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Campus Job Application | 2015-2016 Campus jobs are provided to promote job experience, service and responsibility, as well as providing pocket change. A limited number of campus jobs are available to students and are by application only. Jobs are awarded to oldest students first. Compensation is one free lunch per shift worked for all non weekend dorm students. Name

Grade ______ Please Print

___ Day Student ___ Dorm Student Parent/Guardian

Phone Please Print

Job Preference: Rank your preferences from 1 being the most desirable to 8 being the least desirable. ____ Wash Dishes Lunch ____ Wash Dishes Dinner—dorm students only ____ Clean Gym after Basketball Games (December – March) ____ Cafeteria Cleaning (after school) ____ Window Cleaning (after school) ____ Sweep/Mop Stairs & Landing in Heritage Bldg (twice a week) ____ Vacuum & Dust Academic Center (three times a week) ____ Paper Recycling (1 to 3 times a week) ____ Telephone Receptionist (weekdays 4:00-5:00pm)

Scheduling Details: I prefer to work _______ days a week. The sports I hope to be involved in are

Earnings Detail: Student timecards are due monthly and must be signed by their adult supervisor before being given to the Campus Jobs Coordinator. If a student’s tuition or Meal Time account are past due, their campus job pay will first be applied to the outstanding balance(s) before they can receive personal wages.

Student Signature


Parent/Guardian Signature


Optional Form

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