WESTERN MENNONITE SCHOOL REQUEST FOR FIELD TRIP Note: Please submit request at least two weeks prior to date of field trip. Also, avoid requesting field trips during the final week of each grading period, or after the first full week of May. Date Requested:
Cost to Student:
Day & Date of field trip: Time of departure: Name of class or group:
Time of return: No. of students
Meals needed: yes ____ no ____ Lunch requests for dorm students turned in to the kitchen two weeks prior to field trip ________ (Lunch request forms are available in the office.) Initials
Provision for students not going on trip (attach copy of parent permission form used)
Transportation needs Other adults going on trip (if any) How the trip plans tie in with course objectives:
Substitute coverage needed:
_______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________
_______ Admin Approval _______ Calendar Approval _______ Transportation Approval
_______________________________________ _______ Campus Job Approval _______________________________________ Signature of Teacher
_______ Kitchen Notified