacher’s classroom performance yearly. Teachers are to have students formally evaluate classroom performance at least once annually, or as specified by the administration. Teaching Load: The full-time teacher's load is normally 5 1/2 credit hours of instruction per semester, however, a teacher’s hours of instruction may be filled with study hall supervision or other non-teaching duty. A teacher may, by mutual agreement, be assigned six periods of classroom instruction per day. Full-time teachers are to be on duty Monday – Friday 7:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. unless excused by the Principal. Teachers are to be available for sponsorship of extra-curricular activities and participation in school programs without additional compensation. 19

Each full-time faculty member plans a one-week "mini-term" held the last week of the school year. Mini-terms offered vary from on-campus academic courses to off-campus experience oriented courses. Part-time faculty and staff may be asked to lead a mini-term course or may volunteer to do so. Because the mini-term is a part of the contractual school year, a request to not participate requires permission from the administration and a deduction in salary. Teacher Certification: All certifiable teachers are to be certified by the Oregon Department of Education. If a certifiable teacher is not certified, there must be yearly progress towards certification that meets Oregon Department of Education requirements. In order to maintain accredited status as a school, certifiable teachers must be working toward certification if they don’t hold current certification. Faculty Professional Enrichment Grants (PEG): Each year the school Board will budget not less than 1% of gross salaries and benefits for professional development experiences, which is available for up to $1,000 individual grants, on an application basis. A form with guidelines is available in the main office. Approval of these grants are subject to budget availability, current need, and will be approved or denied by Administration.

Tardies and Absences, Etc. Student Tardies: The ringing of the tardy bell indicates the beginning of the class or study activity. Any

student not in his/her place when the bell rings is TARDY and needs to be sent to the Student Services office to obtain a Tardy Slip. Students are not allowed to enter the classroom without a Tardy Slip. Consistent enforcing of this policy greatly reduces the problem of tardiness. If a faculty or staff person is responsible for causing a student to be tardy they need to write an note of excuse for the student and give it to the student so the student can present the note to the Student Services office and obtain an excused tardy. After 10 minutes following the late bell a student shall be considered absent on record.

Student Absences: All teachers, as well as study hall supervisors, are to take attendance at the beginning of each period and record a student as being present or absent. It is important to record accurate first period entries, as the Student Services Office will use this information to notify parents when students are absent. The Student Services Office will override Teacher entries and will maintain an accurate and current attendance record for each student throughout the school year. Parents should notify the Student Services Office by phone, e-mail or in writing to excuse their student’s absence(s). Teachers are not to excuse students from class or study hall to engage in extra-curricular activities unless such activity is officially sponsored (i.e., leaving early for sports).

Recording Grades: Faculty members are to submit nine week and semester grades by the end of the

Monday immediately following the end of a nine week or semester. A nine or semester grade is not to be withheld unless it is due to legitimate absences where make-up work is necessary. In these cases a grade of incomplete “I” should be given. Students are expected to turn work in on time. Late assignments will receive the following deductions:

Middle School: Middle School students who turn in late assignments will receive 10% off the assignment for the first day past the assigned due date. An assignment turned in more than one day late will receive 20% off of the assignment. Students may turn in missing assignments up to the end of the 9 week grading period. High School: High School students who turn in late assignments will receive 10% off of the assignment per day it is late, up to 50% off the assignment, as long as it is turned in before the end of the 9 week grading period.

Advanced Placement/College Credit Now/Honors classes: Students who enroll in these classes will receive no credit for a late assignment as students are expected to function at a high college level of academic responsibility.

IEP/Accommodation plans: Students with an IEP or an Accommodation Plan may have a different late work

policy as individually determined by the plan. Parents requesting that their student be given an accommodation may need to have their student tested to determine if the student has learning needs.

Absences: Students who miss homework because of an excused absence will receive the opportunity to make up missed work. Students are given one school day for each day absent plus one extra day to turn in their work. It’s the student’s responsibility to find out all assigned work for a class they miss due to illness or absence. 20

Contact with Parents: In addition to the fall and spring parent-teacher conferences, teachers are strongly encouraged to contact parents by phone or email when students are performing in either an exceptional or unsatisfactory manner.

Major Projects: Deadlines for major student assignments shall be placed well enough in advance so parents can be notified if failure is pending.

Classroom Discipline and Management: The teacher or study hall supervisor is responsible for the order and discipline of their classrooms. If a situation requires support please contact an Administrator immediately. The Dean of Students should be made aware of any discipline that happens.

