Middle School Registration for High School Classes | 2015 -2016 Grade: 8th
Student Name:
Honors Geometry and Spanish I are offered to qualified 8th grade students. Both of these classes are academically challenging and earn high school credit. To qualify, 8th grade students must meet the following criteria:
Honors Geometry
Spanish I
must have a 3.5 GPA for grade 7 -Andhave an “A” in both semesters of Pre-Algebra
must have a 3.5 GPA for grade 7 -Andhave an “A” in both semesters of 7th grade Language Arts
I am interested in taking _____________________________________________ for high school credit.
I believe I meet the I meet the criteria listed above. I understand that if I choose to take Spanish I, I will NOT be able to take Choir/Exploratory because it is offered during the same class period. I understand that if I choose to take Spanish I and my semester grade is less than a “B” I will not be allowed to continue Spanish I for the second semester and must repeat all of Spanish I. I understand that if I choose to take Honors Geometry and my grade is not as high as I hoped after the first six weeks I can drop down to regular Geometry and take Honors Geometry again my freshman year.
Student Signature:
I approve for my student (entering 8th grade) to take the class(es) mentioned above. Parent/Guardian Signature:
Middle School Only