Course Syllabus Instructor: Laura Lehman Phone: 503/435-9091 School email: Course Description: This class covers a basic overview of Art mediums for the beginner. It can be adapted for any level of art student. Goals and Objectives: My goal for this class is for you to have a well balanced knowledge of the art world gained through hands on and some independent research. You will acquire basic knowledge design elements and design principles and will become familiar with a vast range of mediums. (i.e.: painting, drawing, typography, ceramics, collage, sculpture and more.) We will also discuss color theory, Art history, and learn to critique art while discovering our own personal preference.
Course Content: This is a performance based class. The structure of the course is contingent on completing all assignments. Completing each project by the assigned deadlines is essential for maximum points. Materials: Most materials will be provided by your instructor. Research that is necessary that goes beyond a basic supplies needs to completed prior to attending class. Grading: Grading is based on a point system. Points are earned by completing assigned work, class room participation/clean - up and a Final project 10% Class Behavior Expectations: Respectful of others, being on time, quiet during lectures, treating others with kindness, not gossiping and coming prepared are all things that are expected while in the art room. All students need to complete photo copying and research prior to class. Personal clean up is essential and your grade will suffer if it is not completed. Once the work session is started you are expected to work independently. Please ask to leave the class room and use the hall pass. Only teacher’s aide or the instructor has permission to use the office photo copier. The Library copier is available to use on your own time unless discussed with me. Work expectations: You will be given enough time to complete each project in class. I expect you to execute each project with careful attention to detail and in a professional manner. Projects that I feel are slapped together will be given ½ credit and with an opportunity for a re-do on your own time.
Students name_____________
Supplies you will need to supply yourself by class time 1- Small variety pack of paint brushes (at Wal-mart the are close to 3 dollars) They are available in 10 – 25 brushes. You choose
the quality level by what you would like to invest. 2- Medium sized Sketch book. 8.5 x 11 or bigger. Any kind of binding is fine. The bigger they are the easier they are to use by the students.
Please have your parents read this syllabus and the supply list and return on Friday, Feb. 2. Coming prepared to class is a requirement so if you choose not to complete this your grade will suffer.
Parents signature_________________________________________
Assignment Check off list 1._______________________________________ 2._______________________________________ 3._______________________________________ 4._______________________________________ 5._______________________________________ 6._______________________________________ 7._______________________________________ 8._______________________________________ 9._______________________________________ 10.______________________________________ 11.______________________________________ 12.______________________________________ 13.(extra credit)___________________________ Artist Research Project:
(fill in name of Artist chosen)