Instructor Absenteeism: Every employee is expected to attend work regularly, report to work on time, and fulfill their required work day obligations. If you are unable to report to work on time for any reason, telephone the school office and your supervisor as far in advance as possible. Teachers will need to call the person responsible for finding substitutes as far in advance as possible. Teachers are expected to be in their classrooms prior to their student’s arrival. Teachers shall be within close proximity of their class at all times. No class is to be canceled or rescheduled before first clearing with Administration.

Classroom Cleanliness: Teachers are responsible to maintain a clean and attractive classroom environment. While custodial support is provided, teachers and staff are to make daily efforts to keep the facility looking healthy and clean. Student training should be included.

Textbook And Instructional Materials: Teachers recommend change of textbooks to the Curriculum Committee and Principal who will make the final decision concerning the suggested change. Six years is considered to be the viable lifetime of textbooks unless new editions make an earlier change advisable. Textbook changes for the following school year are to be requested by the date set by the Principal.

Each department has a budget. Before ordering budgeted materials, approval must be obtained by the department chairperson and Administrator over the specific department. Materials consumed each year (workbooks) are purchased from department budgets. Textbooks are purchased through a separate textbook budget. Any above budget expenditures must be cleared with the principal before requisitioning.

School Sponsored Trips: Requests for permission for field trips or class trips must be made to the principal well in advance of the anticipated field trip. Approval must be granted prior to notification of students. Requests are usually granted unless a school week's schedule does not permit students to be absent. Field trips are listed on the weekly POST. Please use the request form available in the main office.

Choosing Resource Speakers: Teachers are encouraged to broaden the scope, format, and information delivered to our students. Persons from Mennonite churches and related service agencies, as well as other Christian faith-related churches and organizations should be welcomed and included in the education program. Resource persons who may convey a message or display behavior which is counter to the school’s mission statement and goals must be approved by the administration before they are invited for involvement in any aspect of the school’s program. (Board Policy IICB)

Teaching Controversial Issues: The Board and Administration support the concept of alerting students to controversial issues in our society and in our churches. Before planning a class study of a known controversial topic, the teacher will discuss with the principal: 1) the topic’s appropriateness to the course; 2) Its appropriateness to the maturity level of the students; 3) The approach to instruction; 4) The teaching materials to be used; 5) Any resource persons who must be approved by the Administration before contacted for involvement in the study. (Board Policy INB)

After school Special Activities: To facilitate communication and to prevent over-scheduling, all schedule revisions and additions affecting all or part of the student body during the school year must be approved by Administration. Please fill out the after school Special Activity Request form available in the main office, and return it to the Administrative Secretary two weeks prior to the event. 21

Office Requests: Teachers are responsible for copying their own papers. Teacher aides may be requested. The copy machine is located in the main office. Teachers are free to use the copy machine for classroom use. Any use of the copy machine for personal use shall be charged at 5 cents per copy each side for black and white and .15 per side for color, payable at time of usage. Faculty who send students to the office to have material copied shall provide the student with a note indicating to the office personnel the Teacher’s departmental code for copying. No students other than designated office aides shall use the copy machine. Account codes monitor departmental use. Each department has a code. Every effort should be made to copy only important information and make only the necessary number of copies.

Miscellaneous Supplies: Items such as paper clips, scotch tape, thumbtacks, staples, etc., may be found in the office. Please let office staff know when you remove items from the shelves.

Small Groups Because of the commitment that Western has toward developing personal relationships with students, each employee at Western may be asked to work with a small group of students. The small groups meet weekly during the school year for the purpose of mentoring, building close relationships, and character development emphasis. In addition, special group activities are scheduled throughout the year. Other meeting times are at the discretion of the leader and small group.

Advisor Responsibilities All student groups and organizations that function on or off campus, as part of the school program must have an adult advisor. Teachers and staff are to be available for advising extra-curricular activities and are responsible to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

supervise the planning and arranging for all group activities; advise and counsel the student officers or leaders; approve all decisions made by the group; serve as liaison between the group and the principal's office, and between the principal's office and the group; reserve place on the calendar for all group activities other than regularly scheduled meetings; initial all announcements, programs, etc., posted on bulletin boards; personally attend programs and activities of the group. notify kitchen personnel when off-campus during meals.

