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WESTERN MENNONITE SCHOOL BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Monday, December 1, 2014 Present: Bob Baker, Cheeri Barnhart, Linda Dibble, Chad Hochstetler, Eric Martin, Allen Schrock, Stan Oyer, Delvin Zook Absent:

Jerry Roth


Zig Derochowski, Robby Gilliam, Chad Rush, Paul Schultz

Opening: Linda Dibble A. General Session Devotions: Chad opened with prayer. 1. Consent Agenda: Agenda amended to add Board Support for F/S Christmas Gifts. October minutes accepted as presented. 1. Head of School Report (p. 45-47): Paul Schultz  We are no longer on the 24/7 fire watch! 2. Principal Report (p. 48): Zig Derochowski  Zig clarified that we were formerly accredited through Mennonite Education Agency (MEA) and Northwest Accreditation Commission (NWAC), but now AdvanceED is partnering with NWAC. MEA has also joined AdvanceED. Our self-evaluation will be during the 2015-2016 school year. We have joined ACSI and they have resources for teachers. 3. Dean of Students Report (p.49): Chad Rush  The athletic handbook is going to be a good thing for us.  The new tardy system is working well. 4. Director of Advancement & Finance (pp. 50-52): Robby Gilliam  Pastor’s Day is on December 9 at 9:00 am. Two pastors have responded so far.  Grandparent’s Day is on December 11 at 9:45-12:45.  Alumni Day will be on December 18 and will begin around 9:00 a.m. Awards will be given in three categories: Young leader award (10 years past graduation or less); Lifetime Achievement Award; and Outstanding Service Award (not necessarily a graduate).  Robby noted that accounts in arrears have greatly improved over last year at this time.  Dale Classen has been an outstanding support for the Finance Office and has been instrumental in helping hire for the payroll position.  Administration is looking for revenue streams to take pressure off of the fundraising program. A year end letter will be going out soon and effort put toward getting people to join the Pioneer Partner program with small donations each month. The goal is to fund student grants to keep enrollment up. There was discussion about the Phonathon and building up our endowment funds. There was a recommendation to have students who are receiving grants make the phone calls.  The budget is at a very good place at this point this year, but Robby is looking toward the budget for 2016.  Two vehicles in good condition have been purchased for the dorm below budget.  The fire monitoring expenditure has also come in under budget. 53

5. Strategic Plan Update – Eric Martin  The strategic planning committee met recently and reviewed the goals from the 2014 retreat. Much progress has been made. Ways to strengthen Development were discussed by the committee. There was discussion about the agenda for the upcoming retreat.  Eric Martin (Chair), Linda Dibble, Jerry Roth and Bob Baker are the current strategic planning committee members. 6. Foundation Board Update:  The entrance is 98% finished. Furnishings will be donated by Kelly’s Home Center. 7. Education Leaders Gathering Growing in the Light 2015 – February 6-8  A minimum of six board members are asked to attend. The registration deadline in January 7. 8. Board Business: a. Dale Classen Appreciation b. Board support for F/S Christmas gift B. 7:15 p.m. - Executive Session Next board meeting: Board Retreat at Hallmark in Newport January 16-17, 2015 Dora Ivanitsky, Recording Secretary


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