Western Mennonite School Bus Schedule 2015-2016 WOODBURN
Friday Mornings Only; 6:30 Woodburn Memorial Transit Ctr.
Morning: 6:45 Polk County Fairgrounds
KEIZER / SALEM (AM Mon.-Fri.) 7:00 Hayesville Roth's
SALEM/KEIZER PUBLIC SCHOOL BUS Afternoon Only: Salem-Keizer picks up between 3:30 Bus #538 Middle School & Gym
Bi-Mart on 99W (China House Resuraunt)
(4746 Portland Rd NE)
7:30 7:15
Fred Meyer (Keizer)
Union St. (Street Stop -no waiting)
Dayton Pioneer Evangelical Church
(North of Salem First Baptist Church)
3:48 3:51 3:54 3:59 4:02 4:07 4:10 4:15
Behind West Salem Roth's
Afternoon: 3:30 Pick-up Behind Gym
Afternoon: 3:30 Pick-up Behind Gym
Fred Meyer (Keizer)
Dayton Pioneer Evangelical Church
Hayesville Roth's 4:00
Bi-Mart on 99W (China House Resuraunt)
Bus Pull Out South Of Rogers LN NW Doaks Ferry Rd NW & Brush College Rd NW Winchester St NW & Wintergreen Ave NW Bus Pull Out South Of Hope Ave NW Taggart Dr NW & 7th St NW @ Curb by St Joseph Playground North Salem HS 998 Hawthorne Ave NE
Woodburn as Needed 4:30
Polk County Fairgrounds
Bus Pull Out South Of Rogers LN NW Bus Pull Out South Of Vick Ave NW West Salem Park & Ride Bus Pull Out South Of Hope Ave NW Taggart Dr NW & 7th St NW
@ Curb By St Joseph Playground Parrish MS Please Note: When there are no Salem-Keizer buses Western will have a bus leaving at 4:15 which will stop at all the regular S/K stops.
Western Mennonite
Revised September, 2015
Salem-Keizer picks up between Middle School & Gym
4:15 Bus #539
* All Times are Approximate *
4:44 4:46 4:49 4:55 4:57 5:03 5:09