Other Policies Leave Of Absence Policy: Employees may request a leave of absence for a specified period of time. No salary or benefits will be granted during the absence, but the position will be held open for the returning employee. Administration will decide staff requests for a leave of absence; faculty and administration requests will require Board approval. Movie Policy: Any movie, clip, or video with a rating of “PG-13” requires prior approval from your teacher, coach, or activity leader. Keys: Employees are issued keys based on designated area needs. Faculty/Staff are not to loan keys to students for any reason. When keys are lost or stolen, locks must be altered at an unnecessary expense to the school. A $10 per lost key fine will be charged. Meals: Faculty/staff will be billed for meals though the MealTime program. Meals are offered at a discounted rate (60% of student rate) as a benefit on school days for all employees. Dorm and cafeteria staff are not charged for meals. Daily Announcements: Morning announcements need to be written and turned in at the main office by 8:30 a.m. to be entered in that day's announcements on PowerSchool and are to be read by each teacher at the beginning of 2nd period. Each second period teacher must make it a priority to clearly communicate these announcements to 22

the students. Afternoon announcements are read over the public address system at the beginning of 5th period. Morning and afternoon announcements are posted in the display case next to the front offices. Weekly 'Post' Items: Any time an activity or announcement will impact the broader program, a written note with the information should be submitted to the Administration for inclusion in the weekly faculty/staff agenda sheet by Thursday afternoon.

Employee Benefits COBRA (AMSC has continuing coverage, but it is not COBRA) The right to continuation coverage for group health plan benefits was created by a federal law, the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (COBRA). COBRA continuation coverage can become available to you when you would otherwise lose your group health coverage. It can also become available to other members of your family who are covered under the group health plan when they would otherwise lose their group health coverage. For additional information about your rights and obligations under the group plan and under federal law, you should review the plan's Summary Plan Description (SPD) which is available on network in Teacher Share, or contact the business office. What is COBRA Continuation Coverage? COBRA coverage is a continuation of plan coverage when coverage would otherwise end because of a life event known as a "qualifying event." Specific qualifying events are below. After a qualifying event, COBRA continuation coverage must be offered to each person who is a "qualified beneficiary." You, your spouse, and your dependent children could become qualified beneficiaries if coverage under the plan is lost because of the qualifying event. Under the plan, qualified beneficiaries who elect COBRA continuation coverage must pay for COBRA continuation coverage. If you are an employee, you will become a qualified beneficiary if you lose your coverage under the plan because either one of the following qualifying events happens:  Your hours of employment are reduced, or  Your employment ends for any reason other than your gross misconduct. The spouse of an employee will become a qualified beneficiary if he/she loses coverage under the plan because of any of the following qualifying events:  The employee/spouse dies;  The employee/spouse's hours of employment are reduced;  The employee/spouse's employment ends for any reason other than his or her gross misconduct;  The employee/spouse becomes entitled to Medicare benefits (under Part A, Part B, or both); or  The individual becomes divorced or legally separated from the employee/spouse. Your dependent children will become qualified beneficiaries if they lose coverage under the plan because any of the following qualifying events happens:      

The employee/parent dies; The employee/parent's hours of employment are reduced; The employee/parent's employment ends for any reason other than his or her gross misconduct; The employee/parent becomes entitled to Medicare benefits (Part A, Part B, or both); The parents become divorced or legally separated; or The child stops being eligible for coverage under the plan as a "dependent child."

Sometimes, filing a proceeding in bankruptcy under title 11 of the United States Code can be a qualifying event. If a proceeding in bankruptcy is filed with respect to your employer sponsoring the plan, and that bankruptcy results in the loss of coverage of any retired employee covered under the plan, the retired employee will become a qualified beneficiary with respect to the bankruptcy. The retired employee's spouse, surviving spouse, and dependent children will also become qualified beneficiaries if bankruptcy results in the loss of their coverage under the plan.


