WESTERN MENNONITE SCHOOL BOARD OF DIRECTORS Equipping Students for a Life of Faith & Learning Monday, June 22, 2015 Present: Cheeri Barnhart, Linda Dibble, Chad Hochstetler, Eric Martin, Jerry Roth, Allen Schrock, Delvin Zook Staff:
Zig Derochowski, Robby Gilliam, Paul Schultz
Bob Baker, Stan Oyer
Opening: Linda A. General Session Devotions: Linda: Luke 24 Theme for Mennonite USA o Jesus walked beside them, showed interest in what they were talking about and had a keen interest in their daily walk, but there was confusion in recognizing Him. They were downcast about the way things had gone and said that they had hoped Jesus was the one. o We don’t always recognize Jesus or look for Him in our lives. We sometimes similarly become downcast. o If we look, we see Jesus in each person who is a Christian. How do we see Jesus in each person who is here tonight? How is Jesus reflected here?” Consent Agenda: o Minutes approved with one edit: change board meeting date to 6/22. 1. Head of School Report: Paul Schultz High intent to return, good classroom environment, teachers well-liked 2. Principal Report: Zig Derochowski No applicants for Spanish teacher. Interview process discussed: Stan (personnel committee representative) has previously been involved with faculty interviews. Zig will continue to involve at least one representative from the personnel committee followed by a recommendation to the full board. Middle School Bible teacher: Discussion about curriculum used. Currently Jim Harper has used his own curriculum. Recommended that the MEA curriculum be taught, especially for the nonresistance piece. Zig explained that mapping of the curriculum needs to be completed so that the high school curriculum builds on the middle school curriculum and nothing is missed. AP classes: We are waiting for the 7/9/2015 testing results to see how students did. Students reported that they felt well prepared.
3. Director of Advancement & Finance: Robby Gilliam Grant process just beginning Gym abatement/lighting update Graduation: Should we have it outside again? No decision has been made at this point. Highest student retention rate in about 25 years. Current priority for advancement office is admission calls.
Roughly $87,000 received from Everence. Half of auction monies have been used, with the rest needed this summer. Last year we didn’t use it until March. There was concern regarding cash flow. Suggested that perhaps the Finance Committee needs to work on a policy that designates a percentage of gifts over a specified amount should go to a cash reserve fund. Accounts receivable: $31,000 currently in arrears. A collector will be working on this as a volunteer. Grants: New OSAA regulations related to grants for specific students, due to the concern for recruitment. 4. Strategic Plan Update: Eric Martin Rich recommended that the board review the material from some of our past retreats in which we discussed mission, etc. Retreat is planned for 10/16-17 at Albany Mennonite Church. Stakeholder group will be present. SP committee is working on determining stakeholders: all school board members, Admin leadership team. Others: teachers, parents, donors, alumni, supporting churches, and other desired participants from among Mennonite constituents. ISM report: Zig supplied handouts for culture profile and salary comparison. 5. Action Items: Affirmation of new teachers: Moved by Cheeri, seconded by Del, passed unanimously. Library assistant: Zig has several scenarios and one full application 6. Board Business: Board policies: i. DFGP: referred to finance committee ii. GCBC, GCBD, IGDJ, IKFB, JECA, JECAA, JECC presented for approval at next meeting. Board meeting schedule: 10/26 changed to Friday, 10/16 7. Meeting over at 8:40 p.m. B. Executive Session Next board meeting: Monday, July 27, 2015 Respectfully Submitted: Cheeri Barnhart