When is COBRA Coverage Available? The plan will offer COBRA continuation coverage to qualified beneficiaries only after the Plan Administrator has been notified that a qualifying event has occurred. When the qualifying event is the end of employment or reduction of hours of employment, death of the employee, commencement of a proceeding in bankruptcy with respect to the employer, or the employee's becoming entitled to Medicare benefits (under Part A, Part B, or both), the employer must notify the Plan Administrator of the qualifying event. Notice Must be Given for Some Qualifying Events For the other qualifying events (divorce or legal separation of the employee and spouse or a dependent child's losing eligibility for coverage as a dependent child), you must notify the Plan Administrator within 60 days, unless the Plan specifically allows a longer notice period, after the qualifying event occurs. How is COBRA Coverage Provided? Once the Plan Administrator receives notice that a qualifying event has occurred, COBRA continuation coverage will be offered to each of the qualified beneficiaries. Each qualified beneficiary will have an independent right to elect COBRA continuation coverage. Covered employees may elect COBRA continuation coverage on behalf of their spouses, and parents may elect COBRA continuation coverage on behalf of their children. COBRA continuation coverage is a temporary continuation of coverage. When the qualifying event is the death of the employee, the employee's becoming entitled to Medicare benefits (under Part A, Part B, or both), divorce or legal separation, or a dependent child's losing eligibility as a dependent child, COBRA continuation coverage may last for up to a total of 36 months. When the qualifying event is the end of employment or reduction of the employee's hours of employment, and the employee became entitled to Medicare benefits less than 18 months before the qualifying event, COBRA continuation coverage for qualified beneficiaries other than the employee lasts until 36 months after the date of Medicare entitlement. For example, if a covered employee becomes entitled to Medicare 8 months before the date on which his employment terminates, COBRA continuation coverage for his spouse and children can last up to 36 months after the date of Medicare entitlement, which is equal to 28 months after the date of the qualifying event (36 months minus 8 months). Otherwise, when the qualifying event is the end of employment or reduction of the employee's hours of employment, COBRA continuation coverage generally lasts for only up to a total of 18 months. (Note: If the qualifying event is the end of employment or reduction in hours due to the employee's active military service, alternative continuing coverage may be available for up to 24 months under a separate law - the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act. Ask the Plan Administrator for qualification requirements and additional information about this benefit.) There are two ways in which this 18-month period of COBRA continuation coverage can be extended: (1) Disability extension of 18-month period of continuation coverage If you or anyone in your family covered under the plan is determined by the Social Security Administration to be disabled and you notify the Plan Administrator in a timely fashion, you and your entire family may be entitled to receive up to an additional 11 months of COBRA continuation coverage, for a total maximum of 29 months. The disability would have to have started at some time before the 60th day of COBRA continuation coverage and must last at least until the end of the 18-month period of continuation coverage. You must notify the Plan Administrator of the Social Security Administration’s determination within 60 days of the date of the determination. (2) Second qualifying event extension of 18-month period of continuation coverage If your family experiences another qualifying event while receiving 18 months of COBRA continuation coverage, the spouse and dependent children in your family can get up to 18 additional months of COBRA continuation coverage, for a maximum of 36 months, if notice of the second qualifying event is properly given to the Plan. This extension may be available to the spouse and any dependent children receiving continuation coverage if the employee or former employee dies, becomes entitled to Medicare benefits (under Part A, Part B, or both), or gets divorced or legally separated, or if the dependent child stops being eligible under the Plan as a dependent child, but only if the event would have caused the spouse or dependent child to lose coverage under the Plan had the first qualifying event not occurred. You must notify the Plan Administrator, Everence, of the second qualifying event within 60 days of the date of the event. If You Have Questions Questions concerning your Plan or your COBRA continuation coverage rights should be addressed to the contact or contacts identified below: WMS Business Office Everence Medical/Dental Plan Representative Phone: 503-363-2000 Fax: 503-370-9455 24

For more information about your rights under ERISA, including COBRA, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and other laws affecting group health plans, contact the nearest Regional or District Office of the U.S. Department of Labor's Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) in your area or visit the EBSA website at www.dol.gov/ebsa. (Addresses and phone numbers of Regional and District EBSA Offices are available through EBSA's website.)

Medical/Dental Insurance WMS offers group medical and dental insurance and contributes a substantial cost of this plan for employees and dependents. Refer to information from the insurance provider in Teacher Share for details of eligibility and coverage. Contact the Business Office for more information. Medical/Dental insurance is provided by the school through a policy with Everence under the Associated Mennonite Schools and Camps benefit plan (AMSC). New employees hired to work 28-40 hours per week may complete the Employee Enrollment for Group Insurance form at the commencement of employment. For specific details of current coverage contact the business office. Coverage begins on the first day of employment and continues for the employee and family year round. For employees who terminate their employment, employer contributions toward medical plan coverage will end on the next business day. A covered employee who retires may continue coverage through Everence if he or she qualifies under the terms and conditions set forth in the AMSC summary plan description. (See part III, Section E of the AMSC Benefits Plan Summary.) Employees who terminate employment at WMS may have the option at personal cost to continue medical coverage.

Retirement Saving Plan WMS contributions to the employee retirement plan shall commence at the beginning of the third year of employment at 3% of gross salary, increasing to 5% beginning the eighth year of employment.

Professional Allowance The Board may provide a professional allowance for instructors to be used at his/her discretion for professional improvement. This may include dues or fees for membership in professional organizations, magazine subscriptions within the field of instruction, travel expenses and registration for professional conferences, etc.

Travel and Expense Employees will be reimbursed for all reasonable and necessary expenses they incur while traveling on WMS business. Use your discretion, and try to keep costs low. You must record all travel and business activities on the school’s Expense Report Form and submit it to business office. If business travel requires you to be away for an extended period, your report must cover no less than one week and no more than one month of expenses. All Expense Report Forms should be submitted to the business office no later than five business days after the last day of the month.

Workers’ Compensation WMS provides insurance to compensate for any illness or injury an employee might suffer while working on school premises, traveling on official school business, or attending an activity officially sponsored by the school. If you become ill or injured, please get medical attention at once. You must also report the details to your supervisor immediately. And you must complete a report for every injury, no matter how small, to keep the coverage in force and to get any benefits or other compensation to which you may be entitled.

Unemployment Compensation The law provides unemployment compensation benefits to protect workers from economic hardship due to a loss of employment. A terminated employee who is unable to secure new employment may file a claim for 25

unemployment compensation. An employee may be eligible for unemployment compensation if he/she was terminated for reasons other than misconduct, as defined by state law. Generally, employees who voluntary resign without “good cause” are not eligible for benefits. When an employee files a claim for unemployment compensation, the employer is required to provide a written statement detailing the circumstances or reasons for the employee’s termination. The employer will also be asked whether payment of unemployment compensation is opposed. The answer provided by the employer may determine the employee’s eligibility for benefits. If either party disagrees with the initial determination with respect to coverage, an appeal can be made. A formal hearing is held in the event that there is an appeal.

Holidays & Vacation Holidays WMS observes the following holidays: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

New Year's Day Good Friday Independence Day Labor Day Thanksgiving and the day after Christmas and the day before Martin Luther King Day President's Day Memorial Day

You will be paid for these holidays if you:  are eligible for holiday pay, and  have worked the full day before and the full day after the holiday, unless time off has been approved in advance as vacation or personal days. Holidays that fall on a weekend will be observed either on a Friday or Monday. To avoid confusion, all holidays will be announced in advance. Due to business needs, some employees may be required to work on school holidays. Your supervisor or manager will notify you if this may apply to you.

Vacation WMS provides paid vacation time for eligible employees as follows: Vacation Full-Time Full-Year Staff: Full-time full-year Staff shall accrue two weeks paid vacation during their first year of employment and three weeks in subsequent years. Vacation hours will be accrued monthly. Employees will request vacation as far in advance as possible from their supervisor with the understanding that due to school needs certain time periods may not be feasible for the employee to be absent. Accrued vacation time is payable to the employee upon termination of employment with WMS. Employees cannot take paid vacation greater than their actual accrued hours. Vacation Part-Time Full-Year Staff - Part-time full-year staff with a contract level of at least 70% are eligible for vacation as described in paragraph (1) above, but at a prorated rate. 10 or 11 month faculty and staff do not accrue vacation time or receive vacation pay. Part-time staff with a contract level of at least 70% will be allowed to be paid up to eight (8) hours vacation per day on vacation. Employees only receive holiday pay for a holiday that falls within a week they actually worked. If a holiday occurs during an employee’s scheduled vacation, the employee will receive holiday pay for that day. If an employee works on a paid holiday the employee will receive pay according to state and federal regulations governing the employee’s compensation for holidays. Vacation time may be accrued to a maximum of six weeks (240 hours). Unpaid time off may be applied for up to a maximum of one week during any one-year period. Unpaid time off is only granted for a short-term situation where a long-term leave of absence is not necessary and the employee has no vacation accrual available for use. 26

Sick Days Employees working full-time will accrue sick leave at the rate of one day per month with a maximum accumulation of 60 days. Sick leave for part-time employees will be pro-rated depending upon the percentage of full-time employment with a maximum accumulation of six weeks (240 hours) days. Employees working less than 70% of full-time do not accrue sick leave benefits. To be eligible for a sick day, you must call in each day before your usual start time for work. WMS reserves the right to request a doctor's certificate for any sick days requested. If such a certificate is requested and you cannot produce it, the absence may be considered unexcused, and you will not be paid for it. End of employment cancels all accumulated days of sick leave.


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